Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - The main plot line of Protogod 4.2

The main plot line of Protogod 4.2

Genshin Impact 4.2 Plot line: In response to the fable of Fontaine disaster, Fucarlos separated his godhead from his personality and made a long plan to save Fontaine people.

Water God planned to conserve energy from the very beginning, and sacrificed himself to make villette regain energy and make Fengdan people become real people. But if you blatantly accumulate energy, you will be noticed by Heaven, and then you will fall short. For Shenfu, the most thorough way to save Fengdan people is to turn Fengdan people from pure water sprite into imitators and real people.

The water god itself does not have the complete power to create life, and can only rely on the power of the complete water dragon king. So, on the one hand, the God saved enough power in the stapler to kill himself and completely destroy the seat of the water god, so as to return the power of the water god to the water dragon king. On the other hand, it is necessary to ensure that the powerful Water Dragon King is willing to save the people of Feng Dan, so he put the Water Dragon King in the position of Chief Justice in advance, so that the Water Dragon King can understand and feel human beings.

Game role setting

There are many controllable characters in the game. At the beginning, the default character can choose gender, and the gender of the character is fixed. Characters other than travelers can be obtained through plots, prayers and activities. Amber, for example, is the first character that players can activate through the plot in the game. Most characters need to be obtained through prayer, which is divided into permanent prayer and active prayer. Prayer needs to consume the edge of meeting or entanglement.

The characters in the game have physical strength settings, which will be consumed in flying, running, swimming and power-saving attacks (except for bow and arrow characters). When the physical strength is 0, the character will enter the state of walking (running), falling (sliding, climbing), drowning (swimming) and unable to carry out Xu Li attack. Physical strength can be recovered by physical strength recovery cooking and rest, or by exhaling panel cooking while the action is going on.