Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Wei Zi spat.

Wei Zi spat.

Watch the branches spit out new buds.

The drizzle and breeze sent away the silence in the disaster area, and the branches vaguely revealed some new green. This little green emerged from the bare strip, timidly explored the probe, shook her body with ignorant joy, and bravely looked straight at this once shining home. Look at the branches sprouting, this little green, this vigorous vitality.

12, May 2008, 14: 28, at this moment, the earth trembled and the mountains and rivers of the motherland no longer existed. At this moment, the mountains and rivers wept bitterly, the family broke down and the people died, and the once fresh life was buried under the ruins. Fear suddenly enveloped the earth, and the earth became as silent as ashes.

Life, where do you live? Traffic is blocked by mud and stones, people are pinned down by thick bricks, small trees on the roadside can't resist disasters, branches are broken, and they lie across the potholed roadside. The green luster of the leaves was also erased by this disaster. But the hope of life is hidden in loneliness. As long as there is love, as long as people's desire for life is not extinguished, the patient's heart can beat again in the sun, and this ruin can become a miracle. Children use their wisdom to help their companions to the other side of life. The teacher also stepped forward at that moment, blocking the huge slate for the children with his own body and protecting the immature children with his own life.

At the moment of disaster, the gap between people has long since disappeared. Love uses the most touching power to let strangers hold hands and encourage each other. At noon on May 13, the rescue team found a woman who was not breathing. She knelt on her knees, her upper body crawled forward, and her hands rested on the ground. The rescue team confirmed that she was dead at that time, but found a three-or four-month-old child in his arms. Under the mother's protection, the baby was unscathed. The doctor later found that the baby had a mobile phone tucked in the quilt, only to find that the screen of the mobile phone said, "Dear baby, if you are still alive, you must remember that I love you."

The people's soldiers, with muddy feet, crossed the waters of Qian Shan and sent relief supplies to the people in the disaster areas; Brave airborne soldiers wrote a suicide note and resolutely jumped from a height of 5 kilometers; The national leaders went to the front line with tears and personally visited the affected people. Hundreds of millions of compatriots have brought hope to the people in the disaster areas.

The drizzle and breeze sent away the silence in the disaster area, and the branches vaguely revealed some new green. This little green emerged from the bare strip, timidly explored the probe, shook her body with ignorant joy, and bravely looked straight at this once shining home.

Look at the branches sprouting, this little green, this vigorous vitality.

Whenever winter passes and spring comes, everything on the earth recovers and grows. After cold tempering, the branches of trees can see new buds of various colors, whether they are yellow, white, green or pink. All the new buds show great vitality, which makes nature more beautiful, makes people feel the breath of spring, sees the hope of the future and is full of confidence in victory.

In this year's 5. 12 Wenchuan earthquake, many little heroes emerged. They are fearless in the face of disasters, and I admire them for not bowing their heads in the face of disasters. Seen from TV and newspapers: 9-year-old Lin Haoru, desperate after the school collapsed, carried his injured classmates to the ruins again and again; Deng, 14 years old, was reading a book in the ruins with a flashlight before being rescued. She said that where there is light, there is hope; 1 1 year-old Zhang Wanji carried his 3-year-old sister to the resettlement site; There are also primary school students singing the national anthem and children's songs in the ruins. The friends fought death with strength, courage, wisdom, optimism and kindness, which touched the people of the whole country, made people particularly educated, and made people see hope in the devastated ruins!

Earthquakes are merciless, and storms are followed by rainbows. Disaster is doomed to pass, and life is doomed to start again. Friends who have lost their loved ones, friends who have lost their homes, and friends who have been hurt will certainly turn grief into strength and become stronger in life and study. I believe that with the care and support of the people all over the country, my friends will grow up healthily. They are my role models, the new buds of our country and the hope of the whole nation!

Sincerely wish the friends in the disaster area thrive under the same blue sky and become the pillars of building the motherland when they grow up!

