Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - What are the characteristics of Libra and Gemini?

What are the characteristics of Libra and Gemini?

Gemini: dual personality, dual personality, smart, flexible, curious, sociable, versatile, good at communication, talented in language, talkative, imitative, witty, expedient, adaptable to changes in information, able to quickly capture key words and buzzwords in language, multi-tasking, easily distracted, nervous, too distracted, trying to do many things at the same time.

It seems that there are many friends, but in fact there are very few people who can talk to each other. Gemini is basically a very painful person. On the surface, they are always full of energy and happiness, but when no one is around, they are always sad. Gemini will always be shrouded in a sense of sadness, but they will not let others find out. As soon as the date of birth and destiny are written, Gemini will be unstable and emotional, and will not disclose private affairs to outsiders. Gemini people are afraid of being hurt and abandoned, and they are also afraid of bringing harm and unhappiness to others. They can only catch everything by themselves. So Gemini is neurotic, fragile and prone to split personality, because she has suffered too much.

Some people say that Gemini is not like this, but Gemini likes new things very much. If it's someone or something identified by TA, then TA will only stick to it.

Gemini always pursues perfection. When their behavior is controversial at a certain moment, although they are very excited at that time, they will continue to reflect afterwards and will not rest until they come up with a perfect solution. Gemini's idea is usually simple and simple. When they do something, people will think that they are like that ... Gemini will be smart enough to say that they don't understand, and they won't bother to explain-because even if they explain, no one understands, but they really want others to support them.

Gemini is very yearning for freedom, but their hearts are also advocating a certain direction. No one can understand the repeated inner world of Gemini in the process of growing up. So Gemini is even more contradictory ... on the verge of collapse, there is no way to vent, Gemini can only laugh. Gemini's smile is pure, and Gemini's smile is also naughty. In fact, Gemini is a very simple person, and any scheming will only backfire.

Gemini's heart is extremely sensitive. Even after a long time, they will remember a word or a look from others, because they are always reviewing themselves and pursuing their own perfection. They are extremely contradictory people. They want to be perfect and excellent. Gemini usually has a clever head. Compared with other children, Gemini seems to have an advantage. Therefore, when Gemini is young, he is generally very proud and domineering. Gemini also thinks that he is smarter than others and often asks others by his own standards. Gemini has its own standards and principles in everything. Gemini has no patience, which is well known. They can solve their own problems. If they don't understand, they must learn to think. Let them repeat what they said. Maybe Gemini can be a gentleman. If they want to repeat it for the third time, ...

Say Gemini is willful. The most typical picture is that when everyone is laughing happily, Gemini will suddenly be silent, and then walk away alone ... One minute she was happy, and the next minute she became a dead fish face. As mentioned above, Gemini is often shrouded in inexplicable sadness. Gemini will be really at a loss when this kind of sadness is overwhelming. I don't know how to express it, but I can only endure it silently.

Gemini's ideas change quickly, and there are always a lot of tricks. But if you keep Gemini in a boring environment, over time, Gemini will lose its original luster and become very mediocre, without ideas and personality.

Gemini's thinking is also very flexible, and there is no absolute black and white distinction. When judging affairs, we will not subjectively decide whether good or evil is black or white. So this makes Gemini's idea very flexible, but this flexible idea sometimes leads to criticism of "unclear views".

Gemini people are talented, free-thinking and wise in decision-making. I don't like staying in one place for a long time, nor will I throw myself into one thing without hesitation. Words and actions are usually just right, tired of monotonous environment. If we can use willpower to twist our own contradictory factors into a force, we can give full play to our advantages.

Gemini is also a constellation with super endurance. Even if he (she) has much pain in his heart, he (she) will not tell others casually. Unless the Gemini decides that you are trustworthy and can help him (her), he (she) can know exactly what you want. Gemini is a contradictory constellation by nature. He (she) usually appears in front of the public or friends with a cheerful attitude, leaving a cynical impression. However, once Gemini is alone, the secret of his heart will be expressed through his feelings. I want to show my best to others.

Gemini lover: smart and changeable, cute and humorous, always doting on Gemini.

The Best Pairing Constellations for Gemini Boys-Leo, Sagittarius, Libra and Pisces

The Best Pairing Constellations for Gemini Girls-Virgo, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra and Aquarius

Favorite constellations-Libra and Sagittarius

The most trustworthy constellation-Virgo

Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are the most married constellations.

