Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Allegro Wei Zi

Allegro Wei Zi

Introduction to astrology

This year, NASA's New Horizon probe arrived near Pluto and sent back real and clear photos of the bright Milky Way. This is the first time that humans have seen the true face of Pluto. But in fact, composers had written immortal masterpieces for the stars long before people actually saw them.

Today, Audio-visual New Life will share with you the great music "Planetary Suite" composed by the British composer1916. Each music is titled with the name of a planet in the solar system (except Pluto, which was not discovered at that time).

God of War, Messenger of War, First Movement

Holst finished this piece of music on the eve of the outbreak of World War I 19 14 in August, so people think that this piece of music is a prediction of the upcoming war at that time. Especially in the music of this movement, the arrogant and passionate strong rhythm played by percussion instruments and chord instruments is marching on time, giving people an aggressive sense of urgency.

Venus, Messenger of Peace, Second Movement

This movement is in sharp contrast to the movement of Mars. The Music of Venus is extraordinarily quiet and serene, which reminds people of a paradise without thunder and lightning and far away from war. This peaceful scene is everywhere, especially in this music, the cicada singing expressed by flute and French horn, the gurgling stream expressed by harp, the clear spring expressed by Zhong Qin and piano, and the continuous affection expressed by violin all create a peaceful atmosphere.

Mercury flying messenger, third movement

According to legend, Mercury is a messenger symbol with wings, so the music of this movement is agile and flexible, and it is a scherzo for an emergency board. The first theme is agile and fun, realizing that messengers are busy bringing good news to mankind from door to door; The second theme is folk song style, which shows that people welcome the arrival of messengers.

Jupiter, Messenger of Happiness, Fourth Movement

This movement is grand in conception and length, and it is divided into three parts: the first part is magnificent and full of joy. This action is often played alone and becomes one of people's favorite actions; The second part is changed from Allegro to xíng board, which is a magnificent ode to joy, cordial and touching, simple and vivid, yet solemn and majestic; The third part is the repetition of the first part.

Saturn, the elder messenger, the fifth movement.

"Jupiter Movement" is one of the most wonderful chapters in the suite, and it is also a passage that is often played alone. The movement begins with a fixed rhythm composed of two adjacent sounds played by flute, bassoon and two harps, symbolizing the evasive, heavy and monotonous gait of the old man. So this movement has a reflection on life and a review of a better life.

Uranus magician, the sixth song zhāng

The author uses modern composition techniques such as changeable tonality and orchestration color, as well as sudden change of strength, to create a confusing starry sky effect.

Mystery of Neptune, the seventh movement

This is the last movement of the Planetary Suite, which gives people a sense of tranquility and gentleness, and at the same time shows a mysterious and hazy space scene. The first theme of the movement is constructed with this tone, and the extensive use of piano, harp and violin renders a mysterious chaotic scene. This action also uses chorus to increase the effect.

Brief introduction of planetary suite

Planetary Suite is an orchestral suite composed by British composer holst. Completed between 19 14 and 19 16. Divided into seven movements, named after seven of the eight planets (except the earth). The orchestra is also very big, using bass flute and oboe. Because of its huge volume, this work is rarely played completely, usually only three or five movements, and sometimes only one movement is played alone.

The Planetary Suite has nothing to do with pure astronomy, but is based on astrology familiar to the ancients. Holst once told reporters at the premiere of 1920: "These songs were inspired by the astrological significance of zhū planet.

Conclusion: The Planetary Suite is undoubtedly the best introduction to modern orchestral works, especially the well-known and widely circulated Movement of Jupiter. These tracks add a mysterious and important page to the history of music and science, and they are one of the rare immortal masterpieces.

Seven strategies and four wonders are easy to use.

Seven houses and four surpluses are easy to get started. Looking up relevant letters and materials, we can know that the simple reasons are as follows: (1) The seven strategies and four benefits mainly predict a person's call delay according to the phase relationship of the sun, the moon, the wood, the fire, the earth, the gold and the water; Through the systematic and comprehensive prediction of the zodiac, Wei Zi lost a person's complicated social relations and personal experience in his life, and the Lu series system was rigorous and complicated. Seven policies and four surpluses is an ancient astrology in China. It is the corresponding degree of stars when everyone is born, and it predicts the position of 28 nights to predict all kinds of good and bad luck in life.

Basic knowledge of astrology?

1. Twelve constellations of astrology: From the vernal equinox, the zodiac is divided into twelve equal parts, and each equal part is named as a constellation. Different constellations have different personalities and characteristics, namely Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Among them, there are many ways to divide the twelve constellations:

1, dichotomy, twelve constellations are divided into negative constellations and positive constellations:

Positive signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

Negative sign: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

2. Trigonometry, which divides the twelve constellations into pioneer constellations, fixed constellations and changing constellations;

Create constellations: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

Fixed constellations: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.

Changing constellations: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.

3. Divide the twelve constellations into four constellations: fire, earth, wind and water.

Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Second, the twelfth house of astrology WYEI: The twelfth house is also called the zodiac. In western astrology, when everyone is born, the zodiac is divided into twelve parts according to the observer's eastern horizon. From the first palace to the twelfth palace, there are Shougong, Fugui Palace, Brother Palace, Tianzhai Palace, Daughter Palace, Handmaiden Palace, Couple Palace, Sick Palace, Relocation Palace and so on. What do the rising and falling constellations stand for respectively?

Third, the basic knowledge of the top ten planets in astrology: Usually, the twelve constellations we talk about actually refer to the sun constellation, while western astrology actually uses the twelve planets in the solar system except the earth, the sun, the moon, mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. In addition, there are several important expansion concepts in the planet. What is a rising constellation?

1, north intersection and south intersection: two intersections formed by the orbits of the moon and the ecliptic, with the north intersection pointing to real life and the south intersection pointing to spiritual life; In western astrology, jiāo in the north and Di m \u n in the south have bad luck.

2. Phase: Starting from the position of the planets, the included angle between the planets is the phase. Common phases are congruent phase (0 degree), sextant phase (60 degree), quartile phase (90 degree), trisection phase (120 degree) and bisection phase (180 degree). Among them, sextuple and trisection are the main reasons, quartile and dichotomy are the main reasons, and the combined phase is uncertain. The difference between Sun Constellation and Ascending Constellation

3. Planetary retrograde: Another concept we need to know about the study of planets in western astrology is planetary retrograde. The so-called planet retrograde means that the planet will be stationary or retrograde from the earth, and it is usually marked with the symbol R on the astrolabe. When the retrograde of a constellation occurs, and before and after the retrograde ends, it will have a strong impact on the world. How to check your rising constellation?

The introduction of astrology mainly needs to learn constellations, houses, planets and their phases, so that you can gradually improve your ability and get familiar with the astrolabe.