Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Wei Zi painted his head.

Wei Zi painted his head.

First, I thought that as long as I like it seriously, I can impress a person. It turns out that I only touched myself.

Second, many things are between not saying injustice and saying melodramatic.

Third, doing what you like is freedom, and liking what you do is happiness.

Fourth, the past is used to remember, happiness is used to feel, and pain is used to grow.

Five, some flowers, only in dreams, some people, only in memory.

If there is only joy in this world, we will never learn to be brave and patient.

Seven, the upper body dream, the lower body reality, not everyone can understand!

8. The first person you think of in the morning and the last person you think of in the evening are either people who make you happy or people who make you miserable.

Don't worry, life will always give you the answer, but it won't tell you everything at once.

Ten, what a person believes, he will see.

Eleven, there are always things that can't be done, grievances that can't be spit out, and fat that can't be reduced. This is called life.

Twelve, people live a lifetime, either deep, interesting or quiet.

Thirteen, people who don't want to grow up can only be dragged forward by reality, even if they are black and blue and bloody. No one cares whether you are in pain or not, they have their way to go, they are busy; No one can bear it for you, you have to bear it yourself, which is helpless and inevitable.

There are voices behind your silence and emotions behind your words. The frequency between people is mysterious, but there are really different frequencies. You can't read her expression, and she can't read your silence. He doesn't want to hear your story anymore, and you don't have to tell it anymore. People's emotions are limited, so leave them to those who understand.

15. Life is a web full of holes. The so-called class reunion is to give everyone present a chance after many years to see what has changed, when time is like a knife and what has changed.

Sixteen, not because of holding grudges. With the growth of age, people will always become more and more tolerant. The reason why we don't resolve those misunderstandings between us is because we think that even if we resolve the misunderstandings, we are no longer friends. After a long time, some people will become indifferent.

Seventeen, time is an excellent thing, forgive the unforgivable, the past can not pass. Maybe I want to go back to the previous time occasionally, but I know that people always have to learn to look forward.

Eighteen, some scenery must be seen from a distance to be beautiful; Some human feelings will last for a long time if they are indifferent. Some things are very suitable for immersion, and some things are only suitable for stopping at a distance.

Nineteen, loneliness and freedom are often just an idea.

Twenty, music is life, and lyrics are stories.

Twenty-one, from today on, cheer up, don't waste time, don't lose face, be indifferent to major events, and live every day with a hard attitude.

Everyone has a world, quiet and lonely.

Twenty-three, the leaves are scattered to understand, gathered to understand, withered to understand youth.

Life is nothing, have some fun and make yourself happy.

Give all unhappiness to yesterday, all hope to tomorrow and all efforts to today.

Twenty-six, some words, it is useless to say more; Some things, only oneself understand.

Life can't always be satisfactory, but if you keep walking towards the sun, the shadow will hide behind you. Dazzling, but in the right direction.

Describe a sad sentence paragraph: some people will remember it forever.

1, I really love you, close your eyes and I think I can forget. I shed tears, but I didn't deceive myself.

Old people believe everything, middle-aged people doubt everything, and young people know everything.

The most hurtful thing after breaking up is wishing you happiness, and the most touching thing is that you are bored enough!

In this life, I don't need much, just a bowl of rice and a cup of tea, but I hope you can cook the rice and make the tea well.

5, young love can be quiet, but in the years to come, I will always walk in the scenery without you.

6. A sad thing in life is that you meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be, so you have to let go.

7. I am most afraid of meeting my old classmates. The slapstick in those days has now turned into a polite smile.

8. From now on, be smart and don't ask others if they miss you. Love you or not? If I miss you or love you, I will tell you, but if I say it from your mouth, others will be proud and won't care about you.

9. I thought that as long as I like it seriously, I can impress a person. It turns out that I only touched myself.

10, love in youth will end in pain, and finally have to go their separate ways. Why, if it weren't for youth, it would be like this.

1 1. Everyone has a wound, deep or shallow. I dropped the deepest red blood on it. You don't know me. I don't blame you.

12. Once, we were the most familiar people. Now, you have become my most familiar stranger.

13, sadly, when you meet someone special, you realize that you can never be together, and sooner or later, you have to give up.

14. Carve your name in the snow and melt in my heart instantly. That's how I miss you.

15, I attended your wedding. What makeup should I wear to tell you? I'm still fine without you.

16, you said: What do you care? You don't know: I promised not to love you as soon as I turned around, but I forgot to promise myself.

17, love a person, clearly know his bad, but don't care at all; Knowing that there are many better than him, I will only fall in love with him.

18, you are my vacant love. I don't know how to leave someone who wants to rely on.

