Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - What subtropical flowers can be planted in the tropics?

What subtropical flowers can be planted in the tropics?

1 seasonal flowering plants 1. 1 spring flowers

Trees: magnolia, Michelia in the mountains, sightseeing trees (sightseeing trees), kapok (kapok), safflower lotus, mango (mango) and almond (M.persiciformis).

Shrubs: Hibiscus africana (Dombeya calantha), Shrimp Flower (Woodfordia fruticosa), Magnolia grandiflora, Huang Xin. 1.2 flowering plants in spring and summer

Trees: Michelia, Michelia glabra, Zui Xiang, Betula platyphylla, Peach Blossom and Cherry Blossom. Erythrina purpurea, Albizia Albizia, Erythrina falcata and Erythrina varieties. Oriental tree, coral tree, rosewood, neem, jacaranda, zucchini and Hainan tree.

Shrubs: Michelia, Hemerocallis, Acer mono, Rhododendron, Litmus, Boneflower, and Sea Pepper.

Lianas: passion fruit, yam, pistachio, lotus vine and Youjute.

Herbs: Zhu Dinghong, Alpinia oxyphylla and Trollius chinensis. 1.3 Summer flowering plants

Trees: Acacia formosana, Albizia Albizia, Cassia obtusifolia, Sycamore, Olive, Lingnan Jujube, Lampstand Tree, Magnolia grandiflora, Magnolia grandiflora, Michelia, Catalpa angustifolia, Parakmeria ledong, Lagerstroemia grandiflora, Sapinus sapiens, Schima superba, Prunus mume, Lianwu, Du Ying Du Ying and Shui Rong.

Shrubs: Nandina domestica, pineapple, myrtle, peony, Kandelia candel and Gardenia. Big flowers, coral trees and fake jasmine.

Lianas: wisteria and unicorn flowers.

Herbs: grass coral, long-billed phoenix tail, Alpinia katsumadai, costustoot, turmeric and reineckea carnea. 1.4 flowering plants in summer and autumn

Trees: Camptotheca acuminata, Fraxinus mandshurica, Liquidambar formosana, Datura, Butterflies, Wisteria, Melaleuca, Eucalyptus citriodora, Cloves, Lilacs, Hibiscus, Albizia Albizia and Luanshu.

Shrubs: Ardisia crenata, Senecio scandens, Dragon Boat Flower, Anchovies, Rosa multiflora, White Paper Fan. Aurosae), pink paper fan (M.hybrida cv .Alicia), Ronadeletia odorata, White Horse Bone (Serissa serissoides), Huang Zhonghua, Tong Zhen, Artabotrys hexapetalus, Chlorella, Spartina, Fenioja sellowiana, Melastoma, Hibiscus hibiscus, Hydrangea, Calliandra surinamensis and Murraya.

Vines: Coral rattan (Antigonon leptopus), Gentleman, Camptotheca grandiflora, Clerodendron thomsonae, Tortoise (Bambusa gigantea) and Hua Teng.

Herbs: banana (Musa coccinea), Asian sea lily, spider orchid (Hymenocallis littoralis), green onion (Zephyranthes candida) and Solanum nigrum. 1.5 Qiuhua

Trees: Lagerstroemia indica, red beans, Liriodendron chinense, osmanthus fragrans, mahogany and teak.

Shrubs: Fiogo, Paeonia lactiflora and Melastoma.

Lianas: Trifolium australis

Herbs: Madagascar cuckoo and ginger flower. 1.6 flowering plants in autumn and winter

Trees: Acacia mangium, Mesauafila and Camellia oleifera.

Shrubs: Camellia oleifera, melastoma, Paeonia suffruticosa, Isatis indigotica, Liriodendron chinense and Liriodendron chinense.

Herbs: a bunch of red. 1.7 Plants that bloom in winter and spring

Small trees: camellia, camellia, kohlrabi, plum blossom.

Shrubs: poinsettia and Chimonanthus praecox. 1.8 Plants that bloom in three seasons a year

Trees: Michelia hainanensis, White Orchid, Red Lotus, Erythrina, Oleander.