After the cold winter, the spring breeze kisses the earth again. On the river, the ice and snow began to melt; On the land, the grass began to sprout; On the branches, leaf buds began to sprout. They tried their best to stretch out as much as possible to meet the beautiful spring. Look, the soft body of the grass is fighting for the most beautiful moment of the warrior, and the young leaves of the branches are thriving in the call of life. Don't they make us think deeply?

There is a flower in South America called Puda flower. This kind of flower is gorgeous when it opens, and it is one of the most beautiful words in the world. Who knows that the brewing process before flowering is as long as 100 years, and for the short flowering period, it waited quietly for 100 years. In 100 years, he kept absorbing nutrition, preparing, preparing, and saving energy for the moment of flowering.

The moment of flowering is hard to come by. Of course, the buds of branches also come from the flow of blood. In the vast mountains and forests, there are many trees, their trunks are thick and many branches extend to the sun. There are countless lives growing on the trunk and branches of big trees, although we can't see them yet. In spring, the tree takes off its silver coat and changes into green clothes. Green creeps on the branches, and gradually it is full of branches, trees and people.

In this regard, what we see is green spring, cheering for green, praising life and singing for spring. But who has thought about how much wind and rain this tree has experienced during its growth and how much suffering life on it has experienced? Let us understand the statement!

When the seeds of trees just fell, some were blown into the river, some were blown to the treetops, and some were blown to the stones, so most of the seeds were destroyed. I don't know how much training grass and seeds in the soil have to undergo before they germinate. When the seeds of trees just germinate, if they encounter drought, strong wind, heavy rain, etc. Only "grounded" seeds can grow into saplings, and what kind of process will it go through when it grows into a tree! What can be called a towering tree in the end must be a deep-rooted leader.

I always think of my mother's words when the branches show green buds. A leaf, a flower and a tree are all new life and new hope.

When I was in primary school, I always liked to climb trees and walls with my good friends, recalling the reasons for being naughty at that time. I just want to prove my ability. Of course, I soiled my clothes, hung up my pants and was scolded by my mother.

I remember once, it should be the early spring when it was warm and cold. After school, several of our classmates were bored. I don't know who said that, let's fold the apricot flowers, and others have responded. I also forgot who said there was one on the hill behind the school, and we went up the hill in high spirits.

Facing the cool breeze, we talked and laughed, and in a short time, we saw several apricot flowers on the loess slope in the distance. White flowers stand out in the desolate yellow land, and we rushed forward cheering as if we had won the fruits of victory.

We chose a few agile people to climb the tree, while others helped us. Although we have experienced some twists and turns, our hands are cold and thrilling. One of my classmates almost fell from the tree, but we managed to harvest some branches, and we went home happily.

It is said that flowers can be kept for a long time in a bottle with salt water. I carefully prepared a beautiful bottle, thinking of letting my mother go home to surprise me.

Mom finally got off work, looking tired. Suddenly, she saw my broken flowers and froze. She turned around and looked at me with complicated eyes. I feel as if I have done something wrong.

Mother said, "A leaf, a flower and a tree are all a life and a new hope. Don't fold it in the future If you stay in the tree, it will bring happiness to more people. "

At that time, I didn't quite understand what my mother meant, but I knew my prank was a mistake. Although my mother didn't blame me, I still felt a little guilty.

Now every time the teacher carefully dresses the earth in green clothes in spring, I will think of my mother's words. That is the bloom of life, hope was born at that time, so cherish it.

The imprint of the remnant winter was swept away. In spring, colorful pigments are splashed around, or painted with high or low colors to pursue brightness. Everything is calm and vivid. The wind softened, swallows came, flowers smiled, willows grew, rivers rose, frogs sang, kites floated and branches opened.

At this time, a fresh wind blew out of the window, and I felt relaxed and refreshed, and my heart was particularly cold.

