Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Is it possible for human beings to live in black holes?

Is it possible for human beings to live in black holes?

It depends on the definition of a black hole. According to the definition of physical astronomy, human beings can't be in a black hole, otherwise they would have been crushed into something thinner than a neutron cake. If the room after lights out is defined as a black hole, I will lie in the black hole and sleep now, haha!

This is a very profound and interesting question, and the answer is: probably!

The definition of the critical density of the universe is that, in the case of schwarzschild radius whose observable radius is a black hole, the average density within the Hubble volume radius is equal to the average density of the black hole. If the measured average density of the universe is greater than the critical density of the universe, then our universe is inside the black hole, otherwise it is not. Interestingly, the current observation results show that the average density of our universe is not contradictory to the critical density of the universe. However, due to some errors in the observation results, it cannot be ruled out that the average density of our universe is slightly larger than the critical density of the universe, nor can it be ruled out that the average density of our universe is slightly smaller than the critical density of the universe. Therefore, we can't know exactly whether our universe is inside a black hole at present.

Then, we can discuss three possibilities:

(1) The average density of our universe is slightly less than the critical density of the universe. In this case, not only is our universe not inside the black hole, but the expansion of the universe will continue forever.

(2) The average density of our universe is slightly greater than the critical density of the universe. In this case, not only is our universe inside the black hole, but the expansion of the universe will stop one day, and the universe will shrink and eventually collapse into a singularity;

(3) The average density of our universe is just the critical density of the universe. In this case, our universe is just a black hole, and the expansion of this universe, that is, a black hole, will continue forever.

The evolution of celestial bodies is gradually increasing in density, from ordinary stars to white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes. Correspondingly, with the increase of pressure, the elements of celestial bodies are constantly degenerating, from molecules, atoms and elementary particles until they are reduced to quantum. The former is a closed system formed by quantum motion and belongs to the category of matter; The latter is the smallest particle defined and quantified by Planck constant H, which is inseparable and belongs to the energy category.

Black holes are the last stage of celestial evolution. The so-called extremes meet, and its ultimate fate is to turn into a white hole and end the life of a celestial body in the form of supernova or quasar explosion. So black holes are made up of quanta, and in the process of contraction, they convert matter into energy. Therefore, the essence of a black hole is the accumulation of energy and the dissipative structure of energy.

Because matter is a closed system formed by quantum motion, our universe and all kinds of elementary particles are closed systems formed by quantum. So in a broad sense, the universe is the largest black hole, and electrons and protons are the smallest black holes. They all turn off the quantum and rarely release energy.

Because there is no absolute black hole, just relative to ordinary celestial bodies. Due to the tunneling effect, even black holes as celestial bodies will radiate high-energy quanta, such as X-rays and gamma rays. Therefore, in a narrow sense, it is impossible for human beings to survive. Because everything is converted into energy.

However, in a broad sense, the universe, as a closed system, is a very dense black hole in its early stage of rapid expansion. And it is in the process of the universe from black to white that a small number of miniature black holes are formed inside it, that is, various basic particles are produced. This gives us a chance to evolve and survive.

In fact, nature is an organic whole. Any classification has only relative meaning. Even an ordinary star like the sun can be called a black hole. Because this kind of celestial body is also a closed system, it not only gathers discrete atoms, but also shields photons produced by internal nuclear fusion. It takes millions of years for photons to escape from stars and radiate out.

So the difference between ordinary stars and black holes is only the density, so the photon energy emitted is different. The former is low-frequency visible light and the latter is high-frequency X-ray. So black holes in the traditional sense are only relative to human eyes. Due to long-term evolution, our eyes have adapted to the sunlight.

In short, the real high-density black hole, of course, we can't survive, which is the result of the conversion of mass into energy. But black holes become white holes, which is the process of energy producing mass. So in this transformation process, it is possible to evolve advanced creatures, and we have a chance to survive in this process.