Shrubs: Notoginseng Radix, Fructus Forsythiae, Jasmine, Cicada, Tooth Flower and Plumeria. Sharp-toothed leaves, sorghum bicolor, Herba Hedyotidis Diffusae, Brunfelsia acuminata, orange blossom, cordate telosma, Sophora japonica (C.purpurea), Gracilaria lemaneiformis, Gracilaria lemaneiformis, purple cigar flower (Cupha sp.), Paeonia suffruticosa, Amorpha fruticosa, and Ipomoea japonica.

Lianas: Torch Tree, Dragon Tooth Tree, Hosta Tree and Anchovies.

Herbs: Verbena, Kidney Tea, Trollium Dijonum, Oxalis. 1.9 flowering plants all year round

Trees: wax tree, Huang Huai, bauhinia.

Shrub: Jin Fenghua, Jin Fenghua, hibiscus, lobed flower, raspberry variety. Bell flower, jatropha curcas, cassia obtusifolia, safflower, oleander, wild silkworm, honeysuckle, Catharanthus roseus and rose.

Vines: Lagerstroemia indica, Petunia Hinggan, Wedelia trilobata and Jasmine.

Herbs: Canna, milkweed and equisetum. Colored trees and small trees: rubber trees. Burgundy decorative grapes. Tricolor decorative flowers. f . benja mia cv . does heriVariegata,F.benjamia cv。 Ficus microcarpa Liriodendron chinense Bacila macrocarpa var. macrocarpa. Erythrina variegata Cherokee rose. Shrubs: Euphorbia humilis, Red Mulberry (Amaranthus ferruginea), Milky White Mulberry (cv.Java White Mulberry), Colored Mulberry (Xinjiang Mulberry). Musaica), golden amaranth (A.hamiltoniana cv. Hamilton wild pea. Maggie Natta in Phnom Penh. Silver-haired starling, cochineal tree, red beech, mosaic water wax. Calendula, Ligustrum lucidum, Acacia, Forsythia suspense. Forsythia suspensa var. Dwarf yellow banyan tree Gardenia jasminoides Ellis Root, golden bamboo, golden bamboo. Aichixiang shrub. Witch hazel Corydalis tricolor, bamboo banana, bamboo banana with red edge. Red edge), rainbow bamboo banana (Dracaena cv. Tri-color rainbow), colorful bamboo and banana (D.marginata cv.), golden bamboo and banana (D.reflexa cv. Song of Yamika), yellow-edged bamboo (D.reflexa cv. Variegated bamboo, silver-edged bamboo. Rich and precious bamboo in Phnom Penh. Gold edge), agave America cv. Pineapple hemp with silver edge. Yellow-striped perennial marijuana. Striped hemp), yellow-edged perennial hemp. Yellow-edged anchovy (yucca variety. Indian yucca. Four-color dragon blood tree. Patsy Phnom Penh. Tilia amurensis II, Pleioblastus argenteus, Pleioblastus Lize. Chameleon Pennock ii, a hibiscus variety. Kubori, Berberis nigricans. Berberis flavescens Buxus macrophylla Euonymus Phnom Penh Boxwood in Phnom Penh. Aureo-variegata with golden heart, Japanese coral embellished with gold (Aucuba japonica cv. Variegata) and malachite with silver edges (Diaygotheca elegantissima cv). Castor). Vines: Liriodendron chinense. Hybrid Liriodendron chinense Liriodendron phnom penh. Ivy in Phnom Penh. Gleville, Ivy (H. helix cv. Schester), ivy (H. helix cv. small diamond), periwinkle (periwinkle cv. Bamboo. Vine green radish. Pueraria lobata (Argyraeus), Pueraria lobata (S. Aurum), Pueraria lobata (S.aureum cv. All gold), Pueraria lobata (Golden Pueraria lobata). MableQueen), White Butterfly (Syngonium podophyllum cv. White Butterfly), Jade Taro (Taoerqi). Variegata) and color-leafed sweet potato (Lpomoea batatas cv). Rainbow).