Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Brother Wu and Little Swallow

Brother Wu and Little Swallow

Brother Wu is the prince of the Qing Dynasty. Because his biological mother died young, he was named "Yin _" by his father and later became the son of Yong Zhengdi. Swallow is a character in Princess Pearl, a brave and clever girl. There is a special story between her and May.

The Meeting between Brother Wu and Little Swallow

One spring morning, Mei and Yanzi met. May was walking in the palace when she suddenly saw a bird flying by. He chased it curiously. The bird flew into a yard, followed by Mei, and found a girl playing the piano there. That's a swallow.

Brother Wu and Little Swallow soon became good friends. They play, study and explore together. Mei likes being with the swallow because she is brave, smart and cheerful. Swallow also likes to be with May, because he is kind, smart and interesting.

The Adventure of Brother Wu and Little Swallow

One day, Wukong and Swallow heard about a mysterious place where there was a pagoda with many treasures hidden inside. They decided to explore together.

Brother Wu and Swallow walked through a dense forest, climbed a high mountain and finally came to the pagoda. The towering pagoda looks very spectacular. Brother Wu and Swallow decided to climb up and have a look.

They climbed for a long time and finally climbed to the top of the tower. There is a door at the top of the tower, which says "Only the brave can enter". Brother Wu and Swallow encouraged each other and pushed the door open.

It is dark in the tower. They lit torches and began to explore. They walked through the rooms and saw many rare treasures. Finally, they came to a room and saw a shining stone. Brother Wu and the swallow jumped up happily. They found the treasure!

Friendship between Brother Wu and Little Swallow

Brother Wu and Little Swallow have a deep friendship. They experienced many adventures together, studied together, played together and grew up together. They help each other and support each other as brothers and sisters.

The friendship between Brother Wu and Little Swallow is also very precious. They come from different backgrounds and have different identities and positions, but their friendship has not been hindered. They respect each other, understand each other and really love each other.

final result

The story of May and Little Swallow tells us that friendship is very important. No matter where you come from, what kind of status and position you have, you can build a deep friendship with others. Friendship can bring us happiness, courage, support and strength, and make us stronger, more confident and happier in life.