Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Is Taurus lucky, girl?

Is Taurus lucky, girl?

Taurus reprinted in 2022.

Taurus constellation

Dear Taurus, 2022 is very important for your culture and development. During this year, you will make many valuable and useful new friends among all kinds of people. This year is conducive to the public and public activities, as well as participating in various activities. Your career or business plan will develop and progress.

Love, as always, is an indispensable part of your life and will affect your self-esteem, whether the situation is good or bad.

If a woman under the age of 35 has a lover born in Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo, she will remember this year because it is very important. Establishing a new love relationship with such a partner or a person with such an ascending sign will also have a good development. Generally speaking, this year is good for Taurus women to start new love relationships, but don't lose your reason and practical attitude, and don't let intense passion drive you.

Taurus men over the age of 35, whether they get a position, set up a business or are new things, have a strong career and business growth this year. Generally speaking, you now know where the direction is and what to do in order to succeed. This is especially true for people who love their work, that is, they don't work out of obligation.

If you are looking for a new job or want to start a new career, 2022 will provide you with opportunities and opportunities. Then, everything will depend on your ambition, your desire to achieve something in life, your willingness and courage to work.

In this year, there will be some complicated situations related to relatives, such as uncles, aunts, cousins or brothers and sisters. Your objection may be mainly related to the division of property, but it may also be a completely different situation. Anyway, in some cases, your interests will be resisted by them.

Those of you who plan to change your residence and move to another home will encounter all kinds of obstacles and difficulties. For some Taurus, this may be the reason to give up this plan and decide to wait for a more favorable opportunity.

This year, you will undertake all kinds of obligations, not only related to your home, but also related to your parents. In some cases, obligations arise from the health problems of grandparents or other male relatives.

The maintenance of property, such as houses, houses or other types of property, sometimes costs more than planned.

This year's accidents are related to children or pregnancy.

You may be separated from your children because of starting a new life, moving to another city or getting married.

You need to pay more attention and take better care of your health when you are pregnant or have a baby this year.

The favorable trend this year will support the development of your career or business plan. There will be such opportunities and opportunities, but when these opportunities appear, you must carefully choose the people you intend to cooperate with. It is very likely that someone will try to use, manipulate or even deceive you. Important business information plans and documents should be properly kept.

This year, an intimate female sexual life event-mother, sister, female elder and other female relatives will bring tension or pressure. She may be the sun, or she may be a lion, a shooter or a rising Aries. The panic won't last long until we know the actual situation and find a better solution to the problem.

Taurus women over the age of 35 suddenly need to go somewhere to solve a serious problem, to help a needy relative solve an accident related to an accident.

Taurus men under the age of 35 may remember this year because of an unexpected financial contract or agreement. You have a chance to get a job with higher salary this year (as long as you are not a lazy Taurus).

Things related to inheritance and property are likely to happen.

If you are considering applying for a mortgage loan, you should carefully consider the pros and cons of this transaction.

2022 will be conducive to the establishment or development of established diplomatic relations, including with foreigners or institutions, as well as with foreigners or foreign companies living in your home.

It is possible to establish a special friendship with people living abroad, which will have lasting significance and existence in your life.

Those who own goods or services abroad can count on better markets or new business relationships.

You will have more opportunities to express yourself in the life you live. You will be able to prove the ability and skill of uniting people in the name of good deeds.

The 2022 event is in a favorable position in your fortune.

Problems in family relationships or friends' lives can also bring tension to your interpersonal relationships. This may be caused by your comments, overly positive suggestions or your attempt to judge someone's behavior. Be careful not to interfere in the private lives of people who are close to you. In such a friendly family, unexpected infidelity may make you, but it is not appropriate to share such information and interfere in such problems.

2022 brings a lot of hope, hoping for a better life, better opportunities for emergence and development, and greater success. Evaluate your choices. If you are disappointed, it is because you expect too much of yourself and misjudge your knowledge or skills.

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Gemini-Translation: Douyou 233 1 10499

Dear Gemini, this year, it will be very important to learn to make full use of the opportunities that fate gives you. It is necessary to find the dilemma and seek reasonable actions, while avoiding various restrictions brought by various global components (the epidemic will not disappear in 2022). Marriage will turn to a new level of communication and interaction between partners-everyone will change according to their own spiritual development and preparation. You will find new ways to manage your money.

