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Plant Configuration Techniques in Landscape Design

Plant Configuration Techniques in Landscape Design

In landscape design, different kinds, different heights and different textures of plants are combined with terrain design in different ways to enclose and divide the space, creating a specific landscape or special environmental atmosphere, giving people different psychological feelings. Below, I have sorted out the arrangement of plants in garden design for you, hoping to help you!

1. According to the different ways of plant enclosure, plant space is mainly divided into open space, semi-open space, covering space, vertical space and closed space.

1, open space

The construction of open space mainly uses low shrubs and ground cover as the limiting factors of space, and people are in it, their sight is not blocked and their mood is more comfortable. This kind of extroverted open space belongs to a friendly collective activity place and does not need privacy. This kind of space is mostly used for public activities, such as park lawns, riverside grass slopes and so on.

2. Semi-open space

Compared with open space, semi-open space has the advantages of wide sight, blocked sight, strong direction and good barrier effect, which gives people a sense of space domain. The penetration rate and utilization rate of this kind of space in public green space are high. The arrangement of enclosed plants should adopt the way of "arbor, shrub, ground cover and grass" to increase the sense of enclosed space. It is mostly used for the construction of semi-open spaces such as parks and residential areas.

3. Coverage space

Covered space generally refers to flower stands, arches, etc. Covered by trees or climbing plants, it forms a low activity space with a top cover and open surroundings. This kind of space is relatively cool, with a transparent line of sight, only tree trunks at the lower part, large activity space and good shading effect. Mostly used for greening such as avenues and flower beds.

4. Vertical space

Close the two sides of the facade with plants, put down the top surface, and the space with the effect of "clamping the scenery" is the vertical space. This kind of space has a strong shelter and guidance, which deepens the sense of space of plants and creates a solemn landscape atmosphere. Generally, small and medium-sized trees with low branching points and compact crowns form a tree array, or are surrounded by neatly trimmed high fences. It is mostly used for greening highways, rivers and cemeteries.

5. Enclosed space

Closed space refers to the space whose periphery and top surface are surrounded and blocked by plants. Compared with the covered space, its facade is closed by small and medium-sized plants, which has a strong sense of enclosure. This kind of space has strong concealment and isolation, at the same time, it releases a lot of negative oxygen ions, and the air is fresh. Most of them are built in scenic spots, forest parks and botanical gardens.

Second, the collocation of plant colors

In garden landscape, color is people's direct feeling to the landscape, which can leave a deep impression on people. Different plant colors shape different landscape characters and bring people different psychological feelings. For example, cool colors give people a quiet feeling, warm colors give people a warm and soft feeling, and orange gives people a lively, happy and exciting feeling. Garden plants should pay attention to color matching, and generally apply color matching from four aspects: cold color system, warm color system, complementary color system and contrast color system.

1, cool color system

Cool colors mainly refer to blue, cyan and adjacent colors, giving people a sense of tranquility and solemnity. In landscape design, for some environmental edges with small space, plants with cool color or tendency to cool color can be used according to the situation, such as pepper, boxwood, holly and other plants, which can increase the depth and visual sense of space.

In the hot summer in the south, the temperature is high. In order to create a quiet, leisure and pleasant atmosphere, plants should choose cool colors to give people a cool feeling. Plants should choose more blue flowers and grass trees, such as forget-me-not, fragrant snowballs and platycodon grandiflorum. When there are not enough cool flowers in summer, a large number of white flowers can be mixed and mixed, which still has a refreshing and pleasant effect. Cool-colored plants are mainly used in the quiet environment of green spaces and residential areas such as hospitals.

2. Warm colors

In chromatics, warm colors mainly refer to red, yellow, orange and their intermediate colors, which bring people a strong sense of celebration, create a happy atmosphere and narrow the distance between people. In plant landscaping, warm color is the warm and bright color of plants, which gives people a welcome feeling and makes people feel comfortable.

Warm-colored plants can raise the temperature, so warm-colored flowers, such as hibiscus, rhododendron, rose and iris, should be selected in garden construction and plant configuration in cold areas in spring and autumn. In the north where there are few warm flowers, ginkgo, red maple, purple leaf plum and other plants should be selected in the design. Warm-colored plants are mainly used in sales offices, main entrances of residential areas, clubs, hotels, squares, parks, important landscape nodes and other green spaces.

