Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - WeChat Red Packet 5 yuan Random Red Packet Random Amount

WeChat Red Packet 5 yuan Random Red Packet Random Amount

Detailed explanation and algorithm code of WeChat red envelope random number _ WeChat red envelope random number

1 demand

Write? Fixed red envelope+random red envelope

A fixed red envelope is every red envelope? Huh? Sample, how many fixed red envelopes do you have? Uh, just? .

The demand for random red envelopes is. ? Like red envelopes? Er, it's 5 yuan, and you need to send a 10 red envelope. The random range is 0.0 1 to 0.99; Five dollars must be paid out. Uh, do you need it? Normal distribution with constant trend.

(0.99 can be specified at will, or it can be AVG * 2-0.01; ? Such as avg = 5/10 = 0.5; ; (average * 2-0.0 1 = 0.99))

2 demand analysis

2. 1 Fixed red envelope

If it is a fixed red envelope, what is the algorithm? Straight line. T is the amount of a fixed red envelope. As shown in the figure.

f(x)= t; ( 1 & lt; = x < = number)


2.2 random red envelopes

What if we do it? Random function rand. Rand (0.0 1, 0.99); So 10 times random, if the worst case is all? Amount 0.99, total? Uh, 9.9 yuan. Will surpass 5 yuan. ? The amount will also be abnormally distributed. Finally thought of it? With the help of sum mathematical function, can it be used as a random red envelope? Equipment, okay? Parabola, three? Function. Finally, I chose isosceles three? Linear function.

1 algorithm principle

If you need a red envelope, always? The total amount is Money, and the number of red envelopes is num. The range of forehead is [minimum, maximum], linear? The process is shown in the figure.


Coordinates of three points:

(x 1,y 1) = ( 1,min)

(x2, y2) = (quantity /2, maximum)

(x3, y3) = (number, minimum value)

Deterministic linearity? Cheng:

$ y = 1.0 *(x-$ x 1)/($ x2-$ x 1)*($ y2-$ y 1)+$ y 1; (x 1 & lt; = x & lt= x2)

$ y = 1.0 *(x-$ x2)/($ x3-$ x2)*($ y3-$ y2)+$ y2; (x2 & lt= x & lt= x3)

Maintenance data:

Y (total) = y1+y2+y3+... ynum;

Y (combination) may be > TotalMoney, explain? Become? If the number is too large and the data needs to be modified, multiply it by 0.0 1, y2, y3...ynum. Until y (total) = totalMoney.

Y (together) may be < TotalMoney, explain? Become? If the number is small and the data needs to be modified, add 0.01,y2, y3) from (y 1 ... ynum) each time. Until y (total) = totalMoney.

2 example of algorithm principle

If you need a red envelope, always? The amount is 1 1470, and the number of red envelopes is 7400. The range of the amount is [0.0 1, 3.09], linear? The process is shown in the figure.


3 Demand design

3. 1 class diagram design


3.2 Source Code Design


* random red envelope+fixed red envelope algorithm [strategy mode]


//Configure DTO for transmitting data.

Category options


//Red envelopes? forehead

Total public funds;

//Number of red envelopes

Public $ num

//range start

public $ rangeStart

//Range settlement

public $ rangeEnd

//? Red envelope strategy

public $ builderStrategy

//Random Red Packet Residual Rule

Public $ rand format type//can _ left: data can be left without repair; No_Left: there cannot be a public static function create ($ totalmoney, $ num, $ rangestart, $ rangeend, $ builder strategy, $ rand format =' no _ left').


$self = new self ();

$ self->; num = $ num

$ self->; rangeStart = $ rangeStart

$ self->; rangeEnd = $ rangEnd

$ self->; totalMoney = $ totalMoney

$ self->; builder strategy = $ builder strategy;

$ self->; randFormatType = $ randFormatType;

Return to $ self



//Red envelopes? Complete the device connection?

