Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Mawangdui National Treasure and tianmashan Han Tombs —— A Hundred Years History of Tomb Robbery in Changsha (Ⅱ)

Mawangdui National Treasure and tianmashan Han Tombs —— A Hundred Years History of Tomb Robbery in Changsha (Ⅱ)

After the establishment of Boxin China, an anti-imperialist and anti-theft province, the phenomenon of grave robbery in Changsha was once restrained until the 1980s, when it became rampant again. However, grave robbery in the 1980s was never as famous as "stealing treasures". 1983+00 One day in October, as night fell, the light rain in Zhejiang stopped and everything was quiet. At this moment, a black shadow approached the Hunan Provincial Museum. The black shadow raised an iron bar and smashed it at the window. Bang, he jumped into the exhibition hall, and a flashlight walked around the hall like a ghost in hell with a black image ... The next morning, the commentator just opened the door of the exhibition hall and found the hall. After cleaning up, 3 pieces of precious cultural relics, 3 copies and 4 thread-bound books were stolen, including 2 national treasures and 2 plain yarns. Plain yarn is fine, light and delicate. One piece weighs only 48 grams, and the other piece weighs 49 grams. It can be described as light as smoke and as thin as cicada wings. It can be folded and put in a matchbox. Stealing a national treasure has become a shocking case. Liu Fuzhi, then Minister of Public Security, personally asked questions. Sun Yiqing, director of cultural relics of the Ministry of Culture, rushed to Changsha under the leadership of Qi Zhenying, then mayor of Changsha, and set up a five-person project leading group. But more than a month passed, and the police locked several suspects in a row and ruled them out. This case has no clue. The old Hunan Provincial Museum was built in 1999, but it was no longer a provincial museum when a major treasure theft occurred. 165438+ 10/5 At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, a cloth bag containing 1 5 stolen cultural relics was found near the entrance of the Martyrs Park Kindergarten of the Provincial Museum. 165438+1At noon on October 4th, an unclaimed parcel was found on the parcel post counter of Wuyi Road Post Office in Changsha, which read "For the Provincial Museum". When I opened it, it was a 13 stolen cultural relic. A few days later, an ordinary theft in Changsha Friendship Store caught the attention of the police. They obtained one of the evidences of shoplifting in the police station of Chiffon Garden-a triangular scraper. After technical appraisal, it is consistent with the traces left by the provincial museum. Subsequently, the police arrested the anti-imperialist suspect Xu. Xu anti-imperialist Xu anti-imperialist, age 17, grew up in the ultra-left Cultural Revolution era, and his parents gave him a name with a strong imprint of the Cultural Revolution. He was born in a well-off family, his parents are university teachers, and he is an only child. Because of his mother's strength, he took her surname. Mother Xu Ruifeng was especially partial and accommodating to Xu's anti-imperialism. When Xu anti-imperialist stole the TV set from Hunan University, he not only refused to let his son surrender, but also concealed and sold the stolen goods for his son. Moreover, Xu Ruifeng is a law teacher himself. There are almost no obstacles in the trial. With a little fright, he will confess everything. You can use the popular word-confession. At that time, the American drama "Garrison Death Squad" was very popular in Chinese mainland. In the film, a group of death squads composed of murderers, robbers and thieves repeatedly made great achievements, which made Xu anti-imperialist as a teenager very envious. He thinks this is a "hero". He wants to imitate those "heroes" who steal treasures, but the only purpose is to sell national treasures for tens of dollars and take them out for drinking. Xin Zhui's female corpse once frightened Xu's anti-imperialism, but I heard that Xin Zhui, a famous female corpse in the provincial museum, had a gloomy atmosphere. Xu anti-imperialist, 17 years old, still a little scared. So, he used the morgue of Xiangya Hospital as a training base to practice bravery. I don't know how he got into the morgue. The first night, he saw a neat row of bodies, scared out of his wits; The next night, he dared to lift pieces of mortuary cloth to distinguish between men and women; On the third night, I