Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Work Plan for Green Maintenance Management in 2022

Work Plan for Green Maintenance Management in 2022

Work plan is to make a good work plan in advance when arranging and planning the work for a certain period of time. In fact, there are many different types of work plans, not only different in length, but also different in scope. The following is the work plan of greening maintenance management in 2022, which I bring to you. I hope it will help you!

Work plan for greening maintenance management in 2022 1


In the season with the highest temperature in a year, it is prone to abnormal rainstorm.

1, abundant rain, high temperature, the largest water demand for plants, conifers and bamboo can be transplanted. But in hot weather, water should be watered once a week, especially for newly planted trees, once every three days, and it is forbidden to water at noon.

2. Drainage. Drain the water in the pit in time after the heavy rain.

3. Fertilization and topdressing. Optimistic about the weather, apply urea, compound fertilizer and other ammonia fertilizers 34 hours before the rainstorm. Keep trees growing.

4. Repair the newly planted trees. Strengthen the inspection of trees in various areas of the park, and straighten and reinforce loose and moving trees in time.

5, pest control. 5% cartap 1: 50 times injected into trees with poor growth. (Fruit tree treasure, Yuan Ke No.3) Seal the hole. Once the moth of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica is found, cut off the branches of pests and diseases in time for erosion.


There are frequent storms this month, and the weather has changed greatly.

1, drainage. For low excavation, timely drainage after heavy rain.

2, pruning. Modeling tree, hedge, pittosporum ball, boxwood ball, osmanthus fragrans, pentagram, etc.

3. Eliminate weeds. Weeds are growing rapidly this month. Weeds should be weeded and fertilized in time. Loosen the soil where pedestrians trample and replant with grass.

4, pest control:

Kill longicorn beetles on roots and trunks.

Aphids, camphor tree borers, pine leaf borers, etc.

C powdery mildew and rot are prone to occur in wet weather, and should be handled in time.


The hot weather has eased again, but it should not be underestimated, and it is prone to dry weather.

1, pruning. Hedge pruning, weeding, timely removal of dead trees, dead branches and poor growth should be removed.

2. Fertilize. Apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once to trees with green growth and poor branch growth and trees with slow germination and long leaves.

3, pest control:

A, perforation disease (cherry blossom, peach blossom, plum blossom, boxwood, pittosporum, etc. ) spray with 500% carbendazim 1000 times.

B, longicorn beetles began to nibble on the main stems and young branches of trees, and timely sprayed pesticides for killing enemies or dichlorvos and killing gas.

C, spraying omethoate in time to kill moths on poplars and willows.

4. Welcome the National Day flowers, replace the grass flowers in time, especially the withered potted flowers, choose bright-colored varieties, and water them the next day after replacement.

5. Before the festival, inspect and patrol all the trees and flowers in the park, find out the danger in time and deal with it.

Work Plan for Green Maintenance Management in 2022 II

Work plan for January:

1, cold and antifreeze: organize forces to prepare supporting materials before freezing, and strictly freeze trees and sprinkler irrigation facilities.

2. Forest pruning: pruning and pruning the deciduous ornamental forest.

3. Winter ploughing and fertilization: winter ploughing and weeding are carried out, winter fertilizer is applied, and the bamboo forest continues to develop.

4, pest control:

A, continue to combine pruning and weeding in winter to kill early cocoons, insect cysts or pupae.

B. Dig all kinds of overwintering pests underground.

C spraying a mixture of sulfur and stone to control scale insects and red spiders.

5. Hygiene: check garden sketches and sprinkler irrigation facilities every day, and repair them in time if they are damaged.

6, check the garden sketch, sprinkler irrigation facilities every day, if there is any damage, timely repair.

Work plan for February:

1. Planting: replanting damaged seedlings.

2. Trim: Trim the lawn once.

3. Winter ploughing and fertilization: Continue winter ploughing and fertilization, and the bamboo forest reclamation will end in the first half of this month.