I can't help but think of Kay Lyon's words: "Yesterday was a credit card, only today is cash, so make good use of it." This sentence hides a lot of truth. I hurried out. ...

Halfway there, my footsteps stopped involuntarily, and I saw a completely different scene. In the early morning, the thin morning fog enveloped the weather, and the weather was so gentle. A careful sniff in the air seems to smell the fresh breath of the tree next to it. This spring, the meaning of spring is particularly strong, as strong as an insoluble dream.

It was last spring, when the storm raged, there were no birds on the branches, but new shoots grew safely on the branches. It's dark and the crops in the farmland have been bent. This scene made the farmers miserable and the crops were scarred.

This spring, I saw the branches spit out new buds again. It has also become the focus of attention of passers-by. Passers-by always say, "The new buds have grown again this year." Yes, they have grown up again, and they have all grown up.

From Xinlei, I understand that ordinary life can also contain tenacious strength. The weak soul still has such a strong vitality. I can't help but marvel. Maybe the new bud has faith in her heart, so she can fight so hard, waiting for the sun to shine and wait.

Just after the war, I glided lightly across the battlefield and was busy taking away the souls of the dead.

Yes, I am death. Therefore, I have to come to this place, a place that even death hates.

The earth is full of suffocating hot dust.

He wandered in a decadent Yuan Ye. No one else, only a pile of bodies; There are no trees here, only dead wood cut off by shells, or scrap iron twisted like the ugly face of the devil.

He wore a beret askew and dragged his smashed butt. His body was a military uniform with no color except bandages. His face was covered with scars and dust, and only a pair of strong and firm eyes were still staring at the front.

The rest of your life after death? What's he thinking? Hate war? I don't know, I drifted behind him silently. He's almost here. Although he is still walking, no, he is almost climbing. However, he was soaked in the blood of his military uniform and told me that he could not hold on much longer. So, I floated lightly and walked leisurely, waiting for his fall and easily taking away his tired soul.

He still staggered, crossing mounds and trenches one by one.

Funny, I've never met anyone so stubborn and so resistant to me. However, people will eventually leave this world with me. What's the point of waiting a little longer?

He's still crawling. Me, or follow. Why is he still unwilling to leave? Maybe this dusty world is so worth nostalgia? Anyway, he also knows that his departure is a foregone conclusion. However, why, regardless of physical pain, he still tried his best to climb up? Why, his eyes are still firmly fixed on where behind the mound?

God will also be curious, so I flew over the mound in front of him to see what he was pursuing so hard.

/kloc-after the spring of 0/6, I feel nothing special. Although there is heavy rain and snow in the south this year, after breaking free from the fetters of cold, the spring, praised by countless literati, is full of enthusiasm and blood boiling, and revived-plants sprout, grasshoppers crawl around, the sun is warm, and thick clothes are taken off. Year after year, cycle after cycle. Every year, new buds appear, which proves that it is still alive. This is nothing strange. Even fools know that plants that don't germinate are dead. I really wonder how thousands of poets and writers have been so coquettish and melodramatic for hundreds of years. Frogs had four legs ten thousand years ago, and the sun visited them once a year. In hot weather, people even have to take off their cotton-padded jackets. What happened? Goodbye, I tell you, you will see you again, goodbye, see you if you don't want to see you. But frogs can't have eight legs. Can you stand wearing a fur coat like a dog on a hot day? Boring, really boring. It's just that you are crazy. You wrote so many sour poems and destroyed so many papers and trees, but you still don't think it is enough. Now that you have come up with such an imbecile's composition problem that I can finish it in such a short time, I am as crazy as you. It takes a process to be crazy. As soon as you pat your ass and come up with a stupid proposition, we will be anxious. Hey, I said, we just want to be crazy. Can this be crazy enough to be true? With a wave of your hand and foot, we go crazy, and with a stare of your eyes, we immediately return to the original state. Are you so overbearing? Oh, spring, boring spring; Ah, trees, stupid trees. It is the idleness in spring that makes the trees sprout foolishly, so I can only write this damn composition helplessly.

