Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Please write a story composition about growing up in life.

Please write a story composition about growing up in life.

Please write a composition with my growth story as the topic and around my own life.

The story of growing up

Everyone's growth story is different. There are joys and pains, joys and sorrows, thinking and exploration, pursuit and yearning, success and failure, but my growth story is mixed with a trace of helplessness.

I am a middle school student now, and my subjects are increasing with the need of knowledge. My homework is busy coming to join in the fun. Homework is like an invisible Wuzhishan pressing me, especially when the exam is coming, I am afraid that my homework will be left behind by others, and I will study hard. Wearing' black glasses' to school the next day is almost a national treasure. Well, when can I have a holiday? I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it

The dark clouds of the final exam finally cleared and I took a long breath. The long-awaited holiday came quietly. That day, my mother and I went to xx Bookstore and brought back many books. Happiness is like a caterpillar, which tickles my whole body and makes me want to laugh.

The happiness and relaxation of the holiday also infected my mother. My mother took me to the xxx cafeteria opposite the bookstore. The story starts here. ...

We chose a window seat and sat down. My mother told me, "This is a cafeteria. You can choose your own food. There are mutton kebabs at the front corner. Go and get two. " I ran forward. I found a tray and quickly took two' mutton kebabs' back to the table. I saw my mother's eyes wide open and her mouth opened into an "O" shape: "My God! That's raw mutton! No, there is another string that is not mutton, but raw chicken heart. " Aunt waiter smiled and said, "Come on, I'll take it back for you and let my uncle bake you two cooked ones." I watched in dismay as my aunt took my plate. Face like red-hot iron. I kept my head down, but I always felt that the whole restaurant was focused on me. Everyone seems to be laughing at me, a boy who only eats mutton kebabs but doesn't even know them. Mom said, "I think those kebabs can't be wrong if they are multiple-choice questions drawn in books." Mom looked at me meaningfully.

Yes, I can only do the questions in the book. That's an armchair strategist. Life is full of knowledge. Only by learning to observe carefully can you constantly enrich your knowledge and life experience, otherwise you will be like me (even don't understand mutton kebabs).

Two. Write a composition on the topic of "the story of my growing up"

2009 is an unforgettable year for me. I have learned to do many things, many firsts, but the first cooking is the most unforgettable.

I remember it was a Sunday, and my mother said to me, "You are so old. I can't cook yet. When I was your age, I would do a lot of housework. Today I will teach you to cook with a rice cooker. " I agreed happily.

Mom explains the steps first. Step one: put a small cup of rice; Step 2: Wash rice for more than three times; Step 3: Fill your index finger with water about one bar high; Step 4: Cover the rice cooker, plug it in and press the button. ...

Before my mother's voice fell, I said impatiently, "I know, I know, let me try, let me do it!" " "

I packed a cup of rice first, poured the rice into the bowl of the rice cooker, and then washed the rice three times. After washing rice, I carefully compared the height of the water to see if there was more, but I put the lid on, plugged it in and left, completely forgetting to press the button.

Half an hour later, I came excitedly, opened the lid of the rice cooker and thought about delicious rice. My mother praised me, and I was dumbfounded when I saw it. Water or water, rice or rice. What happened? Then my mother came over and patiently said to me, "You didn't press the button, did you? I told you to press the button. " Alas, I had to cover the lid again, press the button, wait and wait, my stomach growled, and time seemed to pass very slowly. Well, if I hadn't been careful, I would have had a hot meal now.

The experience of cooking for the first time made me realize that everything should be done seriously, not carelessly and impatient, otherwise you can't eat hot tofu with impatience.

Ⅲ Composition: Write your own growth story with the theme of "growth story". How to write, please advise. )

My story of growing up.

Time flies, the sun and the moon fly like a shuttle. In a blink of an eye, I am ten years old. When I think back to the dribs and drabs of my growing up, my heart is constantly rippling, including my mother, father, classmates and teachers ... I have also experienced many things, and the most unforgettable thing is to learn skateboarding, from which I understand that only hard work can yield.

