Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How to collect fruit tree pollen, how to preserve it after collection, and how long can it last?

How to collect fruit tree pollen, how to preserve it after collection, and how long can it last?

Before flowering, high-quality fruit tree varieties with a large amount of pollen can be combined with flower thinning, collect boll flowers that are in bud and bring them back indoors, remove petals and filaments, leaving only anthers. Spread the flower medicine on clean thick paper, turn it over every two hours on a fire pit at 20℃ ~ 30℃, or dry it in a dry and ventilated room at 20℃ ~ 25℃ to avoid sun exposure. 1 ~ 2 When Trichosanthes root breaks loose pollen, the pollen is repeatedly screened with fine reeds, and the screened pollen is collected and stored for later use. Generally, about 200g of dry pollen can be produced per 10kg flower, which can be used for pollination in 0.5 ~ 0.6 hectares orchard. At the same time, when the bees fly in the orchard at flowering time, a powder bag with a diameter of 5mm is installed outside the entrance of the hive, and the bees can leave the carried pollen when they enter the hive. Pollen is collected at regular intervals, rubbed dry and properly kept for artificial pollination. The collected pollen can not only be used for artificial pollination at the current flowering stage, but also be stored in cold storage according to production needs for pollination of fruit trees in greenhouse in winter or next year. Therefore, attention must be paid to the preservation and storage of pollen. Generally, dried pollen is sealed in a brown wide-mouth glass bottle, or it can be sealed in a plastic bag, wrapped in black paper, then put into a plastic bag, and then stored in a refrigerator below 0℃. Preserved pollen should germinate before use, and its viability should be identified before use.