Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - The personality of a man with type B blood.

The personality of a man with type B blood.

People with different blood types have different personalities, including horoscopes. Do you want to know the personality of a man with type B blood? Let me introduce you. I hope you like it.

Personality characteristics of men with type B blood

1, alienation

Type B people are not persistent in society, and their adaptability is relatively poor.

Although Type B people are supported by strong self-affirmation and live confidently in this world, there are not a few people who can't get rid of their inferiority complex because of alienation. I like to go my own way and hate the constraints of rules and systems.

2. Subjectivity

? No matter what others think, I just say what I want to say and do what I want to do. ? People who have this kind of psychology are mostly out of inferiority. He doesn't want others to criticize him, and he doesn't want others to do ordinary things. In his mind, he only subjectively wants to do what he wants according to his own ideas. Some people will think that this is unconventional. As a matter of fact, the parties have naturally done what they want to do, without affectation. This is a type B person.

Type B people are always confident and responsible for their words and deeds. In addition, subjective, sensible, argumentative, simple, no desire, strong will and exaggerated style are all characteristics of type B.

Step 3 act

Type B people are optimistic, don't like self-reflection, do things regardless of the cause and effect, and don't care what others think of themselves. Type B people's words and deeds are impulsive, sudden and not introspective. He doesn't care about the purpose and result of the action. Although Type B people reproduce the reality and are full of practical strength, their interests can easily change. The lack of continuous personality performance of type B people is the result of personality action being exerted to the bad side. If it is brought into full play, it can accomplish a perfect job. Do it again without saying much, and complete the task that others are not easy to complete.

4. Lack of perseverance

When encountering problems, Type B people often do extensive and uncertain flexible thinking, make quick decisions, make key conclusions and handle things skillfully. But it is a pity that the mind is uncertain, curiosity is as strong as wild horses, lack of patience and perseverance, laziness and caution, and special forgetfulness. These are the biggest shortcomings of type B people.

5. exuberant vitality

Type B people have poor adaptability to social environment, but strong resistance to society. No matter how the social environment changes and how complicated it is, he can cut himself off from society in time and continue to survive without social influence.

6. A keen sense

Type B people's instinctive sensitivity can be fully demonstrated when they need to make a quick judgment temporarily. For example, in the event of an earthquake, a fire, a huge accident, natural disasters and man-made disasters, Type B people can perceive danger with keen instinct, thus saving their lives unconsciously. He can also skillfully escape from chaos and protect himself with very quick actions.

7. Strong subjectivity

Type B people often judge another person's bad through their own intuitive reactions, and their views on things are completely based on their own judgments, which are often ingrained and not easy to change.

Personality and attitude of men with type B blood

Contrary to type A people, many people in type B often give people the impression of indifference, simplicity and informality. They are outspoken and don't talk about ceremonies, but they lack intimacy and enthusiasm. In fact, I am honest with everyone, and those who are familiar with each other are B-type people.

This cannot be called duality, because they are not used to red tape and are not good at reciprocity. On wedding occasions, the most restrained person is also type B.

People who don't know, when they see type B's simple and indifferent attitude, will worry about whether they are malicious or not. But you will feel easy to get along with after contact. They don't care about trivial things. Although she lacks romantic feelings, she is kind-hearted and full of human feelings. There are also type B people, who often show sympathy and understanding to others by actions, and they are willing to help others to an almost nosy procedure. What is hard to get is their arrogant temper: you say this and he says that; No matter what other people think, it doesn't matter what you say.

Type B people love to get along with others, but they are different from Type A people. They are generally reluctant to cooperate with others, and often like to go their own way. However, when I am left behind or abandoned, I will be particularly anxious. They're called type B? Blame b? . According to the survey, many B-type people seem to treat others coldly, but they hope others can treat them warmly.

Love signals of men with type B blood.

Type B always makes a good first impression on people who have nothing to do when they meet for the first time. Therefore, you can't judge each other's attitude after the first meeting. If you express his (her) interest in you, or talk about his (her) own affairs, there is hope to express his (her) mind.

Charming performance: when you say hi

Lucky location: concert hall/coffee shop

Lucky numbers: 3, 7

Lucky Accessories: Necklace/bracelet/hair accessories

The performance of love: B versus O: 90% heat success rate 70%

B to B: 60% heat, 40% success rate.

