Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Constellations are also very fashionable now. How are these constellations used?
Constellations are also very fashionable now. How are these constellations used?
If your birthday is at the junction of two constellations and you don't know what constellation you are, you can find the specific time when the sun enters each constellation from 1950 to 1999 here.
For example, you were born at the junction of 1980 Aries and Taurus. It can be found in the table that the corresponding time of Taurus this year is 6: 22 on April 20. If you were born after this time, your sign is Taurus, otherwise it is Aries.
Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Lion Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn
1950 1.20 22:59 2. 19 13: 17 3.2 1 12:35 4.20 23:59 5.2 1 23:27 6.22 7:36 7.23 1 8:29 8.24 1:23 9.23 22:43 10.24 7:44 1 1.23 5:02 12.22 18: 13
195 1 1.2 1 4:52 2. 19 19:09 3.2 1 18:25 4.2 1 5:48 5.22 5: 15 6.22 1 3:24 7.24 0:20 8.24 7: 16 9.24 4:36 10.24 13:36 1 1.23 10:5 1 12.23 0:00
1952 1.2 1 10:38 2.20 0:56 3.2 1 0: 13 4.20 1 1:36 5.2 1 1 1:03 6.2 / kloc-0/ 19: 1 2 7.23 6:07 8.23 13:02 9.23 10:23 10.23 19:22 1 1.22 16:35 12.22 5:43
1953 1.20 16:2 1 2. 19 6:4 1 3.2 1 6:00 4.20 17:25 5.2 1 16:52 6.22 / kloc-0/:00 7.23 165438 +0:5 1 8.23 18:45 9.23 16:05 10.24 1:06 1 1.22 22:2 1 12.22 1 1:3 1
1954 1.20 22: 1 1 2. 19 12:32 3.2 1 1 1:53 4.20 23: 19 5.2 1 22:47 6.22 6:54 7.23 17:4 5 8.24 0:36 9.23 2 1:55 10.24 6:56 1 1.23 4: 14 12.22 17:24
1955 1.2 1 4:02 2. 19 18: 18 3.2 1 17:35 4.2 1 4:57 5.22 4:24 6.22 12:3 / kloc-0/ 7.23 23:24 8.24 6 : 18 9.24 3:40 10.24 12:43 1 1.23 10:00 12.22 23: 1 1
1956 1.2 1 9:48 2.20 0:04 3.20 23:20 4.20 10:43 5.2 1 10: 12 6.2 1 18:24 7.23 5: / kloc-0/9 8.23 1 2: 14 9.23 9:35 10.23 18:34 1 1.22 15:49 12.22 4:59
1957 1.20 15:39 2. 19 5:58 3.2 1 5: 16 4.20 16:4 1 5.2 1 16: 1 0 6.22 0:20 7.23 165438 +0: 14 8.23 18:07 9.23 15:26 10.24 0:24 1 1.22 2 1:39 12.22 10:48
1958 1.20 2 1:28 2. 19 1 1:48 3.2 1 1 1:05 4.20 22:27 5.2 1 2 1:5 / kloc-0/ 6.22 5:57 7.23 6543 8+06:50 8.23 23:45 9.23 2 1:08 10.24 6: 10 1 1.23 3:29 12.22 16:39