4, pest control: all kinds of pests continue to hibernate.

A, take comprehensive measures such as digging, cutting, burning and killing to eliminate overwintering pests and pathogenic spores.

B, red leaf plum, cherry blossom, begonia, rose, cedar, cypress, etc. Spraying the sulfur solution of Bomei stone according to the formula before germination. Spraying turpentine mixture on pittosporum, camellia and Ligustrum lucidum according to the formula to control scale insects.

5. Hygiene: Clean up the garbage and sundries in the green space every day.

6, check the garden sketch, sprinkler irrigation facilities every day, if there is any damage, timely repair.

Work plan for March:

1. Planting: Complete replanting of damaged forest.

2. intertillage weeding and fertilization: intertillage weeding and weak quick-acting fertilizer can be applied this month to accelerate germination.

3. Trim: Trim hedges and lawns.

4. Pest control: Lepidoptera pests began to emerge and lay eggs, aphids and pear stem bees began to harm, and pocket worms began to move. Control measures:

First, continue to catch marsupials and other overwintering pests.

B, spraying omethoate emulsion according to the formula to kill aphids once every two days.

5. Fertilization: All kinds of trees that have survived can be applied with quick-acting fertilizer to accelerate germination.

6. Hygiene: Clean up the garbage and sundries in the green space every day.

7, check the garden sketch, sprinkler irrigation facilities every day, if there is any damage, timely repair.

Work plan for April:

1. Bud smearing: used for bud smearing and shaping of trees and various seedlings.

2. Summer pruning: Prune all kinds of trees and hedges that need shaping.

3, flood control: low-lying ditch drainage, trees pay attention to flood control.

4, sun protection: trees that are afraid of sunburn branches should be dried with straw ropes.

5. Tillage, weeding and topdressing.

A, flowers and trees loosen the soil for weeding and topdressing.

B, perennial flowers, apply thin fertilizer every week, and topdressing bulbs after emergence.

6, pest control:

A, the trees and flowers susceptible to diseases should be treated with Spanish pentobuzin, once every half month.

B, spray omethoate emulsion according to the formula to kill aphids and scale insects, and add 3% neutral soap or washing powder in case of heavy rain.

7. Hygiene: Clean up the garbage and sundries in the green space every day.

8, check the garden sketch every day, sprinkler irrigation facilities, if there is any damage, timely repair.

Work plan for May:

1. Bud smearing: trees and various seedlings are bud smeared and shaped.

2. Pruning: Pruning flowering shrubs, such as azaleas, hedges and lawns.

3. Flood control: improve flood control and sun protection according to the method of last month.

4, intertillage weeding and fertilization: after flowering, shrubs are combined with watering and thin fertilizer is applied.

5, pest control:

A, flowers and trees loosen the soil for weeding and topdressing.

B, perennial flowers, apply thin fertilizer every week, and topdressing bulbs after emergence.

6, pest control:

A. Spraying omethoate emulsion and crystal trichlorfon according to the formula to kill various leaf-eating pests.

B, be prepared to control scale insects and longicorn larvae.

C. Spraying lime-sulfur mixture with Baume specific gravity of 0.3 or 20 times on rusty grassland and other diseased leaves, and treating it with zineb 800 times.

7. Hygiene: Clean up the garbage and sundries in the green space every day.

8, check the garden sketch, sprinkler irrigation facilities every day, if there is any damage, timely repair.

Work plan for June:

1, bud smearing: bud smearing and shaping are carried out on camphor trees and various seedlings.

2. Pruning and shaping: Pruning or cutting off the residual flowers after flowering shrubs, pruning shrubs and hedges, and mowing lawns.

3, drought prevention and sun protection: according to the surrounding intertillage and coverage, do a good job of water retaining fence, brush branches with lime emulsion. Prevent strong sunlight from burning bark and protect bamboo and cypress.

