Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Did you comment on Suzaku's article? Analyze them carefully.

Did you comment on Suzaku's article? Analyze them carefully.

The rebellious Lu Luxiu is over. Although thousands of people have left, it is a compliment to the foreign prince and his arrogance and arrogance towards the world. I commend Xuanyuan with my blood, which is a tribute to the foreign monarch and praises him for his free and easy squint at the official history. He planned, talked and laughed for the smiles of his loved ones; He did his best and lost his reputation after his death, for the future of the world. So there was a cry on the screen, and Wan Yan was heartbroken outside the screen, surrounded by Lu Lu badminton. The foreign prince is portrayed as such a perfect young hero that we all forget the most basic fact-this handsome boy from England will always be an outsider. For the Japanese audience, the legend of this foreigner will be related to himself, not only because the story stage is almost in Japan, but also because a Japanese teenager is involved. Compared with the exotic prince who is very ornamental but a little out of reach, this Japanese teenager is the "own person" who makes the audience feel kind and tangled. Throughout the whole CODE GEASS, we will find that this story is actually to observe the fierce resistance of a foreign prince through a gentle perspective of a Japanese teenager, then to reflect, then to change, and then to face tomorrow. So from beginning to end, Kururugi Suzaku is the real protagonist of this play. He is neither a spokesman for justice nor a symbol of evil. He is just a Japanese teenager born in 1990, just like the audience of this animation. Is what we should really pay attention to. At this moment when the whole world mourns the generation of zero, I would like to make contributions to Kururugi Suzaku with this heroic sword. Wonderful difference in popularity list Just one or two months before the end of CG, the role popularity list of NEWTYPE, Japan's largest animation information magazine, showed subtle differences from the popularity surveys of major magazine websites in China. When Li Xia stole everyone's eyes with an abrupt lunch, Rollo, who earned enough tears from the audience in China, didn't even make the list in Japan. On the contrary, the popularity of the pig who detonated the nuclear bomb has been rising all the way, which is in stark contrast to the shouts of "brain-dead, idiot, hypocrite, villain, traitor and shameless" in China. The reason why Luo didn't get popularity after lunch in Japan may be that he was a puppet in essence, even though he was injected with a soul called "emotion". He has no clever mind, outstanding life experience, vigorous skill and reason for existence. As a loser, his GEASS seems to be powerful, but in fact it only belongs to the one-off grade. He seemed to make his own choice, but in fact he was cheated into a thief boat. The only right is to choose the old owner or the new owner. He met only one "outsider" in his life, and then he devoted himself to everything. This mentality is the same as that of the ancient boudoir lady who secretly promised her life to the first man she met in her life: from the beginning, he had no choice. And love without choice is of course always the most faithful. Lolo's life experience and personality characteristics have doomed his decision-making fate to be limited to how to die for Lu Lu badminton. Perhaps the greatest positive significance of Rollo's existence is to convince us that what you think the world is like is more important than what the world actually is. This statement is very lethal to female audiences, but in a cold world like CG, it is just a cover-up. The fake brothers didn't become real brothers in the end, but only became one of the paving stones to change Lu Lu badminton. Suzaku is different from Rollo. Suzaku and Lulu are a little stupid, but they are by no means puppets. His personality, ability and background determine that he has more choices than anyone else. Faced with the survival of the country, a child can resolutely choose to kill his father and defect to the enemy, which is not simply explained by fear of death and impulse. If the background color of painting is used as an analogy, Suzaku and Lu Lu badminton have the same tone, that is, a strong desire not to be at the mercy of fate. Such people will regard morality as useless for their own self-interest, will chase power and lose themselves, but will not be anyone's dog. In the eyes of the audience in China, Suzaku's behavior is deeply branded with meanness and willfulness. Even a puppet like Lolo is much better than this scum who kills relatives, sells friends and betrays the country. In the eyes of Japanese audiences, there are sighs such as "completely understandable", "patricide is also reasonable" and "who can understand his suffering". When discussing his motives, he paid more attention to his contribution to the "Japan Special Administrative Region" plan than to superficial actions. China audience's sigh for Lolo mostly comes from emotional sympathy, while the indignation for Suzaku mostly comes from moral condemnation. But for the Japanese audience, Luo Luo's fate is a puppet who blindly follows the strong and has no self. Suzaku is a brave man who conquers fate, sacrifices happiness and guards tomorrow. In the animation, a group of people even became his supporters because they saw the development of Suzaku, thinking that "even people in 1 1 area can have surprises as long as they work hard. Suzaku is an example, and he is the hope of 1 1 area". It is conceivable that there are many such voices in the real audience. Why do audiences from different countries and different cultural backgrounds have such a huge contrast with the feelings of the main characters in CG? Why can't China people understand