Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - What do you think of the Japanese film Two Lives?

What do you think of the Japanese film Two Lives?

Soul mate is an agreement before reincarnation, and there is always an agreed soul in different relationships after reincarnation. It can be your parents, brothers and sisters, children, wives and husbands, relatives and friends ... If we talk about the relationship between husband and wife and lovers from the perspective of soul, it may completely subvert the ethics of this world, because our world has defined whether there is a relationship or not. But people in the world don't know.

Two creatures can also be said to be twins, that is, a little soul is hermaphrodite after expansion, but when they are reincarnated into the material world, they will split into one yin and one yang, and they may meet when the life course and spiritual learning of the two worlds reach a certain foundation. The love of the two creatures transcends all unconditional love, transcends the love for parents, brothers and sisters, children, relatives and friends, and transcends the relationship between wife and husband.

A congenial person

When soul mates meet, their complementarity will not be fully realized, but will further evolve. Both of them have gained enough sense of security and don't need to get a sense of self from each other. Only in this way can they be ready to recognize each other and work together to overcome the inevitable conflicts in interpersonal relationships.

From the initial unity of existence, there was division and evacuation, and in the final stage, a soul split in two. So love has become the pursuit of each half for the other half on earth or in heaven, and this pursuit sometimes becomes quite urgent.

Because the spiritual partners of twins are so similar at first, they must be separated to make each other complete. Similarity and complementarity are the two pillars of love, and a complete individual must be composed of two people.

Twin partners are everything to each other, and no one else in the world can satisfy them in the same way. This means that hundreds of millions have taken away all our couples, lovers or lovers, and they left us because they are not our best partners. Maybe for a while, but not for long. Nothing can separate true soul mates, and they are not afraid of separation.

So where is our true love, our twin partner? How can we find each other? The twin spiritual partners may be just around the corner, waiting for the two sides to take the last necessary growth step before reunion. Getting ready is the key. Only when everything is ready can we meet. Although we can't predict, the cosmic forces that have guided us all the way to each other for hundreds of millions of years know this time.

The twin soul is a portrait in the mirror and the other side of itself. However, God's plan is so magical that when we meet the other half of twins for the first time, we will find a unique and charming individual. Part of infatuation is undoubtedly because we see our own essence reflected in a new way, but the life situation in which the two halves of the soul are separated will also bring different experiences to each other. Although different, they are complementary.

Conflicts will happen again and again, which is part of the natural cycle and growth process. Through each cycle, the love of twin partners will be further enhanced. Growth is two-sided: they are closer to unity and then grow together, so the conflict is gradually reduced, and their growth will follow the internal strength and complement each other.

The results of twin partners are intertwined in eternity. When they live apart, the twin partners have accumulated and purified their karma to prepare for reunion.

How can we recognize the relationship between twin partners? How is it different from other good relationships?

Twin spiritual partners have the same ideal. Everyone has a different foothold on the mountain of evolution. Although the scenery in front of us is real to the viewer, no two scenery are exactly the same. Twin partners don't doubt that their meeting has its own purpose. This goal will gradually become clear, but the result depends on their concentration, because they know it in their hearts.

For twin couples, isolation does not exist. Only twin partners can love according to their own nature, because each half is the other half's own. There is no competition between them, and neither side wants to surpass or belittle the other. The love of twin partners is harmless, not intentional, and there is no artillery attack on each other, and there is never the idea of punishment. If the injury is caused by negligence or mistake, then one party has already felt the injury of the other party before the injury occurs. They will be careful not to add any more pain except the pain of growing up.

First encounter

The first meeting of twin couples is often unforgettable. On the spiritual level, this is an important moment, and its importance echoes in this life. Intoxication without love is not physical attraction, which is beyond human understanding. Although I may have left alone after meeting, my heart knows that I am no longer alone.

Twin spiritual partners have the same inspiration, quality, ability to love, service to others and cognition of the highest part of self. They are all full of confidence in the goodwill behind the arrangement of nature and the universe. They are equal in sensitivity, aesthetics and tolerance, and they also show the same indomitable will in the face of adversity.

We can identify them by their similarity. Just like the vein of a leaf, the same energy pattern will be replicated in the life of a twin partner. From the choice of occupation, we can clearly see their complementarity. Most twins will engage in two complementary aspects of the same job.