Interface construction strategy


//Create a red envelope

Public function create ();

//Set the configuration

Common function setoption (options to $ option);

//Is that all right? Turn into a red envelope

Common function iscanbuilder ();

//? Red envelope function

Common function FX ($ x);


//Fixed equal red envelope strategy

EqualPackageStrategy class implements IBuilderStrategy {

//A single red envelope? forehead

Public $ oneMoney


Public $ num

public function _ _ construct($ option = null)


if($ option instance of options to)


$ this-& gt; setOption($ option);



Common function setOption(options to $ option)


$ this-& gt; one money = $ option-& gt; rangeStart

$ this-& gt; num = $ option-& gt; num


Public function create ()


$ data = array();

if(false = = $ this-& gt; isCanBuilder())


Return to $ data


$ data = array();

if(false = = is _ int($this-& gt; num)| | $ this-& gt; num & lt= 0) {

Return to $ data


for($ I = 1; $ i & lt= $ this-& gt; num$i++)


$ data[$ I]= $ this-& gt; Foreign exchange (USD);


Return to $ data



* Equal red envelopes? Cheng is? straight line


* @param mixed $x

* @ Access to the public

* @ returns void


Common function fx($x)


return $ this-& gt; oneMoney



* Can you handle the red envelope?


* @ Access to the public

* @ returns void


Common function isCanBuilder ()


if(false = = is _ int($this-& gt; num)| | $ this-& gt; num & lt= 0)


Returns false


if(false = = is _ numeric($this-& gt; one money)| | $ this-& gt; oneMoney & lt= 0)


Returns false


//A single red envelope? At 1

If ($ this->; oneMoney & lt0.0 1)


Returns false


Return true



//Random red envelope strategy (3? Shape)

RandTrianglePackageStrategy class implements IBuilderStrategy


//Total amount

Total public funds;

//Number of red envelopes

Public $ num

//What is the most random red envelope? value

Public $ TERM min money

//What is the most random red envelope? value

Public $ maxMoney

//Repair data? Formula: NO_LEFT: total amount of red envelopes = total budget; CAN_LEFT: total amount of red envelopes.

//Budget surplus? forehead

public $ leftMoney

public function _ _ construct($ option = null)


if($ option instance of options to)


$ this-& gt; setOption($ option);



Common function setOption(optionadto $ option){) (

$ this-& gt; total money = $ option-& gt; Total amount of money;

$ this-& gt; num = $ option-& gt; num

$ this-& gt; format type = $ option-& gt; randFormatType$ this-& gt; min money = $ option-& gt; rangeStart

$ this-& gt; maxMoney = $ option-& gt; rangeEnd

$ this-& gt; left money = $ this-& gt; Total amount of money;



* Create random red envelopes


* @ Access to the public

* @ returns void


Public function create ()


$ data = array();

if(false = = $ this-& gt; isCanBuilder())


Return to $ data


$ left money = $ this-& gt; leftMoney

for($ I = 1; $ i & lt= $ this-& gt; num$i++)


$ data[$ I]= $ this-& gt; Foreign exchange (USD);

$ left money = $ left money-$ data[$ I];


//repair data

list($okLeftMoney,$ ok data)= $ this-& gt; Format ($leftMoney, $ data);

//Random sorting

shuffle($ ok data);

$ this-& gt; leftMoney = $ okLeftMoney

Return to $ okData



* Can I give out red envelopes at random?

* @ Access to the public

* @ returns void


Common function isCanBuilder ()


if(false = = is _ int($this-& gt; num)| | $ this-& gt; num & lt= 0)


Returns false


if(false = = is _ numeric($this-& gt; total money)| | $ this-& gt; totalMoney <= 0) {

Returns false


//average value

$ avg money = $ this-& gt; total money/ 1.0/$ this-& gt; num

//mean? Most? value

if($ avg money & lt; $ this-& gt; minMoney)


Returns false


Return true



* Get the rest? forehead

* @ Access to the public

Public function getLeftMoney ()


return $ this-& gt; leftMoney



* Random red envelopes? Into a function. Three? Function. [( 1,0.0 1),($num/2,$avgMoney),($num,0.0 1)] * @param mixed $x, 1 & lt; = $ x & lt= $ this-& gt; num

* @ Access to the public

* @ returns void


Common function fx($x)


if(false = = $ this-& gt; isCanBuilder())


Returns 0;


if($ x & lt; 1 | | $ x & gt; $ this-& gt; Numbers)


Returns 0;


$ x 1 = 1;

$ y 1 = $ this-& gt; Mimoni;

//intermediate point

$ x2 = ceil($ this-& gt; num/ 1.0/2);

//My peak

$ y2 = $ this-& gt; maxMoney

//Last point

$ x3 = $ this-& gt; num

$ y3 = $ this-& gt; Mimoni;

