Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - What vines are not afraid of frost and snow?

What vines are not afraid of frost and snow?

Look at the area and you will know that the following are cold-resistant lianas in North China:

Chinese wistaria

Also known as wisteria tree, Wisteria in Leguminosae is a large winding deciduous woody vine. The trunk is gray-white, with odd pinnate compound leaves, the raceme is drooping and lateral, the corolla is butterfly-shaped, purple-purple, fragrant, and the flowers bloom first or at the same time with the leaves, dense. The flowering period is April-May. Wisteria likes light, shade, cold, deep and fertile soil, has certain drought resistance, barren resistance and water and humidity resistance, and has strong adaptability to urban environment. It can be propagated by sowing, layering and cutting. Wisteria grows rapidly with large and beautiful inflorescences. It is an excellent ornamental vine and an excellent material for courtyard scaffolding, porches, rocks and vertical greening. Wisteria is elegant and simple, and it is a good material for bonsai or potted plants. Wisteria branches are thick and leafy, and have strong winding and strangulation ability. When planting, the scaffold should be kept firm and not entangled with other garden plants.

banksia rose

Also known as Mutton, Qilixiang and Jin Peng, it is a large evergreen or semi-evergreen climbing shrub of Rosaceae. Branchlets are green, old branches are grayish brown, odd pinnate compound leaves, corymbose inflorescences are terminal, and flowers are white or yellow and fragrant. The flowering period is from April to June. There are double-petalled costustoot, double-petalled costustoot and single-petalled costustoot. Aucklandia likes sunshine, cold tolerance, warm microclimate environment and grows well on well-drained sandy soil. It can be propagated by grafting and layering. When cultivating radix aucklandiae, scaffolding or vertical frame should be set up, and properly tied to make it attached to the bracket. In the early stage of planting, it is necessary to control the germination of new branches at the base and promote the growth of main vines. Generally, 3-4 branches can be left on the main vine. When the main vine is too old, it should be trimmed and updated properly to promote the development of new vines. Muxiang root is fragrant, and its leaves are green and shiny. It is an ideal material for vertical greening of scaffolding and walls, and can also be used as a hedge material or ornamental potted plants.


Also known as Parthenocissus tricuspidata and Parthenocissus tricuspidata, Parthenocissus tricuspidata is a deciduous vine with branched tendrils and a sucker at the top. Leaves simple, usually broadly ovate, with 3-lobed apex and heart-shaped base. Also cultivated and enjoyed by this plant are Parthenocissus pentaphylla, also known as Parthenocissus pentaphylla and Parthenocissus americana, whose young branches are cylindrical. The stem is long, with long tendrils, and the top of the tendrils has suction cups. The leaves are bigger than Parthenocissus tricuspidata, with palmately compound leaves, 5 leaflets and thicker leaves. Parthenocissus tricuspidata is cold-tolerant and likes humidity, but it can also grow rapidly in sunny places, has strong adaptability to soil and climate, and grows best in wet and fertile soil. It can be propagated by cutting, layering and sowing, with cutting as the main method. Parthenocissus tricuspidata stems are vertical and horizontal, densely covered with air roots, and the screen is full of green leaves. In late autumn, the leaves turn red or yellow, gorgeous and beautiful. Because of the sucker, it has a strong climbing ability and can climb more than 20 meters. It is one of the main tree species for vertical greening. Suitable for planting fences, fences, fences, garden entrances, bridge heads, garden rocks or dead trees. It is especially suitable for wall greening of high-rise buildings and has the functions of heat preservation, heat insulation and noise reduction. It has strong resistance to harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide and is also suitable for greening materials in factories and mining areas. Parthenocissus tricuspidata is an excellent ground cover plant with strong climbing ability and fast growth, which can quickly cover the ground, slope protection and exposed rocks. The adsorption capacity of Parthenocissus quinquefolia is slightly poor, so it should be pulled with iron wire or rope at the initial stage of cultivation.

Reach the sky

A deciduous climbing vine belonging to the genus Corydalis of Asteraceae, which has air roots. The bark is grayish brown with longitudinal cracks. Pinnate compound leaves are opposite. Cymes integrate terminal panicles. Corolla funnel-shaped bell-shaped, orange-red outside and bright red inside. The flowering period is July-August. Ling Xiao likes warmth and sunshine, is more resistant to shade and cold, requires good drainage, grows well in fertile and humid soil facing the sun and leeward, is drought-tolerant, avoids water accumulation, and has strong germination and tillering ability. It is mainly propagated by cutting and layering, and can also be sown in separate plants. Lingxiao is an excellent tree species for scaffolding, trees, rockeries and wall greening, with dense branches and leaves, large colorful flowers, long flowering period and alternate leaves. Cinnamomum camphora can be cultivated with other climbing plants that like humidity, and it has layers, which makes vertical greening achieve good ornamental effect. Lingxiao is also a potted plant with high ornamental value.


Grape belongs to deciduous vines. Leaves alternate, ovoid, 3-5 parted. Grapes have small yellow-green flowers and panicles. The fruit is a spherical berry, which is yellow-green at first, and then turns purple-black or light yellow, reddish brown and so on. When it matures, it varies from species to species. The flowering period is May-June, and the fruit maturity is August-September. Grapes like sunshine and are resistant to drying, which requires a certain high temperature. Suitable for loose and fertile sandy soil with good drainage and fear of waterlogging. Grapes are usually propagated by cutting. The shaping and pruning of grapes vary from variety to variety. Plastic methods, one is multi-trunk plastic surgery, and the other is trunk plastic surgery. Grape is one of the famous fruits with beautiful leaves, strong tendrils and good shading effect. It is an ideal trellis plant and a good material for fruit tree bonsai.


Alias Erhua, Lonicera japonica, Lonicera japonica, a semi-evergreen twining vine of Lonicera japonica of Caprifoliaceae, can reach 9 meters in length. Branches slender and hollow, densely pilose when young, and brown. Leaves ovate, opposite. Corolla 2-lipped, white at first, gradually turning yellow and fragrant. Flowering period may-July. Cultivated varieties are safflower and honeysuckle. Honeysuckle has strong adaptability, light-loving, shade-tolerant, drought-resistant, water-wet-resistant, cold-resistant, lax requirements on soil, well-developed root system, strong budding ability, and stems touching the ground to take root. Cutting or layering propagation can bloom in the second year, and it will enter full bloom after 3-4 years. Honeysuckle vine twists and turns, with reddish winter leaves, white flowers first and then yellow, and rich fragrance. It is a vine with both color and fragrance. Or winding fences, flower stands, flower galleries, etc. Used for vertical greening, or attaching stones, planting in ditches and climbing on hillsides, full of natural interest. Honeysuckle is a light plant and a good tree species to beautify the roof garden. The old pile of honeysuckle is antique and is a good material for making bonsai.


Also known as ivy, Araliaceae is an evergreen vine. Have aerial roots. The leaves are ovoid or broadly ovoid, the leaves are dark green and shiny, and the back is light green. Pedicels and shoots have gray star-shaped hairs. Excellent cultivated varieties include' Jingba' ivy and so on. Ivy is a negative plant, which likes to grow in the shade, can also grow in full light environment, likes warm and humid climate and can withstand short-term low temperature. Strong, semi-cold-resistant, loose soil conditions, like loose, fertile, moist, well-drained soil, not tolerant of saline-alkali and drought. Cuttings, layering and ramets can all be propagated. Ivy is a typical shade vine with dense vines and dense branches. It is one of the main plants for vertical greening and an excellent ground cover plant. Suitable for climbing on buildings, fences, steep slopes, rock walls and cool ground, or potted.