4, intertillage weeding and fertilization:

A, planting flowers and trees on the ground, loosening soil and topdressing.

B. Fertilize azaleas after flowering, and apply thin fertilizer to ground flowers and plants.

5. Pest control: This month, the first generation of stickleback moth continued to do harm, a large number of scale insects hatched, a large number of longicorn emerged and laid eggs, red spiders proliferated, grass rust occurred in large numbers, and aphids gradually reduced the occurrence of other pests.

6, prevention and control measures:

A. spraying trichlorfon or Bacillus thuringiensis to kill various leaf-eating pests.

B, use 15-20 times of turpentine mixture, or 1000 times of dichlorvos and 20 times of dimethoate to kill scale insects.

C, continue to control leaf-eating pests, grass rust and various flower and tree diseases.

D, killing the adults of Anoplophora longicorn and destroying the eggs.

7. Hygiene: Clean up the garbage and sundries in the green space every day.

8, check the garden sketch, sprinkler irrigation facilities every day, if there is any damage, timely repair.

Work plan for July:

1, summer pruning: hedge shaping and lawn pruning.

2. Bud wiping: same as June.

3. Anti-drought, sun protection and fertilization: do a good job of rhizosphere covering, whitewash branches or wind straw ropes to dry, water them in the morning and evening in case of drought, and cooperate with dilute and quick-acting fertilizer solution to maintain the vitality of trees and improve their drought resistance.

4, weeding, lawn impurity removal and rolling shear.

5, pest control:

Spraying trichlorfon according to the formula to kill moth and marsupial.

B. Kill the larvae of Anoplophora longicorn with a wire hook, or apply methamidophos mixed with kerosene at the spawning place of Anoplophora longicorn according to the formula to kill eggs and newly hatched larvae.

C, use diluted sulfur mixture solution to prevent the spread of Cao Zhi rust.

D, spraying omethoate to kill armyworm, peach leaf cicada and egg-blowing scale insect.

6. Hygiene: Clean up the garbage and sundries in the green space every day.

7, check the garden sketch, sprinkler irrigation facilities every day, if there is any damage, timely repair.

Work plan for August:

1, summer pruning: In order to welcome the National Day, the Chinese rose is pruned into clouds, and the canna is pruned and updated again.

2. Drought resistance:

First, key flowers and trees continue to be covered, covered, dried and painted.

B. when the weather continues to be dry, it is especially necessary to water thoroughly every time.

3, intertillage weeding and topdressing:

A, osmanthus, crape myrtle and other autumn flowers and trees should be fertilized before flowering.

B, lawn weeding and pruning:

4, prevention and control measures:

A spraying and killing moths, leaf miners, cloth worms or spraying crystals to trap and kill adults. B, according to the formula, spray a proper amount of insects and dichlorvos to kill the scarab.

C, spraying omethoate according to the formula to kill armyworms, red spiders or scale insects.

D, killing the longicorn larva with a wire hook.

E, continue to control rust.

5. Hygiene: Clean up the garbage and sundries in the green space every day.

6, check the garden sketch, sprinkler irrigation facilities every day, if there is any damage, timely repair.

Work plan for September:

1. Pruning and shaping: pruning branches of various street trees, shaping evergreen trees, shaping hedgerows.

2. Drought prevention: During the autumn drought this month, pay close attention to the drought, water it in time, and spray foliar water with a spray gun if necessary.

3, intertillage weeding and topdressing:

A. Continue the intertillage weeding work completed at the end of last month.

B, lawn weeding and pruning.

4, pest control:

A, continue to kill moth larvae, and apply pesticide after cutting leaves when the insects are still scattered.

B, spraying dichlorvos and hydrogen peroxide according to the formula to kill male adults of scale insects, and Gong Ju to kill larvae such as Cinnamomum camphora and Cercospora, and also to cure red spiders.