Of course, something strange and novel happens every spring. Women are in high spirits at this time of year, but the less clothes they wear, oh, if you hang two fishing nets on your body, it's also called getting dressed. There is a shiny metal gadget hanging on the bare navel. The place where people live is a knot made after cutting the "rope". Even if you hang a flowerpot, daffodils can't grow. Hee hee, if someone innocently grows cauliflower and drinks it, you will be in big trouble. Maybe they are constantly dreaming of "old trees sprouting", but they are not trees, and they can only "sprout" once in their lives. The teacher said it was called development. You don't care what you call it, so be it. If you want to grow new buds on branches, you must have the growth DNA of trees completely. It's a pity that humans are not so smart. It can be asserted that if we are always forced to follow the current teaching methods, God, human beings will never be smart enough to dream of the fresh buds of generate's youth on their withered arms. Hehe, don't even think about it. Otherwise, brain burn. Look at those girls' low-slung pants. I am confident that human beings still have potential and creativity is wonderful. Look, as long as they squat, half their ass will be exposed in front of your eyes. Well, I've never seen so many different asses. This is the realistic symphony of Song of Spring, and it is a wonderful and interesting picture. Maybe only stupid pigs will gawk at things like spitting and sprouting. Hey, don't be angry, I'm not talking about you. I have a question for you. Why do some girls have white faces but black bottoms?

To tell the truth, teacher, I don't want to make you angry, although many times you are absolutely inexplicable. You are not the only stubborn pedant. Many people are just like you. Maybe you want to change all this, but you can't. I don't blame you, because you are a good man. I am also a good man, although sometimes my mouth is a bit mean and I like talking nonsense, but I swear, my heart is as beautiful as crystal and as noble as pine. I know, I'm just a humble bluegrass in your garden. I can't grow into a towering tree, nor can I be fragrant. At most, I will only show my ass to the world like some people, but it is also part of the fashion spring. Without grass, we can't show the grandeur of trees. Similarly, without those of us who dare to expose our weaknesses, how can we let people know what is true and what is hypocritical? I am sad that when you smiled at me, you wrote the truth on the note behind your back and secretly passed it on to my parents. As a result, a warm sunny day suddenly turned into a dark and windy night. My father hit me in the face, my mother kicked my ass, and men and women were mixed. At this moment, it is hard to say, "teacher, I love you."

As a natural person living in the vast sky, why should we set up so many fences and walls to hinder the free play of human nature and damage the harmony and peace between people? If I am a potato with mud, please let me bring mud, ok?

I lay in bed, covered with a quilt. Looking at the leaves flying outside the window, the wind blew out of order. Occasionally, I can see some shivering leaves hanging on the treetops. Of course, they are already teetering. Even if a butterfly flies over the wings at the foot of the mountain, it can't persist. But how can there be butterflies at this time? I smiled bitterly, and even a sparrow refused to show up.

Look at this room, white walls, white floors, white bedding ... everything in the hospital adds a cold breath to this silent winter. Disease seems to love this atmosphere most, and it keeps raging in my body. Cold, illness and loneliness really challenge me! "Can I survive this winter? ..... "I hesitated.

"hey!" In the silent ward, even the sound of opening the door seemed to shake the earth. "Better?" Dad's voice is very light, as if afraid of breaking the glass. "Better." I closed my eyes and squeezed three words out of my mouth. "Are you hungry?" My stomach really growled when I heard my father ask.

"come on Just try it. They are all your favorite foods. " Dad gave me a bowl of porridge. There are all kinds of rice and pumpkins in the bowl ... steaming. Swallow it in one gulp, and the whole esophagus is warm. Gradually, my hands warmed up. "Guess what's inside?" Dad pretends to be mysterious I don't know. I gagged and my father looked at me and smiled lovingly. I froze and a warm current rushed into my body. Dad didn't seem to notice, "There are rice, millet, coix seed ..." I didn't mean to listen, and some warm liquid swirled in my eyes.