On a holiday, my father bought me a skateboard, which was fiery red and had a nice name called "Rambler". I couldn't put it down as soon as I saw it. I was so happy that I couldn't wait to pull my mother's staff downstairs for training. First of all, I stepped on the middle of the pedal with my left foot and slammed my right foot on the ground. The skateboard suddenly ran away. I'm so happy! Then, I tried to put my right foot on the skateboard, but it didn't work several times. Suddenly, the skateboard tilted, I lost my balance and fell to the ground with a bang. My mother quickly helped me to get up, patted the dust off for me and encouraged me not to lose heart. "Don't panic, practice slowly!" I gradually mastered the skills of skateboarding according to the method my mother told me. I can stand on the skateboard! Finally succeeded!

By learning skateboarding, I understand that only hard work can bring gains, and no one can succeed without training. I deeply realize that on the road of life, only hard work and the spirit of not being afraid of suffering and pain can bring the fruits of harvest.

Source: learning.

I hope it helps you. Accept the answer. Thank you.

Ⅳ How to write a composition about the growth story?

The story of growing up

We have grown from a crying child to a sensible and intelligent student. In the process of growing up, we have experienced success, failure and joy. This experience is a story, which adds a brilliant stroke to our life.

That was a story not long ago. One day, the teacher said that there was an essay contest, and each class sent the strongest players. My classmates strongly recommended me, and I was a little carried away. On the recommendation of teachers and classmates, I was selected as the class representative to participate in the composition competition. These days, my classmates knew that I was going to take part in the composition contest, and they lent me their composition books one after another, patting me on the shoulder and saying hopefully, "You must cheer up!" " Our hopes are pinned on you. "

"I will try my best." I answered with a smile. The teacher often comments and revises my composition. Looking at the expectant eyes of teachers and classmates, I am more motivated. I work hard every day to get a good ranking and win glory for my class. I don't want my classmates' expectation to fade.

I was both excited and nervous in the days near the composition contest. I am afraid that I will disappoint my teachers and classmates if I lose the election, and I have no face to face them. This idea is like a stone, and it has been pressed in my heart. However, this kind of worry is not superfluous. I lost the election! I walked on the road, my eyes glazed over and my mouth twitched involuntarily. I seem to be laughing at myself. In my mind, my classmates' trusting eyes, teachers' expecting smiles and their encouraging words echoed in my ears for a long time. But I let their expectations go up in smoke and disappear with my failure.

Unconsciously, I walked into a forest. At this moment, there was a clear birdsong not far away. When I heard the news, I saw a fragile bird lying on the ground, as if trying to fly high, but lost strength and couldn't get up. I want to help it. When it saw me, it seemed a little scared. Its black eyes kept turning, so I had to hide behind a tree to observe its movement. The bird flapped its wings hard, wobbled in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground. It persisted and finally flew into the blue sky after three test flights. I was shocked by this scene. I have experienced it many times in my life. It doesn't matter if I fail. As long as you stand up from where you fell and try again and again, you will succeed.

Growth is a process of tempering. Without failure, there will be no success. No pains, no gains. You are a seedling, and when you grow up, you will become a towering tree. We should face up to the little things of growth correctly and be a successful person!

Ⅳ Write an 800-word composition with the story of growing up.

Time is passing, and I know my life is flowing at that time. "As time goes on, we become more and more mature and smart. Everything in life is a process of our growth. To taste what we have lost and what we are losing is to taste our life. The story that happened around us is the story of growing up in our life, and our life is full of sunshine for improvement.

The story of growing up is like the stars all over the sky, some of which flow far away like the Yellow River water, but the other part is deeply imprinted in my mind.

Open the door of memory and recall that event. /kloc-an autumn when I was 0/3 years old. One day, I got up early because today is my birthday! After breakfast, I went to school. On the way to school, someone who knows me saw it and asked, "Why are you so happy today? Have you ever eaten pistachios? " I replied: "No, it's just that the weather is good today and I am naturally in a good mood!" " "When I got to school, I happily finished my morning reading. When class was over, all the students came to me and said, "Happy birthday!" " "How happy I am! They even gave me a gift! One day passed in my happy mood. When I got home, I accidentally saw a cake on the table. Before I could ask, grandma said, "Look, your father bought you a birthday cake specially." So excited! Dad even prepared a cake for me. In the evening, my family got together and held a birthday party for me. The cake with candles was placed on the table, and the faint candlelight made me see the wisps of silver on my parents' heads. My parents are old, and how much effort they have made for me. I used to be headstrong, but now I finally understand my parents' love. From now on, I will never make my parents angry. "Tingting, it's time to make a wish." My mother's words brought me back to reality. I made a wish with tears in my eyes. I won't tell you this wish for the time being. Keep a secret! After that, I blew out the candles and began to cut the cake. How time flies! The clock has pointed to 10. We must clear the table. After clearing the table, I went to bed reluctantly. Everything goes wrong in life, and the auspicious words of "all the best" and "smooth sailing" cannot be realized, but people's symbols of a better life. Life is not smooth sailing, and people who can't stand the test can't reach the end of success.