19, a liar cheated a fool, the liar left, the fool cried, and then there was another madman in the world.

20. The most beautiful state of a coin is not static, but when it rotates like a top, no one knows whether the side that is about to turn out is happy or painful, love or hate. Happiness and pain, love and hate are always intertwined.

2 1. Happiness is like drinking water. You are not me, how can you know the road I have traveled and the joys and sorrows in my heart?

22. Thank the people you once loved. No matter how badly you hurt Chu, thank you. After all, you once loved each other deeply and walked happily together.

23. It is wrong to wait passively. If you stagnate, get lost and hesitate in your memory, your heart may die.

24. In fact, the most painful thing is to pretend to joke with you and others when I clearly like you.

25. There is a person in everyone's heart who is no longer a lover or a friend. Time goes by, whether you like it or not, you will always get used to thinking of you, and then I hope you are all right.

26. You know, I wait for your news every night, even if it's just a beautiful night.

27. I found that after a long time, everyone changed and became a little strange, different from before.

28. People who love each other may not get married, and married people may not be their own lovers.

29, some stories, except memories, no one will stay; Some helpless, in addition to silence, no one will say; There are some things that no one will understand except yourself.

30. How many lonely waits does life have to go through to finally wait for the person we are waiting for? I feel so painful and awake, because I don't know how many times I can miss someone.

3 1, maybe you are not the only reason why I smile, but you must be my favorite one.

Even if you are busy and anxious, you should say I miss you in your spare time. We all agree that a lifetime is enough.

33, my smile, my tears, my deep affection, my young days are only for those I love and those who love me.

34. The closer you are, the farther your journey will be. The simplest tone needs the hardest practice.

Rain or shine, please remember that you will always be with me.

36, obviously forgotten, but always inadvertently, a photo, my heart hurts.

Having a crush on someone is like waking up suddenly in the middle of the night and then having a painful cramp, but there is no way to control it.

I am trying to make myself better, just to let you know what a great person you have lost.

39. Time can heal a broken heart and tear a waiting heart at the same time.

40. One person's world always needs another person as a foil. He left because he didn't deserve you, and he believed that he would have a better tomorrow!

4 1, I hesitated, and finally I couldn't help but open your space, only to find that I didn't even have the qualification to visit.

42. Think back to how happy I am with you, but you always show off your happiness to me.

43. If you let go, you won't care so much, just looking for an embarrassing excuse that you can't let go.

44. The so-called love is having someone who can easily control your emotions, making you cry one moment and making you laugh the next.

45. There is always someone who you always say you don't love, but when you hear the news about him, your heart is always like a needle.

46. In other words, I love you a thousand times, but I can end up breaking up. This is love.

47. I thought this bird couldn't fly over the sea because it didn't have the courage to fly over the sea. It took me many years to find out that it is not that birds can't fly, but that the other side of the sea has long lost its wait.

48. Holding your hand, no matter where I am, I want to run to heaven.

49. Sometimes, you choose to keep your distance from someone, not because you don't care, but because you clearly know that he doesn't belong to you.

50. If you believe in life, all accidents are doomed. If you don't believe in life, then all accidents are doomed.

5 1. Lonely people always think of everyone who has appeared in their lives, so I always think of you? In every starlight meteorite? Count my loneliness over and over again at night.

52. Some people choose to be friends because it is too important, because friends will always go further than lovers.

53. Remember, will it never disappear? I am guarding a dream as fragile as a bubble. Happiness has just begun, but sadness is already lurking.

54. Lonely people always think of everyone who has appeared in their lives, so I always think of you counting my loneliness over and over again every night when the stars fall!

55. Some questions have no answer, which is the final answer, and some things have no result, which is the best result.

56. I can always play your supporting role with a smile and watch you please her coldly.

You answered all their ambiguous messages, but my good night was left out in the cold.

58. There are 10,000 reasons to want to see you, but as soon as I see you, I find that I lack an identity to see you.

59. I really want to sleep all the time, because the morning sun is too dazzling, and I can't see the world clearly.

60. How many times, memories draw life into a circle, and we have turned in the same place countless times, and we can't get rid of it. I have always wanted to go back to the place where I first met. If I can choose again, I think I can love more simply.

6 1, the so-called youth is a silent war, and we will eventually be defeated.

62. Every time I miss you, I have to remind myself that if you missed me, you would have spoken long ago.

I can't promise to help you solve all your problems, but I promise I won't let you face it alone.

64. It's always a long time before I know that what I abandoned with my own hands will never be encountered again in the future.

65. Have you ever wanted to chat with someone, but hoped that he would come to you first and stare at his head again and again? Too bad he doesn't understand?

