Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How to judge whether a person has AIDS from his appearance?

How to judge whether a person has AIDS from his appearance?

The average incubation period of AIDS symptoms is 6-8 years, ranging from a few months to decades.

It is a long and complicated process from the initial HIV infection to the final stage, and there are various manifestations related to HIV infection in different stages of this process.

Typical symptoms According to the different symptoms and signs of patients after infection, the whole process of HIV infection can be divided into acute stage, asymptomatic stage and AIDS stage.

Early symptoms

Asymptomatic symptoms

Aids symptoms

Symptoms and signs related to HIV infection

During AIDS with symptoms, patients are often accompanied by various opportunistic infections and tumors, which can involve respiratory system, central nervous system, digestive system, skin, eyes and so on. , leading to various accompanying symptoms, the common ones are as follows.

bacteria contamination

Because the CD4+T lymphocytes of AIDS patients are destroyed a lot, they are vulnerable to various bacterial infections.

The following are typical infections:

protozoan infection

Patients are susceptible to various protozoan infections.

virus infection

Patients are susceptible to multiple viruses.


AIDS patients are prone to Kaposi's sarcoma, lymphoma, cervical invasive tumor and so on.

Kaposi sarcoma


Aids patients can also have systemic lymphoma, such as primary central nervous system lymphoma, metastatic lymphoma and cutaneous lymphoma.

AIDS is a fatal disease. AIDS is an infectious disease caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection, which can gradually destroy the human immune system, leading to pneumonia, various types of meningitis and more physical diseases.

Unfortunately, no effective treatment for AIDS has been found so far, which is why people with this disease are affected by death. Therefore, the best way to prevent AIDS is to raise awareness and attach importance to it, because some of our casual mistakes will affect our health, so we must be careful.

Every stage of AIDS will show different conditions. The symptoms of this disease are divided into three stages of infection by doctors, and the symptoms of each stage are different. Let's first look at the initial stage, the late stage of infection, and the final symptoms.

Early symptoms of infection

1) removes red particles from the body.

2) Headache

3) Have a fever

4) break your throat

5) Lymphatic swelling

Symptoms of mid-term infection

There is no reason to lose weight quickly.

2) increase the degree of fever

3) Cough and breathing problems began to appear.

4) swelling of bones and joints

5) Diarrhea diarrhea

Late symptoms of infection

1) Bone and joint swelling for more than 3 months.

2) Tap your mouth or tongue. See white spots occasionally.

3) Vision problems began to appear. I found that everything was fuzzy and distorted.

4) Due to chronic diarrhea.

5) Persistent high fever for less than 2-3 weeks or longer.

6) Headache from severe to aggravated.

7) dry cough and rapid breathing

8) Sweating heavily at night

9) feel very weak

The situation is different for children with adult symptoms.

Physical development is abnormal.

2) Don't gain weight

3) Ear infections, pneumonia, tonsils and other minor problems.

4) Walking problems

5) Lack of intelligence and intellectual development.

Invisible, AIDS is an immunodeficiency disease caused by HIV infection. Early carriers have no symptoms, but they can detect HIV antibodies for preliminary screening. Anyway, just test it. (check HIV antibody)

AIDS is fatal because it completely destroys people's immune system.

Cause people's resistance to decline, it is easy to get sick,

Therefore, people who generally have AIDS are riddled with diseases ~

So 10 AIDS patients may have different disease types and different symptoms ~

Now everyone talks about "AIDS", mainly because AIDS is highly contagious and has a low cure rate, which will seriously hit people's self-esteem and be easily discriminated against. Although AIDS is not as serious as cancer, it is also quite difficult to treat.

The clinical manifestations of AIDS are quite long and complicated from infection to terminal stage, and the manifestations of AIDS in different stages are also different. General AIDS can be divided into acute phase, asymptomatic phase and AIDS phase. The performance of each issue is different, as follows.

1. Acute phase

If you are infected with HIV, you will have acute symptoms within 2 to 4 weeks, mainly HIV anemia and acute damage to the immune system. Because HIV itself is a human immunodeficiency virus, it will cause acute damage to the immune system. The pathogenic reason of HIV is that this virus will seriously damage people's immune system, and then it will be easily infected by various pathogenic microorganisms, leading to various infectious diseases.

In the acute phase of AIDS, infected people may have fever (common bacterial infection also manifests as fever), sore throat, night sweats, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes and nervous system symptoms. These symptoms are not much different from general viral infection or bacterial infection, so it is difficult to distinguish acute AIDS patients from their appearances.

2. Asymptomatic period

Asymptomatic AIDS patients have no special symptoms, but most of them have lymph node enlargement symptoms, so it is called asymptomatic period, which can last for 6-8 years. The duration of different people is different, which is related to the type of HIV infection (HIV can be roughly divided into 1 and 2 types, and each type can be subdivided into other subtypes, of which type 2 is the most common), the number of infected people, the route of infection and personal physical condition.