C. killing the larvae of longicorn beetles and the larvae of the beetle.

D, preventing and controlling the rust of grass plants.

5. Hygiene: Clean up the garbage and sundries in the green space every day.

6, check the garden sketch, sprinkler irrigation facilities every day, if there is any damage, timely repair.

10 work plan:

1, intertillage weeding and topdressing:

A. topdressing roses, camellia and autumn flowers.

The lawn continues to be mowed and sheared.

2. Pruning: Prune evergreen broad-leaved seedlings such as Cinnamomum camphora, Magnolia grandiflora, Buxus buxus, camellia, osmanthus fragrans and Michelia.

3, pest control:

A, the trunk is surrounded by grass, trapping and killing overwintering larvae.

B, catching overwintering pests.

C) Continue spraying the remaining larvae, such as Lycophaga, Tian Yang scale insects and Cinnamomum camphora.

4. Hygiene: Clean up the garbage and sundries in the green space every day.

5, check the garden sketch, sprinkler irrigation facilities every day, if there is any damage, timely repair.

1 1 monthly work plan:

1. Replanting: Replanting cold-resistant damaged trees.

2. Pruning in winter: All kinds of street trees are pruned in winter.

3, pest control:

A. dig and catch overwintering pests.

B, winter pruning: pruning all kinds of street trees in winter.

C, be prepared to spray when frying sulfur agent.

4, cold: Michelia, camellia, Cinnamomum camphora, osmanthus fragrans, Magnolia grandiflora and other trees apply winter fertilizer, and implement rhizosphere soil cultivation. The water pipe is wrapped with straw rope to paint the trunk, and the cycad is wrapped with straw.

5. Hygiene: Clean up the garbage and sundries in the green space every day.

/kloc-Work plan for 0/2 months:

1, winter pruning: various deciduous trees and shrubs that bloom in autumn.

2, pest control:

A, combining with pruning and cutting branches of pests and diseases in winter, removing cocoon and cyst, and scraping off egg pieces. Burn it all. B, continue to clear termite nests.

3. Cold protection: the trunk is whitewashed, and the ice hanging on the branches is knocked out in time in case of heavy snow.

4. Hygiene: Clean up the garbage and sundries in the green space every day.

5, check the garden small sprinkler irrigation facilities every day, if there is any damage, timely repair.

Work Plan for Green Maintenance Management in 2022 3


This month is the lowest temperature in the whole year, and most flowers are in dormancy and semi-dormancy. During this period, the following work should be done:

1. Winter pruning: comprehensively prune the flowers and trees in the community, and prune the branches of trees such as dead branches, residual branches, pests and diseases that hinder overhead lines and buildings in the community;

2. Cold-proof inspection: some flowers and trees that are afraid of freezing and not cold-resistant should pay attention to cold-proof work in winter, and some flowers and plants with poor cold-resistant performance (such as dwarf mussel flower, giant mussel flower, big leaf dragon boat flower and so on). ) Water should be avoided in the morning and evening to avoid freezing injury, and the greening maintenance work plan should be made.

3. Maintenance inspection: for trees that are easily damaged, we should strengthen protection, and if necessary, we can take the contract method to protect them;

4, pest control: combined with winter pruning, winter irrigation, cleaning and killing overwintering pests.

February: The temperature has risen from last month, so we should continue to do a good job of pruning flowers and trees. With the approach of the Spring Festival in February, we should make a comprehensive clean-up of the area.


1, the temperature continues to rise, flowers and trees have begun to sprout, and replanting will be carried out in the community this month;

2, combined with spring watering and fertilization, to promote the good growth of flowers and trees.

3. Re-pruning on the basis of plastic pruning in winter, and timely stripping buds to promote the ornamental effect of flowers;

4. Pest control: This month is a critical moment for pest control. We can continue to take measures such as digging pupae and spraying chemicals to lay a good foundation for pest control throughout the year.