There are many important tasks waiting for you in 2022, and almost all Gemini are already preparing for it.

In this year, the estrangement with Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn is difficult and complicated, especially if they are your family or your lover. Misunderstanding, disagreement, jealousy, desire for control and other reasons can easily ignite serious conflicts. Many of your plans will be influenced by the decisions and actions of the sun or people who rise in these three constellations. If you were born in one of these three constellations, you will remember this year because of an important one.

Financially, 2022 brings many surprises. Good will try to make you happy, and unhappy may be related to people around you. Their behavior may hurt your feelings through comments, jealousy or comments that are contrary to the facts of your job or income. On the other hand, you will have the opportunity to expand your business, new knowledge and skills, implement new ideas, and usually make real progress not only in your career (business), but also in your economic income.

Dreams related to your distant friends will bring important information about your work or finances. In this year, you will have a better chance to contact new and old friends from all over the world through communication means (internet, letters and information). 2022 will be a good opportunity to learn, acquire new knowledge and improve education. You will get good results and experience from your short trip in your country.

Some of you will remember this year because it has important ties with your brothers and sisters, relatives, friends and neighbors.

The health of family members needs care and attention. May be hospitalized or receive special treatment at home. Your family relationship will change because of the stress at different times of the year.

Some of you may be surprised by the changes and unexpected decoration in your home.

Boys and young people will seek happiness by traveling more frequently and meeting people from different distances. Some Gemini parents with older sons will experience short-term or long-term separation because of work or moving to another city.

In this year, people whose jobs are related to money should pay attention to their behavior (working in banks, stock markets, investment funds, cashiers, accountants, etc.). ).

During this year, your diet may change. A disease will surprise you, and if you don't realize it, it will force you to make this change. Your relationship with a lion, shooter or Aries will be complicated and your mood will fluctuate. Separation is possible, but it should not be your goal. You will also pay a lot of money for your health, including procedures related to dentistry, spa and rehabilitation.

Many of you will choose friends, life or business partners many times this year. It is difficult to accept people who are cynical, unpleasant or annoying. Your comfort and ease will be your first priority. When someone openly or secretly begins to oppose you, you will lower your posture and wait for these people to need you again. This will happen. You won't fight in public because you know there are other things? Punishment? .

During this year, you will have many dreams about people from another world, including those who have passed away. This will not happen by accident. You should record and pay attention to this information. Try to understand, because it is conveyed to you personally.

The income or inheritance of relatives can benefit many Gemini people. Nothing will be wasted. Such is the time. You already know that it is necessary to keep what is given, received and bequeathed.

Those of you who already have mysterious abilities will begin to accept different visions and develop their skills in a new or deeper field of knowledge.

Professionally, the most powerful position for growth and success belongs to men over 35, but other twins also have good opportunities.

Not only your career, but also your interpersonal communication or career will be well developed. At work, you will get important or unexpected protection from men born in Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio.

People who don't have their own houses but have such wishes and plans will certainly realize their wishes. This will be a promising year. You can buy real estate, start some kind of construction and improve a piece of land. There will be new things to make your home look brand-new and provide greater comfort and convenience for your life.

2022 brings accidents to the lives of female relatives or friends over the age of 35.

New income will appear. Even the youngest, you will be grateful, because there will be more income after them.

Your diplomatic relations will expand, mainly with women.

Gemini girls and young women can look forward to a long trip this year. For parents, this may happen to adult daughters or granddaughters.

Young single women have the opportunity to seriously develop a love relationship with another/national or foreign partner.

This year brings more opportunities for Gemini girls and young women to get married.


Dear Chu Zuo, in 2022, your direction of action will be determined by your desire for material and economic stability and your remarkable growth.

You will have very bold plans for your home, such as major renovation, improvement, buying a new house or investing in a new property. At this time, some members of your family will not accept some of your ideas, which sometimes leads to tension and conflict. Be cautious and flexible, and talk calmly. Don't push your relationship to a situation that needs a cool test. In the end, you will be able to push your ideas forward, but think strategically and understand the feelings of others.

