Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Can you drink pomegranate juice with chickenpox?

Can you drink pomegranate juice with chickenpox?

Name: pomegranate category: arbor

Scientific name: pomegranate.

English name: pomegranate

Family Name: Pomegranate, Pomegranate

Alias: An Pomegranate, Dan Ruo, Jin Biao, Jin Pang and Tu Lin.

Latin name: pomegranate

Edit the morphological characteristics of this paragraph

Pomegranate: sweet, sour and warm in nature, it has the functions of killing insects, astringing, astringing intestines and stopping dysentery. Pomegranate fruit is rich in nutrition, and its vitamin C content is one or two times higher than that of apples and pears.

Pomegranate is a deciduous shrub or small tree, but it becomes an evergreen tree in the tropics. The crown is clustered and naturally round. The roots are yellow-brown. It grows vigorously and the rhizosphere is easy to take root and tiller. The height of the tree can reach 5-7 meters, generally 3-4 meters, while the dwarf pomegranate is only about 1 meter or lower. The trunk is grayish brown with tumor-like protrusions on it, and the trunk is mostly twisted to the left. There are many branches in the crown, and the young prostitutes are angular and mostly square. Branchlets are flexible and not easy to break. Primary branches are staggered, opposite on strong branchlets, with small spines. The length of thorns is related to the variety and growth. Lush trees have many thorns, but old trees have few thorns. The colors of flower buds change with the seasons, including purple, green and orange. Leaves opposite or clustered, long lanceolate to oblong, or elliptic lanceolate, 2-8 cm long and 1-2 cm wide, with sharp tips, shiny surface and convex midvein on the back; Having a short petiole. Flowers are bisexual, depending on whether the ovary is developed or not. There are bell-shaped flowers and tubular flowers. The former is good at fertilization, while the latter often withers and bears no fruit. In that year, a bunch of 1 flower was planted at the top of the new shoot and at the axil below the back neck to several flowers; Sepals hard, fleshy, tubular, 5-7-lobed, persistent with locules; Petals obovate, as many as sepals and alternate, arranged in imbricate shape. Flowers are divided into single petals and double petals. Double-petalled varieties have many pistils and are sterile, with dozens of petals; Flowers are red, white, yellow, pink and agate. Stamens are numerous, filaments are hairless. Pistil with 1 style, longer than stamens, carpels 4-8, ovary inferior. When it matures, it becomes a large, multicellular and multi-seeded berry, with many seeds in each cell. The exocarp is fleshy, bright red, reddish or white, juicy, sweet and sour, and is an edible part; The inner seed coat is horny, and some of it degenerates and softens, which is soft-seeded pomegranate. The flowering period of pomegranate is May-June, and the fruiting period is 9-65438+1October. The flowering period of pomegranate is May-10.

Introduction of raw materials

Pomegranate pomegranate is a fruit of pomegranate family. Originated in the Western Regions, it was introduced to China in Han Dynasty, mainly including agate pomegranate, pink pomegranate, green pomegranate and jade seed. Mature pomegranate peel is bright red or pink in color, and often cracks, revealing crystal-clear seeds like gems. Sweet and sour and juicy, although troublesome, but endless aftertaste. Because of its bright colors and rich seeds, it is often used as a holiday fruit, symbolizing the richness of children and the prosperity of future generations. Pomegranate ripens during Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, and is a festive and auspicious gift for relatives and friends. Pomegranate can eliminate menopausal disorders in women.

Nutritional analysis

1. Broad-spectrum antibacterial: Pomegranate peel contains many alkaloids. Antibacterial test confirmed that the alcohol extract and water decoction of pomegranate peel had broad-spectrum antibacterial effect, and had obvious inhibitory effects on Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococcus, Vibrio cholerae and Shigella dysenteriae. Among them, pomegranate peel water extract has the strongest inhibitory effect on various skin fungi in vitro, and pomegranate peel water decoction can also inhibit influenza virus.

2. astringent taste: pomegranate tastes sour, containing alkaloids and ursolic acid. It has obvious astringency, can astringe the intestine to stop bleeding and has good antibacterial effect, and is a good product for treating dysentery, diarrhea, hematochezia, nocturnal emission, proctoptosis and other diseases;

3. Insect repellent and insecticidal: pomegranate bark and pomegranate tree root bark both contain pomegranate rinine, which has anesthetic effect on human parasites and is an important drug for insect repellent and insecticidal, especially for tapeworms, and can be used to treat abdominal pain and scabies caused by insect accumulation;

4. Stop bleeding and improve eyesight: pomegranate flowers are sour and flat. If dried and ground, it has a good hemostatic effect and can also stop the red and white from being brought out. Pomegranate flowers are soaked in water to wash eyes, which still has the effect of improving eyesight.

Related population

The general population can eat it.

1. Suitable for dry mouth, diarrhea and tonsillitis;

2. Not suitable for constipation, urethritis, diabetes, excess heat stagnation.

Grams of food stage

Pomegranate should not be eaten with tomatoes and crabs.

food therapy

Pomegranate is warm, sweet and sour, and enters the lungs, kidneys and intestines;

Has the effects of promoting fluid production to quench thirst, astringing and stopping diarrhea, and stopping bleeding;

Indications include fluid deficiency, dry mouth and throat, polydipsia, chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, hematochezia, metrorrhagia, etc.