Suzaku's behavior logic? Why does the director spend so much ink to describe such a person who is different from the protagonist in Rebellious Lu Luxiu? Still talking about what he hates the most? Because Suzaku is Japanese, because CG is ultimately an animation made by the Japanese for the Japanese. Contradictory view of war, impulsive revenge, extremely weak sense of morality and chaotic view of right and wrong are all established. Kururugi Suzaku, a Japanese teenager with smelly problems, is the real object of this animation. Changing the world: the way for the strong and the weak to survive * * * Japan is ambiguous and multifaceted due to historical and regional cultural reasons. As a representative of such a nation, all kinds of irreconcilable contradictions in Suzaku are his inevitable fate. So sometimes he shows a paranoid moral cleanliness, and sometimes-from a foreigner's point of view-he is so shameless that he wants to die. To understand Suzaku's behavior, we must first talk about Japan's modern history and national character. Only half a century after the Meiji Restoration, Japan jumped from a remote and backward country to one of the great powers. However, before the reform, Japan was always worried about being colonized and conquered. 1The four black ships that broke the illusion of peace in July, 853 are the eternal nightmare of the Japanese, and the imaginary scene that Japan became a 1 1 region is actually the psychological shadow left by the Japanese in history, and the motherland may be colonized in the first half century, which is a deep-rooted "weakness". Only under such specific circumstances can we understand a series of actions of Suzaku. Because I suffered direct confrontation with powerful threats, I learned to absorb them; Because they couldn't destroy their potential opponents at all, they learned to borrow the enemy's strength, which is the survival strategy of the Japanese nation after several explorations. Therefore, in the face of too powerful foreign forces, the Japanese are more inclined to identify with the invaders and choose to yield and obey, which is their forced national character and the deep reason for Suzaku's series of behaviors. On the other hand, 1 1 people's favorite topic to review in the war of words before and after the Meiji Restoration is "How do opposing parties live together". In fact, the way to survive is not necessary for the strong, so this topic is still that the weak want to find a way out. The bloody scene in Tomoe Yukishiro's mouth and the thrilling scene in the eyes of Tetsunosuke, a village in the city, made people in 1 1 actively reflect on the success or failure of the Meiji Restoration and seek a way to survive. This is also Suzaku's early proposition: improvement is not as good as revolution. If you want to change the world, you should go to the system to change the wrong atmosphere, instead of being a hero against the system, because that will not only be self-righteous, but also bring unnecessary sacrifices. The difference between Suzaku and Lu Lu badminton about changing the world is not an end, but a means. Suzaku's lowest ideal is "no need to lose important people, at least there is no war in the world", but Lu Lu's slow concept is "whoever wins, the war is over". In Suzaku's view, as long as he doesn't die, what kind of grievances and sufferings can be tolerated and can be slowly changed; In xiu's view, it is more efficient to exchange a small amount of sacrifice for comprehensive innovation. This is the difference between Suzaku who believed in improvement and Lu Lu badminton who chose revolution, and it is also the fundamental difference between the weak and the strong. In the changes of the times, it is a question whether radical revolution is moderate improvement. We have to make a choice for all the people in the world, and practice an ideal that is not necessarily correct. Weak rosefinch can't do it. Therefore, the director handed over all the guilt and glory of launching the revolution to Lu Luxiu, an outsider, so that he could play the leading role on the stage, open the door of the times with his own rebellion, and let the Japanese see the bloody sacrifice necessary for the revolution and themselves. In fact, Japan has been struggling between extreme self-esteem and inferiority. Although it is eager to learn, it cannot erase its consciousness as a weak person. Compared with the rebellious Lu Luxiu, Suzaku succumbed to power, dragged out an ignoble existence, was clingy, willful, denied heroes, doubted miracles, and relied on the breathing of the strong, all because of this weak consciousness. Even though he was oppressed, he always wanted to find a way for the strong to survive the weak. This is really a helpless but inevitable fate as a Japanese. In the later stage of animation, Suzaku saw her mistakes from Lu Luxiu and began to reflect: "I used to be naive, saying that means are more important than results, but I doubt that I pay more attention to ideals and aesthetics." But it's too late. Suzaku's redemption was finally bought by a foreigner, a strong man, with his kind sacrifice, and all he could do was to let the name "Kururugi Suzaku" be buried together with the sins of the past, and then be reborn in the name of Kamen Rider, and set foot on the way given to him by outsiders and move towards tomorrow. In the face of the sudden new world and overwhelming force, what path will you choose? This is a lesson for Japanese suzaku blood. For the China audience who think they are powerful and choose the revolutionary way, it is probably quite difficult to understand the helplessness. Patricide: The psychological shadow of history has put down the righteousness of saving the world, and Suzaku's patricide is also a criticism. But let's take a look at the situation in Japan at the beginning of the story. Under the overwhelming superiority of