However, it takes a huge black hole to produce a large amount of matter and evolve for a long enough time. Ordinary black holes can only produce a small amount of matter, and only the universe can evolve into us and become our home in the process of changing from black to white.

If humans belong to black holes, where did the universe come from? Is it hard to say that the universe turned into dark matter in a black hole? It is said that black holes are unfriendly. As long as all matter is swallowed by a black hole, it will be torn into particles and eventually become dark matter and invisible things.

In short, what is invisible can never be seen by human beings. As long as there is sunshine, there is human existence.

Is our universe a black hole? This is a question that astronomers can't answer accurately. However, many astronomical phenomena show that this statement is not impossible.

First of all, our universe itself is an independent space-time. Usually, only black holes can separate space-time from other parts, so our universe is likely to exist in a huge black hole framework.

Then, the ratio of density, volume and mass of the universe is similar to that of a black hole of the same size. The observed universe is about 93 billion light years, with a mass of about 80 grams of 10 and a density of about 5 hydrogen atoms per cubic centimeter. If our universe is also a black hole, then the volume and density of this mass black hole will be almost the same as our universe. Isn't this a strange coincidence?

Now BIGBANG's theory has been recognized and observed by all relevant physics disciplines, and it is a discipline that can explain the universe and various astronomical phenomena. This theory holds that our universe originated from a big bang, so what would the universe look like before this big bang? Some scientists believe that it is probably just a singularity of a huge black hole. Because this singularity absorbed too much material and the internal pressure was unbalanced, an explosion occurred.

This kind of explosion is the explosion of the singularity in the black hole, which causes the energy contained in the starting point to fly in all directions, which is reflected in the expansion of the whole singularity. All matter and energy are rushing outward and evolving, and their properties are very consistent with the white hole predicted by Einstein. Therefore, some scientists think that our universe itself is a white hole. Although humans have not found a white hole in the universe so far, or our universe itself is a white hole, if so, or because of the change of quality, black holes and white holes can be transformed. For example, there are black holes in our universe, but the mass of these black holes is too small compared with the universe. The mass of this black hole should also have a boundary, so it is difficult to exist in balance to some extent, and it may turn into a white hole.

So, whether we live in a black hole or a white hole, there is no definite evidence to prove it. It can only be said that this possibility cannot be ruled out by speculation, and it is not small because of the coincidence of data and the space-time nature of black holes and the universe.

If our universe is in a black hole, it can only be said that it is a black hole formed in the movement of time and space. The motion of time and space may be the radiation of electromagnetic wave band of various properties, but it moves under the interaction of various properties. The motion of space-time is the motion of matter and energy, and the motion of black hole and space-time matter is interlinked. In my opinion, there are black holes or wormholes in matter, which are connected and interact with external matter. This may be a characteristic of space-time and matter, which makes the universe have black holes and wormholes. And black holes or wormholes, if viewed from a macro perspective, our universe may be one of the black holes in the big universe.

According to a new study, our universe is full of black holes, so roaming in the galaxy is also a very dangerous thing. The reality is not as simple as that described in sci-fi movies and TV works such as Star Trek. As long as you are not careful, you are likely to be sucked away by black holes. According to new research, there are hundreds of millions of black holes in our galaxy. James Bullock, a co-author of the study and a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of California, Irvine, said: "We can calculate how many big black holes exist, and the final result is millions-far beyond my expectations."

Imagine a fast-rotating supermassive black hole devouring nearby stars.

Brock said:

Gravitational waves are ripples woven when black holes collide with space-time. Two years ago, scientists involved in the Laser Interference Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) project measured some waves-a century has passed since Einstein described them in the general theory of relativity.

Brock added:

However, in further attempts, when it is determined that gravitational waves occur, the frequency of black hole collisions can also be detected on the earth.

The details of this study have been published in the Monthly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society on August 2nd.

What level of black hole can accommodate the infinite universe we live in?