2022 will be a complicated and sometimes challenging year for you and your son (if you have a son).

As I wrote at the beginning, you will put a lot of energy into various plans this year, and the realization of these plans will make you more stable in economic or property affairs. This sense of security will make you confident and calm about your future, and vice versa. During this year, you will carefully consider any ideas or suggestions that can benefit from it. You may be involved in more than one professional or business contract and responsibility. You won't get tired of working, but you won't work for free.

People in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius will bring you attractive and valuable ideas or suggestions, which you may realize alone or together with people in these three constellations. Any activity taken under the favorable influence of the wind will bring you good results and success: information, media, education, trade, publishing, science and technology, linguistics, intermediary, transportation, service, teaching and training activities, sales, IT occupation or business.

The influence of mothers and female relatives will be significant, even if you are at a certain distance from them. In this year, you will often become the object of spreading false and malicious information or be influenced by it, thus bringing you imminent problems. This will be one of your main life courses in 2022. You should sift out the truth from the lies, instead of succumbing to the conspiracy theories or manipulations of those who pursue their goals selfishly. This applies to your personal, family, career and interpersonal relationships. Don't just believe what you like, always pursue the truth, no matter what it is.

Many of you will feel similar influence in interpersonal relationships, such as brothers and sisters, cousins, neighbors and people around you. This year, you will see the true faces of many people around you in different situations, which will help you continue to get along with the most valuable people around you in 2023.

Let me repeat the most important things you should strive for this year: financial stability, family stability (it depends on you, try your best), material security for owning a house or investing in other real estate.

A new sign this year is that you are interested in the property or house owned by your parents or grandparents. You will take some measures, and you want to do your best to repair (or rebuild) it and do something for such a property. Of course, this will only happen if this happens. Many of you may have nothing to do with this property. Some Virgos will start building houses or starting businesses, and their idea is to leave these things to future generations. You want to leave a big mark behind you. Wish you success!

Some Virgos will remember this year because of accidents related to expected or unexpected pregnancy, as well as major events in the lives of adult children (education, a new start outside the family, engagement, marriage, etc.). You who are going to be expectant mothers and receive some kind of treatment will get what you want after experiencing some obstacles or difficulties.

It is time for you to decide your career or career in 2022. Are you satisfied with what you are doing? Do you want to start doing something new and turn to another activity that is a new challenge for you? The answers to these questions are in your heart.

Unfortunately, some of you will have to go to the hospital, which involves some kind of treatment, examination, rehabilitation or other procedures.

This year, your relationship with women will be more prominent than that with men, whether it is your relatives, friends, colleagues or others. The rising of the sun or women to Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer will have an exciting, positive and constructive impact on your life.

Girls and young women who are still looking for a life partner should not confuse their true feelings with their desire to find a partner with good economic conditions. The setbacks and troubles you will experience are full of pain and will leave pain in your life for a long time to come.

Some Virgo women will benefit from money, real estate or inheritance through other relatives.

The most interesting thing this year is the love life of men over 35. They may experience all kinds of things, such as rekindling old love, meeting close friends and falling in love at first sight. In this year, your feelings may be stronger, and you will freely express your views regardless of prejudice. A doomed love may change your life at 180 degrees.

There may be all kinds of travel opportunities this year. If your goal is to be in another city or start working, please be prepared that everything is difficult at the beginning, and you may even go back to the starting point. In this year, to see and realize your career opportunities, what you can achieve, not where you want to go.

This year, there will be new people in your circle of friends or relationships. You can experience exciting experiences with men born in Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo. It is not love, but seeking knowledge, views on life or other types of influence from such people.

2022 is an exciting and energetic year for you. Not everything can be felt or written down in this horoscope. There will always be some surprises this year to make your life more colorful. As the saying goes, expect accidents.

From every complicated or stressful situation, you will gain some benefits: knowledge, experience and even success. Even encounters and experiences with foreigners or foreign countries will leave a lasting impression, knowledge or experience in your life, which will be related to the next three years.

