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What foods need to be avoided in the diet in the early pregnancy?

What foods need to be avoided in the diet in the early pregnancy?

Everyone knows that pregnancy is a special period in the life of female friends, and all aspects need special attention, whether it is life schedule or eating habits. So do you know what foods you need to avoid in your diet at the beginning of pregnancy?

What foods should be avoided in the first trimester of pregnancy 1 1. What vegetables should not be eaten during pregnancy?

1, pregnant women can't eat eggplant. "Seeking Truth from Materia Medica" says: Eggplant tastes sweet and cool, and its quality is smooth and beneficial. Pregnant women eat it, especially its harm. In hot summer, many friends like to use a dish: mashed garlic eggplant.

2, pregnant women can not eat fungus. Auricularia auricula is not black fungus, but also called bean curd and sunflower. Cold nature has the effect of moistening intestines and cooling blood. Pregnant women with early pregnancy and habitual abortion should not eat it.

3. Pregnant women can't eat lettuce. Especially when eaten raw, lettuce, as a cold food, often contains bacteria and pesticides. It is easy to have loose bowels, which is not conducive to the fetus.

4. Of course, although some vegetables such as spinach and kelp are nutritious, they should be eaten in moderation, because spinach contains a lot of folic acid, which will affect the absorption of zinc and calcium, while excessive consumption of kelp and iodine will lead to fetal thyroid development disorder. Vegetables such as immature tomatoes and potatoes will affect the health of pregnant women and fetuses if they are left for too long. So pregnant women can eat cooked fresh vegetables, and pregnant women can't eat foods that are too salty, too spicy, burnt or fried!

Second, what fruit can't I eat when I am pregnant?

Eating proper fruits during pregnancy is good for both pregnant women and the fetus, and then not all fruits can be eaten by pregnant women, and some fruits cannot be eaten by pregnant women. Here are some fruits that pregnant women can't eat. Tell readers which fruits pregnant women can't eat.

Hawthorn can stimulate uterine contraction and even lead to abortion. Do not take acidic drugs, acidic foods, acidic drinks, etc. in the early pregnancy.

Eating too much pineapple is easy to get angry; Pregnant women with ulcerative nephropathy or fever eczema should not eat pineapple.

Papaya apricot has the function of slippery fetus, which is not good for teeth; Eating too many apricots will get angry and have diarrhea; Eating too many apricots is easy to cause sores and furuncles, causing stomach problems. Pregnant women should not eat almonds.

Eating green papaya in pregnant women may lead to miscarriage; Pregnant women with cold constitution tend to have loose bowels when eating papaya. Cooked papaya can be eaten in small quantities, but green papaya must not be eaten.

Persimmon can not produce nourishing effect, but will increase internal heat; It is prone to fetal movement, red leakage, abdominal pain and abdominal distension. Eat when pregnant women have symptoms such as dizziness and sweating.

Third, what medicine can't I take when I am pregnant?

Drugs that can't be eaten in the first trimester, such as hormones, some antibiotics, antiemetic drugs, anticancer drugs, sleeping drugs, etc. , will have a certain degree of influence on germ cells. It takes about 14 days for an egg to develop and mature from the initial egg cell, during which the egg is most sensitive to drugs. Generally speaking, it is safer for women to get pregnant after 20 days of drug withdrawal; But some drugs may have a longer effect. Therefore, mothers with a long history of drug use must consult a doctor to determine a safe pregnancy time.

In addition, we should also pay attention to drugs that affect male sperm, such as antihistamines, anticancer drugs, caffeine (fei), morphine (ma), steroids, diuretics and so on. These drugs will not only cause birth defects, but also lead to growth retardation and abnormal behavior of infants. A man who is about to get pregnant. Be sure to take medicine under the guidance of a doctor.

Women who need to take their own medicine during pregnancy should avoid taking drugs marked "Drugs forbidden for pregnant women".

4. What food should pregnant women eat?

1. Selection of staple food and beans: rice, millet, japonica rice, brown rice, corn flour, oats, malt, black rice, red beans, sweet potatoes and other rice-flour miscellaneous grains, bean products and potatoes.

2. Choice of meat, eggs and milk: crucian carp, pork, beef, chicken, mutton, green shrimp, shrimp skin, oysters, eggs, milk, animal liver and cod liver oil.

3, wild eggs: wild eggs are very helpful to improve maternal and child resistance, immunity and fetal intelligence. The medical research institute in Cardenau, England, investigated 65,438+000 pregnant women. The incidence of common diseases such as colds in pregnant women who eat wild eggs during pregnancy is reduced by about 55%. After magnetic resonance imaging, it is found that the brain volume of their babies is 8 times larger than that of ordinary babies on average. About 3%, and the immune resistance is stronger than the average baby.

4. Choice of fruits: apples, strawberries, oranges, etc. , as well as hazelnuts, pine nuts, walnuts, sesame and other dried fruits, fresh chestnuts have a significant effect on backache.

