Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Chongqing senior high school entrance examination outline 20 1 1

Chongqing senior high school entrance examination outline 20 1 1

Chongqing 20 1 1 Description of Chemistry Examination for Senior High School Entrance Examination

First, the examination scope

The scope of the examination is the learning content and requirements stipulated in the Chemistry Curriculum Standard for Full-time Compulsory Education (Experimental Draft) formulated by the Ministry of Education.

The "extended subjects" in the experimental textbook of People's Education Press are not included in the examination scope.

Second, the examination form is closed book and written test.

Third, the examination paper structure

1. Content structure and proportion

The basic concepts and principles of chemistry account for about 30%.

Common substances account for about 35%,

Chemical experiments account for about 25%,

Chemical calculation accounts for about 10%.

2. Problem structure and proportion

Multiple choice questions account for about 43%

Fill in the blanks account for about 30%.

The experimental questions account for about 17%.

Calculation accounts for about 10%.

Fourth, the examination content and requirements

Basic concepts and principles of chemistry

Composition and structure of (1) substance

1. Understand the concepts of atoms, molecules and ions.

2. Knowing the composition of atoms, we can understand the simple schematic diagram of atomic structure.

3. Understand how atoms, molecules and ions make up matter.

4. Understand elements and their classification

5. Know the concepts of relative atomic mass and relative molecular mass.

(2) Classification of substances

6. Understand the concepts of mixture and purity.

7. Understand the concepts of simple substance and compound.

8. Understand the concepts of oxide, acid, alkali and salt, and know the acid, alkali and salt from the perspective of composition.

(c) Nature and change of materials

9. Understand physical and chemical changes.

10. Understand physical and chemical properties.

1 1. Know the oxidation and reduction reactions.

12. Understanding decomposition reaction and combination reaction

13. Understand the displacement reaction and the conditions under which the displacement reaction occurs

14. Understand the double decomposition reaction and the conditions of double decomposition reaction.

15. Understanding the catalyst

(4) Chemical terminology

16. Can write element symbols correctly.

Know the valence of common elements.

18. Can write the chemical formula (molecular formula) correctly.

19. Understanding the Law of Conservation of Mass

20. Can write chemical equations correctly.

(5) Solutions

2 1. Understand the dissolution phenomenon and the composition of the solution.

22. Understand saturated and unsaturated solutions.

23. Understand solubility and solubility curve.

24. Understand the concept of solute mass fraction.

25. Understand the acidity and pH value of the solution.

26. Understand the crystallization phenomenon

Ordinary substance

(1) air oxygen

27. Understand the main components of air.

28. Understand the main properties and uses of oxygen.

(2) Water

29. Understand the physical properties of water.

30. Know the composition of water.

3 1. Know the relationship between water and human beings.

32. Know how to purify water.

(3) metal

33. Understand the physical properties of metals and understand alloys.

34. Understand the characteristics and applications of aluminum, iron, ferroalloy and copper.

35. Understand the reaction between metal and oxygen, and know the methods to prevent metal from rusting.

36. Know some common metal minerals and understand the principle of iron smelting.

(d) Common acid and alkali salts

37. Understand common acids and their commonalities.

38. Understand the commonness of common alkali and alkali.

39. Understand salt and its nature.

40. Know the names and functions of common fertilizers.

(5) Carbon and its composite fuel and energy.

4 1. Understand the properties and uses of carbon and its compounds.

42. Understand combustion and its conditions, slow oxidation and explosion.

43. Know how to put out a fire

44. Understand fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

(vi) Chemistry and Society

45. Understand the common synthetic fibers, plastics, synthetic rubber and their applications.

46. Understanding certain elements plays an important role in human health.

47. Understand organic matter (such as sugar, starch, oil, amino acids, protein, vitamins, etc.). ) is very important for life activities.

48. Knowing that certain substances (such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and aflatoxin) are harmful to human health.

49. Understand the sources and hazards of typical air, water and soil pollutants.

50. Understand the necessity and general principles of three wastes (waste water, waste gas and waste residue) treatment.

Chemical experiment

5 1. Understand the use and connection of common instruments.

52. Understand the access to drugs and basic experimental operations.

53. Know how to make common gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Know how to filter and evaporate these separated substances.

55. Understand the method of testing and distinguishing common substances, and test Cl-, SO42- and CO32-

56. Understand the preparation method of a certain solute mass fraction solution.

57. Knowing the general methods of scientific inquiry, we can design a simple inquiry scheme.

Stoichiometric calculation

58. The relative atomic mass and molecular mass can be used to calculate the composition of matter.

59. Simple calculation of solute mass fraction can be carried out.

60. It can be calculated by chemical equations.