B versus A: 30% heat, 20% success rate.

B versus AB: 70% heat, 60% success rate.

People with type B blood are hereditary in character.

B 1

★ B 1 type (father type A+ mother type b) personality-always plays the role of mediator in the collective. Type B 1 has a generous type B mother and a steady and meticulous type A father since childhood. I have to meet my parents' requirements since I was a child, so I have a strong balance ability and can keep pace with others, unlike other B blood types. So when I grow up, I often act as a mediator in the collective. In B 1 type personality, the influence of mother has the upper hand, so B-type personality has the advantage. B 1 is naive, and when shopping with friends, you will be excited and noisy. The advantage of type B 1 is that it can use the stability of type A to suppress the arbitrary temperament of type B influenced by emotions.

Love: once you fall in love, you will become in a trance. Compared with other type B, type B 1 needs to be more cautious. B 1 type has always resisted his father's strict education in the process of growing up, so he has a tendency to expect the opposite sex from his father. Type B 1 is easily controlled by emotions, and will feel more comfortable and relaxed with the opposite sex. In fact, B 1 type originally liked handsome and reliable men, but it was probably out of rebellious psychology that he made the wrong choice. When you are in love, it is easy to approach quickly, and you may fall into formalism. B 1 type is suitable for communication with rough O9 type, and it is likely to form a one-way worship relationship with O 1 type.

Occupation-a job that emphasizes personality. As mentioned above, B 1 is characterized by a sense of balance and can play the role of arbitrator and mediator. Because he has a strong personality and intuition, he can give full play to his talents if he is engaged in a job that requires creative thinking. It can be developed in the field of planning or commodity development.

B2 type

★ B2 (father type A+mother type AB) personality-not impulsive, calm in judgment. Among impulsive type B blood, type B2 is a rare calm person. Most people with type B blood don't worry about trifles. Once they are interested in something, they will immediately throw themselves into it. Type B2, influenced by type AB mother who attaches importance to rational thinking and type A father who is cautious in life, always makes plans or fully considers gains and losses before acting. This is different from other type B blood types, which are affected by emotions and often make mistakes. In terms of interpersonal relationship, influenced by my completely different parents, I have been familiar with the method of keeping distance from others since I was a child.

Love-seems clumsy and fragile in love. Type AB mother and type A father are very gentle and harmonious. When Type B2 sees that his father cherishes his mother, he will have the idea of treating it this way. Unfortunately, B2 is a type B blood. He doesn't know how to be spoiled in front of the person he loves, is not used to relying on the other person, and has a strong tendency to go his own way. If you have been lovelorn several times and can gradually correct your shortcomings, you will get valuable love. Different from other B blood types who are eager for passionate love, the pure B2 blood type will never be a playboy. Suitable for communication with cheerful B5 and B8.

Occupation-excellent creativity. Type B blood type has the characteristic of being immersed in one thing, so it can exert its unique personality. Type B2 can give full play to its own strength when planning activities or providing ideas when dealing with practical work. It will have a bright future in the field of magazine editing or event planning.

B3 type

★ B3 (father type B+mother type A) personality-impeccable type, with the temperament of a model student. Blood type B has the temperament of a free and unrestrained adventurer. However, Type B3 grew up under the cultivation of an honest and considerate mother, and was disturbed by various kinds in the process of growing up. Are you affected by this? A stable life? Have a deep desire. This attitude is not like pursuing extreme type B blood type. Type B3 is steady, prudent and polite, and is good at listening to the advice of the elderly. At first glance, there are many model students' temperament. However, although at first we will act according to each other's emotions and leave a good impression, over time, we will show our freewheeling side. Remember, no matter how close the relationship is, it can't be beyond the rules and impolite.

Love-like a man who can open his heart. It's easy to get emotional and start a relationship. This is due to the excessive restraint of one's feelings and inner exhaustion on weekdays. In front of the person I love, I have a strong desire to express my true self. So I often have feelings for colleagues or friends who understand and tolerate my heart. But because I know each other too well, the love that begins in this way lacks tension and mystery, and it is easy to become a formal love. Only by feeling subtle and mysterious in communication can we succeed in love. Type B3 is suitable for communication with types O4 and O6. If you are eager for passionate love, you can communicate with B 10.