1, the temperature continues to rise, so we should take the time to continue to do a good job of replanting;

2, comprehensively fertilizing the community in combination with watering;

3. Cut dry branches, evergreen trees and hedges in winter and spring;

4. The leafy trees and flowers are in full bloom this month, so management should be strengthened to prevent man-made climbing and destruction, and pests and diseases should be eliminated in combination with protection work;


1, trees grow rapidly in summer and need a lot of water, so water them in time;

2. Combined with watering, apply available nitrogen fertilizer to the whole body, or spray fertilizer on the leaves as needed;

3. Prune the residual flowers in time, and pay attention to the timely observation and prevention of pests and diseases.

June: It is hot and hot, and enters the typhoon rainy season.

1, rainy season, heavy rain, prone to trees skew, dumping and other dangers. We should conscientiously do a good job in the preparation of labor organization, materials, tools and equipment, and send people to check at any time. If danger is found, we will deal with it in time, straighten the fallen tree and reinforce it with pillars.

2, after the rainstorm to timely drainage flood control;

3. Some big trees should be pulled out in time to prevent being blown down by the wind.


1, continue to do a good job in typhoon and rainstorm prevention;

2, continue to do a good job of drainage and pest control;

3. Intertillage weeding: Intertillage weeding in the area, fertilization combined with intertillage weeding.


1, continue to do a good job in typhoon prevention and drainage inspection and rescue;

2. Do a good job in nursing new plants;

3, conscientiously do a good job of drought irrigation and waterlogging drainage, and handle it in time when it is found;

4, continue to do a good job in pest control and intertillage weeding and fertilization.


1, the temperature drops, approaching the National Day;

2. Prepare for the National Day, pruning dead branches, shaping hedges, and arranging green spaces. , make the trees lush and the garden clean and tidy;

3. For some trees with weak growth and insufficient branches, topdressing phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

10 month: the temperature keeps dropping, and by the end of winter, some trees gradually enter a dormant state. At this time, water should be done well, overwintering fertilizer should be applied well, and the replanting and replanting places should be inspected comprehensively.

1 1 month: it has entered the winter, and most flowers and trees have entered the dormant period. Winter pruning should be started according to different plant varieties. For plants that are not cold-tolerant, winter irrigation should be carried out to keep warm, combined with winter irrigation for winter fertilization and wintering pest control.

1February: at this time, we should do a good job of pruning flowers and trees in winter, continue to do a good job of irrigation, fertilization and pest control in winter, and do a good job of cold protection for flowers with poor cold resistance, so as to avoid watering in the morning and evening to avoid freezing injury.

The above work is some big projects, so we should make specific arrangements according to the specific situation in actual work.

Work Plan for Green Maintenance Management in 2022 4

First, strengthen publicity and mobilization to promote the continuous development of voluntary tree planting activities for the whole people.

The community actively responded to the call of the district Committee and government and has been carrying out voluntary tree planting activities for many years. In order to carry out this activity deeply, permanently and effectively, this year's tree planting activities are mainly voluntary tree planting, which promotes the greening construction of the community and creates a comfortable living environment. The theme of Tree Planting Month is "Let residents join hands to build a green home" to start tree planting activities in the community. Organize residents to carry out various activities such as tree planting, publicity, consultation and exhibition. , improve everyone's awareness of greening and promote the development of voluntary tree planting activities. The due diligence rate of residents reached 100%, which greatly increased the public and personal greening area of the community.

Second, strengthen environmental governance and create a beautiful environment suitable for community development and life.

The greening work of residential areas should be changed from "seeing the needle in the past" to "planning and greening", and the landscaping construction should take improving the living environment and improving the quality of life of residents as the starting point, and do a good job in planning, construction and management; Together with the resident units, we will focus on the construction of green space and green belt in residential areas and environmental improvement; It is necessary to build a "green" community, ensure that the green area of the community is not less than 30%, and strive to create a high-quality environment that can make residents feel more happy physically and mentally.