1959 1.2 1 3: 18 2. 19 17:37 3.2 1 16:54 4.2 1 4: 16 5.22 3:42 6.22 1 1:50 7.23 22:45 8.24 5:43 9.24 3:08 10.24 12: 1 1 1 1.23 9:26 12.22 22:34
Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Lion Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn
1960 1.2 1 9: 10 2. 19 23:26 3.20 22:42 4.20 10:05 5.2 1 9:33 6.2 1 1 7:42 7.23 4:37 8.23 165438+ 0:34 9.23 8:58 10.23 18:0 1 1 1.22 15: 18 12.22 4:25
196 1 1.20 15:0 1 2. 19 5: 16 3.2 1 4:32 4.20 15:55 5.2 1 15:22 6.2 / kloc-0/ 23:30 7.23 65438 +00:23 8.23 17: 18 9.23 14:42 10.23 23:47 1 1.22 2 1:07 12.22 10: 19
1962 1.20 20:58 2. 19 1 1: 14 3.2 1 10:29 4.20 2 1:50 5.2 1 2 1: / kloc-0/6 6.22 5:24 7.23 6543 8+06: 17 8.23 23: 12 9.23 20:35 10.24 5:40 1 1.23 3:0 1 12.22 16: 14
1963 1.2 1 2:54 2. 19 17:08 3.2 1 16: 19 4.2 1 3:36 5.22 2:58 6.22 1 / kloc-0/:04 7.23 2 1:58 8.24 4:57 9.24 2:23 10.24 1 1:28 1 1.23 8:49 12.22 22:0 1
1964 1.2 1 8:4 1 2. 19 22:57 3.20 22:09 4.20 9:27 5.2 1 8:50 6.2 1 16:56 7.23 3:52 8.23 / kloc-0/0:5 1 9.23 8: 16 10.23 17:20 1 1.22 14:38 12.22 3:49
1965 1.20 14:29 2. 19 4:47 3.2 1 4:05 4.20 15:26 5.2 1 14:50 6.2 1 22:55 7.23 9:47 8.23 16:42 9 .23 14:06 10.23 23:09 1 1.22 20:29 12.22 9:40
1966 1.20 20: 19 2. 19 10:37 3.2 1 9:52 4.20 2 1: 1 1 5.2 1 20:32 6.22 4:33 7.23 15:22 8.23 22: 17 9.23 19:42 10.24 4:50 1 1.23 2: 14 10.22 15:28
1967 1.2 1 2:07 2. 19 16:23 3.2 1 15:36 4.2 1 2:55 5.22 2: 18 6.22 1 0:23 7.23 2 1: 15 8.24 4: 12 9.24 1:38 10.24 10:43 1 1.23 8:04 12.22 2 1: 16
1968 1.2 1 7:54 2. 19 22:09 3.20 2 1:22 4.20 8:4 1 5.2 1 8:05 6.2 1 16: 1 3 7.23 3:07 8.23 10 :02 9.23 7:26 10.23 16:29 1 1.22 13:48 12.22 2:59
1969 1.20 13:38 2. 19 3:54 3.2 1 3:08 4.20 14:26 5.2 1 13:49 6.2 1 2 1 :55 7.23 8:47 8.23 1 5:43 9.23 13:06 10.23 22: 1 1 1 1.22 19:30 12.22 8:43
Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Lion Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn
1970 1.20 19:23 2. 19 9:4 1 3.2 1 8:56 4.20 20: 14 5.2 1 19:37 6.22 3:42 7.23 / kloc-0/4:36 8.23 265438+ 0:33 9.23 18:59 10.24 4:04 1 1.23 1:24 12.22 14:35
197 1 1.2 1 1: 12 2. 19 15:27 3.2 1 14:38 4.2 1 1:54 5.22 / kloc-0/: 14 6.22 9:654 38+09 7.23 20: 14 8.24 3: 15 9.24 0:44 10.24 9:53 1 1.23 7: 13 12.22 20:23
