Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How to get to Pingshan by bus from Bihu Drunk Garden in Longgang Central City?

How to get to Pingshan by bus from Bihu Drunk Garden in Longgang Central City?

Bus route: Shenhui Line 2 → 964, with a total length of about 14.5 km.

1. Walk about140m from Bihu Jiugui Garden in Longgang Central City to Weizi Garden Station.

2. Take Shenhui Line 2, pass 15 station, and arrive at Pingshan Guohuikang Station (or take bus No.668).

3. take bus no.964 and arrive at Minlefu shopping mall station after two stops (you can also take bus no.964. B764 and Basino. b8 1 1)。

4. Walk about 130m to Pingshan Town.

Bus route: 8 18, the whole journey is about 15.4 km.

1. Walk about140m from Yipin Huang Qi Health Care Station to Weizi Garden Station.

2. Take the 8 18 bus, and after 25 stops, arrive at Pingshan People's Hospital Station.

3. Walk to Pingshan Town.