Sagittarius, Libra and Aquarius are the most suitable constellations for starting a family.

The most romantic combination-Sagittarius and Aquarius

The Best Study Object-Sagittarius

Best working partners-Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Sagittarius

The most congenial friends-Libra, Aquarius and Sagittarius

Pisces, the most vulnerable constellation

The easiest constellations to master-Capricorn, Virgo and Aries

The constellations that need the most attention-Scorpio, Pisces, Leo and Taurus.

Sagittarius-the most attractive constellation for each other

100% harmonious constellation-Libra, Sagittarius

90% harmonious constellations-Aries and Leo

80% harmonious constellations-Gemini and Aquarius

Homomorphism (air signs) Constellation-Libra and Aquarius

Antagonistic constellation: Scorpio

The opposite constellation: Sagittarius

Best partner: Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius

Aquarius constellation

Features: freedom, equality, fraternity, romance, carefree and creative.

Traits: cold, unsociable, withdrawn, fickle, eccentric and unpredictable.

Positive characteristics: independence, calmness and mysterious wisdom.

People born in Aquarius in winter are as cold as winter. Is a mystic. There is a natural reason to understand the inner nature of human beings, and at the same time, it is highly inclusive, full of research spirit, loves all new things and can accept new discoveries. With good observation ability and the ability to establish theories, people often become geniuses, inventors, scientists or intelligent researchers of human behavior. However, in order to achieve our goal, we will not resort to extreme violence, but will support the holding of civil self-determination with a moderate attitude.

Aquarius likes lonely Aquarius in essence, and has a conservative side in character. Aquarius people are stubborn, and it is difficult to change their views or opinions, but on the other hand, they hate quarreling and violence with others. Sometimes when he is about to have a head-on conflict with others, he will pretend that he is completely unaware of the existence of the other party and do what he wants. Some people in Aquarius have small nail growth, which is also a manifestation of emotional intelligence.

Aquarius's personality is actually the most elusive of the 12 constellations. The reason for this is that even Aquarius often doesn't know himself. Aquarius, which advocates freedom, presents an alternating pattern of indifference and enthusiasm in appearance. You don't think he is a cold person, and you don't think he is a warm person. You always feel that his innocence and sophistication are intertwined. This is entirely due to his conservative character. It is difficult for you to see a bottle break by itself, but once you see it, I believe he really wants to break it. Don't try to piece him together, just expect a broken bottle to be reborn. Pursuing freedom, openness and progress with a conservative character is easy to fall into a gentle quagmire. However, due to internal and external contradictions, his ability to reflect on himself and the world is increasing day by day.

Aquarius is a spiritual animal. In the constellation 12, the spirit is the most important, so the desire for material things is very low. Aquarius people don't want to be bound by the slightest emotion. Sometimes you are whimsical, humorous, and sometimes you are as cold as ice, which is puzzling. This is often a difficult person to get along with. Excellent reasoning and creativity, objective, calm, good at thinking, fraternity, emphasis on science, logic and concepts, strong values. This is an elusive constellation, which will actively prove superpowers and supernatural phenomena and be loyal to your beliefs.

Aquarius astrology Aquarius people are good at reorganizing everyone's spiritual life. Is a pioneer of new ideas. Pursuing his own unique lifestyle is Aquarius's attitude towards life, but he is often stubborn and sometimes elusive. Aquarius, which pays attention to humanitarianism, is friendly to people and attaches importance to privacy, all of which are influenced by Uranus, who is in charge of Aquarius. What is an innovative, changeable, independent, stubborn and rebellious Aquarius? In fact, they are a very contradictory kind of people. Not only do outsiders see them like this, but they also feel contradictory. When you meet an Aquarius for the first time, it is easy to communicate with him, because Aquarius is definitely a star of friendship. He likes to make friends with all kinds of people, but the fact is that it usually takes three minutes. It takes a long time to become close friends with Aquarius people. At the same time, at the beginning of knowing you, they have already set a score for you in their hearts. They don't like being tied down. They love each other, but they are still different from Sagittarius. They pay more attention to the spiritual level, which is a good inspiration. Aquarius doesn't like to be bound, so he doesn't like to get involved in other people's private lives, and he is indeed a philanthropist. He can be anyone's good friend, but there are few intimate friends who talk about everything. Aquarius is always curious about things or feelings. Once you like it, you will give all your spirit to each other. If you give him complete freedom of action and let him think and decide at will, then he will show excellent work ability. He is an innovator. His endless thoughts and sudden intuition enable him to predict the future. Many science fiction writers and inventors are strongly influenced by Aquarius or Uranus in their birthdates. People in this building are interested in discovery, exploration and all groundbreaking things, as well as aviation and rockets. He may also make innovations in photography and film art, and the suitable work and space are aviation, science and technology, information, photography, film, mysticism or philosophy. Of course, they like innovation and are very suitable for some design work.