66. Give up love because of love. This silence is the most affectionate confession. I hope you can understand.

67. Mine is mine after all. I will be a passer-by after all. You have never loved me, and nothing is destined to happen between you and me.

68. Do you think you have many friends? On rainy days, there may not be anyone in the address book who can send an umbrella.

Actually, my life hasn't changed since you weren't with me. However, one person is missing to listen to my complaints; However, the lack of one person makes me presumptuous; The most serious thing is that one less person makes me happy.

70. If you can't turn over the past, don't turn over. If you turn over the dust, you will lose your eyes.

7 1, I downloaded you to my heart. I never thought that one day, you would tell me that the format of this file failed.

72. Every step you take is silent, but it leaves footprints in my heart.

73. You can't be friends after breaking up because you hurt each other; You can't be enemies because you love each other deeply. So we became the most familiar strangers.

74. The wind blew and took away a grain of sand. You are her and I am the sand. Willing to accompany you home, back to the home in my heart. Tianya, Tianya, is our home.

75. No matter how painful and sad you are, people will not see it and will not feel bad for you. Who are you sorry for?

76. Everyone has a past in which someone made him cry. He always thinks of that person from time to time, the one who lives in his heart and never forgets.

77. Exhale into the glass and try to paint a happy picture with weak hands. After several hesitations, I can't find where to start putting down my finger in the next second.

78. You made me realize what it means to be swayed by considerations of gain and loss. You deserve it. You are dispensable to me now.

79. I always feel a little scared when I am happy. I shed tears of excitement when I laughed heartily. I can't believe in pure happiness. I am calm and uneasy about the bullying of life.

80. If you give up, don't regret it; If you lose it, you should not remember it; Put down what should be put down and quit the drama without ending.

8 1, I know, it is easy to forget. As long as you don't look, think or remember, you will forget, just like the sky after fireworks.

82. It's hard to love someone. I like it. I hope he loves me forever! But he hurts me every time and makes me cry. Don't expect too much from love. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Let it be!

83. The missed years bloom in the desert in the north, but they are deserted in the spring and summer of reincarnation.

84. Time, incomparably soft, bears witness to the past we have experienced. Years, vicissitudes of life remain the same, precipitating the joys and sorrows of those lives.

85. Pain is our shadow. When you are unprepared, we bite you casually, which makes you feel sad but helpless.

86. Some people make you cry, but you are a moth in the fire. Some people make you laugh, but you ignore them.

87. The agreement to grow up together is so sincere that I have endless words with you. And I can't tell whether you are friendship or missed love.

88. I like to listen to the rain by myself leaning against the window, watching the rain dancing and listening to the sound of the rain ticking. I hold the falling cold in my hands, and a touch of sadness will float gently, so I am intoxicated in a lonely silence.

89. Life is so short, why should unimportant people affect their important moods?

90, some pain, forbearance, some troubles, forbearance, some words, forbearance, don't want to say, some love, forbearance, don't want to love, some people, forbearance, don't want to wait.

9 1, everything is good in the end. If it is not good, it is not the end.

92. If you hide in your heart, you don't mean to hide it, but not all the pain can be shouted out.

93. There will never be someone you can't live without. Just because you can't live without now doesn't mean you can't live without forever.

94. Can you really put it down? Let go of love, love! What can be left is injury, not pain! Will never be erased!

95. I thought I could make you love me as long as I worked hard. I thought that as long as I love you, you will find my goodness, but these are my thoughts.

96. One of the most painful things in the world is not being alone, but being surrounded by people, which makes you feel lonely.

97. However, rain is rain. It won't come because you like it, and it won't leave because you hate it. What's more, you can't see the splendor of the rainbow without experiencing wind and rain. Without rainy clouds, there would be no sunny sunshine.

98. I forgot which day, year and month I carved a face on which wall. Zhang Wei smiled sadly and stared at my face. We laughed and said that we had stayed in the same place in time, but in fact we had been swept away silently by the torrent.

99. What is love? The definition of love is easy to be rash, and the definition of not being in love is easy to be mean.

100, people's hearts can only accommodate a certain degree of despair. The sponge has absorbed enough water, and even if the sea water flows through it, it can't add another drop of water to it.


102, don't ask me if it hurts when I am separated. Will you feel pain when the big tree stationed in your heart is uprooted?

103, I thought she was cold until I saw that she cared about another person.

104, the shorter the hair is cut, the more skilled the smoking posture, and the more casual the lover is.

105, many people don't need to meet again, because they are just passing by. Forgetting is the best memory we give each other.

106, the wine of love, two people drink nectar! Three people drink vinegar! It will be poisoned if you drink it casually!

107, I don't want to die under your tree, because it will bring you trouble, but I can't help myself. Is it wrong to like someone?

