Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - The shocking crape myrtle

The shocking crape myrtle

Liu Fenfang is a nobody in the play Scared.

Liu Fenfang did Chen Shan a big favor in her debut. At that time, Chen Shan contacted a female military agent as Xiao Zhengguo. These are all Japanese traps, and Chen Shan dare not tell the truth on the spot. He just put a key in the female agent's pocket so that she could get the letter before she was shocked.

Chen Shan will be sent to Chongqing soon. Under the surveillance of the Japanese, he didn't have a chance to post the letter. The appearance of Liu Fenfang created an opportunity for him. He pretended to fight with Liu Fenfang and took the opportunity to give the letter to Liu Fenfang for him to pass on. Although Liu Fenfang was stupid at that time, she accomplished the task well.

Since this incident, Liu Fenfang has always regarded herself as a broker, especially after Chen Shan returned to Shanghai from Chongqing. Liu Fenfang even imagined that she was an agent to perform a task with Chen Shan, and his appearance also brought us a lot of jokes when we were nervous about watching the drama.

In the latest story, Liu Fenfang helped Chen Shan learn about Yu's every move in Shanghai, and also found out the route of Japanese troops transporting penicillin. In retaliation for boss Chen, Liu Fenfang was also responsible for meeting them, which succeeded in taking away several boxes of opium.

Little people can do great things, and Liu Fenfang is even one.

Conscience, those little people in this TV series are all brilliant. Although they are soy sauce makers, they are so dedicated and professional.

Tao Dachun in Sparrow starred in Scared, and nothing has changed from actor to role. When I saw Tao Da Chun, the captain of the Hurricane Team, I was surprised at first, and then I felt kind.

Tao is very cute. Although he is in the military system, he also has a patriotic heart. I think Tao Dachun is bold and not cautious. At the sight of Tao, Yutian has not recovered from the "country love story". What a happy Tao Dachun.

Silence is a member of the hurricane team sent by Tao. Scouts should have falsely assassinated Chen Shan and showed Araki a bitter plan. The assassination task was given to silence.

Silence is a real hero, a real man. He emphasized friendship over love. Zhou found it after he became a wanted man in the military. Silent didn't betray him, gave him money, gave him a place to live. You know, he was warned before, as long as he came to see him, he would report to the organization immediately. But silence did not. Zhou asked him many times about his actions, but he didn't say a word.

Because Zhou, a sinister and despicable guy, leaked the news to the wild people. Silence was caught by the Japanese. Araki tortured him, trying to get him to tell the real purpose of pretending to assassinate Chen Shan, if Chen Shan was bought by the military. So Chen Shan will come to no good end.

The little hero silently refused to say how he was tortured, only that he had come to assassinate Chen Shan. You know, as long as he opens his mouth, Chen Shan will die.

Experienced torture, and experienced the drama of Zhou and Araki. At the critical moment when Chen Shan was dying. I finally saw through Zhou's trick. Tactfully turn to routine week. He shot himself with Zhou's gun. This created the illusion that Zhou was the murderer. The double agent was very successful, but at the cost of his life.

Silence, a just hero, sacrificed himself at the critical moment and saved the overall situation. Without silence, Chen Shan has died a hundred times.

Chen Shan's narrow escape this time did not depend on his own cleverness or wit, nor on God's blessing. This is all about silent self-sacrifice. Silence, a great hero who appeared in less than two episodes, left a deep impression on the audience and made them respect this real man.

Liu Fenfang is happier than Tao Dachun. I always thought that Chen Shan was a great man, and he admired Chen Shan. When Chen Shan asked him to do something, he thought he was an excellent agent. Although he is a little neurotic, like Don Quixote. But doing things is quite reliable. Smarter than Chen Shan's two brothers. Is Chen Shan's good assistant.

Liu Fenfang was very happy to hear this name, and his performance also made the audience laugh. He is chubby and cute.

Silence is a nobody in Scare, with only a few scenes. At Chen Shanhe's wedding, Tao Xingzhi was ordered to assassinate the groom's official.

When his superior Tao assigned the task, he particularly emphasized that Chen Shan would be injured, but it was not the key. Later, he told his friend Zhou all about his assassination mission. The speaker was unintentional, but Zhou listened intently. He broke away from his silence, and the military system was protecting Chen Shan. In other words, Chen Shan has become a military system.

Zhou, who reached this conclusion, was overjoyed. He finally has a magic weapon to kill Chen Shan-pass the news that Chen Shan is a military agent to the suspicious Araki.

Zhou's second plan is to rescue Araki who was caught by a failed assassination. However, no matter how tortured he was, he just didn't say that Chen Shan was a scout spy. In fact, he doesn't know Chen Shan's real identity at all, because Chen Shan is an agent, and only Dai Li, Fei and Tao know.

So Araki and Zhou jointly designed a play of "grabbing prisoners". Zhou was saved, and tried to guide him to tell himself that Chen Shan was a spy planted by the military in the Shang government.

Until the arrival of Qian Tianying and Shang Fu, Silent realized that Zhou saved himself not because of brotherhood, but to frame Chen Shan. He also suddenly realized that Chen Shan might really be a soldier. How could he hurt one of his own? So he cleverly pointed the finger at Zhou, saying that his assassination at the wedding was planned by Zhou, with the purpose of framing Chen Shan and then letting the Japanese kill Chen Shan.

You can imagine Zhou's anger. He killed silence in a rage. In this way, silence and Chen Shan never had any intersection. In order to dispel Araki's doubts about Chen Shan, he would rather sacrifice himself.