With the growth of age and height, troubles come unexpectedly. They banded together to disrupt our lives.

We are middle school students now, the subjects are increasing with the need of knowledge, and the homework is busy coming to join in the fun. The homework we need to do is like an invisible mountain, especially when the exam comes, we all work hard for fear of being left behind by others. The next day, I went to school with black eyes. The whole class will become a rare animal museum, and all my classmates will become national treasures. Alas, when can the homework be reduced? I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it

Life is full of sunshine, full of flavor like a five-flavor bottle, and full of hardships and tempering. Let's go forward with colorful life stories and finish the journey of life.

ⅵ Write a 600-word composition with the story of growing up as the topic.

Everyone is growing up from birth to now, and his body has gradually changed from small to big, and his behavior has also changed from childish to mature and sensible. In a series of changes, there are risks and surprises, just like the taste of green apples, which are sweet in acid and sour in sweetness. The taste of this growth is particularly unforgettable. In fact, growth represents a series of changes, the process is bitter, but the result is sweet. Also,

I remember that during the summer vacation, I accidentally opened my previous photo album and found a photo of my newborn, with small hands and squinting eyes, looking like a little idiot. My mother told me, "At that time, there was nothing but eating, drinking and sleeping." Slowly, I began to turn over, sit, climb, teether and eat delicious food. Soon, I was wobbling.

Later, I began to babble, knowing that as long as I shouted "Russia", I would have something to eat. If I wanted a car, I would have toys to play with. If I don't want to take a shower, I will say, "No! Knowing how to communicate with people, the world has become more different, and the joy of growing up is indescribable.

Now, I can not only walk, but also run and jump: I can not only talk, but also write, draw and make friends. There is more and more knowledge in my brain, from astronomy to geography. People are more and more mature, and they know to be sincere, brave and responsible.

In the near future, I will enter adolescence. Outside, my voice will get thicker, my Adam's apple will get bigger and I will get acne. Psychologically, I will become more mature and steady. After this series of changes, I will break out of the cocoon like a caterpillar, become a beautiful butterfly and face a new future.

Growth is a necessary process for everyone. As long as you face it with a normal heart, you will find that although the process is a bit thrilling, it is also full of surprises everywhere!

Part II: Walking on the road of growth

Growth, for many people, may be just the height and strength of the body! These are people's prints.

Impression, the so-called growth, refers to the accumulation of experience with age, not words or actions.

The process of change is called growth. A person's growth is to go through countless bumpy roads, yes.

It takes countless cruel setbacks, mixed with bitterness and joy, to be called growth.

Learning is an important strategy for growth. Everyone can grow only through learning.

Studying the general courses of various subjects in school is to enhance the growth of intelligence; We have been studying beauty professionally.

Knowledge is also the growth of skills. In group life, we learned how to get along with others and learn.

It is human nature how to care about and be a man's lifestyle, so as to cultivate noble sentiments of mutual tolerance.

The growth of personality. Under the influence of all kinds of education in the school, we strive to learn moral education from many aspects, and we will study day by day.

Grow up.

We are very happy to be born in this progressive era, not suffering from war, and people are living today.

With the well-off life and the popularization of social education, in order to become a country in the future, we should strive for the upper reaches and outline.

Liang, become a good example for the next generation. We should develop morally, intellectually, physically and artistically.

Exhibition, mastery, can't undertake the purpose of learning.

In the process of growing up, we should thank everyone who supported us.

From birth, we became young people. Have we not been cared about by many people?

Where is the nurse? Because of this, I can learn and grow up smoothly so far. At home, I want to thank my parents and brothers.

; At school, I want to thank teachers and classmates; In society, I would like to thank everyone and nature.