1972 1.2 1 6:58 2. 19 2 1: 1 1 3.20 20:2 1 4.20 7:37 5.2 1 6:59 6.2 1 1 5:06 7.23 2:02 8.23 9: 02 9.23 6:32 10.23 15:4 1 1 1.22 13:02 12.22 2: 12
1973 1.20 12:48 2. 19 3:0 1 3.2 1 2: 12 4.20 13:30 5.2 1 12:54 6.2 1 2 1:00 7.23 7:55 8.23 14:53 9.23 12:2 1 10.23 2 1:30 1 1.22 18:53 12.22 8:07
1974 1.20 18:45 2. 19 8:58 3.2 1 8:06 4.20 19: 18 5.2 1 18:36 6.22 2:37 7.23 / kloc-0/3:30 8.23 20:28 9 .23 17:58 10.24 3: 10 1 1.23 0:38 12.22 13:55
1975 1.2 1 0:36 2. 19 14:49 3.2 1 13:56 4.2 1 1:07 5.22 0:23 6.22 8:26 7.23 / kloc-0/9:2 1 8.24 2: 23 9.23 23:55 10.24 9:06 1 1.23 6:30 12.22 19:45
1976 1.2 1 6:25 2. 19 20:40 3.20 19:49 4.20 7:03 5.2 1 6:2 1 6.2 1 14:24 7.23 / kloc-0/: 18 8.23 8: 18 9.23 5:47 10.23 14:58 1 1.22 12:2 1 12.22 1:34
1977 1.20 12: 14 2. 19 2:30 3.2 1 1:42 4.20 12:57 5.2 1 12: 14 6.2 / kloc-0/ 20: 13 7.23 7:03 8.23 14:00 9.23 1 1:29 10.23 20:40 1 1.22 18:06 12.22 7:22
1978 1.20 18:04 2. 19 8:20 3.2 1 7:33 4.20 18:49 5.2 1 18:08 6.22 2:09 7.23 1 3:00 8.23 19:56 9 .23 17:25 10.24 2:37 1 1.23 0:04 12.22 13:20
1979 1.2 1 0:00 2. 19 14: 13 3.2 1 13:2 1 4.2 1 0:35 5.2 1 23:53 6.22 7:56 7.23 18:48 8.24 1:46 9.23 23: 16 10.24 8:27 1 1.23 5:53 12.22 19:09
Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Lion Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn
1980 1.2 1 5:49 2. 19 20:0 1 3.20 19:09 4.20 6:22 5.2 1 5:42 6.2 1 13:47 7.23 0:4 / kloc-0/ 8.23 7:40 9.2 3 5:08 10.23 14: 17 1 1.22 1 1:4 1 12.22 0:55
198 1 1.20 1 1:36 2. 19 1:5 1 3.2 1 1:02 4.20 12: 18 5.2 / kloc-0/ 1 1:39 6.2 1 19:44 7.23 6:39 8.23 13:38 9.23 1 1:05 10.23 20: 12 1 1.22 17:35 12.22 6:50
1982 1.20 17:3 1 2. 19 7:46 3.2 1 6:55 4.20 18:07 5.2 1 17:22 6.22 1 :23 7.23 12: 15 8.23 19: 15 9.23 16:45 10.24 1:57 1 1.22 23:23 12.22 12:38
1983 1.20 23: 16 2. 19 13:30 3.2 1 12:38 4.20 23:50 5.2 1 23:06 6.22 7:08 7.23 1 8:03 8.24 1:07 9.23 22:4 1 10.24 7:54 1 1.23 5: 18 12.22 18:29
1984 1.2 1 5:05 2. 19 19: 16 3.20 18:24 4.20 5:38 5.2 1 4:57 6.2 1 1 3:02 7.22 23:58 8.23 7:00 9.23 4:32 10.23 13:45 1 1.22 1 1: 10 12.22 0:22
1985 1.20 10:57 2. 19 1:07 3.2 1 0: 13 4.20 1 1:25 5.2 1 10:42 6.2 / kloc-0/ 18:44 7.23 5:36 8.23 12:35 9.23 10:07 10.23 19:2 1 1 1.22 16:50 12.22 6:07