shook hands when I saw the male corpse, and pinched my face when I saw the female corpse. Through this intensive training, he solved the problem of fear. Then he fumbled to solve the problem of automatic alarm by infrared alarm, which shows that he is not only courageous, but also smart. So, there was an opening scene. At that time, the popular American drama "Garrison Death Squad" caused great "poison" to Xu's anti-imperialism. After stealing the treasure, Xu offered a cigarette to the guard on duty. The guard on duty has seen the young man many times and thinks he is a relative of a cadre. Anti-imperialist Xu admitted that this was also influenced by Garrison's death squads. Mother Xu Ruifeng saw the cultural relics stolen by her son. Although she was afraid, she didn't call the police. She just destroyed the evidence. She burned four cultural relics and washed six into the sewer. Among them, the 48g national treasure plain yarn single coat was completely damaged, and the other 49g plain yarn single coat was seriously damaged. After waking up, she thought of returning the remaining 28 cultural relics, thinking that she could escape the guilt. A badly damaged plain gauze shirt was finally repaired and is now in the Hunan Provincial Museum. Today, Xu Ruifeng is an 80-year-old man. In view of his extremely bad behavior, Xu was punished for several crimes, but because he was a minor, he was sentenced to death and suspended for two years. Xu Ruifeng was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment 15 years for harboring and destroying cultural relics. Xu's anti-imperialist father actually knew about it, but at that time, his school thought that the whole family could not go in and tried to "protect" him. Later, Xu Ruifeng made many meritorious deeds and commuted his sentence. After serving eight years in prison, he was released seven years earlier. Xu's anti-imperialism was changed from suspended death sentence and life imprisonment to fixed-term imprisonment, and was successfully released after 1 1 year. When Xu was released from prison, he was in his thirties, but he was still able to support himself. But her mother wouldn't allow it. She felt indebted to her son and refused to allow him to go out and look for a job. Xu Ruifeng also thought that her husband was guilty but was "pardoned", so she quarreled with her husband all day. Xu Anti-imperialist was so annoyed that he installed an iron gate outside his room and lived alone in one room. A family of three became three "most familiar strangers" and went into their own doors. Xu's anti-imperialist father (right) is the only "normal person" in this broken family of three. Xu anti-imperialist "painting the land as a prison", and his personality is becoming more and more introverted and eccentric. Until 2009, his father turned to the society for help and knocked on the iron gate that Xu anti-imperialist closed for 15. At this time, the 43-year-old Xu anti-imperialist has become a pale "old man". After the rescue, Xu was incoherent and always thought that his parents were going to kill himself. Finally, Changsha Mental Hospital took him in. Xu Ruifeng began her resentful old age, resenting her husband and saying that he was stealing women outside. She scolds the air on the balcony every day. However, many years later, people who are used to it are too lazy to look around or eavesdrop. People are more concerned about the jersey created in the museum two thousand years ago. After the first grave robbery case in Changsha in the 2000s, major grave robbery cases in Changsha have been reported by the media, but perhaps more grave robbery cases are still hidden in dark corners and unknown. What you do in the dark is clearest only in the dark. At that time, there was a tomb named Feng Pengling No.2 in Yinxing Village, Xingcheng Town, Wangcheng County, and a small place called Feng Pengling. The tomb is on a hillside, not far from the highway, and its appearance is not surprising. The cars on the expressway whizzed past and ignored them. But all this can't stop the footsteps of grave robbers. As early as several decades ago, there was a local geomancer who claimed that there was a tomb here, but no one believed him. Excavation of Tomb 1 in Fengpengling, there is a tomb 1 in Fengpengling, which was excavated by the cultural relics department in 2006. The tomb was stolen in history, but important cultural relics such as jade clothes, golden cakes, bronzes, jade articles and lacquerware were still