KNIGHTMARE, Japan's resistance was futile. In addition to maintaining useless national pride, it will only drag the country and people into the abyss of more casualties and greater turmoil. But if you surrender, Prime Minister Sumeru will of course bear the blame, but the people will be exempted. Although this exemption is a matter of course, it is welcome to the people who are exhausted by the war. This opening scene is not groundless in the animation, but a replica of Japan's surrender after a nuclear explosion attack in history. Suzaku killed his father in this context. For us China people who won the war of anti-aggression, it is self-evident that the main battlefield is peace, and there is even an assumption that "resistance to the end will win justice". However, life and death is an extremely painful choice for Japan, which launched the war but lost and suffered heavy losses. For those who have lost everything, living is more important than anything else. Therefore, from the standpoint of ordinary Japanese, Sumitomo Prime Minister may be selfish and bent on his own way. His resistance to the war is actually the same as the kindness of the omelet couple to Lu Lu's brother and sister. Therefore, relatively speaking, Japanese audiences are more likely to recognize the legitimacy of Suzaku's killing his father than China audiences, and it is correct to give up resistance. It is also true that Japan has fallen to 1 1. This can explain why Suzaku is treated differently in China and Japan, and why he hates zero so strongly. In Suzaku's view, ZERO's actions of holding high the banner of justice and destroying everywhere did not liberate the Japanese, but only satisfied the narrow self-centered consciousness. This behavior is as selfish as his father's single-handedly fighting regardless of people's livelihood. When Suzaku criticized Zero, the most commonly used word was "unforgivable", but it was difficult for China audience to fully understand its historical background and national psychology. Suzaku's defeated psychology always makes the Japanese feel the same way, because they suffered in the real world after the first Pacific War and witnessed the collapse of their country in the fictional second Pacific War. The pseudo-drama in the eyes of China audience is the tragic truth in their hearts. So the contrast mentioned above appeared: the same Suzaku is a shameless traitor and hypocritical idiot in the eyes of China audience, but in the eyes of Japanese audience with historical shadow, it is a white knight who will go to hell if I don't go to hell. Although Suzaku mentioned his remorse for killing his father many times afterwards, it was only a denial of the drastic measure of "killing relatives", and it did not mean that he agreed with his father's statement. Treason against the enemy: The third thing that China audience can't stand is Suzaku's treason against the enemy. We like to describe this behavior by betraying our country and seeking glory, but we forget that he helped the two princesses to formulate the "Special Administrative Region Law", more for the stability of Japan than for personal honor. Of course, Suzaku's biggest personal motivation for defecting to the enemy is to become stronger quickly. Lu is aloof, arrogant and domineering, with Gus and Black Riding behind him, so he calls himself the strong, and takes eliminating the strong and helping the weak as the starting point for fighting; However, Suzaku was weak before defecting to the enemy. His limbs are developed, but his intelligence is average. He has neither strategic vision nor tactical talent. Only Japan was behind him, and he was defeated in front of KNIGHTMARE. If a person wants to help the weak, he should be strong by himself, not with them. It is with this idea that Suzaku joined the Burundi army, which he regarded as a "strong". It is necessary to talk about the Japanese "concept of inequality". From Suzaku's standpoint, Japan is a strict class society, and it is generally believed that inequality is normal. It is not good for the country to equate the weak with the strong. On the other hand, the modern history of Japan makes the Japanese pay more attention to the acquired efforts rather than the innate origins, and think that "everyone's status comes from his own talent, personality and status", so "those who study hard are rich and expensive, and those who don't study are poor." Therefore, when an elite with good knowledge, smart mind, strong strength and aggressive personality, such as Xiu or Bu Guo, meets people with poor knowledge, stupid mind, weak strength and weak and conservative personality, such as people in 1 1 district, and even a lovely mother, it is natural that inequality is unfair, and bullying the weak seems understandable. This is the Japanese concept of inequality: innate inequality can be replaced by acquired inequality, so people who are born weak must strive to be superior, otherwise they can only be trampled on. As an out-and-out Japanese, Suzaku thinks so in his heart, so he ignores moral condemnation, follows the principle of natural selection, keeps climbing to gain the recognition of the invaders, tries to make himself a superior person, and then can change the world according to his own ideas. The philosophy of life and the philosophy of death. Suzaku's fear of death is also a place that China audiences hate very much. Under the command of GEASS, Suzaku pressed freyja's button. GEASS is not so much a super-scientific setting like a magic wand as an induction of the deepest human psychology, which induces a Japanese who wants to live more than death. It is generally believed that the Japanese advocate death, so they will not drag out an ignoble existence. Actually, it is a misunderstanding. Ye Yin Wen Shu, regarded as the sacred book of Bushido, only emphasizes the idea of "dying for the sake of death", not the belief above life.