Anything is possible!

What are the types of black holes?

First, there are also kinds of black holes-three kinds of black holes in the universe!

About black holes, it has long been proposed. 1798, French scientist Laplace speculated according to Newton's mechanical theory: "A luminous star with a diameter of 250 times that of the sun, like the earth, will not allow any light from it to reach us under the action of its gravity."

Let's start with the spaceship. If a spaceship wants to fly out of the earth and enter the interplanetary space, it must have a speed of at least 1 1.2 km/s to get rid of the gravity of the earth. The speed of 1 1.2km/s is the lowest speed that an object must have to escape from the gravitational field of the earth, which is called the earth escape speed. The gravity of the sun is much stronger than that of the earth, and the escape speed of the sun is naturally much larger than that of the earth, which is 618 km/s. If the escape speed of a celestial body reaches or exceeds the speed of light, even light cannot escape. Such a celestial body is a black hole, as Laplace said.

Someone once asked the question: If you shine a powerful searchlight on a black hole, can you see its end? Probably not. No matter how strong the light emitted to the black hole is, it will be completely eaten by the black hole without any reflection, and the hole is still black.

Nowadays, scientists have a deeper understanding of black holes. Now it is said that the black hole is a special celestial body predicted by Einstein's theory of gravity-general relativity at the beginning of the 20th century. There is a boundary between the invisible black hole and the visible universe, which is called the horizon. Astronomers speculate. The shrinking star will continue to shrink until it shrinks to an infinitely small and dense point. That point is called a singularity.

Black holes can be said to be an isolated world. The matter sucked into the black hole will fall to the center of the black hole at the speed of light. At this time, except mass, angular momentum and charge will be absorbed into the overall properties of the black hole, other images such as radius, density, temperature, chemical composition and magnetic field will be swallowed up by the black hole. Astronomy calls this property "hairless geography".

If the density of an object is fixed and more and more things are piled together, the gravity of the matter will become stronger and stronger with the increase of mass. Finally, the gravity of matter is always greater than the intensity of escaping light.

Oppenheimer and Snyder, American physicists, first thought that if the mass of stars keeps constant and keeps shrinking, the density of stars will increase, so their gravity field will become stronger and stronger.

So as long as it contracts, it will become a black hole that cannot escape the light sooner or later. According to Einstein's general theory of relativity, they analyzed the collapse process of stars under their own gravity, and put forward a more accurate black hole theory in 1939.

Scientists believe that there are three kinds of black holes in the universe: stellar black holes, galaxy black holes and primitive black holes.

Some stars are really big, ten times bigger than the sun. Their lives are brilliant and short, and they can only live for tens of millions of years. When such a star dies. That is to say, after the supernova explosion, its huge body contracts under the action of gravity, and there is no force in the universe that can stop the pressure of this huge animal's dying struggle. The smaller the star, the greater the gravity. Eventually the star will shrink to a very small size. Its gravity makes nothing escape, so it becomes a black hole.

In the center of the Milky Way, the density of stars is very high, and large-scale collisions and mergers between stars are easy to occur, resulting in some very massive celestial bodies. When these supermassive objects collapse, they will become black holes with the mass of 65.438 billion times that of the sun.

Black holes are the most "dense" in the universe because they can only enter, but now people find that black holes also release some substances.

According to the big bang cosmology theory, the big bang that caused the expansion of the universe has great power. It squeezes some matter very tightly, thus forming a primary black hole. Primitive black holes are very small, usually as big as a basic particle, but their mass is similar to that of asteroids.

As early as 1976, the late scientist Hawking put forward a new black hole theory, that is, vacuum is not nothingness, but the logarithm of positive and negative particles is equal. Although their sum is zero, their existence and fluctuation will affect the physical process. When matter and antimatter pass near a black hole, one may fall into the black hole and the other may be excluded from the black hole, which means that the black hole can produce and emit some particles.