Sagittarius-Translation: Soldiers are far away

Dear Sagittarius, the most important thing for you this year is to build a stable family or protect what you already have. Here, the age and number of family members are irrelevant. 2022 will be presented to you in many ways, which is the most important or beautiful moment in your life. Remember these words well, because sometimes it's good to remember them all year. Even if you make a mistake or make a hasty decision, this year, you will give yourself a chance to make amends.

After the family field, another important area in your life that needs stability is your education or career. Family and work are two things that require you to be stable, supportive and ready to make difficult decisions and perform complex tasks. Realizing the importance of these things, 2022 can be a new bright moment in your life. After that, you will become someone else. First of all, you will be proud of yourself.

There will be some changes in the work of your parents () or male relatives, which will become one of the main events this year.

The financial situation in 2022 will not be as favorable to you as you think. You will have good income and new opportunities for extra income, but your expenses will be higher or significantly increased, unlike in 2022. Taking care of the health of family members also requires spending money and undertaking important or specific documents and arrangements.

Be careful what your people share with you this year. Don't be too confident in strangers. Reckless sharing of information will put you in an insurmountable unpleasant situation.

Your relationship with Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo will be very complicated this year, whether they are your relatives, friends, colleagues or new acquaintances. Your relationship with fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) will also be subtle and unpredictable. Generally speaking, your communication this year will be more complicated, and there may be different faults, mainly in your side.

This year, you have the opportunity to establish or re-establish a friendship with someone who is far away from you (including a foreign country). This person either goes back to his hometown or lives (works) with you.

Some of you can start a family with a long-distance lover, and the other person will probably move in with you. In love, you will have a good relationship with Libra, Aquarius or Gemini. I will also get on well with these parents and friends. Generally speaking, love must be realistic. Know your own quality, personality, what kind of partner you need and what you can accept in life (if you have to compromise).

Parent-child relationship will experience beautiful and chaotic moments. You need to think more, speak wisely and respect your children.

What you need in 2022 is to learn to plan your daily life. Systematize your priorities. Learn to perform your duties. Most importantly, you need to focus on any money-related work, overall budget planning and so on.

Those who wish to get an inheritance this year can get what you want. But nothing will happen smoothly until you get what you think you deserve.

Be careful of your financial commitments to Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, because your expectations may not be covered by what you will achieve, get or earn.

Sagittarius girls and young women are better at avoiding gossip and commenting on other people's lives. To your surprise, this may be seen as a conspiracy, a deliberate act of others. This will put you in an unpleasant position and isolate you from the people you know at present: relatives, friends, classmates (colleagues) and so on.

Sagittarius teenagers and young men may make the same mistakes as Sagittarius women I mentioned above. But you will be able to make this situation more quickly and skillfully without any loss.

For you, danger involves self-deception, which is the imagination of any relationship, plan and commitment given to you by others.

2022 will allow you to start a new life, which is different for everyone: family, work, relocation, personal project realization, public display of your talents and so on. You may get an opportunity from a man, no matter whether you know him now or not, and no matter what foundation your relationship is based on.

For shooters over the age of 35, 2022 will be a very powerful and fruitful period, and they will make full use of any luck or opportunity given to them by this year's fate. For those who are ambitious and willing to achieve their goals, these are enough.

For shooters over middle age, they may travel abroad this year. For others, traveling abroad may be incidental and related to the plans of relatives: mother, brother or sister, etc.

As early as the beginning of 2022, you should know that you will gain a lot this year. Success depends on your ability to control your anger, anxiety and understand the position of others.

You will remember buying a great thing this year, including a new house and a new car.

Your relationship with your friends will depend on how much they love you and how impressed they are with your desires, interests and topics.

Sagittarius women over the age of 35 will be creative in the family, but only through the power of emotion will they have feelings for their loved ones. Where there is love, there are miracles, and vice versa.

What's the surprise this year?

For some Sagittarius, this is about getting pregnant, or welcoming the birth of a child after a difficult attempt. For other Sagittarius, surprises are about unexpected meetings, suggestions or other things, which will point the way for you to achieve real success in life. But the bigger surprise this year will be related to children.

