Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Thoughts on Reading Goats Don't Eat Paradise Grass

Thoughts on Reading Goats Don't Eat Paradise Grass

Goats who don't eat paradise grass mainly talk about taking the blame. A clumsy but down-to-earth person, he was bullied and helped Qiu Zi, but because of reality, he started stealing money and finally got severe anemia. He has lived in poverty all his life. His father, paying attention to etiquette, bent down to build a house. When the house finally stood up, there were no chopsticks in the fire. Here, I want to share with you some thoughts on reading "Goats Don't Eat Paradise Grass" for your learning.

Thoughts on Reading Goats Don't Eat Paradise Grass 1

I have read many books, such as A Dream of Red Mansions, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, The Journey to the West's Summer When My Brother Came Back, Wonderful Shop and so on. Many things have been forgotten, but there is a book that makes me understand the philosophy of life and the difficulty of life, that is, "goats don't eat paradise grass."

This book tells the rough life of Qiu Zi, his master and the black remnant. They are so envious and yearning for the life of urbanites, but the reality makes them understand that they never seem to enter that world. Atsuko's father was overwhelmed by heavy debts and wrote to Atsuko to tell him about the difficulties at home. Qiu Zi longed for wealth and wanted to change his life. He bought lottery tickets with 200 yuan money saved by his family in Wei Zi, but he saved a lot of daily necessities. Qiu Zi was deeply disappointed, blamed himself and even despaired.

After reading this book, I was so moved that I couldn't help thinking of my parents.

Usually spending money lavishly, there is no proper restriction at all. What you want is the best. My parents are reluctant to eat and wear at ordinary times, but they always give me the best in order not to suffer from life.

My parents went out to work hard, and I don't know how many times I was tired and how much I suffered. Every time I come back, I find them haggard and old. No matter how hard life is, they won't complain to me. They always give me the best food and clothes.

Thought of here, my eyes filled with tears. ...

Now I understand that I shouldn't spend money indiscriminately at ordinary times. This money is hard-won, soaked with the hard work of parents, and contains the power of love!

So we should honor our parents, study hard and make progress every day. Be a sensible, studious, filial and grateful child.

This book makes me understand that in my parents' world, it is not easy to make money and love is great. Life is cruel, and only knowing how to cherish it is the best reward for parents.

Thoughts on Reading Goats Don't Eat Paradise Grass 2

Marx once said: "Life is like an ocean, only a strong-willed person can reach the other shore". Frustration is the foundation of life; Frustration is a stumbling block in life; Frustration is the spice on the road to success. This winter vacation, I read Uncle Cao Wenxuan's "Goats Don't Eat Paradise Grass", and I have a deeper understanding of how to face setbacks.

Why don't goats eat paradise grass? I take this question and explore in the ocean of knowledge. There is a little hero in the book that impressed me deeply-duck. Although his life is difficult and embarrassing, he bravely faces the setbacks in life. At first, he and his family lived in a busy big city, but they could only live in a humble shack under the arch bridge. Their economy is very bad, and their food source only depends on their father working in the restaurant and taking away the leftovers from the guests. Because people come and go on the road, the duckling is separated from his relatives. He has experienced a lot of life training, never giving up his yearning for life, bravely facing the challenges of life and earning money to support himself alone. I appreciate the duck's spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and not bowing to them.

In the long journey of life, frustration may be a compulsory course for everyone. I vaguely remember that when I was just learning dance, the teacher told us to do the "frog lying" action, which was simply my nightmare! Bone headache, a heart-rending pain, sometimes the teacher pressed my crotch tightly to the ground when I was not paying attention, causing me to "ouch", tears swirling in my eyes, my hands clenched tightly and gnashed my teeth. After relaxing for a few seconds, the pain came again. Finally, I couldn't help it, and my tears flowed out unwillingly.

Later, in the process of dance learning, backache and black and blue injuries are more common. I hid in the quilt and thought quietly. All I can think about is giving up the idea of learning dance. Once I finally told my mother what I thought. My mother said, "You have to choose to learn dance. Why can't we overcome such difficulties? " Yes, I was the one who wanted to learn dance. How can I give up halfway? From then on, I made up my mind to practice harder, and the bruises on my body seemed to disappear with my strength. Finally, I overcame many difficulties and boarded my dazzling stage. I want to thank myself for bravely facing setbacks.

Frustration is an indispensable part of life, but we should face it bravely. After being tempered by setbacks, we will be stronger.

Thoughts on Reading Goats Don't Eat Paradise Grass 3

The essay "Goats Don't Eat Paradise Grass" is very heavy after reading it. The beginning of the article explains the ending of the story, that is, a group of hungry goats refused to eat and eventually died. This beginning is also presented to us as the end, which will undoubtedly make us believe that this is a tragedy.

The biggest question left by this work is: Why don't sheep eat paradise grass?