Pomegranate diet prescription

1, one sour pomegranate, carbonized, ground into powder, and taken once a day for a long time to treat intestinal dysentery; If you add brown sugar and boil water to take it, it will cure intestinal wind and blood.

2, sour pomegranate peel, calcined charcoal, 6 grams each time, to treat chronic diarrhea; If applied externally to the oral cavity, it can cure aphtha and oral bleeding.

3, sour pomegranate peel, decoction or brown sugar, cure red dysentery, hematuria, nosebleeds.

4, sour pomegranate peel, water fried honey service, cure bloody collapse.

5, sour pomegranate peel 15 to 30 grams, add appropriate amount of brown sugar decoction, treat spleen deficiency diarrhea.

6, 5 grams of sour pomegranate peel, raw hawthorn 10 grams, * * * finely ground, taken twice, boiled with brown sugar to control water and stop diarrhea.

7. Grind the sour pomegranate peel into powder, take 6 grams in the morning every day, and take it with boiling water to cure persistent diarrhea or bloody stool.

8, sour pomegranate peel 15 grams, fennel 10 grams, decoction, cure long-term dysentery.

9, 30 grams of sour pomegranate peel, decoction juice, 6 grams of sodium sulfate, taking ascaris on an empty stomach.

10. Peeling pomegranate roots, taking 15g double skins (halved for children), decocting in water to adjust brown sugar, and also expelling ascaris.

Pomegranate peel11.30g, betel nut120g, decocted in water, taken once on an empty stomach in the morning, and taken with mirabilite15g or rhubarb 6g one hour later to expel tapeworms.

12, pomegranate peel decoction, cold washing, treating yellow sore.

13, fresh pomegranate peel dipped in alum powder, rub the affected area three times a day, treat psoriasis.

14, seven white pomegranate flowers, Prunella vulgaris10g, decocted in water to treat lung abscess.

15, 30g of white pomegranate flower and 30g of selfheal each, decocted in water or taken with a small amount of yellow wine, or ground, 6g each time, taken with boiled water three times a day, to treat pulmonary tuberculosis.

16, 20g of white pomegranate flower, decocted in water, and taken three times before meals to treat dysentery and proctoptosis.

17, one white pomegranate peel and one white lotus root, decocted in water to treat menorrhagia.

18, pomegranate flower, decocted in water, used for vomiting blood, hemoptysis or prolonged; If you take 10g rock candy on an empty stomach, it will cure blood due to intestinal heat.

19, pomegranate flower is ground into fine powder, and sesame oil is applied to the affected area to treat burns and scalds; If dry powder is sprinkled on the wound, it can stop the bleeding.

20, pomegranate flowers dried and ground, blowing nostrils, several times a day, treating nosebleeds, if you add a little borneol to blow in the ear, then treat otitis media.

Other related

Pomegranate originated in Iran, Afghanistan and other Central Asian regions, that is, the ancient interesting country. In the Western Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian went to the Western Regions. After returning home, he planted the Central Plains, also known as pomegranate.


1. People with fever, dry mouth and bad breath can be relieved by eating pomegranate; You can eat pomegranate when you are hot, drunk and thirsty in summer;

2. Don't dye fruit juice on clothes, otherwise it will be difficult to wash it off;

3. Eating too much pomegranate will damage the teeth and help the fire to produce phlegm.

Edit the source of this paragraph name.

Pomegranate originated in Persia (present-day Iran) and was introduced to China in the second century BC. "An Shiguo, Wan Li tribute to Liu Hua. Because it was smashed by Han, it was handed over to Heyuan. " According to Jin Zhanghua's "Natural History", "Money went out to the Western Regions and got pomegranate seeds from Anshiguo in Tulin, hence the name An Pomegranate."

Edit the ecological habits of this paragraph.

Likes light, has certain cold tolerance, likes moist and fertile calcareous soil, and blooms in May-July. Double petals are unbearable, mainly used for flower viewing; Single petal is easy to eat, mainly used for fruit viewing. Calyx is leathery, berries are nearly spherical, and mature in autumn. The fleshy layer of seeds is used for fresh food or processed into cool drinks. The pericarp is used as medicine, which is warm and sour, and has the effects of astringent intestine, hemostasis and anthelmintic.

Edit this paragraph for propagation and culture.

Pomegranate bears barren drought and is afraid of waterlogging. It needs a lot of water during the growing season. Pomegranate cultivation mainly includes garden cultivation, fruit tree cultivation, bonsai cultivation and potted plants.

Cuttings, ramets and layering are common methods of propagation.

Cutting, biennial branches can be selected in spring or semi-lignified branches can be selected in summer, and can take root after 15 ~ 20 days. In early spring and April, when the buds germinate, we can dig out strong roots and plant them separately.