Winter doesn't seem so cold, and maybe it's not so lonely. In this way, my parents will come to the hospital to accompany me. A child two years younger than me was transferred from the same ward. She will collect the snow and bring it into the room, so that I can see that they will melt quickly to prove the indoor temperature. Anyway, I'm really happy these days. And full of the warmth of home, in the hospital, what can be more comfortable than the warmth of home?

I don't know when I fell ill, so I was discharged from the hospital. On the way home again, I saw that the bare branches had quietly highlighted new buds, shallow, tender and small.

Spring! Spring is coming again, everything is reviving, and the branches spit out new buds again.

I feel like I'm reborn. How hard winter is, but because of the love of parents, its torture is so insignificant. Like a tree, the cold wind blows it bald again, and when the spring breeze blows, it will spit out new buds again. ......

Spring returns to the earth. On the Yuan Ye, beside the road, in front of the house and behind the house, rows of trees, tall, short, straight, bent, standing and upside down ... Whether the branches are bare by the cold wind or countless branches with green leaves, they quietly spit out new buds, tender, green or pale yellow.

I remember that little poplar tree was planted by my father and me. Father said, predecessors planted trees, and later generations enjoyed the cool. Do you understand what it means? I was only five years old then. I am ignorant, just filled with soil and water. Very interesting.

Poplar grows up slowly with the alternation of spring, summer, autumn and winter; In the warm arms of my parents, I gradually became sensible. Summer night is my favorite and yearning, because at that time, I can listen to the gossip of my parents and neighbors in the tree and listen to their folklore, which makes me feel very comfortable. Until one day, the neighbor built a house because of white lime, the green leaves of poplar began to turn yellow and fall off, and the trunk gradually dried up ... the next spring was the same. Father had to refuse.

Kindergarten, primary school, junior high school, high school, university ... I live in my own leisure, eat and wear like others, and I have never been under any pressure in my study. They all say "ten years of cold window", but what I experience is happiness and satisfaction. After finishing my studies, I was so lucky to become a people's teacher. That day, my father smiled brightly. The school is only 2 miles away from home, but my father bought me more than 6000 motorcycles and said with a smile that I could find a good wife. Later, I went to my daughter-in-law to have a baby, and the family was happy. However, such days are too short. ......

In the second year after marriage, my father first leaned to one side, and after a few days, the infusion became more and more severe. Feeling bad, I took my father to have a color ultrasound. The doctor said two words, and then I never heard anything. Brain tumor, my father is only 50 years old. I just want to be happy after working hard all my life ... My father has been working for his family for a long time since he was a teenager, moving stones, digging trenches, pushing boulders with cars, and going down to the northeast alone in his twenties-holding pots and some kitchen utensils. Later, people began to mend the canvas, which was a little better. Life at home is getting better and better. My father's prestige in the village is getting higher and higher Neighbors always come to his father to solve anything. As long as his father comes forward, Mao Dun is always invisible. When I was working in Dalian, my father once hired a strong man from Harbin to work, but after only one day, a seemingly strong man contracted pneumonia and stayed in the hospital for several days. Father not only paid all the medical expenses, but also paid him according to the number of days. The strong man knelt in front of his father with money and said, "Good man, big brother, you are a good man." God didn't care for his father because of his kindness. My father was knocked down by a car and he was walking on the road. The driver is from Dalian. Fortunately, my father woke up soon, but his wrist was broken. It is said that this situation requires hospitalization, but the driver repeatedly complained about the difficulties at home and knelt down in front of the traffic police and his father, obviously afraid that his father would ask him for money again. However, my father was treated in a small hospital instead of being hospitalized. He only spent a few hundred dollars, no VIP, no nutrition, no lost time. Even the local traffic police said that you are really considerate of others.