Maybe both of them are engaged in therapy, but their fields are different. Or two people are musicians, one composing and the other playing, supporting each other and perfecting each other. It is also possible that two people are writing, one can speak and the other can write.

When twin partners' lives are interrelated, their experiences are integrated, thus achieving higher achievements in joint work. They may all take an active part in the new and inspiring ideas of the church. They may also be sponsors of agents to help promote the works of artists and inventors. They may also be publishers who feel obligated to introduce advanced works to the public. They may also be teachers, architects, social workers or business elites. No matter what industry you are in, you will devote yourself wholeheartedly to the cause of promoting industry progress and common development of mankind.

Some twin partners are like-minded, some are more complementary, and the twin relationship will be manifested as lasting harmony of love. If the twin partners don't work in the same field, they have the same ambition. They may approach the same ideal from opposite directions. They are basically the same, constantly expanding their horizons through the exchange of complementary energy. Since twin spiritual partners are of the same origin, they also have similar preferences, exclusions, tastes and aesthetic preferences. Usually they like the same music and have a good sense of humor. They may have the same taste in food and entertainment.

Twin couples may have different rational or perceptual tendencies. The two sides fought for a gentleman, and through the stimulation of this struggle, they achieved the expression of individual self-harmony. When the crisis came, the sun disappeared and was forgotten. When the sun reappears, the renewed spiritual strength lifts the soul and brings shocking joy.

The combination of twin partners will produce a vortex of energy, which can be said to be a beacon in the unconscious darkness of society. If the two are properly combined, the whole will be greater than the sum of its parts: two becomes three, and the third is the source of strength, which is the power of pure love and consciousness. This kind of communication energy between twin partners is very different from that between individuals or even a group of people. It is the special dedication of twin partners to each other, which expands the huge resources for serving the people.

The image we see is a dark field, illuminated by their own lights. Every bright light represents a harmonious and conscious relationship between twins. Sooner or later, when there are more and more twin partners, more bright lights will be lit, more light will be generated, more exquisite energy will be generated on the earth, which will become a catalyst and bring about the breakthrough in consciousness that everyone expects.

So we understand that looking for twin partners is not a selfish act, but a service. The close combination of more twin partners is the primary hope for the harmonious development of the whole world. However, how can their lives be combined? This is really easy for the traffic control of the universe, because the final identification of soul mates has set the operating rules as early as the first breath of God. In the infinite aspect of the universe, every tiny element quantum electron has a password, and then it will receive a signal. At this time, the oceans will separate, and the mountains and rivers will shake, so that two stretched hands can meet in their time and space.

Maybe you met your twin soul mate in this life, maybe you were lovers, but you passed by or broke up in pain because it was not the time for you to meet again. Who will decide the timing? Not God, not others, but yourselves. The timing of your union depends on the degree of your spiritual growth. When your heart is closer to the light, your ego is weaker and your twin soul is closer to you. When your hearts are very pure, the attraction between the two souls will become stronger and stronger. Until a certain time, nothing, environment and conditions can stop your reunion. Your union is inevitable.

Therefore, twin soul mates are not obtained by looking for or waiting, but earned by ourselves. The process of coincidence with your other half is the process of your spiritual growth. Always remember, first of all, you should find your true self and realize yourself. Without this premise, twin soul mates will never appear. Here, I want to remind you that there is an essential difference between twin soul mates and "finding a bosom friend" as people in China often say. The so-called "bosom friend" is based on Ego. People who know me are bosom friends, but people who don't know me are not bosom friends. Soul couple, under the premise of resolving themselves, need to reach a state of no self. Twin soul couples are often far apart in race, region, age, belief, family environment and lifestyle, and even run counter to each other in the choice of views and life paths. However, the true self is only the existence of a pure and perfect soul, and to realize the true self is to transcend all these differences. For example, if you are a devout Christian and you meet an atheist, it is difficult for you to agree on your outlook on life, but you have a mysterious spiritual connection. In fact, you are probably twins, and the challenge is how to transcend the polarization of beliefs.

From the perspective of reincarnation, the couple with two souls may have been married in previous lives, or even several lives. Marriage does not mean the coincidence of two souls. Marriage and family are established to let us learn to love, which is a course. From every marriage, your mind will be purified, and the growth of your mind will take several generations to complete. Usually, when one of the soul mates is more harmonious with the higher dimensions, this person is a selfless and understanding guide, who supports the other half in a very meaningful way and makes the other half more complete.