108, the most annoying thing is that when I want to let go, you appear in front of me again.

109, when you have to tell yourself again and again that you will forget that person, it has been deeply imprinted in your mind.

1 10, it's not that you are in the best time, but that you are here and I have the best time.

1 1 1, if there is no return, you must know enough is enough. Otherwise, it will disturb others and hurt yourself.

1 12, nothing can bind your hands and feet forever; No one can belong to you forever.

1 13, some people will be engraved in their memories forever. Even if they forget his voice, his smile and his face, the feeling when they think of him will never change.

1 14, I don't need comfort from others in love, because comfort is only needed by cowards.

1 15 I have a good friend named Shadow, who cries, laughs and plays with me. The most important thing is that he never leaves me.

1 16, don't change yourself for anyone. Maybe after you change, he will say that you have become a stranger.

Some people can't forget, and some memories can't escape

Only your future can squander my present; Only my favorite has given me the most fatal injury.

Don't equate others giving up on themselves with giving up on themselves.

There are many things that can't be done to truly love someone. You can feel whether a person loves you or doesn't care about you.

One of the biggest myths in life is that Hua110 lamented that childhood passed too slowly, and Hua 9/ 10 lamented how childhood passed so quickly.

The more exciting the outside world is, the more boring the heart is. In everyone's body, there is a small figure full of yearning for this world, maybe once, maybe now, maybe in the future.

Fatigue, not where you are going, is the bitterness of love. It's like running out of passion, like a river being dried up by the scorching sun.

What makes you happy or sad is not the thing itself, but your understanding and grasp of it.

There are only two romantic loves in the world. One is the love in TV series, no matter how disgusting it is, it can make you cry. The other is the love you are experiencing. Even if the other person is a pig, you can stay up all night in pain.

Inner memory will erase bad things and beautify good things. It is because of this function that we remember the past vividly.

Some people have some sad phrases.

1, once love becomes a habit, you can't get rid of it.

What should be yours will be yours sooner or later. If it's not yours, you can't keep it even if you insist.

Dealing with women always ends like this: love should be dedicated to her; All women deserve special love.

Maybe only in the farthest time can you truly and clearly see the days you have passed.

Please be happier than me, so that I won't waste time resigning. No matter how hard I try, I don't have to apologize to make up for my love. At least I can satisfy your pursuit.

6. Hold my hand and walk with your eyes closed. You won't get lost.

7. If God wants to destroy a person, he will go crazy, but I have been crazy for so long. Why didn't God destroy me?

8. If we are all children, we can stay where time is, sit together and listen to stories that never grow old, while slowly lowering our heads.

9. I count your smiles every day, but you were so lonely when you were in Lian Xiao. They say your smile is beautiful and undeveloped.

10, that's all the warmth in my life. I gave it to you, but you left me. How can I smile at others in the future?

1 1, I know I'm not a good recorder, but I like to review the road I've traveled more than anyone else. I not only looked back, but also rushed forward angrily.

12. One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange songs. Then one day, you will find that you have really forgotten what you tried to forget.

13, some people will remember it forever. Even if they forget his voice, his smile and his face, the feeling when they think of him will never change.

14, children who used to touch words were never happy. Their happiness is like a playful child, wandering to the skylight, but still refusing to come back.

15, in this sad and bright March, I beat horses from my thin youth, through violets, through kapok, through sadness and impermanence.

16, I once had a smile in my life, but it finally dissipated like fog. That smile became a swift river deep in my heart, and I couldn't swim across it. The sound of that river became my desperate song day and night.

17, I never know what you are thinking or want; You never tell me what you think or want. Love or not, teach me how to choose. In fact, I really want to know if there is me in your cold eyes.

18, you are most distressed that my tears are red. I remember you once said that I would not be wronged to tears. Am I your favorite person? Why don't you talk? You were silent when I needed you.

19, love is in arrears, love has stopped, and fate is not in the service area; Thinking is unresponsive, thinking is busy, and feelings cannot be charged!

20. Please smile! If you shed tears, my face is always wet; If you are sad, it is always my heart that suffers.

2 1, time flies and I only care about you! So I beg you, don't let me leave you. I don't feel the slightest affection except you!

22. If I pour out the water of the whole Pacific Ocean, I can't put out the flame of my love for you. Can all the water in the Pacific Ocean be poured out? No, that's why I don't love you.

23. If my existence brings you a little burden, you just need to breathe gently and I will drift away with the wind, because love is not a burden.

24. If love can't last long, please tell me what fate it is; If we can't be together, please tell me who you love most.

25. I'm not worried if you don't love me outside the castle peak. The world is full of beautiful women, and she will be gentler than you!