Professional women. For B3 type, the work itself has special significance. As a daughter, she doesn't want to stick at home like her mother, which shows her enthusiasm for social activities. Type B3, who is eager to become a professional woman, is suitable for occupations that require accuracy, such as general affairs, financial manager, accounting, etc.

B4 type

★ B4 (father type B+ mother type B) goes to extremes in personality-action or interest. Because both parents are type B blood with strong personality, type B4 attracts people everywhere. If you have what you want, you will devote yourself wholeheartedly, otherwise you won't even look at it. In interpersonal relationships, you only associate with people you like, and people you don't like don't care. But this obvious difference between likes and dislikes probably stems from some narrow idea. If we can be more tolerant and put ourselves in others' shoes, the B4-type world will become wider. Most type B blood has duality. Although they have a strong independent spirit, they often want to be spoiled.

Love-an activist who is loyal to his feelings. Type B parents usually have an open and natural attitude towards love. Because there is no interference of love, B4 type is likely to be love at first sight, or even if the other party already has a lover, as long as they are attractive, they will not hesitate to stick to it. Type B4 is evaluated by people around you? Shame? I don't want to cheat my feelings. In any case, type B4 will experience colorful and dramatic love. However, once the novelty can no longer be found, it is easy to break up. If you can't restrain yourself and be keen on changing lovers blindly, then you may never have true love, which is by no means alarmist. The most suitable opposite sex is AB6 with strong social skills and wide interests. If you are eager for passionate love, you can associate with B 1 O3.

Career-success in professional research. Type B4 has a very strong personality and can leave a deep impression on people. If you can engage in entertainment or news media industry, you can give full play to your talents. Because you will devote yourself wholeheartedly to what you like, it is easy to succeed in the research field or professional field.

B5 type

★ B5 (father type B+ mother type O) personality-naive person. O-type mother has rich feelings and gives people a warm feeling. The temperament of type B father is similar to that of type B5. Type B5, who grew up with such parents, has a naive, frank and straightforward personality. Type O mother likes to attract attention. Influenced by this, Type B5 also likes to attend various ceremonies or parties, and at the same time, she has the ability to attract attention like a star. B5 believes that everything should be judged right and wrong, and firmly believes that justice will win. This feature is characterized by being aggressive to others, so it is easy to make enemies. Because people take it for granted that they cater to themselves, they are often opposed by their friends. Type B5 has keen intuition and can read each other's minds.

Love-intense jealousy. Type B5 is likely to be favored by fathers of the same blood type when they grow up. However, the relationship between type B father and type O mother is very harmonious, and it is absolutely impossible to monopolize the father's love. In this family environment, I have a subtle sense of same-sex competition since I was a child. On the one hand, they are very enthusiastic, on the other hand, they are jealous beyond ordinary people, so with the deepening of love, the other party will feel more bound. Sometimes, because you are loyal to love and feelings themselves, you will be incompatible with each other. At this time, you need to adjust the speed of love.

Occupation-If you become an artist or entertainer, you may succeed. B5, with strong B-type personality and rich O-type expressive force, has great potential for success as an artist, dancer and actor.

Sign B6

★ B6 (father type B+mother type AB) personality-independent, but overconfident. It is almost well known that type B blood has personality and freedom. Because AB-type mothers respect their children's autonomy, while B-type fathers only care about their own interests and work and interfere flawless, the development of B6-type personality is even more unconstrained. Type B6 is used to acting according to his own judgment since childhood, and will be considered as a very independent person when he grows up. However, because they are rarely reprimanded or criticized by their parents, their judgments or emotional trends are usually influenced by their own likes and dislikes and lack objectivity. For people of B6 type, you need to learn to listen to others' advice and put yourself in others' shoes.

Love. -Born in love, doctor. From an early age, Type B6 saw that Type AB mother skillfully controlled the enthusiastic Type B father, so it can be said that she knew how to control and lead men with her heart. How to dress up to attract men's attention, how to cause jealousy and get love can be explained at any time. B6 is a famous doctor of love in the circle of friends. Once you meet the ideal person, you will never leave. After you start dating, you will become a lovely and kind little woman, inspiring each other's protective instinct, and everything is under the control of B6. Suitable for B6 type is reliable O 1 type heterosexuality.