In short, when two divided souls reunite, it is the moment when both of them are enlightened and return to the Tao. That moment is also the moment when God celebrates his perfect creation. If all the people in the world coincide with twins, then the whole world will return to the Tao.

A person can enjoy a happy and harmonious life with his soul mate, which is a wonderful but extremely rare gift.

Before two can be combined into one, you need to be complete.

Your meeting was predestined. You don't know when and where it will happen, but suddenly the peaks and turns, the clouds clear and the light shines on you, and you will see each other. Nothing is more certain than this.

Soul mates usually have a long emotional window before reunion, when solitude is inevitable, but this is not the same as "loneliness". Loneliness comes from a false sense of separation, which means that we are separated from our own souls. However, loneliness is the best opportunity for us to communicate with ourselves. In loneliness, we hear our own voice, which is a weak and stable sound wave of the soul. It will be transmitted to us through intuition, giving us unspeakable wisdom.

Therefore, the preparation for reunion is to listen to your inner voice in loneliness and guide each other to our twin spiritual partners through the power of the universe.

When the separated soul is ready, the next step is to meet your other half in the search, know and combine with them.

So, how to identify your soul mate?

Twin relationship is based on the same sex: we have the same ideal, the same goal and the same feeling. For example:

1. We all remember our first meeting. On the spiritual level, this is a touching and important moment, so there is no possibility of easily forgetting each other.

This meeting is very eye-catching. The so-called dramatization is beyond one's expectation, and many impossibilities constitute a possible situation in fact.

3. Homosexuality: It may include inspiration, the ability to love, serving others, attachment to the highest part of self, work relevance, common wishes, habits, interests and so on.

4. Differences between them: in the tendency of giving priority to reason or emotion, harmony is finally achieved through the struggle between gentlemen and the stimulation of mutual struggle.

If we have already felt the existence of same-sex relationships, how does it feel to recognize each other's soul mates?

The process of mutual recognition may have happened imperceptibly before meeting.

When a twin soul mate approaches, he may be more aware of that person's existence. When the time is right, the environment will naturally create opportunities for two people to be together.

As for the completion of the combination, it happened in an instant, but it was also a process of growth.

If we finally recognize our soul mate, it will be really touching.

Before you meet your twins (soul mates), you are sure to meet your karma or personality partner first. It may be a friend, a relative, or a lover. When everyone reaches a certain level of preparation on the spiritual road, twins usually know each other, but only God knows when is the right time to meet. When you meet this person, you will know; You will know that in this life, this is something you have never experienced before, and you will know directly from the bottom of your heart that this person in front of you is the one who will accompany you all your life.

There can be many companions in a person's life, but there is only one twin companion, that is, when God throws the same soul into the material world, it is divided into a body of yin and yang. They came to the earth to study their respective topics together, and they won't have a chance to meet again until their spiritual awareness and ascension reach the final stage. They will constitute the last step in the complete transformation and promotion of each other's souls, and then the twin light will have the opportunity to show a creative form of divine love from the earth through the perfection of each other's souls.

Twin twins, also known as twins (soul twins), have deeper love than ordinary couples. They share unconditional love and inseparable fit. Double light actually comes from the same' one'. If you want to use the name of "technology" to understand, they come from the same cell, that's your "other self", they just see another self in the mirror. After the two lights split each other, they learned all the topics in their life journey. The two lights share the same soul and the same beating heart, but they both exist in two different bodies. If they all come to the earth at the same time, they will have a good chance to meet. When twins walk together, they will help each other learn; Besides, let's go together forever. Love shared in the light of twins is sacred love.

When you meet your double light, you usually have some problems to deal with and solve. This is the difficult part, but it still depends on how you face it, so patience is necessary.

Between the two lights, it is peaceful. They have no fear or criticism. They have complete trust and confidence in the higher power, knowing that this is the best for them. They also face all troubles, worries and doubts completely. No matter what the situation, they all believe that they are taken care of and cared for. They have great compassion and complete forgiveness. In a word, they are very happy. They share the same soul and beating heart, and love two bodies unconditionally.

In order to obtain this kind of happiness, they must endure a lot of "tests". The stage of passing the laws of the multiverse. If you have any fears, whether hidden or not, they will emerge for you to see and face.