Aries constellation

Pairing index

Friendship: 4

Love: 5

Marriage: 5

Feelings: 3

Love must read:

Another couple. It's changed a lot. It feels like it. So at the beginning of acquaintance, it is easy to be "shocked" by each other and fall in love quickly, and everyone can't fly out of everyone's palm. Your free, natural, open and open-minded attitude is more chic than ordinary couples in love, and will not turn love into pressure that makes you unhappy. Everyone has a wide circle of life, so don't worry about anything. The relationship between two people can be described as so close and so far away. Between friendship and love, everything will be said, and there will be no one-night hatred.

This combination is really suitable, but sometimes everyone may be too busy to ignore each other, so we can leave some time and space for both of us.

Taurus constellation

Pairing index

Friendship: 2

Love: 3

Marriage: 2

Feelings: 2

Love must read:

Not a very harmonious couple.

Taurus will be attracted by Aquarius' chic attitude and want to try their lifestyle. Unfortunately, once together, the situation is the opposite. Taurus will be afraid of the extreme thoughts, ideas and behaviors of Aquarius, too changeable and indifferent to moral rules and regulations. But when you want to stay away, you will be overwhelmed by the unwilling pressure of Aquarius. So when you really want to start dating, you should first see each other clearly and consider several questions: Aquarius values friends, can Taurus stand it? Can we not be jealous? Everything Taurus does is practical and reasonable. Aquarius's ideal and anti-traditional spirit cannot be overemphasized. Can Aquarius tolerate Taurus's rigid personality? Can Taurus accept Aquarius's emotional temper at any time? Let's think about it first ~


Pairing index

Friendship: 5

Love: 5

Marriage: 5

Goodwill: 5

Love must read:

Perfect couple! This is a famous pairing of talented people and beautiful women, and it is the most suitable pair among the twelve constellations. Because you two are very close to life, full of enthusiasm and curiosity about everything like children, and easy to communicate with each other. It should be noted that Gemini people lack patience and endurance, while Aquarius people are changeable and sometimes don't even know what they need. When they are together, they must find a prescription to solve this problem.

Cancer constellation

Pairing index

Friendship: 3

Love: 2

Marriage: 2

Feelings: 2

Love must read:

Be careful, you may be just a short-lived relationship! Because Cancer and Aquarius have fundamentally different personalities, Cancer's desire for single-minded and safe love is ridiculous in Aquarius' eyes. Aquarius will never give up a forest for a tree. When Cancer wants to hold on to him tenderly, he will tell you rationally that this is not the case and should give him more freedom, but when he relaxes and ignores him, he will think that you don't care about him at all. Cancer is hard to use on him! At first, Aquarius will be attracted by the gentle and family-oriented characteristics of Cancer, but when we get along, we find that this is not the case at all, so we want to change Cancer. But how can a stubborn and introverted cancer listen to you? He doesn't agree with you at all! When we get along, we often have disputes because of freedom. Aquarius is so afraid of cancer's verbosity that he would rather go with his friends than bomb for a long time.


Pairing index

Friendship: 4

Love: 4

Marriage: 5

Feelings: 3

Love must read:

How do I describe you two? The beginning of feelings is usually that Virgo thinks Aquarius is an interesting, approachable and well-informed friend, which is exactly what he appreciates. Aquarius, on the other hand, because of its novelty, thinks Virgo is very special and different from her previous lover, so she wants to try it together. The silence of two people together is more romantic to tell in silence than in voice. These two personalities can complement each other. Virgo earnestly pursues perfection, and Aquarius longs for perfection. Although they understand that things can never be perfect, this is their common goal. When struggling, Aquarius always has ideas, and Virgo always comes up with good solutions. The combination of Aquarius and virgin will make people feel so fresh!


