Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How to quickly dwarf bonsai stumps?

How to quickly dwarf bonsai stumps?

As we know, bonsai can be divided into large bonsai, medium bonsai and miniature bonsai according to their size. The size of bonsai is determined by the size of stump. Sometimes I meet my favorite stump, but it's too high. What should I do? This involves the problem discussed today, how to dwarf the tall stump. Of course, in addition to dwarfing high stumps, certain measures should be taken to keep short stumps dwarfed. Below, we will quickly promote the dwarfing of stumps through some methods.

First, planting in shallow pots and applying dwarfing agents. I mentioned how to match bonsai pots in previous articles. Short piles can be planted in shallow pots. Needless to say, the advantage of shallow pot planting is that it can inhibit the growth of root system. Of course, there are also disadvantages, that is, the long-term exposure of the roots of some bonsai plays a key role in the growth potential, so the planting time in shallow pots should not be too long, and proper soil covering can be carried out when the tree potential is weak. If dwarfing agents are applied, the growth can be regulated by chemical stimulation, mainly paclobutrazol and chlormequat chloride. It is worth noting that different tree species and different dwarfing agents have completely different effects and functions. So we should specialize in drugs and drugs.

Second, control the external growth conditions and weaken the root growth potential. Controlling external growth conditions mainly means properly controlling external conditions such as light, moisture, temperature and humidity, ventilation and soil fertility. Under the condition of satisfying the healthy growth of the stump, it is not necessary to provide too much to inhibit the steep growth and crazy growth and dwarf the stump. The main measures are as follows:

1, lighting: (1) Move the basin to a cool place or indoors in time to avoid direct sunlight. (2) Reduce the illumination time and cover the plants with black plastic bags if necessary, but the shading time should not be too long. This method is applicable from 6: 00 pm in summer to 7: 00 am the next day. Because of the high temperature and humidity in the bag at other time periods, it is easy to suffocate plants, which will directly lead to death after a long time.

2. Moisture: When it comes to water control, the amount and frequency of watering should be adjusted according to different seasons, climates and different times. For example, once every 2-3 days in spring and autumn, once in the morning and evening in summer, and once every week or half a month in winter as the temperature drops. Of course, bonsai is drought-resistant and moisture-proof, and the most important thing is to supply water according to the habits of bonsai.

3. Fertility: If you want to avoid the steep growth of bonsai plants, you must apply different fertilizers in different growth periods. For example, the base fertilizer (farmyard manure) should be applied when the pot is just put or changed, and the topdressing should be appropriate during the growth period. Secondly, we must grasp it well. It is better to be diligent in applying more fertilizer, and it is lighter to apply more fertilizer than once. Because of the large amount, it is easy to burn the roots. If thick fertilizer is applied lightly, it mainly means that when urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and decomposed cake fertilizer are applied, they are diluted with water in proportion, watered and sprayed on the leaves to meet the demand for soil fertility in the growth period of bonsai plants.

As for weakening the growth potential of roots, it is mainly controlled by cutting roots, reducing weight and water, and delaying the time of changing pots.

Third, strengthen daily maintenance management: when it comes to daily maintenance management, watering and fertilization are all involved, so I won't go into details here. Mainly about pruning. The purpose of dwarfing bonsai is to make it more beautiful. In order to make bonsai plants more beautiful, it is necessary to trim them, such as removing the core and cutting the top. Core picking is mainly to pick tender buds by hand in the germination stage to promote the development of lateral buds; Top cutting refers to cutting off lignified or almost lignified branches, which weakens the growth potential of the top and dwarfs the plants. It is usually carried out in the growth and development period of late spring and early autumn, because the metabolism is fast at this time. As long as water and fertilizer are supplied in time, new branches and leaves will soon grow, thus maintaining the beauty of the whole plant.

The above is the experience and skills I shared with you about dwarfing bonsai stumps, hoping to help you. What are the better methods for basin friends? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and communicate together. For more gardening bonsai flower conservation management skills, you can pay attention to me and update the latest conservation management information from time to time, so that you can easily become a conservation expert! Thank you for your support! If you think it's useful, you can like it! Your encouragement is my motivation.