Spring and autumn can be layered without carving. Before the bud germinates, it is pressed into the soil with the tillers of the roots, cut off from the mother plant after taking root in summer, and become a seedling in autumn. Open field cultivation should choose a place with sufficient light and good drainage. Fertilize 1 time every month during growth. It is necessary to remove roots and tillers frequently, and cut off dead branches, diseased branches, dense branches and long branches to facilitate ventilation and light transmission. Potted plants should be planted shallowly and watering should be controlled. They should be dry, not wet. During the growth period, the seeds should be removed, the vegetative growth should be controlled, and the formation of flower buds should be promoted.

Edit this paragraph to prevent pests and diseases.

We should mainly pay attention to two periods before and after fruit setting, namely, early insect prevention and late disease prevention. Pomegranate trees are prone to pests such as moths, aphids, bedbugs, scale insects and Spodoptera litura from the end of April to the beginning and middle of May. The main diseases after fruit setting are white rot, black pox and anthracnose.

Control before fruit setting

12ml( 1 branch) of 33% chlorinated emulsifiable concentrate was diluted 1500 times and sprayed on the front and rear leaves of pomegranate trees. If aphids still occur every 3-5 days, 2.5% chlorpyrifos wettable powder 10g can be diluted to 1500 times and sprayed on the front and back leaves, and then sprayed every 7- 10 days, with excellent effect. June-July is the high season of peach moth on pomegranate trees every year. If it is not prevented in time, it will do great harm to pomegranate trees. After the pomegranate fruit is eaten by the peach moth, when it encounters high temperature and rainy weather, the hole is filled with water, which will make the pomegranate rot slowly, and the damage rate is over 60%. At this time, we should use 50% phoxim emulsifiable concentrate, dilute it 800 times, mix it with mud and stick it on the pedicel, or spray it with 2000 times of killing effort. In order to avoid the parasitic transmission of peach fruit borer, the leaves around pomegranate fruit should be removed.

Spraying diflubenzuron, pyrethrins, etc. Control moths and aphids;

Methamidophos and chlorpyrifos are effective methods to control scale insects.

disease control

In summer, pomegranate trees should be pruned in time to improve ventilation and light transmission conditions and reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases. The main diseases after fruit setting are white rot, black pox and anthracnose. Spraying 200 times the same amount of Bordeaux mixture every half month or so can prevent many diseases. When the disease is serious, fungicides such as carbendazim, mancozeb and carbendazim can be sprayed.

pay attention to

Do not use omethoate and dichlorvos to control pomegranate pests, because pomegranate trees are sensitive to these pesticides. Do not use methamidophos and monocrotophos in flowering period, these pesticides are easy to hurt bees, affect pollination and reduce fruit setting rate.

Edit this section of mature harvest

Pomegranate blooms three times a year, so it bears fruit three times. Generally, the first flower or the second flower develops well. Harvest should be timely according to variety characteristics, fruit maturity and climatic conditions. The signs of pomegranate fruit maturity are: (1) the peel turns from green to yellow, the colored varieties are full of color, and the fruit surface appears shiny. (2) Fruit tendons appear. (3) Red or silvery white needle-like awns in marrow cells are fully displayed. (4) The seeds are full, and the soluble solid content of fruit juice reaches the inherent concentration of the variety. Ripe fruits should be picked before it rains, and it is forbidden to pick them in rainy days.

Seedlings propagated by cuttings or ramets begin to bear fruit after 3-4 years of planting, while seedlings propagated by seeds need more than 10 years to blossom and bear fruit.

Edit the origin distribution of this part.

Pomegranate is native to Iran, Afghanistan and other countries in Asia Minor. Today, in Iran, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan and Georgia, there are still large areas of wild pomegranate forests with an altitude of 300- 1000 meters. Pomegranate is one of the earliest introduced and cultivated fruit trees and flowers. China, India, Asia, Africa and Europe are all cultivated as fruit trees along the Mediterranean coast, especially in Africa. The United States is mainly distributed in California. Spain on Iberian Peninsula in Southwest Europe regards pomegranate as the national flower. On the land of 500,000 square kilometers, pomegranate flowers are planted in many places, whether in highlands, in front of houses in towns and villages, or in parks and gardens in coastal cities. Pomegranate is widely distributed in Iran and its vicinity, and many excellent varieties have been bred.

After pomegranate was introduced into China, it was loved by people because of its beautiful flowers and easy cultivation. It is listed as the "moon flower" in May of the agricultural lunar calendar and is called "durian month".

At present, cultivation is distributed all over China, except in extremely cold areas.

Among them, Shaanxi, Anhui, Shandong, Jiangsu, Henan, Sichuan, Yunnan and Xinjiang are many. Beijing and Tianjin can be planted in good microclimate conditions.

In the north where the annual average extreme minimum temperature is-19℃ isotherm, pomegranate can't be planted in the open field, and it is usually cut in pots.

The main pomegranate producing areas in China are Lintong, Ganxian and Sanyuan in Shaanxi Province, Huaiyuan, Xiaoshan, Suixi and Chaoxian in Anhui Province, Zaozhuang in Shandong Province, Suzhou, Nanjing, Xuzhou and Pixian in Jiangsu Province, Mengzi, Qiaojia, Jianshui and < U> Gong [/font].