5. Choice of vegetables: bamboo shoots, mushrooms, carrots, kelp, garlic sprouts, Chinese cabbage, coriander, sweet pepper, etc.

5. What are the principles of pregnant women's diet?

1, don't go on a diet during pregnancy

Dieting during pregnancy is potentially harmful to you and your developing baby. Many methods of losing weight may lead to iron deficiency, folic acid and other important vitamins and minerals. Remember, a reasonable weight gain is one of the best signs of a healthy pregnancy. Expectant mothers with a reasonable diet and moderate weight gain will have a higher chance of giving birth to healthy babies. So, if you eat fresh and healthy food and your weight gain is within a suitable range, please relax and don't worry too much about your plump figure!

2. Have a small meal every 4 hours.

Even if you are not hungry, your baby may be hungry, so eat a meal at least every 4 hours. If nausea, anorexia, heartburn or indigestion make you feel that eating is like completing a task, you may find that eating five or six meals a day will make your body feel better than eating three meals. Don't miss a meal, even if you are not hungry, the developing baby needs you to eat regularly to provide nutrition.

What foods do you need to avoid in the early pregnancy? 2 1. Eat pickled food.

Although pickled food is delicious, it contains nitrite, phenylpropyl pyrene and so on. Long-term consumption will lead to embryo malformation. Couples who want a baby should try to avoid eating less sausages, bacon, salted fish, pickles and other foods before pregnancy.

Step 2 eat "contaminated" food

Couples who are going to get pregnant should try to choose fresh natural foods in their diet and avoid foods containing food additives, pigments, flavors, seasonings and preservatives. Otherwise, the accumulation of these substances in the body will cause chronic poisoning, and even lead to the deformity of the baby.

Step 3 smoke

Nicotine can reduce the secretion of sex hormones, kill sperm, affect the development of germ cells and embryos, and cause fetal malformation. No matter how addicted you are, give up smoking for the sake of your children. It is suggested that it is best to get rid of the bad habit of smoking 3 months or 6 months before the planned pregnancy.

Step 4 drink alcohol

Too much alcohol will affect the quality of sperm and eggs, and the eggs poisoned by alcohol will combine with sperm to form a deformed fetus. If dad drinks heavily for a long time, sexual dysfunction will occur, and 70% of the sperm will be hypoplasia or poor swimming ability, which is not conducive to the baby's development. Wives who are preparing for pregnancy generally abstain from drinking 3 to 4 weeks before pregnancy; It is best for a husband not to drink more in the first two months of pregnancy, and never touch alcohol in the first week.

Step 5 drink coffee

Mothers who have the habit of drinking coffee before pregnancy, that is, drinking more than 4 cups a day, will increase the premature delivery rate of their babies by 30% and the possibility of miscarriage by 20%. At the same time, coffee can also inhibit sperm activity. It is better for parents who plan to have a baby in the future to drink less or not.

What food is good for pregnancy?

1, it is best to prevent food vomiting.

Morning sickness is one of the most sad and common reactions of pregnant mothers, which brings considerable pain to pregnant mothers. Choosing food suitable for pregnant mothers has outstanding anti-vomiting effect. Nutritionists believe that lemons and potatoes are rich in vitamins and are especially suitable for pregnant mothers.

2, it is best to protect the fetus vegetables.

Spinach is rich in folic acid, and the folic acid content per100g of spinach is as high as 350 micrograms, ranking first among vegetables. The biggest function of folic acid is to protect the fetus from nervous system deformation such as spinal cord laceration, hydrocephalus and anencephaly. Therefore, experts suggest eating more spinach or taking folic acid tablets two months before pregnancy. At the same time, a variety of B vitamins in spinach can also avoid pregnancy complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease, mental depression and insomnia, which are common among pregnant mothers.

3. The best drink

Green tea is a "rich mine" of trace elements, and zinc, which plays an outstanding role in fetal development, is one of them. According to the measurement, pregnant mothers who often drink green tea absorb 14 mg more zinc every day than pregnant mothers who don't drink green tea. In addition, green tea is rich in iron, and drinking green tea regularly can prevent anemia.

4. It is best to prevent eating too early.

Danish experts have proved that eating fish often can avoid premature delivery.

5, the best snacks

Pregnant mothers can expand the supply of nutrients by eating snacks other than meals. Experts suggest eating some melon seeds, such as sunflower seeds, watermelon seeds and pumpkin seeds.

6. The best sour food

Pregnant mothers are usually interested in sour food, and pregnant mothers do have advantages in eating sour food. But pregnant mothers should pay attention to the choice of sour food. Hawthorn is rich in nutrition, but it will shorten the uterus and may lead to abortion. Therefore, it is best for pregnant mothers to "stay away from it". Myrica rubra, cherry, grape, citrus, etc. They are all good products for nourishing acid, and pregnant mothers should eat them.

7. It is best to eat it raw.

The productivity that women need to meet in labor comes from food. Among all kinds of foods, chocolate is the best, and American obstetricians call it the best food in childbirth.