1986 1.20 16:46 2. 19 6:57 3.2 1 6:02 4.20 17: 12 5.2 1 16:28 6.22 0:30 7.23 / kloc-0/ 1:24 8.23 6 5438+08:25 9.23 15:58 10.24 1: 14 1 1.22 22:44 12.22 12:02
1987 1.20 22:40 2. 19 12:50 3.2 1 1 1:52 4.20 22:57 5.2 1 22: 10 6.22 6: 1 0 7.23 17:05 8.24 0:09 9.23 2 1:45 10.24 7:00 1 1.23 4:29 12.22 17:45
1988 1.2 1 4:24 2. 19 18:35 3.20 17:38 4.20 4:44 5.2 1 3:56 6.2 1 1 1 :56 7.22 22:50 8.23 5:53 9.23 3:28 10.23 12:44 1 1.22 10: 12 12.2 1 23:27
1989 1.20 10:07 2. 19 0:20 3.20 23:28 4.20 10:39 5.2 1 9:53 6.2 1 17:53 7.23 4:45 8.23 / kloc-0/ 1:46 9 .23 9: 19 10.23 18:35 1 1.22 16:04 12.22 5:22
Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Lion Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn
1990 1.20 16:0 1 2. 19 6: 14 3.2 1 5: 19 4.20 16:26 5.2 1 15:37 6.2 / kloc-0/ 23:32 7.23 65438 +00:2 1 8.23 17:20 9.23 14:55 10.24 0: 13 1 1.22 2 1:46 12.22 1 1:06
199 1 1.20 2 1:47 2. 19 1 1:58 3.2 1 1 1:0 1 4.20 22:08 5.2 1 2 1:20 6.22 5:65438+ 08 7.23 16: 10 8.23 23: 12 9.23 20:48 10.24 6:05 1 1.23 3:35 12.22 16:53
1992 1.2 1 3:32 2. 19 17:43 3.20 16:48 4.20 3:57 5.2 1 3: 12 6.2 1 1 / kloc-0/: 14 7.22 22:08 8.23 5:09 9.23 2:42 10.23 1 1:57 1 1.22 9:25 12.2 1 22:43
1993 1.20 9:22 2. 18 23:35 3.20 22:40 4.20 9:49 5.2 1 9:02 6.2 1 16:59 7.23 3:50 8.23 1 0:50 9.23 8:22 10.2 3 17:36 1 1.22 15:06 12.22 4:25
1994 1.20 15:07 2. 19 5:2 1 3.2 1 4:28 4.20 15:36 5.2 1 14:48 6.2 1 22:47 7.23 9:40 8.23 1 6:43 9.23 14: 19 10.23 23:35 1 1.22 2 1:05 12.22 10:22
1995 1.20 2 1:00 2. 19 1 1: 10 3.2 1 10: 14 4.20 2 1:2 1 5.2 / kloc-0/ 20:34 6.22 4:34 7.2 3 15:29 8.23 22:34 9.23 20: 12 10.24 5:3 1 1 1.23 3:0 1 12.22 16: 16
1996 1.2 1 2:52 2. 19 17:00 3.20 16:03 4.20 3:09 5.2 1 2:23 6.2 1 10:23 7.22 2 / kloc-0/: 18 8.23 4 :22 9.23 2:00 10.23 1 1: 18 1 1.22 8:49 12.2 1 22:05
1997 1.20 8:42 2. 18 22:5 1 3.20 2 1:54 4.20 9:02 5.2 1 8: 17 6.2 1 16:20 7.23 3: / kloc-0/5 8.23 10 : 19 9.23 7:55 10.23 17: 14 1 1.22 14:47 12.22 4:06
1998 1.20 14:46 2. 19 4:54 3.2 1 3:54 4.20 14:56 5.2 1 14:05 6.2 1 22:02 7.23 8:54 8.23 15:58 9 .23 13:37 10.23 22:58 1 1.22 20:34 12.22 9:56
1999 1.20 20:37 2. 19 10:46 3.2 1 9:45 4.20 20:46 5.2 1 19:52 6.22 3:49 7.23 1 4:43 8.23 2 1:5 1 9.23 19:3 1 10.24 4:52 1 1.23 2:24 12.22 15:43
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