//When X 1, X2 and X3 are both 1 (vertical lines).

if($ x 1 = = $ x2 & amp; & amp$x2 == $x3)


//'/_ \' Three? Linear? travel


if($x 1! = $ x2 & amp& amp$ x & gt= $ x 1 & amp; & amp$ x & lt= $x2)


、y = 1.0 *(x-$ x 1)/($ x2-$ x 1)*($ y2-$ y 1)+$ y 1; Returns number_format($y, 2,'.','');


//'\' shape

if($x2! = $ x3 & amp& amp$ x & gt= $ x2 & amp& amp$ x & lt= $x3)


$ y = 1.0 *(x-$ x2)/($ x3-$ x2)*($ y3-$ y2)+$ y2; Returns number_format($y, 2,'.','');


Returns 0;



* format to repair red envelope data


* @param mixed $leftMoney

* @param array $ data

* @ Access to the public

* @ returns void


Private function format ($leftMoney, array $data)


//You can't just give out red envelopes.

if(false = = $ this-& gt; isCanBuilder())


Returns an array ($leftMoney, $ data);


//The remaining red envelopes are 0.

if(0 == $leftMoney) //? Need maintenance data

Returns an array ($leftMoney, $ data);


//The array is empty

if(count($ data)& lt; 1)


Returns an array ($leftMoney, $ data);


//If there is a surplus and $ leftmoney >; 0

if(' Can _ Left ' = = $ this-& gt; Format type

& amp& amp$ leftMoney & gt0)


Returns an array ($leftMoney, $ data);


//If there is any money left, try to add it to? Red envelopes? Try it if you don't add it? a . while($left money & gt; 0)


$ found = 0;

foreach($ data as $ key = & gt; $val)


//Reduce cycle optimization

if($ left money & lt; = 0)





$ afterLeftMoney =(double)$ left money-0.0 1;

$ after val =(double)$ val+0.0 1;

if($ afterLeftMoney & gt; = 0 & amp& amp$ afterVal & lt= $ this-& gt; maxMoney)


$ found = 1;

$ data[$ key]= number _ format($ after val,2,'.','');

$ leftMoney = $ afterLeftMoney




//If there is no red envelope to add, you need to finish it, otherwise the infinite loop ends.

//In other words, every red envelope won't have money. For example, red envelopes are already the most? Value. At this time, you must give a sign when you part. Infinite loop. if($found == 0)





//If $ leftmoney

while($left money & lt; 0)


$ found = 0;

foreach($ data as $ key = & gt; $val)


if($ left money & gt; = 0)





$ afterLeftMoney =(double)$ left money+0.0 1;

$ after val =(double)$ val-0.0 1;

if($ afterLeftMoney & lt; = 0 & amp& amp$ afterVal & gt= $ this-& gt; minMoney)


$ found = 1;

$ data[$ key]= number _ format($ after val,2,'.','');

$ leftMoney = $ afterLeftMoney

$ left money = number _ format($ left money,2,'.','');



//If? If there is no reduced red envelope, it needs to end, otherwise it is an infinite loop.

if($found == 0)




Returns an array ($leftMoney, $ data);



//Maintain the environment class of the policy.

RedPackageBuilder class



Protected static $ _ instance = null


* Single instance (obtained instance)


* @return MemcacheOperate


Public static function getInstance ()


if (null === self::$_instance)


self::$ _ instance = new self();


Return self::$ _ instance;;



* Develop a strategy? show


* @param string $type type

* @ returns void


Public function getBuilderStrategy($type) {

$class = $type。 "packaging strategy";


Returns a new $ class ();




Thrownnewexception ("{$ class} class does not exist! " );



The public function getredpackagebydto (option adto $ option dto)


//get policy

$ builder strategy = $ this-& gt; getBuilderStrategy($ options to-& gt; builder strategy); //Set parameters

$ builder strategy-& gt; setOption($ option dto);

return $ builder strategy-& gt; create();



Category client


Common static function main($argv)


//Fixed red envelope

$ dto = option dto:: create (1000,10, 100, 100,' equal to');

$ data = RedPackageBuilder::getInstance()-& gt; getRedPackageByDTO($ dto);

//print _ r($ data);

//Random Red Packet [Repair Data]