Third, strengthen the planning and construction of green space and promote community landscaping.

The focus of community greening work is to strengthen community greening and beautification planning, formulate the overall planning and annual implementation plan of community greening, classify management, focus on promoting, and strive to adapt to local conditions, rational layout, cleanliness and beauty. While strengthening the conservation and management of flowers and plants, we should do a good job in the rational planning of ecological parks and community greening, constantly enrich and enrich the plant level, and ensure that trees, irrigation, flowers and grass are properly configured, the gardening characteristics are obvious, and the landscape design has a sense of the times and a good sensory effect, further increasing the green area of the community and improving the environmental quality of the community.

Four, strengthen the management of greening maintenance, and create a good public environment.

The management level of community greening is an important aspect to reflect the community appearance. The community should strengthen the maintenance and management of public green space, increase the intensity of maintenance inspections, insist on organizing monthly inspections, require daily management in strict accordance with maintenance standards, and comprehensively improve the management level of community greening maintenance.

Verb (abbreviation of verb) strengthens management and implements various management measures.

Strengthen system management, implement the responsibility system step by step, and implement the responsibility to people. To establish a global awareness, improve work efficiency, enhance the sense of responsibility, and implement various greening management measures:

(1) Strengthen publicity and education, enhance the awareness of community residents to participate in community greening and beautification, and care for flowers and trees, so as to avoid man-made damage.

(2) In strict accordance with the technical operation procedures, the green belt shall be pruned once a month (spring and summer) or twice a month (autumn), and the flowers and trees shall be pruned once a year to ensure the beauty of the flowers and trees.

(3) Remove dead branches and seedlings in time, replant in time, and leave no space to ensure the integrity of greening.

(4) Do a good job in pest control and spray drugs in time. working face

(5) According to the growth situation of plants, timely topdressing twice a year to ensure the vigorous growth of plants.

(6) According to the drought resistance and climatic conditions of plants, flowers should be cultivated and watered in time to ensure the water needed by flowers.

(7) Do well the anti-freezing work of flowers and trees in winter. Before winter, carry out soil cultivation, all-in and white painting to enhance the low temperature resistance of flowers and trees and ensure safe wintering.

Work Plan for Green Maintenance Management in 2022 5

In order to further improve the maintenance and management of landscaping, ensure the good growth of flowers and trees, make the garden landscape in the area more neat, beautiful and comfortable, and provide a good surrounding environment for the citizens, a 20-year work plan is formulated.

First, the general idea.

According to the spirit of the documents such as "Landscaping Maintenance Management Standard (Provisional)" (first-class quality standard of maintenance management) and management system formulated by Shanghai Landscaping Management Office, and in accordance with the principle of "clear division of labor, responsibility to people, strengthening management, unity and cooperation", high standards, high quality and strict requirements are required to ensure the successful completion of the annual tasks assigned by superior units.

Second, the specific tasks

(1) production task

1, green sanitation and cleanliness

In accordance with the requirements of sanitation and cleaning of green space, the management is carried out in sections, and the responsibility is implemented to people, so as to ensure that the green space and green belt within the jurisdiction are clean and sanitary, and there are no white garbage, bricks and stones, litter, dirt and sundries.

Weed removal control

In accordance with the principle of "early removal, small removal and net removal", weeds in tree maintenance holes, green spaces and green belts within the jurisdiction shall be cleared and controlled to ensure the healthy growth of flower seedlings within the jurisdiction.

3, flowers, shrubs, hedges and pruning

According to the growth habits of plants, timely prune the flowering shrubs and hedges within the jurisdiction to ensure that the hedges grow vigorously, trim neatly, beautifully and reasonably, and be horizontal and vertical; Flowers and shrubs grow vigorously, and the flowers are big and bright.