unearthed. Moreover, this is the first time to find a jade coat in Jiangnan. Previously, there were 8 tombs with jade clothes unearthed in China, all in the north of the Yangtze River, and only one silk jade dress was unearthed in Hengyang, south of the Yangtze River. The "Changsha Queen's Cup" was also unearthed in the tomb. Generally, this kind of personal belongings is an important basis for judging the owner of the tomb. Combined with other evidence, archaeologists finally confirmed that the owner of the tomb was a Changsha queen. Accordingly, the next tomb, No.2 Fengpengling, is presumed to be the tomb of King Changsha. Archaeologists didn't dig it, but grave robbers beat us to it. Since 2008, many ancient tombs in Changsha, including the No.2 tomb of Feng Pengling, have been stolen. From June 5438 to February 2008, the No.2 tomb of Feng Pengling was found stolen. In the same month, the Han tomb of tianmashan in Yuelu District was stolen; In February 2009, the tombs of the Warring States in Ningxiang County, which were laid out as "Seven Stars Accompanying the Moon", were stolen, and many caves were stolen ... There are indications that this was done by a grave robbery gang. Since August 2008, this gang has robbed 16 ancient tombs in * * *, Hunan, covering the Warring States, Han Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. It all started before 2008. At that time, Changsha antique circle was rumored that there were two Changsha gold seals in Fengpengling ancient tomb, which were made of pure gold. This news, like a bomb, shocked the cultural relics circle in Changsha. The scandal in Liu Shengli circle also spread to people in a circle-Liu Shengli, then deputy director of the family planning office in Xingang Town, Kaifu District. He is a senior antique lover, a graduate student, who has been "studying" for many years and is well-known in the circle. He is also very conceited and thinks he is a "master" in Changsha circle. Although he is a civil servant, under the cover of this identity, he actually has the ambition to be a grave robber. Whether for fame or profit, he finally started to do it in 2008. First, he went to Wangcheng silently. He studied geomantic omen and tomb geography for many years. After determining Feng Pengling's ancient tomb, he began to organize gangs. Over the years, many Jiangxi people have gone to Changsha to rob tombs, so he chose many Jiangxi people first; Secondly, Liu Sheng, a native of Shandong, returned to his hometown and found several helpers. In addition, there are locals in Changsha and Wangcheng. In this way, a gang of 10 people was formed. At the same time, Liu Shengli also made a division of labor. Changsha natives, led by him and a man named Liao Guoxiang, acted as "hosts" and organized Jiangxi people and Shandong people to steal and dig; Jiangxi people and Shandong people provide funds and technical equipment. The police and the cultural relics department inspected the stolen No.2 tomb in Fengpengling. Liu Shengli really has the talent of "thief king". Little thieves who don't know much about their jobs often get twice the result with half the effort, and try to steal holes many times before finding the ancient tomb. Liu Shengli, on the other hand, has developed a pair of critical eyes of "observing soil and color" and is calm and calm. Just like a general with uncertain command, he only "strikes" when he sees the grave. Usually, when he gives the order, he will dig up nine out of ten, thus winning the admiration of a group of grave robbers. So, in more than a year, they "won many battles" and stole 16 ancient tombs around Changsha. At that time, Liu Sheng was ecstatic. Like a victorious general, he didn't expect his own Waterloo. In fact, there are so many cases of grave robbery that it is impossible not to attract the attention of the police. These policemen, like Liu Shengli digging a grave, are waiting for an opportunity to attack. After each grave robbery, Liu Shengli sold the stolen goods overnight and transported the cultural relics to other provinces to avoid sleeping. What's more, his gangs are all over several provinces, and the police need to arrest them all after the attack, instead of spooking them. The cultural relics department covered the stolen cave with plastic film. At the beginning of 2009, Changsha Public Security Bureau arranged seven arrest teams to prepare for arrest. However, at this time, two Jiangxi suspects did not know whether they smelled the wind or had something