Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Seven cosmic civilizations! The earth civilization is still 0.7.

Seven cosmic civilizations! The earth civilization is still 0.7.

In the early 1960s, Cardascio CIO, a cosmologist of the former Soviet Union, assumed a three-level model of cosmic civilization according to the energy levels and total amount that civilization could master and utilize. In the next few years, it was expanded from level 3 to level 7 by many doctors and experts in the industry. Let's take a look at what the seven-level cosmic civilization is like and what its characteristics are!

First-class cosmic civilization

The first-class cosmic civilization, also known as "planetary civilization", has the ability to develop and utilize almost all the energy on the earth, that is to say, it is the absolute "master" of the earth, and can control the weather, land and various natural phenomena on the earth at will, know the structural changes and ups and downs of the earth's ground and underground, and even have the ability to destroy the surrounding planets. Generally speaking, a first-class civilization has "supreme" ability on its planet. Humans are currently in a civilization of 0.7, and when they can skillfully use nuclear fusion, they can rise to a civilization of 1.

Secondary cosmic civilization

The secondary cosmic civilization, also known as "stellar civilization", has reached the point where it can leave its own planet at will and then develop and utilize the energy of stars near its own planet.

Generally speaking, if human beings enter the secondary cosmic civilization, the whole solar system will be under human control, and they can live, shuttle and develop energy on all the planets in the solar system at will. With the technology currently mastered by mankind, it is impossible to do anything that harms the civilization of the secondary universe.

That is to say, if the first-class cosmic civilization or the current human civilization discovers and observes that an unnatural spherical structure has been established around a star, it means that a civilization is really collecting the energy of this star, which also proves the existence of the second-class cosmic Wen Mingzhen.

The civilization of the secondary universe has reached a relatively highly developed level, and this level of development is highly accelerated.

Three-level cosmic civilization

The third-level cosmic civilization, also known as "galaxy civilization", can easily control its galaxy, develop and utilize all the energy of its galaxy at will, and even draw the energy needed by its own civilization from the existing black holes in the universe.

The existence of this civilization has gone far beyond all human imagination, because it violates Einstein's theory of relativity, because a galaxy is very huge, and the farthest distance between the two ends of the galaxy ranges from hundreds of thousands of light years to hundreds of millions of light years, which is completely different from the current sci-fi blockbusters. Therefore, the existence of the third-level cosmic civilization is unimaginable to mankind at present.

Four-level cosmic civilization

The fourth-level cosmic civilization is "cosmic civilization", because this civilization has been able to develop and utilize 70-80% of the energy in its own universe, even the energy of the whole universe. As for the state of control, human beings can't imagine it at present.

Five-level cosmic civilization

On the basis of the four-level cosmic civilization, the five-level cosmic civilization has reached the point where the energy in the multiverse can be easily integrated and utilized. ......

Six-level cosmic civilization

The six-level cosmic civilization can be said to be the category of "the realm of god" that human beings are currently discussing. It can control time and space at will and create different universes at will. ......

Seven cosmic civilizations

I can't express it. Tao can be Tao, very Tao; Famous, very famous?