Occupation-using unique personality as a weapon. It is impossible to understand B6 formula based on common sense. B6 weapon is a unique personality. Erasing this personality will only bring pain. Cartoonists, designers, etc? Strange people? Our industry is very suitable for B6 development.

B7 type

★ B7 (father type O+mother type B) personality-the type of getting ahead by means. Raised by a free and unrestrained mother, B7 knew how to do his own thing from an early age. The father generously accepts his daughter's coquetry and rudeness. As long as the child wants to do it, he will try his best to do it. In this environment, B7 type has developed the habit of doing only what they want to do and shirking what they don't want to do to others. When I grow up, I always find excuses to escape when I face troubles or difficult things, so that I am disliked by my colleagues and hated by others. Because B-type mothers are curious and educate to cultivate various interests and feelings, B-type mothers never feel bored and always live around what they like.

Love-very precocious in sex. O-type fathers tolerate mothers with strong personality with tolerant love. Growing up under the cultivation of such parents, B7 type will have the idea of meeting a good man and getting love as early as being a mother. B7 is such a precocious girl. Under the influence of her enthusiastic type B mother, she is more keen on love. However, compared with the desire to be loved, the spirit of giving love is too little. There is a selfish side in love. Once the other party makes a certain request, love will disappear without a trace in an instant. The most suitable lovers are O9 and O5. They can accept the enthusiasm of B7.

Occupation-a job suitable for excitement. Type B7, with a wide range of interests, is bound to be tired of simple and repetitive work or research work in a certain field. Suitable for tourism, news media industry, clothing and other areas that can meet a variety of curiosity.

B8 type

★ B8 (father type O+ mother type AB) personality-understanding, understanding. Unlike other mothers who indulge their children blindly, mother AB always keeps calm and takes a reasonable attitude. So I was used to catering to my mother's emotions since I was a child. As a result, type B8 has become one of the few people in type B blood who know how to judge each other's emotions and adjust the atmosphere. But once it exceeds a degree, it will become a calculator who cares about interests in everything. In fact, instead of judging each other's emotions and taking actions to cater to them, it is better to stubbornly move toward your own goals, so that life will be much more free and easy.

Love-too hard on the opposite sex. People with type B blood are enthusiastic once they start to fall in love. But in love, it will also be influenced by the mother. Because of high vision, harsh conditions and strong critical spirit, most men simply can't see it. Even if you meet the right man one day, you will immediately find some shortcomings of him, so breaking up is common. If you want love to develop healthily and last for a long time, you must open your heart, show your true self and communicate honestly with each other. Type B8, gentle and reliable O 1 and AB6 are very suitable, and sensitive O5 is full of charm for B8.

Occupation-adaptable and talented. Although B8 is a individualist, it also has the side of caring for others' emotions, so it is easy to adapt to the workplace environment. Suitable for general business posts, service industries, sales industries and other industries. Because B8 has the ability to understand each other's psychology and has the potential to achieve excellent results in the sales field.

B9 type

★ B9 (father AB type+mother A type) personality-stubborn and honest perfectionist. Influenced by an honest and meticulous A-type mother, B9 is a perfectionist, born with the stubbornness peculiar to B-type blood. Different from the common type B blood with wide interests but poor concentration, type B9 is very suitable for research in a certain field. But out of their resistance to type A mothers, they will have distrust or anger towards their elders, superiors or authorities. Because parents are more alert, the communication scope of B9 type is not very extensive. Always enjoy close friendship with 2-3 friends in a small group.

Occupation-you should use artistic talent. Type B9 tends to be opinionated. Because of his cautious personality and attention to trifles, he is suitable for working alone. You can seek development in the artistic fields such as painters and ceramists. Because it is conservative in principle, if you work in the workplace, it is easy to have conflicts with your colleagues.