temporary. They suddenly booked a taxi, got on the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway and ran in the direction of Jiangxi. Fortunately, the Hunan Provincial Public Security Department set up a card at the toll station from Zhuzhou to Jiangxi, blocking the two men. Other arrest teams also took urgent action that night, and arrested the suspect 10, including Liu Shengli, and found more than 50 lacquerware, 2 jade treasures, bronze swords 1 handles and 4 jade bracelets from Liu Shengli's home. The golden seal of Changsha circulating in the circle is true. It was stolen by Liu Shengli. One gold seal and some cultural relics were sold to Shandong for 3.5 million yuan, and the other part was sold to Jiangxi. The police only found photos of the golden seal in Liu Shengli's computer. Just a few days after Wang Jinyin was arrested in Changsha, another principal criminal, Lin Xisheng, was also arrested in Jiangxi, and dozens of lacquerware, pottery and bronzes were seized from his home. However, there is an extra gold seal this time, but the problem is that it is still not the one in Liu Shengli's computer. From March 5, 2009 to March 20, 2009, the police in Shandong Province successively arrested Li Daxin, Ding, Wang Zongmin, Liu Cheng, Zheng Haihui and other criminal suspects, and finally found a gold seal. At this point, the tomb robbery case in Changsha, which lasted for more than a year, was cracked. In addition to the Liu Shengli gang, more than 10 cultural relics trafficking suspects were also arrested, including 32 people. During the trial, Liu Shengli gang was badly influenced by a series of grave robbery cases, and Liu Shengli and other three principal criminals were sentenced to death. On the day of the verdict, the wife of the gang member cried in court. Liu Shengli's grave robbery case is called "the first grave robbery case in Changsha". Stealing the Han Tomb in tianmashan, west of Changsha, for a rumored golden feast, has always been a high-standard excavation "star" in ancient tombs in Changsha, and it is also the coveted goal of grave robbers. We ordinary people don't care, but in the prosperous or remote mountainous area of Hexi, one day there will suddenly appear a "stepping on the spot" grave robber. On a quiet night, this figure quietly started shoveling and shoveling under the light and shadow of the flashlight. Grave robbers hid in the busy streets around the Tianma student apartment in Huda. The prosperous and youthful tianmashan is one of the lively mountains. Tianma Student Apartment of Hunan University is at the foot of the mountain, with restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, cinemas and bars, where students indulge in youth. They never imagined that tianmashan around them was a Han tomb, with many tombs of nobles and civilians, and it was more likely that a spy grave robber was hidden in the passing crowd. Grave robbers stayed in these small hotels in a low-key manner. Since 20 10, a group of grave robbers have been welcomed and sent to the small hotel here. They either go south from Henan or go west from Jiangxi, whether they come from farmers or "knowledge" families, whether they are old thieves who have become rich or young thieves who need to make a windfall, they all live in simple hotels, live in dirty beds without changing their bedding, and watch an old TV with poor signal for ten and a half months. The house price will not exceed 100 yuan, and they will not be high-profile, noisy or abusive, and will not attract the attention of the police because of fighting, and practice the principle that "people who do great things are very low-key". Just this year, a group of grave robbers in Jiangxi stole the Han tomb, but it was later exposed that the vigilant gang ran away. Although I escaped, I don't know if I am interested. There is a gossip that Wang Ling has "a ton of gold". The lure of "a ton of gold" has made grave robbers from all walks of life in the country flood into Changsha and the small hotels under tianmashan. After all, a ton of gold is not impossible. A few years later, Nanchang Houhai Tomb unearthed 10 tons of copper coins and 378 pieces of gold wares, including 285 golden cakes, which is the "best archaeological site in Han Dynasty". Overlooking tianmashan. There is a Han tomb in the mountains. So, in more than a year, tianmashan Han Tomb was stolen again and again. In April of 20 1 1 year, a stolen hole with a depth of14m was discovered; On August 20 1 1 year, another hidden stolen hole was discovered. 