Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How to write a composition by Huang Ke?

How to write a composition by Huang Ke?

1. Autumn leaves turn yellow How to write a composition Autumn is coming, almost all the leaves turn yellow and fall one after another. The leaves of any tree are no exception.

Although there is no shade except for some evergreen trees, I still like the Ginkgo Garden in Huang Cancan. The old ginkgo tree in front of my house is particularly dazzling under the careful dress of Teacher Qiu. The golden leaves are fan-shaped like handfuls of small fans. They feel uneven, not smooth and soft. When I first saw Ginkgo biloba leaves, I felt that the leaves were slippery and the results were ups and downs!

Ginkgo tree and its leaves will change not only in autumn, but also in other three seasons. In summer, its branches and leaves will be particularly lush, just like a big green umbrella; In spring, there are only just budding buds on its branches; In winter, its branches will become bare, and the winter girl will also dress the tree with her own "winter clothes".

In autumn, not only ginkgo trees have changed, but other trees also have different changes: like maple leaves, they are as red as autumn clothes; Like pine leaves, there is no obvious change, or green; The leaves of the plane turned yellow, and each leaf looked like a dancing butterfly.

2. How to write a composition How to write flowers and trees "alive" Some students describe flowers and trees as dull and lifeless, and often use some general words.

For example, "The beautiful trees and flowers in Qiu Jin Park are so cute …" is not vivid and concrete at all. So how do you make flowers and trees "live"? First, write a gesture.

Observe carefully, grasp the characteristics, and describe the shapes and postures of flowers and trees. For example, "Autumn Chrysanthemum": "Some chrysanthemums are like snow-white fluffy balls; Some petals are long and narrow, like a little girl's hair; Other petals float freely, dancing like a fairy … "This passage uses" little fluffy ball ","hair "and" dance "to describe the different postures of Qiu Ju, which is really dazzling.

Second, write dynamic. By writing static flowers and trees into living objects, we can skillfully write dynamic beauty with verbs, making flowers and trees lifelike.

For example, in the orchard in autumn: "Oranges are covered with branches like lanterns, some hold their heads high, some are crowded together, and some are hiding in the green leaves ..." Here, static oranges are vividly written as verbs such as "hanging", "holding high" and "hiding". Third, describe the color.

Using color words to describe the colors of flowers and trees is like a bright and beautiful color picture. For example, the flower bed on campus: "There are many flowers in the flower bed on campus ... colorful and dazzling, some are as white as jade, some are as golden as gold, some are as red as fire, and some are as pink as sunset ..." Here, white, yellow, red and pink are used to vividly depict various colors, like three-dimensional color maps.

Fourth, describe the sound. It is like a beautiful song to describe the sounds of flowers and trees with words that describe sounds.

For example, "Autumn in Orchard": ... autumn wind rustles leaves, and birds are chirping in the branches ... "Here, the sounds made by autumn wind and birds are written in descriptive words such as" rustling and chirping "respectively. A masterpiece shows the composition of the final exam of the fourth grade in a primary school: choose a common plant and write a 400-word composition with a self-made topic.

When writing, it is required that the shape, color, taste and other characteristics of plants are vivid and concrete, and the sentences are fluent. Example 1: The description of grass and floret is vivid, and the metaphor and personification are just right.

Dong Yu's summer is very hot. The hot sun is baking the earth, and everything seems to be asleep. The unique "singer" took pains to sing: "cicada … cicada …"

That monotonous and harsh voice is even more annoying. Accurately express posture and image in words. In the small garden, an ordinary grass always likes to dance in the wind, but now it is withered by the scorching sun and its head droops listlessly.

Cleverly using verbs and personification, the expression of flowers holding their heads high and despising grass is vividly written through dialogue. Flowers are beside the grass, but they don't pay attention to the spicy sun.

It shakes the green leaves for a while, and displays beautiful petals for a while, flying high. When he was happy, he looked down and saw that the grass under the corner was shrinking. He said breathlessly, "Little fellow, what song are you singing so breathlessly?" The grass knew that the flowers were making fun of it, but still replied, "I'm dying of thirst." I am trying to dig deeper so that I can find water. "

Clever use of contrast to highlight the vigorous vitality of grass. More than half a month has passed, but during this time, there has not been a drop of rain, although the sun is still roasting the earth and the grass is flourishing.

It turns out that its roots have been deeply rooted in the moist and fertile soil. And Xiaohua? Because the owner was not at home, no one watered it, and it was dead.