The older you grow up, the more you should be grateful. Don't forget to keep it a secret. We will report every point. Besides, we

Learning and growing up is a process of owing others, so why don't we be grateful? Everyone should

Only by studying hard with gratitude can we become stronger and better.

Article 3: My growth is full of sunshine.

The growth of life is a pleasant thing. When I was growing up, the rain nourished me and the sun shone on me. With the care of my relatives and the help of others, I am full of gratitude. I hope I can do better and live up to their love for me.

Now I always go out alone, and I begin to miss the days when my parents accompanied me. When I was a child, I needed my father to pick me up every day. I didn't know how to cherish it at that time, so I took it for granted. When I grow up, I find that it is a torment to be crowded with cars every day, so I don't have to worry about being late. It turned out to be a kind of happiness. It is better to be grateful than to miss it. Thanks to my parents' selfless love, I spent a carefree childhood.

It is said that blood is thicker than water, and affection has an irreplaceable position in my heart. I think everyone will think so. Perhaps many people think that parents should pay for their children, and so do many parents, but I don't quite agree. I always feel that in this world, no one should pay for anyone, and the love of parents is selfless and great, not due. If you think so, you will feel ashamed and bear such a heavy affection.

grant favours

From primary school to high school, I have gone through a long learning road of 1 1 years, and I have also experienced many teachers. I sincerely thank them for their hard work for my growth, and many of them are in my heart.

Winning the project is something I have always been proud of, and it is absolutely inseparable from the help of teachers. The research project is a very long and arduous process, and difficulties stand in front of us from time to time, constantly undermining our confidence. At this time, the teacher has given us a lot of help. When we encounter a difficult problem, we can always go to the teacher to discuss it. When we were about to give up, it was the teacher's constant encouragement that made us regain our confidence. Without a teacher, I think maybe I won't make it to the end.

Chapter Four: Happiness in Growth

I, a middle school student aged 14, a teenager who grew up in the warm embrace of the party, feel extremely happy and extremely happy.

Since I was born, I have an ignorant wish: study hard and serve my country. I have been studying hard since primary school, and my study is full of happiness.

When I first entered primary school, I listened to my parents' instructions and bowed to a teacher to say hello. The teacher smiled knowingly, and then encouraged me to say, "study hard, you are a polite child." I'm so happy to hear that. Since then, God has created a cheerful and lively character. I strongly said to myself, "Enjoy life happily". With the growth of age, there are more and more happy events around us.

When I was in the first grade, I studied very well, but the exam was approaching, and ruthless diseases fell from the sky, which made me unable to take the first exam. Looking at the bright red scores on my classmates' papers, I was in tears with my hands empty. But after thinking about it, I made up my mind to take the exam next time! Don't be too sad. I made full preparations for the second exam, perhaps because of my sincerity, I was moved to heaven and finally got my wish and realized my wish. I was excited, happy and proud when I read my name at the school "commendation meeting". When I accepted the prize with light steps, I saw the smiling faces of my parents, the sincere and kind eyes of my teachers, and the envious eyes of my classmates. At that moment, I sang happily, but I didn't do it. On the contrary, I accepted this award calmly and firmly, and expressed my formal respect. At that time, although I was very happy, I still wanted to say, "Thank you teachers, thank you for your uninformed teaching, and thank you for your care." Happy, happy, I also think: this achievement should not be the most ideal, I will always struggle and never be satisfied, just like Madame Curie, whom I admire. There is happiness everywhere in life, especially our generation of children who grew up under the red flag and in the new society. But when we have fun, don't forget our mission: study hard and revitalize China! It is my greatest honor to grow up happily, but the happiness of the motherland is the greatest, the most sacred and the most real happiness-I wish the people of the motherland a happy life, wish the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games of the motherland go smoothly, and wish China football to rush out of Asia and go to the world!

Happy, fly!

Chapter 5: Growing pains

The pace of growth has arrived, and the troubles of growth have followed. It makes people unhappy all day.

"How can you be so careless? English capital letters are written in lowercase letters; Mathematics either forgets to add decimal points or it is difficult to turn around; So is Chinese. What should not be wrong is always wrong. ..... the results have not improved! " Since the first day of junior high school, this kind of words has often been lingering in the funeral March. Sometimes it is my parents' criticism, sometimes it is my self-training, and sometimes it is my sister's sarcasm.