Type B 10

★ B 10 type (father AB type+mother B type) personality-qualified as a team leader. Type B blood has a strong curiosity and is sensitive to catching fashion trends. Because my mother is type B blood type, she grew up in an environment that emphasizes public feelings. However, the intellectual AB dad does not advocate simply chasing fashion. Under this influence, B 10 has grown into an elegant person with accurate critical consciousness and aesthetic consciousness. Because of these characteristics, B 10 will always be the core force in an organization with strong influence on others. Have an ideal mode of thinking, do not hesitate to give advice and always lead the trend. Therefore, it will become the envy of everyone. Love-yearning for elegant love. Type B mother pursues progressive, free and unrestrained love, while calm type AB father is more tolerant. As long as you can take responsibility, you won't limit the interaction between men and women. Because of this, model B 10 had a boyfriend very early. Because I am sensitive to fashion, I really want to experience the way of love in movies or TV series. But tired of love with psychological burden. Once you feel that your feelings are about to deepen, you will run away, so it is difficult to have substantial development. The most suitable partner is a man with elegant temperament, and the possibility of long-term contact with AB6, O2 and B9 is the highest.

Career-Use excellent intuition. If you can use your natural intuition, you can get results far beyond others. The feeling of accurately predicting the development trend of the times is the sharp weapon of B 10. It is suitable for the news media industry and advertising planning industry that need a keen sense of smell. B 10 is cheerful and generous, and has a set of methods, so it will be very popular in the workplace.

B 1 1

★ B 1 1 type (father AB type+mother O type) personality-a woman with strong temperament. Type B blood has a tendency to do whatever others think, but type B 1 1 is influenced by type O mother and has a strong competitive psychology. The type B 1 1 may be heard from the mother often when growing up. My children are the best? Something like that Because of this, the B 1 1 model works hard, hoping to gain the recognition of her mother through her own efforts. Type B 1 1 is also a versatile person in the blood type, with a strong personality, which can be said to be a strong woman. I hope to get rid of my mother's rebellious mentality and competitive mentality. At the age of 20, I will show more free and unrestrained temperament of type B blood.

Love-choose your lover carefully. Because I grew up with my parents with completely different personalities and witnessed many contradictions and conflicts with my own eyes, I will hesitate when choosing the opposite sex. Coupled with the strong intervention of the mother, type B 1 1 showed less caution than type B blood group. Type B 1 1 will carefully observe all aspects of each other before entering formal communication, and then start communication. B 1 1 type likes the excellent opposite sex, and hopes that the other person is the best in study, appearance and ability. But after the age of 25, the previous vigilance will become weaker and weaker, and it will become very bold. I don't even care about falling into immoral love and pursuing dramatic love. The most suitable partner is AB 1 type who is smart and loves to dress up, and it is very likely to marry O 1 type with tolerance.

Occupation-becoming an elite employee of a first-class enterprise. Because he is very conceited about his ability, he always shows pretentious appearance. After graduating from school, if you can't enter the first-class enterprise that everyone yearns for, you will feel very humiliated. Because of its rich creativity, outstanding expansion and adaptability, it will soon be recognized within an organization.

Type B 12

★ B 12 type (father AB type+mother AB type) personality-early independent precocious type. On the surface, type B 12, who grew up with cool and intellectual AB parents, has no original noisy characteristics of type B blood and is hidden in the deep heart. Because AB parents don't treat their children as spoiled children, but treat them as adults, they can maintain psychological independence from an early age. Have a strong sense of self and responsibility, also have the ability to lead their own development, and have the potential to become a successful woman. If you can have the elegance and social skills of AB parents at the same time, B 12 is equivalent to having the best conditions to become a business woman.

In love-have a sense of distance to the opposite sex. Although AB parents are harmonious and respect each other, they will never exceed a certain level. This has an impact on the relationship between B 12 and the opposite sex. The precocious B 12 will be surrounded by many male friends from the age of ten, giving people the feeling of a flower girl, but in fact it is very calm and will not give his heart to any opposite sex. Always keep a certain distance and minimize the waste of feelings. I even worry that it is difficult to open my heart when I meet a man I really like. The most suitable partners are both passionate and intellectual O7 and AB6.

Occupation-a senior who is as popular as her sister in the workplace. The precocious B 12 always plays the role of sister when interacting with friends. Therefore, in the workplace, it is suitable for coordinating relationships and giving orders. For example, radio producers and other posts that send work tasks, or consulting and dedication posts.