Emotional conflict is unbearable for anyone; It is even more unbearable for twin couples. They are part of each other, and they feel each other's pain more keenly. Their hearts ached at each other. In order to heal themselves, they must first stop each other's pain. Twin spiritual partners have an obligation to seek a quick solution. They are guided by the soul level and act in unison on the basis of complete honesty. Face your own truth bravely and look for the root of the problem without regrets. They are not allowed to get angry or get hurt. When they return after being hit, love will make them stronger and they will move towards unity within the limits.

At this stage of the trial, you may think, will you go crazy or lose your mind? But please note that once you successfully complete this stage, you will be rewarded. This is normal, no one can understand what you are going through.

In the trial, there are basically many problems, that is, patience, patience, forgiveness, compassion, confidence, trust, hope and belief, and patience is the biggest one. You must be patient and merge with your twin light, which will merge in sacred time. You can't accelerate this integration. All the parts of the puzzle will be put together to integrate you. No matter who you are, no matter what mistakes you have in the true meaning of unconditional love, you should love each other.

Twins often have a warm feeling about the lower navel, which is basically where the soul is. You can pass on love to each other from here. This feeling is the "wave of love". Its feeling is beautiful and pure. This kind of love seems to be something you have never experienced before. Is the ultimate power! After that, you will get unconditional love.

When you meet your twin soul mate, you will deeply feel a hot and intense love prototype between men and women. Twins will help each other learn and grow and share their unconditional love until eternity. They are models of divine love. In the double light, there is great passion. The two lights are one, and they are one under God. The way the twins look at each other is the way God and angels look at each other.

Twin spiritual partners must overcome each other's obstacles. Obstacles may come from inside or outside. Internal obstacles may come from unresolved personality problems. External obstacles take many forms: geographical obstacles under the influence of environment and other factors.

How to judge whether you have met a twin partner in this life, the most important thing is empathy and timeliness. There is always a strong resonance between you and the twin flames. Some people will read each other's thoughts because they feel the same way as the twin flames, and feel that the other person has been with them and feels great joy. You may feel the heartbreaking pain that your twin flames are experiencing. You may even encounter the same physical symptoms, such as nosebleeds, headaches and physical pains at the same time.

* * * Timeliness: The state of mind coincides with external events, which seems to be related but cannot be explained by general causality. This is a concept introduced into the field of psychology by the famous Swiss psychoanalyst Jung.

Twin flames will experience * * * time events together, which seems to be an important part of their lives. Especially when we meet for the first time, it is difficult to explain it with common sense, and there will be a feeling of love at first sight. * * * Timeliness is God's way of attracting your attention. You may find that similar life events happened to you in a very short time before you met. You may also find that at some point in your life, you don't know each other, but you live very close.

Many people have just experienced the "dark night of the soul" (the darkest period in life) or spiritual transformation before meeting the twin flames, or they may have experienced these when meeting the twin flames. This kind of experience seems to be a kind of emotional, spiritual and mental emptying, and it is a test of your soul. Meeting the "other half" may be magical or crazy, which will completely open your perception and perception. Some people will experience that some supernatural abilities are opened, their hearts will be completely expanded and they will experience infinite and unconditional love. In fact, your life will be different from now on. Whether you regard it as a gift from heaven or a test for you, it is an important challenge in the process of your soul's upward evolution. The connection of twin flames is always ternary, because it involves not only two people connected with souls, but also two people connected with God (source) at the same time.

Before merging with the twin flame, one must consciously heal himself and make himself complete. The love of twin flames cannot exist in the relationship of interdependence and self-control. Both of them must face separation forever, and gain strength and the meaning of life by connecting with divinity alone.

When the time is approaching, we can only let go of our hands and hold the other half in front of us, love to the fullest and look at the world. This kind of ending is coming, because the time is ripe. In our past life, many obstacles to integration were gradually overcome. Since the marriage of twin couples is in the best interests of the universe, they will promote the progress of mankind together. We can expect that in this new century, more twins will find each other and get together.

"The real marriage partner on earth is the same angel in heaven."17th century, wrote Swiss philosophical mystic Rui Danbao.

In astrology, the combination disk of soul mates is very rare, that is, their combination disk is not scattered on the astrolabe, but has many strong phases and relationships. Soul mates always have a shocking combination disk. Will show the following characteristics: you make me more complete, have we known each other before? You are the person I want to wait for in this life. I can feel you. You have influenced my world and made my life more meaningful.

Real marriage will gradually become a model on the earth. Its main characteristics are loyalty, harmony, joy, love and trust. This is the ideal combination between men and women.