Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Liu Heng, the emperor of China, whose Toy Boy was as rich as an enemy, starved to death in the end.

Liu Heng, the emperor of China, whose Toy Boy was as rich as an enemy, starved to death in the end.

Liu Heng, the emperor of China, was the son of Liu Bang, the emperor of Han Dynasty, and the younger brother of Liu Ying, the emperor of Han Hui. In the history of our country, Emperor Wendi was a highly respected emperor, and he was a famous "Wen" in its heyday ... When Emperor Wendi ascended the throne, the economy of the Han Dynasty was still relatively backward and people's lives were more difficult. As an emperor, he also set an example and lived frugally. It is said that he can't even throw a rag, and the patches on it are one after another, which is spectacular. He wore such clothes to see the minister. When the minister saw his boss dressed like this, he certainly didn't dare to dress up properly, so he made a fortune and regarded patched clothes as fashion. It was not a market economy at that time, but a closed small-scale peasant economy. Therefore, not spending is to accumulate wealth. In this way, after a period of accumulation, the Great Han Dynasty finally regained its vitality, the national treasury was enriched, and the people were rich, just like entering the ancient version of a well-off society. Life is getting better and better, and the emperor doesn't need to be so shabby. At that time, Emperor China no longer needed to wear patched clothes. At this wonderful moment, he met the love of his life, Deng Tong.

Deng Tong was originally a boatman in Minjiang River, Sichuan. Because of his superb navigation skills, he was elected to the imperial fleet and was responsible for navigating for Emperor China. If the story goes on like this, Deng Tong will be a boatman all his life. Although he has the opportunity to pay tribute to this honor at home, he is still a nobody who can't starve to death or make money. But "time has passed, heaven and earth are integrated, and heroes cannot be transported at will." If God wants to give you a chance to develop, you can't avoid it. Deng Tong's opportunities are even more amazing. How amazing is it? This is just an unexplained dream. The difference is that this dream was made by the noble emperor China. That night, Emperor Wendi of China had a strange dream: he dreamed that he tried to climb to heaven, but no matter how hard he tried, he always missed climbing to heaven. Just then, a boatman gave him a hard push behind him, and then he climbed up smoothly. He turned around quickly and saw a handsome face. Just as he was about to ask the man's name, unfortunately, it was already dawn and he woke up.

As we all know, people are curious. After Wendi woke up, the story of ascension gradually blurred, but he deeply remembered the face he saw, and his heart itched: Who is this person? Jesus Christ. Is it a person? Or a ghost? The next day, according to the previous play plan, Emperor Wendi of China went boating in the artificial lake of the Royal Garden. In his spare time, the faces in his dreams still keep appearing in his mind. Just then, a similar face flashed by. After a pause, Di Hua looked at the boatman carefully. Fuck, it's really "you can't find a place to step on, it's all easy to mess with." The boatman's clothes, appearance and figure are exactly the same as those of the dreamer. Emperor China was overjoyed, and his doubts were solved. He asked the man's name, and the man replied in a trembling voice, Deng Tong. Just like finding a long-lost father, Emperor China shouted excitedly, and immediately gave Deng Tong a lot of gold and silver jewelry and promoted him to be a doctor.

Although Deng Tong has no real skills, he is rare, and his mouth is as small as honey. Emperor China likes him more and more. This kind of love has escalated and evolved into love. Wendi gritted his teeth, took the bag into the inner palace and became his own. Two people often eat together, but sleeping together is sweet. With meticulous and conscientious service, Emperor Wendi lived a very comfortable life and was very satisfied with the world. He kept rewarding Deng Tong for his great wealth, but gradually, he felt that this kind of reward could no longer express his feelings, but he couldn't think of a better reward method at the moment. Just one day, a person who is proficient in face-to-face teaching came to talk to Wendy and was there. Emperor Wen ordered the man to predict the future fate of Deng Tong. This man is honest. He looked at Deng Tong's handsome face for a long time and said worriedly, "Your Majesty, Grandpa Deng's face is not bad on the whole, but the ending is not very good. If I am not mistaken, he may starve to death in the end. Wendi Deng laughed after hearing this, which means: You are ridiculous. Can he starve to death with me? The guy in the physiognomy hall was kicked out of the Han Palace in frustration.

However, he inspired the Emperor China. Didn't he think about how to reward Deng Tong better? The thing is this: In order not to starve to death, Emperor Wen of Han gave a copper mine and invested it himself. In this way, as long as the copper mine is still there, he will never be short of money or starve to death. This wonderful gift is equivalent to giving China People's Bank to Deng Tong. Deng Tong got this privilege. He screamed excitedly and kept going to the copper mine to arrange people to mine and invest money. Soon, Deng Tong, who has the right to make money and distribute, became the first in Forbes' rich list at that time, and was second behind the far-ahead rich. Seeing the fortune teller's prediction will be empty. But at this critical moment, Emperor China, who defended Deng Tong, died young. His son Han Jingdi succeeded to the throne. Unlike his father, Jingdi has no interest in Deng Tong. On the contrary, he hates him. As we all know, there is no love and hate for no reason in this world. Jingdi's hatred for him comes from a "pus-sucking incident".

When Wendi was alive, there was a sore on his ass. Deng Tong, who devoted himself to Wendi Deng, saw the pus on Wendi Deng. Without saying anything, he just shut up and used artificial respiration to help Wendy suck out pus bit by bit. Pustules are like "wildfires didn't completely devour them, but they grew taller in the spring breeze". Deng Tong kept silent again and again. This situation deeply touched Wendi. Later, he touched Deng Tong's face and said, You still love me the most in this world. Hearing this, if Deng Tong just smiled shyly, bowed his head, said nothing, or took a sip, he wouldn't have planted the bane of the future. But Deng Tong doesn't know which nerve has gone wrong. At this time, he just wanted to kiss up to the future emperor, that is, the prince, so he answered this question: no, the prince should be the one who loves your majesty the most in the world.

Wendi didn't believe it and said, "You try. Therefore, Emperor Wendi sent someone to call the prince to his deathbed and told him to suck pus with his mouth. The prince glanced at the smelly abscess and almost spit out bile. But he was afraid to say no to his status as a prince, so he had to bite the bullet, frown, take a sip like a dragonfly, and then apply for retirement in a hurry. All this was seen by Wendy, and his heart seemed to be intact. After the prince left, Wendi Deng touched Deng Tong's little face again and said emotionally, Look, the prince doesn't love me at all. When the prince returned to his residence, he couldn't help churning in his stomach, which made him very uncomfortable. Knowing his poor performance today, he must have left a bad impression on his father. Later, he learned through Wendi's personal eunuch that this was caused by Deng Tong, so he hated the poor man who spanked himself with a horseshoe. When Wendi Deng was alive, this resentment could only be hidden in her heart. Now, after Deng Wendi's death, he can comfortably clean up Deng Tong.

Sure enough, shortly after Wendi's death, Jingdi not only recovered his mining right and coinage right, but also sent someone to turn Deng Tong's home upside down without leaving him a penny. The reason is that "Deng Tong ignored the economic laws and issued money indiscriminately, which led to inflation in the Han Dynasty and interfered with the steady and rapid growth of GDP." The former billionaire became an illiterate beggar overnight, and Deng Tong was so sad that he wanted to cry. Years of rich life made him lose his original rowing skills. In Chang 'an, Deng Tong, who has nothing and no skills, can only become a beggar. At the suggestion of Han Jing, no one in Chang 'an dared to give Deng Tong even a grain of rice. Alas, desperate Deng Tong finally starved to death on the roadside in Chang 'an. Alas, the impermanence of the world can be seen from this.