3. Complementary color system

In optics, when two colors of light are mixed in a proper proportion to produce a white feeling, these two colors are called "complementary colors" and are also the color group with the largest contrast. Red and green complement each other, blue and orange complement each other, and purple and yellow complement each other. When two colors complement each other, and one color occupies a much larger area than the other, the contrast of the picture can be enhanced and the picture can be eye-catching.

The decoration of flowers and trees should use the contrast and combination of complementary colors in order to give full play to the maximum artistic effect of the least plants. The same number of flowers with complementary colors are much stronger in color effect than single-color flowers, especially in front of gray paved squares and gray buildings. Such as pansy, the contrast between yellow varieties and purple varieties, and the hybrid of yellow and purple between iris varieties. Planting bright red flowers and trees or flowers on the green grass and in front of the green deciduous trees can also get a sharp contrast. Complementary color system is mainly used for the greening of parks, ecological rivers and other places.

4. Contrast color system

The two colors that can be clearly distinguished are called contrast colors. Including hue contrast, lightness contrast, saturation contrast, cold and warm contrast, complementary color contrast, color contrast and achromatic contrast. Contrast is an important means to form obvious color effect, and it is also an important method to give color expression. For example, yellow and blue, purple and green, red and blue, any color and black, white, gray, dark and bright, cold and warm, bright and dark are all contrasting colors. The contrast color system is mainly used for the greening of large-scale venues such as Huashan and Huahai, or for venues with more individuality.

Third, plant configuration technology.

According to the ecological habits of plants and the requirements of garden layout, the rational allocation of various plants (trees, shrubs, ground cover and grass) in the garden is called plant allocation, so as to give full play to its garden function and ornamental characteristics. According to different site properties and functional requirements, different configuration methods should be adopted to create different styles and beautiful landscapes. According to the planting form and the presented landscape style, the plant configuration methods are mainly divided into conventional planting, natural planting and mixed planting.

1, conventional planting

Conventional gardens are also called holistic, geometric and symmetrical gardens. Plant planting mainly includes hedgerows, patterned flower beds, plastic trees and plastic lawns. They are planted in symmetrical axes and equidistant rows, and have regular shapes and geometric patterns in composition, showing the beauty of neat, rigorous and solemn geometric patterns under human control.

Conventional planting is mainly used in western landscape style garden design, which is mainly manifested in flat lawn, flower bed (including patterned flower bed), hedge and green wall, street trees and tree array planting. Conventional greening is mainly used for park axis greening, sidewalk greening, tree array square and so on.

Step 2 grow naturally

Natural gardens are also called landscape gardens, irregular gardens and landscape gardens. Compared with the conventional mode, plant planting is not decisive, and there is no fixed row spacing. Solitary planting, cluster planting and group planting are the main methods, especially the ground cover grows naturally without artificial modeling, showing the natural beauty of the plant community.

China landscape garden design mainly adopts natural planting. Traditional gardens in China pay attention to changing scenery, and the plants selected pay attention to the beauty of posture, color and taste, showing the beauty of natural charm of plants. In the landscape layout, there is no obvious axis, and a variety of landscape spaces are created in a patchwork and natural winding way, which are quiet and far-reaching, winding and secluded, lively and lively. Natural planting is mainly manifested in natural flower borders and natural groups. Natural flower borders are mostly used in parks, streams and other barrier-free places, and natural objects are mostly used in front of and behind houses as shelters and barriers.

3. Mixed planting

Mixed cropping has both conventional and natural planting forms, and absorbs the advantages of these two planting forms. It not only has the overall effect of neatness, generosity and bright colors, but also has rich and varied natural beauty, showing the artificial beauty and natural beauty of plants.

Mixed planting should adopt different proportions of regularity and naturalness according to the landscaping effect to create a regular, straight, natural and flexible landscape. In modern plant landscaping, mixed planting can be used in various places, including parks, communities, hospitals, roads and so on.
