Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Cultivation methods and matters needing attention of arrowroot

Cultivation methods and matters needing attention of arrowroot

The cultivation method of arrowroot begins with soft light, proper watering and reasonable fertilization, and pays attention to humidity and pruning.

1. A cultivation method of arrowroot

Soft light: Arundo donax likes to grow in bright environment, but its plants are afraid of strong light, so it must be shaded in summer. In spring and autumn, you can bask in the sun in the morning and evening, and shade properly at noon. In winter, the light is warm and soft, so it is necessary to provide sufficient sunshine for Arundo donax to fully carry out photosynthesis.

Proper amount of watering: arrowroot likes humidity and is suitable for growing in an environment with high air humidity, and the air relative humidity is 60%. However, arrowroot is afraid of water accumulation and doesn't like to grow in wet soil, which is easy to cause root rot. When watering daily, you can weigh the basin soil by hand, which feels obviously lighter and permeable.

Rational fertilization: Arundo donax is sensitive to the demand for fertilizer and water. In the growing period of plants, thin fertilizer must be applied frequently, and fertilizer with balanced nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can be applied once every half month to provide nutrients for Arundo donax and promote its vigorous growth. When the temperature is low in winter, fertilization should be stopped to avoid fertilizer damage.

2. Matters needing attention in arrowroot cultivation

Humidity: Arundo donax likes humidity very much In addition to spraying water on the leaves and surrounding areas of plants, you can also install a humidifier next to Arundo donax, or wipe the leaves with a soft cloth dipped in clean water, but these operations must be carried out under the condition of maintaining the environment and ventilation.

Pruning: If you want to look good, you should cut off the weaker branches and buds in plants to make them look stronger and healthier. In addition, after cutting off weak branches and tender buds, the harm of pests and diseases can be reduced, which is beneficial to the growth of taro.

Morphological characteristics of arrowroot

The stems are fleshy and spindle-shaped; The stems are weak, 2-branched and 0.4- 1 m high. The leaves are thin, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, with a length of10-20cm and a width of 4 4- 10/0cm, green, tapering at the top, rounded at the base, and hairless or sparsely villous at the back; The pillow is 5- 10 mm long with fluff on it; Sessile or having a short stalk; The ligule is round.

The raceme is terminal, 15-20 cm long, scattered, with several flowers, and the bracts are linear and lanceolate, and the raceme is 3-4 cm long; The flowers are small and white, and the pedicel is about 1 cm long. Sepals are narrowly lanceolate, and the two staminodes in the outer wheel are obovate, about 65438±0cm long, with a concave top, and the length of the inner wheel is only half that of the outer wheel; Ovary glabrous or slightly villous. The fruit is oblong and about 7 mm long. Flowering period: summer and autumn.