4, street tree germination work

In the flourishing period of street trees, according to the work arrangement of the management office, the budding work should be carried out in time, and the stems and branches sprouting at the base should be cut off to keep the tree beautiful, the skeleton symmetrical and the trunk straight.

5. New planting and replanting of flower seedlings

According to the requirements of the superior unit, the flower seedlings and street trees within the jurisdiction shall be replanted in the appropriate planting season, and the seedling planting procedures shall be strictly implemented to ensure that the seedling survival rate reaches 100%.

6, pest monitoring and control

Seriously do a good job in real-time monitoring of flower seedlings within the jurisdiction, report the pests and diseases to the superior in time, and scientifically prevent and control the pests and diseases to ensure that the flower seedlings within the jurisdiction basically have no obvious symptoms of pests and diseases, and the pests and diseases are effectively controlled without phytotoxicity.

7, street trees pruning in winter

According to the work arrangement of the superior unit, timely prune the street trees within the jurisdiction in winter, and remove drooping branches, pests and diseases, overlapping branches, dead branches and other branches to ensure the beautiful and healthy growth of street trees.

8. Street trees are painted white in winter

Whitening the street trees in the area to ensure the safe overwintering of the street trees and effectively control the occurrence of pests and diseases of the street trees in the coming year.

9. Check regularly

Strengthen the daily inspection of green space and green belt in the area, and ensure that there is no artificial damage to seedlings in the area, no scribbling, nailing and hanging, and no littering, occupation and drying of articles in the green space.

(2) Learning tasks

Conduct regular ideological and political, organizational discipline, safety education and technical business study, improve the comprehensive quality of our employees, and build a maintenance team that can strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the unit, be familiar with technical operation and business work, be professional, have strong combat effectiveness and respond quickly. At the same time, we should pay attention to cultivating technical business backbones and managers, keep the team relatively stable, and make all work step into a planned, purposeful and step-by-step normal state.

(3) Group activities

Actively organize and participate in various activities of the unit, cultivate our employees to love their jobs and careers, and have a good sense of teamwork, so that every employee has a good habit of "single-minded, diligent and three-compared".

(iv) Other tasks

Actively complete other assault tasks arranged by the unit.

Three. Working measures and methods

1. Implement responsibilities and clarify the division of labor. According to the company's work requirements, the "team leader responsibility system" is implemented. Give full play to individual subjective initiative internally, and define the division of labor according to individual characteristics and specialties. Strictly implement the company's "sign-in and appointment system" to ensure attendance and appointment rate. Check and supervise the quality of work to ensure that all tasks can be completed on time with good quality and quantity.

2. The responsibility lies with people. Within the jurisdiction of the green space, green belt, street trees daily management and protection tasks, should be segmented according to the number, to carry out the task, a clear responsibility.

3, help each other, unity and cooperation. Vigorously carry forward the team spirit of mutual assistance, unity and cooperation. Daily maintenance work shall be carried out in one place and in groups, and major work shall be arranged in a unified way and participated collectively.

Fourth, the job requirements

Do a good job in production safety. It is necessary to firmly establish a sense of safety in production, operate in strict accordance with professional and technical operating procedures, do a good job in their own safety protection, and resolutely put an end to safety accidents. At the same time, do a good job in office fire prevention, theft prevention and gas prevention to ensure the harmonious development of our team work.

Five, maintenance management work plan:

1 month: the month with the lowest temperature throughout the year, and the open trees are dormant.

1. Winter pruning: comprehensively prune deciduous trees; Prune dead branches, disabled branches, pest branches and branches that hinder overhead lines and buildings.

2. Inspection of binding materials for trees: Check the binding situation in time, and rectify it immediately if it is found to be loose, embedded with lead wires, and shaken piles.

3. Pest control: Winter is a favorable season to eliminate garden pests. Combine loosening the soil and turning the ground under the tree to kill pests.

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★ Property Work Plan for 7 People in 2022

★ Summary in 2022 and plan for the second half of the year.

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