I also want to improve my grades, but I can't be satisfied. Either this subject fails or that subject fails. These are all unexpected. Who doesn't want to do well in the exam, but everyone has different abilities and different efforts, so the "fruit" of harvest is also dry and full. Therefore, I can only say "do my best"

Life is only wonderful when there is competition-this is my comfort. But despite this, there are still many troubles bothering me: as a student, I told myself that my grades should not be too bad; As a daughter, I told myself not to let my parents down; As a sister, I told myself to set a good example for my sister ... so my troubles are increasing day by day. On the other hand, if good grades are so easy for me to get, wouldn't it greatly lose its meaning and people's desire to have it? Think about it this way, the trouble will definitely be reduced a lot. However, another view has formed in my mind-although the above words have some truth, they are too naive, just like saying that you will be sour if you can't eat grapes. Without hard work, good grades will not be delivered to your door. Therefore, troubles still follow me like shadows. This may be much ado about nothing, but it is true that this should be a problem faced by most students.

The solution to this trouble is to study, study and study again. "Very annoying recently, very annoying ..." Now I finally understand that this song actually sings the helplessness and confusion of our teenagers in the face of learning troubles. Growing pains keep coming, I hope we can resist all the "attacks" of troubles and learn to grow up healthily in troubles! ! !

The seventh growth story composition (600 words)

Everyone's growth story is different. There are joys and pains, joys and sorrows, thinking and exploration, pursuit and yearning, success and failure, but my growth story is mixed with a trace of helplessness.

I am a middle school student now, and my subjects are increasing with the need of knowledge. My homework is busy coming to join in the fun. Homework is like an invisible Wuzhishan pressing me, especially when the exam is coming, I am afraid that my homework will be left behind by others, and I will study hard. Wearing' black glasses' to school the next day is almost a national treasure. Well, when can I have a holiday? I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it

The dark clouds of the final exam finally cleared and I took a long breath. The long-awaited holiday came quietly. That day, my mother and I went to xx Bookstore and brought back many books. Happiness is like a caterpillar, which tickles my whole body and makes me want to laugh.

The happiness and relaxation of the holiday also infected my mother. My mother took me to the xxx cafeteria opposite the bookstore. The story starts here. ...

We chose a window seat and sat down. My mother told me, "This is a cafeteria. You can choose your own food. There are mutton kebabs at the front corner. Go and get two. " I ran forward. I found a tray and quickly took two' mutton kebabs' back to the table. I saw my mother's eyes wide open and her mouth opened into an "O" shape: "My God! That's raw mutton! No, there is another string that is not mutton, but raw chicken heart. " Aunt waiter smiled and said, "Come on, I'll take it back for you and let my uncle bake you two cooked ones." I watched in dismay as my aunt took my plate. Face like red-hot iron. I kept my head down, but I always felt that the whole restaurant was focused on me. Everyone seems to be laughing at me, a boy who only eats mutton kebabs but doesn't even know them. Mom said, "I think those kebabs can't be wrong if they are multiple-choice questions drawn in books." Mom looked at me meaningfully.

Yes, I can only do the questions in the book. That's an armchair strategist. Life is full of knowledge. Only by learning to observe carefully can you constantly enrich your knowledge and life experience, otherwise you will be like me (even don't understand mutton kebabs).

Recommend 2017-12-19.

ⅷ Write your own growth story-(more than 400 words)

In our growth, we will experience many stories. Some people are happy, some people are sad, some people are wronged ... everyone's story is different, and they all shine with their own unique light.

When I was growing up, I will never forget one thing, that is, playing "Cats Catch Mice".

The rule is this: more than four people can start the game. The mouse has a "mouse hole" and the cat can't get in, but the mouse can't stay in the hole for a long time because they will starve to death; In addition, the cat has a bomb that can be thrown into the mouse hole. If more than one mouse doesn't come out in five seconds, guess and decide. If a cat catches a mouse, the caught mouse can't get into the mouse hole, and it will become a cat after five seconds.