Pisces-translation: small picture

Dear Pisces, in 2022, your internal and external comfort will depend on your work status, career development or educational achievements.

This year, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your ability in one of the above areas in a better way.

You will succeed in your home office this year, or you will have new opportunities where you live.

Lucky people are not only those who work at home, but also those who are engaged in real estate, trading, construction, house repair and other industries.

Good progress has also been made in logistics, land transportation and sea transportation, including relevant learning and qualification acquisition.

Many people will be willing to learn new knowledge and skills, their grandparents, and these skills will make progress in the current situation.

Your financial situation is very important to your self-confidence, mentality, posture and good mood.

However, you must be more careful in financial allocation. The reason is not that your income has decreased, but that there will be some sudden expenses, which will bring short-term or longer-term pressure.

These financial pressures may be related to your female relatives, such as grandma, mom and sister. It's not that your relationship will break down, but that there will be a situation that requires you to adopt a more comprehensive strategy and must be solved flexibly.

This year is beneficial to students and people who need to acquire knowledge. Many people will change their first choice, such as studying a new field and major, mainly to have an advantage when looking for a job.

This will be a good change, especially if the major is related to the Internet, logistics, transportation and tourism.

This year, you will have the opportunity to improve those relationships that encounter difficulties in 2022, such as brothers and sisters, cousins, friends and neighbors.

What happens in your private life depends largely on the actions of the water and fire signs. These people may be brothers and sisters, close relatives, neighbors, or people who are close to each other.

Your private life will be unpredictable, otherwise you will have some fantasies, otherwise you will be deceived and misled.

People who are preparing for divorce this year feel the deepest in this respect, probably starting from 2022.

Everything this year will depend on your goals and what kind of love life you want. Do you just make yourself happy, or do you remember that love and marriage are two people's business?

This year, the direction of speculation will bring unexpected losses and embarrassing situations.

Pisces parents will have short-term or long-term separation from their children, which is related to work, study or other decisions at home. Since last year. This will make everyone on the road more frequently. But for divorced parents, it is more complicated, which may involve the custody and maintenance of children.

The year 2022 will have a special impact on men over the age of 35, prompting them to make some obvious changes in their lifestyle or personality.

Otherwise, there will be more differences with family members, especially if the other party is Capricorn, Taurus and virgin.

In 2022, family relations will be highlighted, preparing for a brand-new era, which will come in 2023-2025.

Pisces rising in Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus must take care of their physical and mental health more carefully.

2022 will also bring about changes in business cooperation between near and far. Many will collapse because related activities have ended or are no longer effective. Others will adapt to changes in working conditions and make changes for the overall situation of the world. This is mostly because you found the demand and made it yourself.

Your circle of friends and business partners will become smaller, but they are more valuable to you.

There will be some limitations in your life in 2022, as I wrote in the preface at the beginning. This time, you must use your funds more rationally to ensure the stability of the materials? A house, car, farm, etc. You will put a lot of energy into providing comfort for yourself and your family.

If family property is needed or distributed, it will be difficult this year.

In 2022, for women over 35, traveling is very beneficial. Whatever the reason, it is because I fell in love with people all over the world, personal reasons or work reasons.

Pisces women will explore the spiritual level more deeply, which is much more obvious than Pisces men.

What is the most important thing for you in 2022?

First, it's your family. Bring your family into 2022 intact, no matter how difficult it is, hold on to it.

Many people will remember this year because of friends, neighbors, simultaneous engagements and weddings.

If you can pay more attention to the financial situation, investment and expenditure, then you will see good results. I'm not saying that you should be stingy, nor that you should be too conservative, but that you should be more careful and think more. Because the difference between success and failure will be a thin line, depending on whether your actions are wise enough.

I also wrote it at the beginning of this year, which is helpful for you to choose people around you. Young Pisces will make clear moves, which may be firm and sudden, and sometimes they don't even give each other a chance to defend themselves.

Sorry, 2022 may be an unpleasant or painful journey for young Pisces men and women.

The above is about the fortune of Taurus women in 2022, and it is about the sharing of constellations. I saw the fortune of Taurus in the second half of 2022, I hope this will help everyone!