Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Meaning of bracelet _ What does it mean to send a bracelet?

Meaning of bracelet _ What does it mean to send a bracelet?

The bracelet is a symbol of the dragon's body. Wearing a bracelet means that the dragon's body protects peace and brings good luck. Sending bracelets means sending peace and good luck. Mdash Fu bracelet &; Mdash is completely peaceful; Outer ring and inner ring &; Mdash bracelet &; Mdash has a long life; The ellipse is flat &; Mdash Princess Bracelet &; Mdash is rich and smart; Outside flat and inside flat &; Mdash Peace bracelet &; Mdash Live a safe life. What do you mean by sending bracelets? Let's look at Bian Xiao to answer your question.

The meaning of bracelet is different on different occasions. When boys send girls, they mainly take the homonym of "guarding", which means that boys should protect girls with care, keep girls around and express their love for girls at the same time. When an elder gives a gift to a younger generation, bracelets are usually paired. At this time, the meaning of sending bracelets is mainly to take the meaning of "peace and happiness" and express the blessings and care of the elders. Friends can also send bracelets, which is friendship bracelets. There are many kinds, among which bracelets and beaded bracelets are the most popular. At this time, the significance of sending bracelets mainly lies in remembering eternal friendship.

In addition, there is no difference in the meaning of bracelets of different colors. Traditionally, red represents vitality and energy and symbolizes love; White represents spirituality and purification, symbolizing pure friendship; Orange stands for close friends; Pink represents beauty; Blue stands for communication and truth.

Bracelet color means saving bracelet.

The Salvation Army bracelet is a jewelry symbol of individuals who believe in _ _ _ _. This bracelet consists of beads of different colors, such as gold, black, red, white, blue and purple. Every different color has a different meaning.

The gold beads on the bracelet represent heaven. Red depicts the blood of Christ, which flows for mankind. The black beads represent the separation of God and sin. White tells people to be forgiven and wash away their sins. Blue beads represent baptism or the holy spirit. _ I believe that Jesus is king, so the purple beads on the bracelet represent solemnity.

Mood bracelet

Some colors represent a person's mood, such as red for anger and blue for calmness. Similarly, the mood bracelet also describes a person's emotional changes. Let's look at the meaning of these different colors.

Black indicates stress and nervousness. Gray is similar to black, representing tension and anxiety. Brown stands for restless. Amber indicates weakness and complex emotions. Pink symbolizes fear and anxiety. Red means adventure, energy, passion and motivation. Orange represents boldness and excitement. Yellow represents creativity and imagination. Green represents a calm mood. Blue means happiness and relaxation. Purple represents passion and romance.

Hope bracelet

I hope the bracelet is mainly worn by teenagers. People think that wearing the bracelet of hope can get everything they want. When the bracelet of hope is broken, it can send your information and hope to heaven and make your hope come true.

Red represents vitality, courage, confidence, energy, desire, passion and action. Pink represents calmness, self-worth, protection, acceptance, beauty and love. White represents enlightenment, spirituality, cleanliness and purification. Indigo stands for meditation, meditation and intuition. Blue represents communication, peace, truth, spirit and youth. Black represents self-control, concealment, death, stability and the earth.

Gel bracelet

There is a lot of debate about gel bracelets. A misconception is that girls or boys wearing gel bracelets are interested in all kinds of sex. Because this bracelet has become so popular, some schools even ban it. In fact, the meaning of the color of gel bracelet is completely different. The Armstrong Foundation established this bracelet recognition system.

The yellow gel bracelet represents the understanding of cancer. The pink bracelet represents the understanding of breast cancer. Half blue and half red represent cognition of epilepsy. Green symbolizes kidney donation. Diabetes is identified by a blue rubber bracelet. The knowledge of multiple sclerosis is through the orange silicone bracelet.

Friendship bracelet

As the name implies, friendship bracelets are for friends. It has different types, and the most popular ones are bracelets and beaded bracelets. All forms of friendship bracelets have a meaning, eternal friendship.

But its different colors have different meanings:

Red symbolizes love. White bracelets represent pure friendship. The yellow bracelet symbolizes happy friendship or friendship. Orange stands for close friends.

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