At home, my father gave all the money he earned to my grandmother, while my uncle kept all his salary, but he kept it at home when necessary. My uncle's wedding was quite beautiful, and it was the highest standard in the village. All expenses, including building a house, were earned by my father. Later, the separated father also gave the new house to his younger brother. However, a kind father never imagined that he would take care of his brother like his own son, and after he got married and had children, he tried his best to calculate his own brother. It was when I learned that my father had a brain tumor and needed money badly that I lent him 2000 yuan ... My father was heartbroken. ....

This is my father, such a father, can I let him leave so early? It is said that good people are not rewarded once in a thousand years. No matter what others do, my son, even if he loses everything, will keep his father alive.

After the exam, I endured tears and accompanied my father home without telling him the truth. The next day, I went to Qilu Hospital alone with the film. As soon as the doctor saw the film, he said loudly, why aren't you in the hospital with such a big tumor? Such a big tumor could lead to death at any time. I hurried home as soon as I heard about it. It is already six o'clock in the afternoon. Without consulting my family, I took a taxi home and asked my mother to pack some clothes. I took all my savings at home and hurried on. At this time, my wife asked me what was going on with her daughter in her arms. I'm just saying that you and our mother take care of the children, and you don't have to worry about anything else. To tell you the truth, I am very grateful to my wife. At that time, she didn't say no and didn't ask again. I grew up in my parents' arms, and nothing happened, but at this time I just want to cure my father's illness, and there is no need to discuss it without hesitation. .......

It was already dark when I arrived in Jinan, but Qilu Hospital had no beds, so I had to go to the cancer hospital with my father. Unfortunately, there are no beds in the cancer hospital, so we can only stay in a small hotel nearby. The next day, we went to see the doctor early in the morning, and we still had to wait two days for an answer. At night, my father can't sleep and always burps. I didn't care at first, but after an hour, I persisted. I'm a little impatient, so I need to see a doctor. My dad said, don't leave at two o'clock until tomorrow. I didn't listen. I went to the hospital to wake up the doctor on duty. Maybe it's because of a good dream, maybe it's because of lack of medical ethics, maybe it's ... he shouted at me, what the hell is going on. But he refused to open the door for me, so I had to explain the situation through the children. Just heard "nothing, go home, the brain tumor is like this, talk about it tomorrow." What kind of doctor is this? I don't know how many times I scolded him in my heart ... When I got back, my father was still sitting on the edge of the bed and burping all the time. My tears slipped down at that time. I'm afraid dad will sneak out and say to wash his face. Actually, my father has seen it. He said, nothing, burping is very comfortable. I can't sleep. Go to sleep. .....

However, there were no beds for several days. I waited in the corridor of the inpatient department every morning and noon, hoping for a bed, but I was disappointed. Fortunately, with the daily infusion, my father can sleep for a while when he burps, and I can hold my breath. I finally went to bed on the fifth day, and the operation was scheduled for two days later (we had done various tests before). I called my mother, and I know what my father needs most at this time is my mother. Fortunately, my mother has a big heart, but she comforted me not to worry and not to be afraid. Everything is going well. Father survived. But the doctor told me that my father's tumor was grade four malignant, the most serious, which lasted for two years at the longest ... I wandered aimlessly in the hospital yard and finally stopped under a big tree and cried myself out ... At that time, I wanted to share it with a brother and sister, and I wanted someone to talk about it. At that time, I felt so helpless that I finally knew what grief was. ...........

Father is in a good state of mind. When people ask about his illness, he always says, nothing, it's all removed, and now he feels good. In the evening, my father and I rest at home. The father suddenly said, look, son, the tree among us has sprouted. Really tenacious. Really, he has sprouted new buds, green and full of vitality. At that time, I thought my father would definitely live for more than two years. ......

It has been four years since my father had surgery. My father is still healthy, still likes to work and drinks a little wine occasionally.

The depth of father's love is the cut of filial piety. Good people are rewarded! ! !