Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - What are the house prices in Huizhou and Shengjinshan Bay?

What are the house prices in Huizhou and Shengjinshan Bay?

The current house price of Hesheng Jinshan Bay is: 10000 yuan/_.

Hesheng Jinshan Bay is located on the Danshui River of Huida Expressway in Hu Yong, Huiyang. The property type is villa. The property right of the house is 70 years for single family, 70 years for joint row and 70 years for joint hospital. Rough decoration, planning area of 22 1, 200 _ building area of 333,300 _. For details, please call Wu Ji Sales Consulting Tel: 400658 1350 ext. 18556 to make an appointment and enjoy one-on-one detailed explanation and quotation service.

Click to view: More details of Hejing Jinshan Bay.