In this process, black holes gradually evaporate through slow radiant energy. As the black hole becomes smaller, the evaporation rate accelerates and eventually an explosion occurs.

Black holes are celestial bodies existing in space in modern general relativity. The gravity of a black hole is so great that the escape velocity in the event horizon is greater than the speed of light.

1, black hole merger.

There are two extremely active black holes in NGC 3393 galaxy. Scientists believe that two smaller black holes are merging. These two black holes are too close, and one of them is consuming and devouring the core material of the galaxy where the other black hole is located.

2. Black holes "burp"

Scientists have found that the black hole numbered H 1743-322 seems to eject "bullets" in this direction. These high-speed substances ejected from the black hole are ionized gas masses, which are reversely ejected on the accretion disk of the black hole, just like a black hole "burping". Researchers believe that the ionized gas mass ejected from black holes can affect the stars and planets in galaxies, and may even affect the electromagnetic field environment in galaxies. This black hole is about 28,000 light-years away and its mass is ten times that of the sun.

3. The oldest black hole

Scientists have discovered the oldest black hole, named Ulas J1120+0641,which was born only 770 million years after BIGBANG, and BIGBANG is thought to have occurred1370,000 years ago, so this black hole is the oldest black hole. The picture shows the black hole scene of Ulas J1120+0641drawn by the artist, and its mass is 2 billion times that of the sun. At the same time, it is also the farthest and brightest quasar found in the early universe.

4. Quasars and black holes

Although the gravity of black holes can prevent light from escaping, black holes can form the core structure of quasars, which are the most powerful and dynamic celestial bodies in the universe. This picture is an image of quasar 3C 273 taken by Hubble Space Telescope in 2003. The picture on the right reveals some key information of quasars in detail. From the image, we can see that the bright light in the center of the book is partially blocked.

5. "Wandering" Black Hole

When galaxies collide, black holes may be kicked out of galaxies in the collision and start roaming in space. The first wandering black hole discovered by scientists was named SDSSJ0927+2943. Its mass is about 600 million times that of the sun, and it drifts around at a speed of 5.9 million miles per hour (about 9.5 million kilometers per hour). Researchers speculate that there may be hundreds of wandering black holes drifting to the Milky Way.

6. Medium-mass black holes

The Swift X-ray astronomical observation satellite of NASA found a strange X-ray source in NGC 5408 with a period of 1 15.5 days, so astronomers suspected that a medium-mass black hole was peeling off the companion material. However, it seems that the medium-mass black hole has been escaping the observation of astronomers for many years, but the recently discovered medium-mass black hole is 290 million light years away, numbered HLX- 1, and its mass is 20,000 times that of the sun.

7. Rotating black holes

Black holes usually rotate at an unusual speed, which affects the structure of the surrounding space. A black hole named GRS1915+105 is located in the direction of the eagle, about 35,000 light years away from the earth, and rotates at a speed of more than 950 revolutions per second. The picture shows the temporal and spatial changes with or without rotation around the black hole. For a black hole without rotation, the white area is larger, while the black hole with rotation on the right is smaller. If matter falls into the accretion disk of a black hole, there is no possibility of escape. The rotation will be carried out at a speed of 333 million miles per hour, which is about 536 million kilometers per hour, almost half the speed of light.

8. Super black hole

One of them is located in NGC 3842 galaxy, 320 million light years away. This galaxy is one of the brightest objects in the constellation Leo. It has been confirmed by Keck telescope and other observations that the black hole in NGC 3842 galaxy has reached 9.7 billion times the mass of the sun. Another black hole is located in NGC 4889 galaxy, about 335 million light years away. It is the brightest celestial body in the late constellation, and the mass of the black hole is equal to or even greater than the former.

A black hole is a singularity with infinite density, infinite height curvature of space-time, infinite volume and infinite heat, and it is invisible in the center and part of the surrounding sky.