$dto = OptionDTO::create(5, 10,0.0 1,0.99,' rand triangle ');

$ data = RedPackageBuilder::getInstance()-& gt; getRedPackageByDTO($ dto); print _ r($ data);

//Random red envelope [No data repair]

$dto = OptionDTO::create(5, 10,0.0 1,0.99,' RandTriangle ',' Can _ Left ');

$ data = RedPackageBuilder::getInstance()-& gt; getRedPackageByDTO($ dto);

//print _ r($ data);



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Detailed explanation and algorithm code of WeChat red envelope random number _ WeChat red envelope random number

Detailed explanation and algorithm code of WeChat red envelope random number _ WeChat red envelope random number

1 demand

Write? Fixed red envelope+random red envelope

A fixed red envelope is every red envelope? Huh? Sample, how many fixed red envelopes do you have? Uh, just? .

The demand for random red envelopes is. ? Like red envelopes? Er, it's 5 yuan, and you need to send a 10 red envelope. The random range is 0.0 1 to 0.99; Five dollars must be paid out. Uh, do you need it? Normal distribution with constant trend.

(0.99 can be specified at will, or it can be AVG * 2-0.01; ? Such as avg = 5/10 = 0.5; ; (average * 2-0.0 1 = 0.99))

Page 1

2 demand analysis

2. 1 Fixed red envelope

If it is a fixed red envelope, what is the algorithm? Straight line. T is the amount of a fixed red envelope. As shown in the figure.

f(x)= t; ( 1 & lt; = x < = number)


2.2 random red envelopes

What if we do it? Random function rand. Rand (0.0 1, 0.99); So 10 times random, if the worst case is all? Amount 0.99, total? Uh, 9.9 yuan. Will surpass 5 yuan. ? The amount will also be abnormally distributed. Finally thought of it? With the help of sum mathematical function, can it be used as a random red envelope? Equipment, okay? Parabola, three? Function. Finally, I chose isosceles three? Linear function.

page 2

1 algorithm principle

If you need a red envelope, always? The total amount is Money, and the number of red envelopes is num. The range of forehead is [minimum, maximum], linear? The process is shown in the figure.


Coordinates of three points:

(x 1,y 1) = ( 1,min)

(x2, y2) = (quantity /2, maximum)

(x3, y3) = (number, minimum value)

Deterministic linearity? Cheng:

$ y = 1.0 *(x-$ x 1)/($ x2-$ x 1)*($ y2-$ y 1)+$ y 1; (x 1 & lt; = x & lt= x2)

Page 3

$ y = 1.0 *(x-$ x2)/($ x3-$ x2)*($ y3-$ y2)+$ y2; (x2 & lt= x & lt= x3)

Maintenance data:

Y (total) = y1+y2+y3+... ynum;

Y (combination) may be > TotalMoney, explain? Become? If the number is too large and the data needs to be modified, multiply it by 0.0 1, y2, y3...ynum. Until y (total) = totalMoney.

Y (together) may be < TotalMoney, explain? Become? If the number is small and the data needs to be modified, add 0.01,y2, y3) from (y 1 ... ynum) each time. Until y (total) = totalMoney.

Page 4

2 example of algorithm principle

If you need a red envelope, always? The amount is 1 1470, and the number of red envelopes is 7400. The range of the amount is [0.0 1, 3.09], linear? The process is shown in the figure.


3 Demand design

3. 1 class diagram design


3.2 Source Code Design


* random red envelope+fixed red envelope algorithm [strategy mode]

Page 5


//Configure DTO for transmitting data.

Category options


//Red envelopes? forehead

Total public funds;

//Number of red envelopes

Public $ num

//range start

public $ rangeStart

Page 6

//Range settlement

public $ rangeEnd

//? Red envelope strategy

public $ builderStrategy

//Random Red Packet Residual Rule

Public $ rand format type//can _ left: data can be left without repair; No_Left: there cannot be a public static function create ($ totalmoney, $ num, $ rangestart, $ rangeend, $ builder strategy, $ rand format =' no _ left').

Page 7


$self = new self ();

$ self->; num = $ num

$ self->; rangeStart = $ rangeStart

$ self->; rangeEnd = $ rangEnd

$ self->; totalMoney = $ totalMoney

$ self->; builder strategy = $ builder strategy;

$ self->; randFormatType = $ randFormatType;

Return to $ self

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