Pairing index

Friendship: 5

Love: 4

Marriage: 4

Goodwill: 5

Love must read:

They are both in air signs. What you agree with most is that everyone likes to meet friends and has a wide circle of friends. At the same time, I am willing to trust each other and keep my own space. Libra man seems difficult to master for women in other constellations, but it is a piece of cake for Aquarius. You can talk to each other, communicate spiritually, have the same interests as you in art and aesthetics, and understand your sensitive personality. They can interact and form a tacit understanding, especially after real communication, and their mentality is different from other combinations. Will give each other a lot of space, the two sides are also very harmonious and smooth, and will not be alienated. You are emotional communication.


Pairing index

Friendship: 3

Love: 4

Marriage: 4

Goodwill: 4

Love must read:

What a troublesome couple, there is only one reason for you to be together: Aquarius, eager for freshness, is attracted by Scorpio's affectionate charm by accident, and flashes at first sight, but there are only two results: Aquarius can't stand Scorpio's ups and downs and overbearing personality, and leaves without saying a word; Scorpio can't stand Aquarius's strange behavior that ordinary people can't accept, and there is no way to control him. Aquarius feels that he belongs to no one but himself, but Scorpio hopes that he only belongs to him. What did you say?/Sorry? !

The concept of family is different. Aquarius is not as practical as Scorpio. As long as you want to have it at any cost, it is always difficult for Scorpio. Therefore, both of them will have problems in food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Another obstacle they have to overcome is that Scorpio and Aquarius are fixed, so they are all stubborn.


Pairing index

Friendship: 4

Love: 2

Marriage: 1

Feelings: 2

Love must read:

A couple who meet the requirements and have fun! !

Sagittarius's free and independent outlook on life is very similar to Aquarius. Aquarius hates spoony partners, and it just suits you. None of you like the same life, and you have a wide circle of life. If you have to waste time taking care of your partner, you'd rather give him up.

So are you ideal partners for living together? Because many nights you don't get a chance to meet. He doesn't know where you are going, but you won't mind or worry at all, because you will be the same. When you choose to get married, you should first consider whether you can run a good family, otherwise it is not you who will suffer, but your next generation.

Capricorn. Compare CAPRICORN

Pairing index

Friendship: 2

Love: 3

Marriage: 2

Feelings: 2

Love must read:

It is difficult for this couple to communicate. Capricorn is a stubborn earth sign, while Aquarius is a changeable gas sign. Everyone has different basic concepts, so we must work together.

If you are dating now, you must have crossed many psychological barriers before. For Capricorn, when you are frustrated, you may fall in love with him, because Aquarius's spirit of fraternity will help you when you need comfort most, but once you step into the situation, you find that he is the same for everyone! As for Aquarius, you will be attracted by Capricorn's taciturn and deep appearance and feel calm and frank, but when you get close to him, you will know that they are actually wily and selfish. You don't have enough fun with him, because of your hot and impulsive personality, you can write something on your face immediately, but Capricorn can just hold your horses and make you more angry. It's hard for two people to really talk.

Aquarius constellation

Pairing index

Friendship: 4

Love: 4

Marriage: 3

Feelings: 3

Love must read:

In the constellation 12, if you want to choose a pair that is perfect for Aquarius, you will be afraid that it will be another Aquarius, because only Aquarius will know the other person's unusual and almost crazy behavior and personality, and the other person's desire for freedom will sound and make you more pro-honey.

Compared with other couples, you will be a little dull, like more old friends than husband and wife, lack enthusiasm, and sometimes have a tendency to cheat, but you also understand each other and stay together. You don't know how to control family finances. Money is not the most important thing, but because you insist on your own material level, it will bring you some out-of-control situations.


Pairing index

Friendship: 2

Love: 3

Marriage: 3

Feelings: 3

Love must read:

A pair of "one is willing to fight, one is willing to get". Poor Pisces "ate" Aquarius, because the geomantic signs are not harmonious at all, and Yin and Yang are different. You can be together, that is, Aquarius holds Pisces completely in the palm of his hand. Pisces, whose first refuge is emotion, once they fall in love with the rational Aquarius, they are completely intoxicated with it, and often equate sex with love. Aquarius fully understands Pisces' personality, and they will always go their own way. No matter how deep the love of Pisces is, they still do what they like coldly, and try to accept Pisces' considerate care when necessary, and even feel that this is right after getting used to it. The strangest thing is that you can't get rid of each other anyway, and there will always be a wall between you. Good communication between the two sides will help your relationship.