Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Can jasmine pruning and hydroponics take root?

Can jasmine pruning and hydroponics take root?

First, can it take root in hydroponics? Of course. Moreover, hydroponics is very simple. As long as you pay attention to maintenance, it will soon take root and sprout.

Second, how to hydroponic?

1. Before choosing a hydroponic bottle, you should prepare a hydroponic bottle, wash the bottle, and then add water. The water depth is only 2 to 3 centimeters, so it must not be too full.

2. After selecting branches and preparing horizontal bottles, we should choose strong branches with a length of 7 to 9 cm. Then remove the leaves at the bottom, leaving only 2 to 4 leaves at the top and washing them with water.

3. After selecting the branches in the hydroponic environment, you can put them in the bottle. At this time, you should pay attention to the changes in the surrounding environment, such as temperature and ventilation. In addition, look for a place with strong light, but not too strong light, in case of sun exposure or direct exposure. This is more conducive to its roots.

4, time selection Usually the best time for cutting is April-June, because the temperature and light at this time are the most suitable, so it is very suitable for hydroponic cutting, and then roots will grow in about 15 to 25 days. When the branches grow roots, they can be directly inserted into the culture medium. After a while, roots will grow under them. At this time, you can manage them normally and pay attention to changing water frequently. When changing water, you can add some Trim amino acid foliar fertilizer for foliar spraying.