I think it's just a symbol here. Paradise grass is a very beautiful thing. "The grass beach is covered with a faint mist in the sun, like transparent and soft cotton wool, pure and quiet." It can be seen that these grasses are not of the same grade as the grasses that sheep usually eat. Look at the expression on the sheep's face when it falls. "They would rather just stand and tremble with hunger in the wind, but on this grass beach, there is only one kind of grass-paradise grass, which is so pure that there are no weeds, so the sheep fall down one by one, or lie on their side or bend their front legs, gentle and quiet, as if dreaming a painless dream." It can be seen that the lambs are extremely appreciative of these grasses, and their mentality towards paradise grasses is worship, and they are gods.

These grasses are not what sheep should enjoy in their own world, so when these beautiful paradise grasses are placed in front of them, they will only choose to escape, and they are both afraid and happy.

It's like life in Qiu Zi. He should have stayed in his hometown, but in order to buy grass for sheep and make a huge income at home, he had to leave his hometown and go to a city that was not suitable for him. Later, he gradually understood, "Not everything is suitable for him. Everyone has his own world, leaving his own world, just like a fish leaving water, it can only struggle and resist, just like Qiu Zi leaving his hometown, and no matter how dazzling the city is, it can't bring him a sense of belonging. "

In the city, you can also see his mentality. "For this city, Qiu Zi is at a loss. The city has brought him too much confusion. He looks embarrassed, dizzy and nervous. The city is strange to him, far away and never accessible. Cities are always unexplained, unpredictable and unattainable. " In fact, he is not happy and has a heavy heart. He feels that he has a deep gap with the world in this city. The more brilliant and attractive the world is, the deeper the gap will be.

In this work, a large part presents Qiu Zi's psychology. In these minds, what we read is that Qiu Zi is in deep trouble, and he keeps working to make money. He is like a little mouse dragging a big shovel, and the heavy load is pressing his body and his heart. It is conceivable that when the sheep refused to eat paradise grass and fell down, Akiko's heart should be so speechless and helpless.

Qiu Zi will understand later that not all good things are suitable for him.

Thoughts on Reading Goats Don't Eat Paradise Grass 4

You can't see the rainbow until after the storm. If you don't want to bow to any difficulties, you can see the sun of success and get success. The writer Cao Wenxuan's book Goats Don't Eat Paradise Grass illustrates this truth.

A group of hungry sheep, facing a large area of delicious and attractive paradise grass, are unwilling to lower their proud heads. A few days later, they all fell to the ground bravely. Due to the pressure of life, the protagonist Qiu Zi had to leave his hometown, Xiaodou Village, to make a living as a carpenter in a city he had never been to, but they never seemed to enter that world. Qiu Zi never left her master, but she never gave up a path.

This work describes the mental journey of the protagonist Qiu Zi, but it is full of powerful songs of justice. Only after the storm can we see the rainbow. How can we create success? The road to success is not smooth sailing, and there are many such examples in our life.

For example, when I was doing the Olympics, a series of problems came at me like tigers. One problem came on me and knocked me down again and again, but I didn't give up, disintegrating them bit by bit and solving them one by one. Finally, I succeeded.

Yes, success is buried underground. Dig three feet, never leave, to have.

Thoughts on Reading Goats Don't Eat Paradise Grass 5

These days during the winter vacation, I read the book "Goats Don't Eat Paradise Grass", and I was deeply touched!

Qiu Zi, the protagonist, was forced by life and had to follow Master's three monks to the outside world to make a living. He met the blame and lived together. He started a carpenter business with Master's three monks, and Akiko was responsible for soliciting business. Although they work hard all day, they have little money, even less than a month's meal.

For money, they even did a few stupid things: stealing wood and gambling ... Finally, Qiu Zi remembered a flock of sheep raised by his family in his hometown, a flock of hungry sheep, and refused to bow their heads in the face of a noble and attractive "paradise grass". A few days later, they fell down heroically.

Qiu Zi didn't go on. He hates this kind of life and is tired of it. It is always isolated from city life. He knew it didn't belong to him. Staying here will only make him more lonely. He should return to his life! So he left his master, three monks and the blame and started his own business. Later, he met his childhood playmate Duck and started a new entrepreneurial life with him. ...

Qiu Zi's perseverance of self-improvement and self-reliance is worth learning. In the past, I felt like Qiu Zi. From the small town to the lion city, different languages and different family life States, I have never been able to integrate into the world of urbanites. Sometimes I feel really strange and lonely, and I have no confidence in studying hard.

Fortunately, I met two teachers who understood and cared about me, whenever I faced difficulties. When I lose confidence in my study, my motherly teacher always gives me encouragement and patient teaching, which helps me to build up my confidence and courage in my study. After reading the book "Goats Don't Eat Paradise Grass", I am determined to learn from the protagonist Qiu Zi, and I am not afraid of difficulties. Not afraid of failure. Positive and self-reliant. Be confident, study hard and realize your ideals and ambitions!