3. AIDS period

AIDS is the last stage of HIV infection. At this time, patients will have fever, night sweats, diarrhea and other symptoms, which are difficult to cure, and in most cases will last for more than 1 month. People will also become very thin, at least 10%. Other patients will suffer from memory loss, apathy, personality change, headache, epilepsy and dementia. Some manifestations are quite characteristic, mainly systemic lymphadenopathy, which is manifested as lymphadenopathy in two or more parts except abdomen and thigh groove; Lymph node diameter 1cm, without tenderness and adhesion; More than 3 months.

How to judge whether it is AIDS? From the initial infection to the end of AIDS, it can be seen that patients do not have particularly typical symptoms. The diagnosis principle of AIDS is comprehensive judgment, including laboratory examination, combined with clinical manifestations and epidemiological history. The epidemiological history includes whether the patient has unsafe sexual life history, whether he has injected drugs, and whether he has used blood products that have not been tested for HIV antibody. The most important one is HIV antibody screening.

The goal of AIDS treatment is to reduce the incidence and mortality of HIV infection, reduce the incidence and mortality of non-AIDS-related diseases, enable patients to reach normal life expectancy and improve their quality of life; Inhibition of virus replication to the greatest extent can reduce the virus load to the lower detection limit and reduce virus variation; Rebuild or improve immune function; Reduce abnormal immune activation; Reduce the spread of HIV and prevent mother-to-child transmission.

Aids patients first need symptomatic treatment, such as fever, diarrhea and antiemetic treatment of malignant symptoms. In addition, antibacterial drugs and antiviral drugs are also used, such as compound sulfamethoxazole, clindamycin, dapsone, lamivudine, zidovudine, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate fumarate, ribavirin and efavirenz. Patients with dyspnea should be ventilated to help them breathe.

People with AIDS can't judge a book by its cover. To prevent AIDS, we should start with an honest and clean life and safe sex. In addition, disposable injection devices are not used to prevent contact with blood and other body fluids of AIDS patients.

The AIDS circle is full of handsome muscular men and beautiful young women, which can't be seen on the surface.

As long as AIDS patients don't talk about it themselves, even if they stand in front of him, he doesn't know!

There are no symptoms in the initial stage of virus infection, which is absolutely invisible to the naked eye. Once, a gym coach was admitted to our hospital because of a sprained back, and the results of admission examination were HIV positive. The doctor told him, but he dismissed it and laughed it off!

Even the gods can't do it!

After being infected with HIV, it is usually divided into three stages:

The first stage is acute infection, which usually causes short-term cold-like symptoms such as fever, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes 2-4 weeks after infection. But the symptoms themselves are not specific and have no diagnostic value. Because not all infected people have such symptoms, people with such symptoms are not necessarily infected, which may be a coincidence. So you can't tell whether you are infected with HIV by symptoms.

The second stage is asymptomatic infection, about 4 weeks after infection and before onset. The duration of this phase ranges from several months to 10 years or longer. At this stage, usually infected people are asymptomatic, and it is impossible to judge whether they are infected or not from their appearance. Once again, because you can't judge whether you are infected or not from the appearance, always remember the safe behavior. Lead an honest and clean life, wear condoms on dating, take drugs without condoms (blocking drugs), stay away from drugs, refuse to take drugs, go to the doctor regularly, and be free of AIDS for life!

The third stage is AIDS, if not treated, it will soon lose its life. In the asymptomatic infection period, although the surface has not changed, the virus is constantly replicating in the body and destroying human immune cells all the time. When CD4+T cells drop below 200, or opportunistic infections or tumors appear, they become AIDS patients. Common opportunistic infections, such as pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, Toxoplasma encephalopathy, candida albicans esophagitis, thrush, tongue coating leukoplakia, cytomegalovirus and Toxoplasma retinitis. Common tumors: malignant lymphoma, Kaposi sarcoma, etc.

Therefore, it is difficult to distinguish who is infected and who is not infected simply from the appearance, because there is no obvious change in physical characteristics after being infected with the virus. Even Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and Kaposi's sarcoma, which are unique to AIDS patients, need to be diagnosed by clinicians, and it is difficult to infer from the appearance.

On the surface, the disease is simply indistinguishable. Many sick people look healthy when they stand in front of you. Only medical examination can confirm the diagnosis.

If a person has HIV, you can't just judge whether he has HIV from his appearance unless he explains it clearly. Moreover, just don't look at HIV-infected people differently, because no one wants HIV. Probably because of some reasons, I made a mistake of youth and ignorance, which caused irreparable facts, and now I regret it. Be kind to everyone around you, and you will know how to love!