20 1 1 year, 1 1 month, the stolen cave with a depth of 8 meters was found again; On 20 12, the grave robbers found Luoyang shovel, two-tooth rake, rope, miner's lamp and other grave robbing tools, and found a new stolen hole about 2 meters deep; A month later, the hidden grave-robbing tools such as Luoyang shovel were discovered again, including a generator equipped with silencing equipment and a newly stolen cave 10 meters deep, which was carefully hidden and left almost no trace ... The frequent patronage of grave robbers made Changsha police and cultural relics managers tired. In addition to the Han tombs in tianmashan, there were 1 1 attempted grave robberies in Yuelu District in 20 1. Tianmashan Tomb Robbery In this tomb robbery attack and defense war, it seems that the police and cultural relics have always been "unable to fight back". Until the beginning of 20 13, the police conducted a beautiful attack, temporarily curbing the grave robbers' "wishful thinking" towards tianmashan. On 2065438+20031October 30th, 65438+2065438, a gang blew up the Han Tomb in tianmashan, and when they were ready to continue digging, the four-way arrest team of Changsha police appeared at the scene, and then all the other grave robbers hiding in the hotel were arrested. The interrogation afterwards gradually restored the "context" of this group of grave robbers. The division of grave robbers in Henan, tianmashan, they mainly come from Henan. As one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization, Henan has the largest number of ancient capitals. Among the "Eight Ancient Capitals", Henan accounted for four (Luoyang, Kaifeng, Anyang and Zhengzhou), and numerous ancient capitals and tombs of princes also gave birth to a "developed" grave robbery industry in Henan. Luoyang, the ancient capital of the Nine Dynasties, is the center of grave robbery in China. The gossip that there is a ton of gold in Changsha ancient tomb has also spread to Henan. Zhang Puyu, a native of Yuzhou, Xuchang, and his brother-in-law Li Erjian are short of money again recently. Just like some idle people who have no fixed place in the city in action movies, the temptation of "one ton of gold" makes them discuss with fellow villagers Li Dajian and Wang Biao and decide to "do a job", just like robbing a bank in the movie. Zhang and Li went to Tianma Mountain to "step on the spot". Dramatically, they saw two other mysterious people on the mountain. A deep conversation turned out to be a kindred spirit. As a result, "cooperation * * * won", and the two groups became one group. Perhaps those locals are not very good at it, and they are in a secondary position in the group: Zhang and Li of Henan are responsible for the overall deployment, arranging the early capital and manpower convening; Two locals are only responsible for keeping watch and reporting. After the two sides agreed that things were done, Henan people got six and local people got four. The police identified the scene with the robbery suspect, but the weather was bad. They were about to start work when Changsha caught up with the continuous winter rain. It is troublesome to start work in rainy days, and it is easy to accumulate water when stealing caves. In the Republic of China, Tufuzi stole Mawangdui in Changsha and gave up because of the heavy rain pouring into the stolen cave. No way, Zhang and Li went back to Henan to wait for the opportunity, while the locals continued to stay and watch. In addition, they also prepared tools needed for grave robbery, such as ropes, shovels, flashlights, steel wires, blowers, batteries, cables, helmets, headlights, ventilation pipes and so on. 2065438+2003 65438+22 October, when the drizzle finally stopped, Henan people rushed over and started to take action. They left a few people watching at the foot of the mountain, and the rest of them touched the location of the ancient tomb halfway up the mountain. It is an important duty of the "master" to accurately point and hit the hole with one shot. Previously, they specially hired an elderly "master" to go up the mountain several times to check the feng shui, and concluded that there were one or two ancient tombs with huge and abnormal volumes in the mountain. ""Master "followed this time and was responsible for" technical guidance ",measuring the location of tombs and determining the excavation site. "Master" is a "respected" person in the grave robbery gang and won the trust of all members. However, this