Reasonably associate and express the author's feelings. Whenever I see the grass showing its beautiful charm in the sun, greening the earth and silently making selfless contributions to beautifying the environment, I will think: "People should also have a spirit of unremitting self-improvement like grass and struggle in difficulties or adversity. Example 2: Strange Tree Zeng Yihua There is an old tree in his seventies behind a four-story teaching building in our school. It is as high as a four-story teaching building, and the trees are very strong. It takes three students to hold it hand in hand.

Although it is very high, the gray-black trunk is covered with large and small protrusions, which is ugly. Especially in winter, bare branches make people feel sick.

Whenever I pass there, I always avoid it at a distance. The description of the shape of the tree highlights the "strangeness" and is ugly.

Personification and metaphor are vivid and interesting. Observe carefully and write down the growth of this tree. At the beginning of March, I found many small pink buds growing on the tree. After a few days, the trees were covered with oval clusters of green leaves, just like big green firecrackers. In early April, many pale yellow flowers grew on the branches.

These little flowers always give off a strange smell. Whenever Xifeng touches the big tree with her hand, the yellow flowers on the tree will gently fall to the ground, which is really interesting for the fairy to sprinkle gold! At this time, the ground was covered with yellow flowers, like a yellow carpet.

When I pass under the tree, I always walk on tiptoe for fear of stepping on this beautiful carpet. Write down the reasons why flies can be poisoned.

Parallelism is vivid and phenomenal. Make good use of onomatopoeia.

The words are vivid and accurate. One day, when I was walking under a big tree, I suddenly heard a faint "buzzing" sound. I looked down carefully and was surprised to find more than 200 big flies lying on the yellow carpet, and some dying flies were struggling.

I looked up, ha, there were many flies, large and small, hovering around the flowers on the tree, sometimes stopping on small flowers and sometimes flying again, but it didn't take long for the flies to die and fall to the ground. I think the flower "fragrance" attracted the flies around and poisoned them! Really poisonous flies are like killers.

3. Write the composition of Huang Pilotage Primary School in my school.

Early in the morning, I came to school with the morning glow and a brisk pace, humming a song.

The first thing you see is the flag-raising platform in front of the teaching building. The bright five-star red flag flutters in the wind, and two cedars stand beside the flag platform, defending the red flag like two soldiers. There are two large flower ponds on both sides of the pine tree, which are full of Chinese rose flowers of various colors, pink like rosy clouds in the sky, white like jade, red like a burning flame, and behind the flower ponds is a row of neat teaching buildings. There are eight characters written on the guardrail of the two-story teaching building. The students are reading aloud in the classroom. When the bell rang, the students flew out of the classroom like a group of happy birds. The campus suddenly boiled. Some students play basketball, some bungee jump and some play football.

Across the corridor, there is the first-grade classroom. There are seven or eight buttonwood trees in front of the classroom, covering the whole yard. In summer, we can enjoy the cool below, and in winter, it can shelter us from the wind and snow. Go back and you will find the orchard. There are pear, peach and apple trees in the garden. In spring, pear trees are blooming with snow-white flowers, but peach blossoms are not weak, revealing pink cheeks, and apple trees are relatively simple. It just silently gestates its fruit. In summer, peach trees bear big and red peaches, like the smiling faces of classmates. In autumn, the apple trees are covered with red apples, and the pear trees are covered with big pears from Huang Chengcheng. Take a sweet bite and you won't be able to talk for a long time.

Is our school shining? You must visit our school!

It's a beautiful place, a place where I know a lot of truth. It is my school-Qidu Central Primary School.

Walking into the campus, you see a big garden, which is divided into two places, one on the left and the other on the right. There is a rockery in the middle of the garden on the left, which is made of many stones. Although not as grotesque as the stones in Guilin, they are also very strange. Tall stones are like human fingers, which is very interesting. The garden scenery on the right is also beautiful, and the cobblestone path is quite comfortable to walk on! There are lawns on both sides of the road. The short grass is hairy and cute. There are also some trees planted in the lawn, such as Cycas, Maple, Willow, Osmanthus fragrans and Lagerstroemia indica, which add interest to the beautiful campus. Walking down, we can see four tall and straight poplars, who are always guarding our campus like guards. Looking up, I saw a five-star red flag fluttering in the wind, and there were small trees on both sides of the flag. When the breeze blows, the national flag is like the conductor of small trees, directing them to sing and dance. Behind the national flag is the monument of our school. There are two flower beds behind the school monument. The flowers in the flower bed are colorful, including red, white and pink ... very beautiful. Butterflies danced on it as if they were in a fairyland. Further on, it is a corridor. Walking in it, the sweet sound of reading will make you intoxicated. On both sides of the playground, leafy trees are neatly arranged on the edge of the playground. The playground is the cradle of athletes, a paradise for students to play and an indispensable place for athletes. There is a dense jujube tree in the middle of the playground. In spring, the leaves of jujube trees are green, and the thick branches spread out around, like a big green mulberry blowing in the autumn wind, and the leaves fall to the ground one by one, like yellow butterflies. In addition to the huge jujube trees on the playground, there are rows of osmanthus trees like soldiers beside them, guarding our campus. In late autumn, osmanthus trees grow golden flowers, which are osmanthus. If raindrops hit osmanthus, osmanthus will fall, just like the next osmanthus rain. Osmanthus fragrans fell to the ground, and the ground was like a golden carpet, which was soft and fragrant when stepped on. As soon as the bell rang, the students flew out of the classroom like happy birds and came to the playground. Some of them read books, some play games and some jump rope.