The game is on! "I'll be a cat," Cai Changling volunteered. In this way, the other three people are all rats. We stayed in the cave for a few minutes and felt a little hungry. The cat was still eating and drinking there. We had no choice but to rush out. Who knew that the cat reacted so quickly that it caught a mouse at once, and that mouse was me! The other two mice reacted quickly and ran away at once. "Mouse" Wang Haoyang also said: "Tragedy!" I became a cat, and Cai Changling became a mouse. I tried my best to catch Chinese cabbage. Suddenly, I thought of a golden idea: I immediately called Wang Haoyang and said I wouldn't arrest him. He came with a grain of salt. I didn't catch him, but I chatted with him. When Cai Changling saw us talking, she came to our side. The time is ripe, but it's too late. I caught Wang Haoyang at lightning speed. When he knew, we were high-fiving happily in the rat hole. Cai Changling used his secret weapon-bomb. He threw the bomb into the mouse hole and stayed at the door. Just when we were in a hurry, we suddenly found a gap there and climbed out together. "We won!" Cai Changling can only look at us and cheer.

There were many interesting things when I was growing up. This is something I will never forget.

ⅸ The story of growing up is 500 words (write interesting things and what you have grown up)

Every bit of growth records every step I have taken. There are many bubbles in the growing box, and each bubble records everything, with ups and downs, and every success and failure is brewing in it. ...

It was just an exam, but it left a deep footprint in my growth, which I will never forget and never give up.

The sky is gray and foggy. It seems that today is another rainy day. When I get up early in the morning, I feel bored and uncomfortable.

I came to the classroom and started my class. Sure enough, as I expected, something terrible happened. Just as the bell rang, Mr. Wang, a Chinese teacher, came into the classroom with a stack of test papers. I saw that his expression was serious. Everyone must have failed in the exam, or it was me. Suddenly, the teacher's words shocked me: "Li Ziwei, why did you do so badly in the midterm exam?" You are the top student in our class! How can a classmate like you follow your example? "The teacher's words left me speechless and the students looked at each other. There were countless pairs of eyes staring at me, and I bowed my head in shame. Amid the teacher's reproach, I stepped onto the platform with a feeling of anxiety. I lowered my head and dared not look at the teacher. My hands trembled and I took the test paper from the teacher with a gloomy face. I don't know how I got back to my seat. When I look at it, a 70-point test paper with many red crosses on it, I am dumbfounded. Total score 120, but this time I only got 70 points. My ... my ... nameless grievances made the tears of bravado that lingered in my eyes for a long time roll down. But I've never got such a bad score in the exam. This dazzling score made my heart surge and I couldn't calm down for a long time. I remember a few days ago. What should I do? ...

I went home trembling. My mother looked pale after reading my test paper, but she tried her best not to be angry and said politely, "Daughter, why did you do so badly in the exam this time?" Did you not review well before the exam? But it doesn't matter,' failure is the mother of success', you didn't do well in the exam this time. As long as you learn your lesson, I believe you will get good grades next time. To err is human, to err is human. As long as you find the cause of the mistake and correct it seriously, I will always support you! "Listen to my mother, I am more sad. My face suddenly turned red to my ears and I always felt sorry for my parents. I can't wait to find a hole to drill down at once. I had no appetite at all when I ate, so I took a few bites at random and ran into my room and closed the door. I sat in a chair blankly: what made me do so badly in the exam, was it by accident? Not convinced, I took out my test paper and checked it carefully again. Unexpectedly, my parents pushed the door and came in. My mother said, "Look at the test paper. What's the matter? Let's find out the reason together. "My disappointed tears rolled down again. Looking at my parents' anxious faces, my sense of guilt suddenly increased. So, I carefully examined my own shortcomings, and at first glance I was really shocked. Most of the mistakes in the test paper are caused by my carelessness. Even the first pinyin was written wrong. There are also unfinished reading questions and irrelevant answers; It is even more wrong to write one thing as two things. Ah, it was all my carelessness. I really feel guilty and ashamed of my careless behavior. My mother said to me earnestly, "son, sometimes a little negligence can master Jingzhou." Like a scientist, he miscalculates a decimal point, and both of them may make a big mistake. Learn the lesson, don't be discouraged, we believe you! "

The story of growing up touches my heart and always brings back my beautiful and sad memories; Let me feel the ups and downs of growing up, it is it that has painted a wonderful stroke in my life and left a brand on my growth.

No matter how long the journey is, no matter how difficult it is, I will start with my parents' concern and act with gratitude. My growth will be full of confidence and sunshine. On the road of growth in the future, I will meet the next stop of growth with a more firm attitude. Let me join hands with him to write our growth story and create a new chapter in our growth!