time, the invited master is not as skilled as Liu Shengli, and the choice is not allowed. After the soil was dug, sandstone appeared, and then it reached the rock stratum, which was obviously not the common white paste mud in Qin and Han tombs. So I revised my plan and hit the top of the tomb from the top of the mountain. The "earthwork working group" of grave robbery is like a small construction team. Some people dig holes, some people fill them with earth, and some people put the excavated earth and stone into snakeskin bags, transport them to dozens of meters away and pour them into a pit. The "mystery of yellow intestines" in Han tombs is a difficult problem faced by grave robbers when they approach the coffin. Digging a hole can't be completed in one day, so we often go up the mountain at night, call it a day, hide the stolen hole, pack up the tools and continue the next night. During the day, they usually hide in hotels to rest, and they will not show their faces easily except for watching the wind and asking for news. The robbers also improved their digging tools. Luoyang shovel was named after the invention of grave robbers in Luoyang. You can take out the soil layer to analyze the soil color and determine whether there is an ancient tomb. But it is suitable for the loess in the north, but it is a bit inadequate for the sandy soil with rocks in the south. So this group of grave robbers used Luoyang shovel, a high-strength drill for engineering excavation. The former is used to treat stones, while the latter is used to collect soil samples. This time, the "technical transformation" quickly spread in the industry and was imitated. In other scenes, in the process of China's excavation of the "Yellow Intestine Mystery", they finally succeeded in finding the ancient tomb, but when they opened the coffin, they encountered an ancient technical obstacle, that is, the "Yellow Intestine Mystery". This is a coffin made of very strong wood. According to etiquette rules, this kind of coffin is especially commonly used in the tombs of emperors in the Western Han Dynasty. The high-quality "Huang Chang Ming" is paved with fine cypress, which is still extremely hard after thousands of years. ""yellow intestines "are cypress trees with yellow hearts (peeled); ててててててててててててててててててててててててて12 In order to open the grave as soon as possible, a member of the gang, Wang Xing, contacted his friend in Jiangxi and obtained 70 kilograms of explosives and two detonators. 65438+1on the afternoon of October 28th 10 or so, after a loud noise, the cave was blasted into an 8-meter-deep pit, but the "mystery of yellow intestines" was still not broken! The use of explosives is too loud and desperate, but the gang is unwilling to continue to transport more explosives and prepare to explode again. However, one day when a nearby resident was walking up the mountain, he saw some fresh floating soil coming down the mountain and immediately reported it to the local police station. Just when the grave robbers carried out the blasting again, the police who were ambushed "swept the net". The scene of tianmashan's tomb robbery gang being tried; The investigation finally dealt a slight blow to the arrogance of grave robbers and temporarily restored the calm in tianmashan. But many other gangs are still at large. As for whether Wang Ling has a ton of gold, it is still a mystery. ∨ Contemporary grave robbers in Changsha, what we know, may be just the tip of the iceberg. After all, there are still so many grave robbers who have not been caught. I don't know how many cultural relics of Changsha Tomb have been lost to China and even overseas. What they did disappeared in the dark, unknown, and maybe in the future, it will become a legend like tomb raiding in the Republic of China. Tomb-robbing, an activity from the rumored Cao Cao's "touching a captain for gold" to today, is like a ghost floating on an ancient tomb in the dark. In modern times, Changsha has become the tomb-robbing center of the Southern School. The proud culture of the Millennium ancient city was not only destroyed by Wenxi fire, previous wars and contemporary construction, but also beaten by tomb robbers. Ghosts continue to drift. Click to read the related article: A Hundred Years History of Grave Robbery in Changsha (Part I) END This article is exclusively published by CityMemory, written by | Muye, edited by | Cheng Xiaoyi (micro signal: chengshijiyiwh or132126196565438, you can add me to exchange city memories).