Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - How is Virgo's job?

How is Virgo's job?

Virgo's work and career Virgo people! Is a confident and careful person! People with dedicated service spirit! Dealing with people! Things! Observation of things! Strong analytical skills! And has a unique eloquence style! Very suitable for service or publicity work. Virgo people are for people! Things! Observe things in detail! You are also very careful! So it is also very suitable for assistants! Consultation! Research! Investigation work! Virgos have a strong analytical ability for induction! Reflections on the nature of professional work. Virgo has a strong self-esteem! Proud and stubborn Virgo! It is not suitable to engage in mechanical work that lacks autonomy or just wants to pay without appreciation, or some uncertain work that is patchwork. According to Virgo's personality potential, the conclusion is drawn! More suitable professional jobs are: secretary! Assistant! Planning! Publicity! Media! Manager! Nurse! Consultant! Research! Comment! Edit! Nanny! Programming! Sell! Accounting! Market analysis! Investigation! Kindergarten! Child care center! Education! Program development! Writer! Translate! Catering! Fast food and service! Consulting and other related work. The Sun Constellation, the core relic of life mentioned above, is not the whole discussion of astrology!

There is a little mistake in common sense! Please forgive me!

The author has 30 years of research experience as a career planning consultant! Provide reference for users!

I suggest that you put the Sun Constellation and Rising Constellation, the core memorial of life, together!

Because everyone! Personality after 30 years old

On the kinetic energy of the rising constellation! Play to about 70%!

Therefore, if we only consider the students' career department and the sun constellation, the core monument of life!

Or when you are looking for a job and career and learning professional skills!

This will waste your personal golden career as a student!

The results of statistical analysis! In the existing social crowd!

About 70% people are wasted in school life, and learning is useless!

Of course, constellations are necessary for work and career reference!

But you shouldn't ignore your name! Birthday and Wei Zi are fighting for numbers! Blood type! Other combinations of personal constellations! There are several factors that are crucial to the success or failure of life! Many people who study numerology ignore its mystery! That's breed blood! Genetic inheritance! Country and family environment! Parents and mentors! Everyone's life is a matter of success or failure! Of course, is it your own efforts or not? Or are you determined to live up to expectations? Usually? Did you choose a good book to enrich yourself or go to school? = also led to a person's life achievement! Because of the above factors! Will lead to different thinking! Personality! Temper! Habit! Ability! Skill! Situation ... people!

So just look at one = Sun constellation, the core monument of life! Ascending constellation or other single fate method! Comment on a person's life's work! Career! Good or bad fate!

In my opinion, in studying the theory of philosophy of life and the adaptability of work and career! There seems to be a lot of room for discussion! Author: Mr. Luo Ji, Director of Academic Research Department of Taipei Yi Society, astrology academic research! Some experiences of horoscope and work life are shared with you!