School is a sacred place, which allows us to open the treasure house of wisdom; It can bring us laughter; He can give us moral support. School, what a desirable place!

4. Zhou Ji, a fourth-grade primary school student, wrote an essay on how to write a happy Sunday when the wheat is yellow. It's a sunny morning. When Grandfather Sun sprinkled warm sunshine all over the earth, I got up in a hurry, got dressed sleepily and came to the hall lazily.

I found that my mother had just finished a delicious breakfast and smiled and said to me, "Eat quickly. After dinner, we will go to Qingdao to play today." As soon as I heard this, I jumped three feet for joy and wolfed down my breakfast.

I fell asleep when I got on the bus. When I woke up, my eyes lit up, and I was at a loss for colorful shells, golden beaches, blue seas and silvery seagulls.

I am immersed in joy. I saw it still in the thick place, spreading its wings and flying like a holy goddess.

I made a sand pile on the beach, and it was very soft and comfortable to lie on it. This is what I see the sea coming in bit by bit, as high as a wave, like a lion opening its mouth.

The air in the sea is fresh and sweet, the sky is blue and profound, the sea is crystal clear, and the golden beaches are colorful and colorful. The scenery on the sea constitutes a colorful picture.

The sea hopes that we can meet again. I love you, sea! I love your beauty! The sun is setting in the west. It's time for us to leave, but my heart has been flying here like a butterfly for a long time and I don't want to leave. This weekend is my happiest weekend! Let me feel the beauty of the sea! The vastness of the sea.

5. How to write a landscape composition Autumn in my hometown is like a magician, which can bring people into the world of dreams; Also like a designer, everything is designed so beautifully; Like a painter, he integrated all the beautiful scenery into this beautiful picture.

I love akita in my hometown, corn with a big mouth, rice with a cat's waist, red sorghum and white-haired cotton. This is a bumper harvest. There is a clear river flowing through the field, and the sky is reflected in the clear river, which looks blue; The white clouds floating leisurely are reflected on the river, which is more white and flawless; The eagle flies in the water and the fish is in the upper reaches of the sky; Insects and birds sing, forming a golden autumn symphony. The mountains in the distance are dim and faint, giving people a mysterious feeling. There are Woods on both sides of the river, and sometimes a few curved willow leaves swirl down, and small fish swim happily around the leaves on the water, just like seeing off a long-distance boat.

The autumn orchard in my hometown is very beautiful. The red apples bend their branches like a shy girl's face, and there are big pears in Huang Chengcheng, pomegranates with hats, big persimmons full of trees, and numerous fruits paint the autumn orchard with gorgeous colors. There is a faint fruity fragrance in the autumn wind, which makes people intoxicated and linger.

Grassland in autumn is also colorful, with yellow in the green and red in the yellow. In the grass, crickets are visiting relatives, crickets are singing, butterflies are dancing and flowers are laughing. Looking at the distance, I have infinite reverie, as if I had come to the fairy tale world.

Although "Luoyang peony is the best in the world", I think the chrysanthemums in Luoyang are also interesting. Chrysanthemums like hydrangeas are white as snow, pink as chardonnay, golden as gold, and red as dancing flames. Really a superb painter, this picturesque beauty is indescribable.

Autumn is the harvest season, and autumn is the world of hardworking people. I hope I can grow up quickly and add a lot of color to this charming autumn.

Why didn't the mat collapse?

My hometown is very beautiful.

In spring, the flowering trees are blooming and the fragrance is floating around the house. You can smell the sweet-scented osmanthus as soon as you leave the house. Osmanthus fragrans can also be used as tea. Pick the trees one by one, dry them for a few days in hot weather and soak them in bottles for five or six months, then you can make tea.

In summer, lotus leaves grow in the river and red petals open. There is something like a bowl in it, and there are small edible balls in the bowl.

In autumn, fruit trees bear fruit, including oranges, oranges ... oranges are big, yellow and sweet, as well as delicious and beautiful.