Space-time in the universe is like a giant balloon, and galaxies are substances suspended on the balloon, but the complexity of the universe is not that simple. Since the Big Bang, time and space have come into being. Space and time interact. Once space is distorted, time will change. High-density matter that can produce huge space-time distortion is a black hole.

(1) Non-rotating uncharged black hole is one of the earliest discovered black holes. This black hole is obviously a completely static black hole. According to the discovery of current cosmic science, this kind of black hole is generally a black hole produced by the collapse of a relatively small star. The structure of this kind of black hole is relatively simple, and its influence range is limited, but its number is likely to be extremely large.

(2) Don't rotate the charged black hole. The nature of this black hole is very strange, because the boundary of this black hole is very obvious. When you are outside a black hole, time should be normal, and time and space will not change much. But once it enters the boundary of the black hole, it will cause the phenomenon that time is close to the prohibition in an instant, and space-time will be infinitely compressed.

(3) The rotating uncharged black hole, also known as kerr black holes in scientific circles, was discovered in 1963. This black hole has certain mobility and can move quickly in the universe. Of course, other black holes will move, but not as fast as kerr black holes. This kind of black hole belongs to the universe drifter and can be said to be a dangerous assassin.

Cole-Newman black hole was discovered in 1965. This kind of black hole has an outer horizon and an inner horizon, and its physical properties are completely different. If black holes are everywhere in the universe, then Cole-Newman black holes are a large number, and scientists also call them ordinary black holes. This kind of black holes may become the tunnel choice for human beings to travel through time and space because their physical properties are relatively stable.

(4) Giant black holes, also known as Supergiant star black holes, are the easiest to find. Scientists believe that Supergiant star black holes usually appear in the core of galaxies. For example, there is a huge black hole in our galaxy, which is the source of galaxy formation. Of course, this theory is still controversial, but in general, giant black holes are likely to hide the most primitive secrets of the universe.

The above types of black holes belong to different black holes in the field of physics. You should never think that black holes are synonymous with destruction. In fact, black holes are not so terrible. In fact, black holes are probably the source of everything in the universe. Maybe before BIGBANG, it was also a huge black hole.

Second, what are the levels of black holes?

The inside of a black hole is likely to be divided into several levels, and a big black hole may have another hole! Don't believe me, look!

Our universe is full of mysteries, and every mystery is shocking. These mysteries include the secret of time, some big physical conjectures of wormholes, and whether white holes exist. With these questions, beauty Xiaoqian made some inferences and some new scientific discoveries for everyone. But these phenomena are actually part of the secret of the universe, not the whole universe, because black holes are the source of all this.

Everyone must think, how can a black hole be the source of all phenomena in the universe? In fact, this truth is very simple. The beautiful Xiao Gan will give you an example. Before the Big Bang, the universe itself was actually an infinitesimal black hole with unimaginable mass. It can be said that the universe itself is a black hole, so it is not an exaggeration to say that a black hole is the origin of the universe, but a very objective explanation.

So black holes will really disappear indefinitely. Did our universe really appear in the Big Bang? Actually, Xiao Gan, a beautiful woman, doesn't think so, because according to the multiverse theory, our universe is probably a phenomenon produced by the collision between universes, not by BIGBANG. But there is a problem in our universe, that is, whether the universe is the product of the impact of black holes or whether the universe itself exists in black holes.

Therefore, we can draw a conclusion that a black hole is not a simple so-called infinitesimal model, but a phenomenon at different levels. According to the current research of scientists, Mei Xiaogan found that black holes are probably composed of different levels through data collection. The first is the outermost part of the black hole, which is an area with infinite gravity. Because of the huge gravitational space, it has been completely distorted, and even a huge crack has appeared in the space.

If you are an astronaut with super technology, when we come to the black hole, you will be swallowed up by gravity, and then you will come to the real edge of the black hole. At this time, you will feel as if you have been suddenly stretched. But this feeling will only last for a moment, because the gravity that the speed of light can't escape, you can imagine how fast it is, and soon you will enter the second layer of the black hole. At this time, you will feel that you are in a huge radiation source.