Although silence's appearance time is short, his courage and wit enrich the image of this character, because he would rather sacrifice his behavior for his comrades.

Chen Shan's father, Chen Wangjin, is a low-level figure in Shanghai Lane. He has been trying to raise his three children, but even so, he has never forgotten his patriotism. He named his two sons Michael Chen and Chen Shan to remind them to defend the rivers and mountains with their own strength and let the Japanese give them back to me.

Michael Chen is an excellent student in Tsinghua University. After graduation, he devoted himself to the underground work of our party. Chen Shan is a punk who sells information to support his father, sister and himself.

However, one day Araki asked him to pretend to be another person to steal the information of the Kuomintang, but Chen Shan did not agree. His creed is that China people don't hit China people. Even Araki used his sister Chen Xia as a hostage and threatened him. He did not forget that he was from China, nor did he forget to defend the rivers and mountains. He obeys Araki on the surface, but secretly works for the military. Later, under the guidance of Zhang Li, he joined the * * * production party.

And Chen Dou are little people in Fear, but their feelings are just and worthy of admiration.

"Surprise" can almost be called a new spy war drama produced by the original team of "Sparrow", with two starring roles from "Sparrow" and also adapted from the novel of the same name by Hai Fei, the winner of the People's Literature Award and a gold screenwriter. After three years, can this sequel called Sparrow live up to expectations? With the sinister situation of 194 1 War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression as the background, Scared Sting tells the story that Chen Shan (Ruoyun Zhang), who earns a living at the bottom of Shanghai society, was selected by Japanese spy leader Araki (Wang Longzheng) because of his similarity with Xiao Zhengguo, forcing him to become a Japanese spy and enter Chongqing's military system.

But in this process, Chen Shan not only strengthened her belief in productism, but also accomplished many tasks gloriously, and became a real * * * fighter as a trilateral spy during the transition from Shanghai to Chongqing. As can be seen from the synopsis, this time, Ruoyun Zhang took the lead from Tang Shan Hai. He is no longer a sad role, but a truly positive young man.

But then again, Adi, who plays the tragic role "Li Xiaonan" in Sparrow, is not so lucky. Judging from the preview and plot trend, Adi still can't escape the tragic fate of "reluctant to give up" in the play this time. In addition to the two popular characters in Sparrow, the female characters also include angels with rich experience in spy drama.

Her role as the king in The Pretender is really a love-hate relationship. More importantly, she and Ruoyun Zhang once co-starred in Detective Star. On the first night of the play, Zhan Ming's official blog also actively promoted their new play. I think Zhan Ming should open the door. Although the scenes of the two actresses have not yet come out, the information revealed from the preview alone is enough to feed a lot of "detective powder" and "sparrow powder"

In addition, Wang Longzheng in "White Night Chasing Murder" and Sean in "ipartment" also made stunning appearances. At present, Scare has just updated two episodes, and judging from the broadcast story, the first three minutes were very arresting, and Zhou, played by Sean, contributed to the first reversal of the play in five minutes, which was amazing. At first, in a movie theater in Shanghai, three military commanders from Chongqing came for a joint mission. In order to prevent their whereabouts from being exposed, they chose the cinema instead of going to the hotel.

I watched several episodes! Not bad ... I feel it is very difficult for teenagers and young people nowadays!

Why? You see ... Angel ... is the real traitor in ~ pretender ~!

But ~ stunned ~ there are underground workers of our party ... (triple spy status)

The problem now is … when watching TV series, most of the plots are the same, and the characters are in a mess!

Can you go up a storey still higher in scriptwriting and characterization?

This spy TV series is more attractive. ...

And that basi of China's story!

In his creation, he tried to "popularize" heroism: "Asking around" Chen Shan was a small role in helping people collect debts. Because he looked like a military spy, he was forced to sneak into the Chongqing Military Bureau to work for the Japanese, because he was threatened by his blind sister Chen Xia. The deadline was limited to shock, and he was forced to start a multifaceted life as a triple spy.

The play not only creates the atmosphere of street life, but also completes the imagination of ordinary people beyond life. The heroic image full of fireworks is closely connected with daily life scenes, which brings the audience closer. So in Jing Zhe, you can see Chongqing hot pot in the street, fried buns in Shanghai Shili Ocean Farm, and even ordinary bicycles and domino stools. Chen Shan seems cynical on the surface, but he has his own composure, calmness, thinking and determination. Like ordinary people, he has his own love and hate, hobbies and even personality defects. Yu He is a good friend. They strolled around the streets of Chongqing hand in hand, watched movies, ate steaks in western restaurants and bargained in small shops. They bought a pearl necklace together ... The character is outstanding, which is in sharp contrast to the unsmiling traditional agents in the audience's previous impression. With a lovely, romantic, affectionate and helpless side, the characters are more three-dimensional, plump and human, which enriches the taste of the righteousness of home and country and enhances the realm of human feelings.

This is exactly what Jingzhe wants to express-Chen Shan is willing to hold her head and deal with various forces. The original intention is actually to protect her family and rescue her sister. But it is this straightforward, simple and sincere emotion that highlights the truth of human nature and keeps Chen Shan from becoming a puppet of the Japanese army. And in the subsequent mediation with the Japanese army and hostile forces, he realized that the fate of his motherland is closely linked, thus growing into a proletarian soldier.

It's worth seeing, compact and tense. The rhythm and complexity can also be seen. Unlike some enemy war dramas, there are many scenes. In short, there is no better TV play than him so far.