Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - What are the common diseases and insect pests of peony flowers and how to prevent them?

What are the common diseases and insect pests of peony flowers and how to prevent them?

Peony is prone to brown spot, rust, gray mold, purple feather disease, cotton bollworm, red spider, scarab, root nodule nematode, white grub, ground tiger, white grub and other diseases and insect pests, so attention must be paid to prevention and control in the daily management of peony.


Brown spot disease: strengthen cultivation management, prune in time to ensure ventilation and light transmission of plants, so as to avoid excessive humidity and breeding bacteria; Cut off the diseased leaves in time and burn them immediately to reduce the source of infection; Every 10 ~ 15 days, 50% carbendazim wettable powder, 500 ~ 700% zineb wettable powder, or 400 ~ 600% mancozeb wettable powder should be sprayed evenly on the front and back of leaves, and the effect is remarkable. At the end of autumn, the diseased plants should be eliminated, the nursery should be cleaned in winter, and then the stems of plants should be sprayed with lime-sulfur mixture 7 to 10 times to kill pathogenic bacteria.

Rust: when planting peony, choose a place with high terrain and good drainage; Spraying the same amount of Bordeaux solution diluted by 0/60 times of/KLOC-before the onset of the disease, or spraying 400 times of zineb around the plants; Prevention and treatment with lime-sulfur mixture and triadimefon at onset; Remove and burn diseased plants in time.

Botrytis cinerea: removing diseased plants, burning and reducing the source of infection; Crop rotation or deep ploughing in seriously ill areas; Pay attention to ventilation and light transmission during the growth period to enhance plant resistance; At the initial stage of the disease, 0. 1% bordeaux mixture was sprayed every 10 ~ 14 days, generally 3 ~ 4 times in a row.

Purple feather disease: choose dry, well-drained and loose soil for planting and apply decomposed organic fertilizer; When the diseased plants are found, they should be removed and burned immediately, or the rotten parts should be scraped off, then disinfected with 4-5 degree lime-sulfur mixture or mercuric chloride, and replanted. Disinfect the surroundings of infected plants with lime or sulfur; At the early stage of the disease, root irrigation was carried out with 5% mancozeb solution 500 ~ 1000ml, and the soil was covered immediately after irrigation. When planting in autumn, soak the roots in 0. 1% copper sulfate solution for 3 hours, then wash them with clear water before planting.

insect pest

Cotton sting: strengthen plant quarantine, immediately eliminate pests, gently brush them off with a soft brush, or cut off harmful branches and leaves and burn them; Spraying fluoroacetamide on larvae during incubation period and lime-sulfur mixture with Baume degree of 3-5 during dormancy period; Protect and reserve natural enemies, such as Australian ladybug and scarlet ladybug.

Red spider: weeding, storing fertilizer, eliminating overwintering eggs and reducing insect population in the early stage; Starscream can spray 20% triadimefon wettable powder (which can be mixed with other acaricides) or 40% dicofol emulsion with 2000 times or 40% omethoate with 1200 times to 1500 times. For example, kill eggs with Bomei 0.3 degree stone sulfur mixture; Protect and utilize natural enemies, such as ladybugs, Chrysopa, thrips, etc.

Scarab: using its suspended animation state to artificially kill adults; Trapping and killing with sexual attractants; When the pest is serious, it can be sprayed with 1000 times liquid omethoate.

Nodular nematode: This pest is an underground pest. When the damage is serious, crop rotation can be carried out to remove weeds in the garden, and deep ploughing can be carried out once every half month, so that nematodes die due to drought. Spraying 80% dibromopropane, per mu 1.5 kg.

Complaining, earth tigers, grubs: turn over the nursery in time, intensively cultivate and weed in time; Applying decomposed organic fertilizer; Irrigate that roots with 500-800 time of omethoate solution; Dig up the soil when the damaged stems and leaves are found, and kill the larvae or adults artificially.