Of course, the time on the second floor probably won't be very long. As long as astronauts have protective measures, such as antimatter protective covers, they can safely come to the location of the third floor black hole. At this time, we can see that the third layer of the black hole seems to be an endless universe with different physical phenomena from our universe. It can even be said that because the dimension of this universe is higher than ours, you will feel that the time here seems meaningless.

At this point, we are in the huge space of a black hole. If we have the ability to fly in an instant, then you will feel that you can see more new things in this universe, and even you will see many different intelligent life. Xiao Gan's description of beauty is well-founded. According to the multiverse theory, a black hole is a channel caused by great gravity, and the wall of two universes is connected inside the black hole.

Therefore, when astronauts really enter a black hole, as long as there are three levels of changes, they will actually come to another universe. Time may be less than a minute. Because according to the research of scientists, the communication channel between multiverses is an extreme substance that exceeds the speed of light and has great repulsion and gravity. When you enter the second layer of a black hole, you actually enter the repulsive phase. Therefore, it is very likely that there is a universe inside the black hole or another universe outside the black hole.

Third, the universe has multiple universes, and black holes have multiple black holes?

There are multiple universes, and there must be multiple black holes!

Multi-universe theory: The universe we live in may just be a black hole in the "mother universe".

The so-called multiverse theory means that the universe we exist in may be just an ordinary individual in many universes. Of course, the relationship between these universes is not necessarily "parallel", but there may be a "nested" relationship: the universe we live in is only a part of it, and there are universes lower than our "level", universes higher than us, and of course, universes at the same level as us, all of which may exist.

According to the combination of multiverse theory and black hole universe theory, we think that our universe is a black hole with a higher level than ours in the "mother universe"; Accordingly, every black hole in our cosmic space is a "sub-universe". These black holes have the same level and are juxtaposed with each other, which can also be called "parallel universes". Different universes can present various hierarchical and juxtaposition relationships-of course, these universes themselves have no hierarchy.

According to the theory of black hole universe, it is considered that the "Big Bang" when our universe was formed was actually the collapse of a star core in a more advanced mother universe. In other words, in our universe, every time a star collapses into a black hole, a "big bang" will occur at the singularity inside the black hole, releasing the collapsed material and the material it attracts into the black hole in the form of a big bang, forming the star of the universe itself.

Scientists put forward such a "multi-universe theory", of course, it is not groundless, nor is it that many ordinary people think they can come up with any theory, but they have all been strictly demonstrated. In the theory of black hole universe, the limit of Hubble volume is the Hubble radius of the universe itself, that is, the schwarzschild radius of the black hole in our universe-and if all the substances in the universe we observe are compressed into a black hole, the schwarzschild radius and Hubble radii obtained are basically the same, which can prove the correctness of multiple universes to some extent.

But the multiverse theory also has its own problems: if according to this statement, the big bang at the birth of the universe was the collapse of the star nucleus into a black hole, then what is the end of the universe? If the life of a black hole, like the "Hawking evaporation" proposed by Professor Hawking, eventually dissipates in space, will our universe disappear completely one day? These are all unknown questions.

The universe originated from black hole particles, and every heavy universe must have black holes.

The universe in multidimensional space has corresponding multidimensional black holes!

The universe is so big, everything is possible!

(Image from the Internet) Impossible. There are countless black holes in the vast space. Just like the whirlpool in the river, it will never affect the normal eastward flow of the river; Many black holes in the universe simply cannot control the whole moving universe. Any celestial body in the universe is constantly moving, from birth to extinction, reorganizing celestial bodies, reciprocating and repeating. Creatures are born to adapt to the environment and exist to transform the environment. Any complicated and changeable harsh environment can't help intelligent human beings.