The most beautiful is winter. Snowflakes are floating in the air. At noon, friends make snowmen and have snowball fights on the ground.

You see, this is my beautiful hometown.

6. How to write a composition about plants?

There are many kinds of flowers in the world, such as Magnolia grandiflora, Chinese rose, rose, plum blossom, chrysanthemum, Clivia, camellia and so on. However, the flower with the most flowers and the richest colors belongs to the sunflower. As the saying goes, "good flowers don't bloom often." Sunflower is also a good flower, including red, yellow, white, purple, crimson and orange ... Sunflower petals are single-layered, shaped like plum blossoms, with a red core and yellow spots on black filaments. Sunflower stems are long and thin, soft and curved. It has thin branches, dense leaves and many flowers.

Sunflowers only bloom when they see the sun. Every day when the sun rises slowly from the east, sunflowers are scrambling to open their smiles. When the breeze blows away, the sunflower "shakes its head", as if reading a poem and nodding to pedestrians. The flower bones of sunflowers are red and the shape is the size of soybeans. Unlike other flower bones, they are short and round.

Sunflower seeds are surrounded by several small leaves. Flower seeds are as big as sesame seeds. When the seeds of small flowers are ripe, they are scattered in Grandpa Earth's arms. After being nourished by sunshine and rain, they can grow more beautiful sunflowers in the second year.

Sunflowers are full of vitality. She sucks the nectar that Grandma Blue Sky gave her and greedily absorbs the nutrition of Grandpa Earth. Sunflowers thrive under the care of Grandpa Earth and Grandma Blue Sky, making the motherland more beautiful and adding icing on the cake to the beautiful nature.

Sunflowers at night are like a child playing all day, tired and gratified to enter a sweet dream.

Morning glory is also a good flower. It blooms early and fails late. It and sunflower seem to be a pair of good sisters. They agreed to open up together, enter the sweet dream country together, not early or early, and decorate this beautiful nature together. They give themselves selflessly and never ask for the return of the motherland or the appreciation of the people.

Although sunflower is not as noble as rose, as fragrant as chrysanthemum, as pure and elegant as Magnolia grandiflora and as fragrant as plum blossom, it has the spirit of selfless dedication.

I love sunflower, its tenacious and vigorous vitality, and I love its selfless dedication.

7. Yellow and red, how to write a composition? In October, chrysanthemums are in full bloom. There are many chrysanthemums in Happiness Park, which has become an ocean of flowers.

Chrysanthemums have a variety of colors, including purple, yellow, pink, yellow with red, red with purple, and the most magical thing is green. It is really colorful!

Chrysanthemum is a beautiful name. Zhuang Yuanhong, Golden Coral, golden phoenix, Neat Beauty, Mo Qilin, Emerald, Guliuxia. ...

Chrysanthemums have different shapes. "Bunny" is so cute, skipping. Its ears are really like two carrots. It is made of yellow wild chrysanthemum. The rooster has bright eyes and flashing lights to announce the dawn. "Big Butterfly" has red, yellow, orange and a pair of long tentacles, which is a symmetrical figure. The nine-story "Chrysanthemum House" is made of a pot of red Jin Ju, which is really beautiful. Two Dragons Playing with Beads is my favorite. The two leading players looked at each other, holding their heads high and full of energy, as if welcoming guests from all over the world.

There are many kinds of chrysanthemums in Happiness Park, waiting for everyone to watch!

8. How to write a composition tree about roadside trees?

It stands quietly on the flat path, experiencing ups and downs; Always neglected, but always maintained a "cheerful" character. It is always dedicated to people silently and selflessly. The children are playing in its arms, and the old man is exercising in its shade ... who is it? Yes, it's an ordinary tree by the roadside.

In spring, it is flourishing, and many fresh buds grow on its thick branches. But people in the past only occasionally looked up at the big tree. Some people will complain, what's the use of this tree species here? Still walking the same way, really! But no matter how others accuse or insult this tree, it will never take it to heart, and it will always show a broad mind.

In summer, the weather is hot, and many neighbors and people from the past come here to enjoy the cool. It gives silently, but it is never called "bitterness". Perhaps only in summer will people pay attention to this tree.

In autumn, the leaves of this tree turn yellow, and countless leaves fall, just like butterflies flying in the air, but sanitation workers find it very troublesome to sweep up these fallen leaves one by one. In the face of people's accusations, the tree is obviously a little lost, but there is nothing he can do.

In winter, all the leaves fall, only a few dry branches stand in the snowy weather. It is more confident.

Trees by the roadside, although often accused and ignored, have always been so selfless and optimistic.