Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Capricorn and Taurus are paired.

Capricorn and Taurus are paired.

Capricorn and Taurus are paired.

Capricorn and Taurus are a couple. Constellation is a knowledge that can guide our life. The interpretation of constellations can guide our life fortune. No one can resist the charm of this constellation. The explanation of the constellation is that man is the crystallization of wisdom. I will tell you that Capricorn and Taurus are a couple.

Capricorn and Taurus are paired 1 Everyone has his own story, and everyone has different experiences. Some people have a rough life, while others have a dull life. So there will be a lot of people. What kind of life do you like? In fact, life still depends on yourself. Of course, except for the rich second generation, a healthy and healthy life is good anyway. Then, let's take a look at the constellation love story!

She is a typical Taurus, stubborn, conservative and passive. In the eyes of others, she is arrogant, indifferent and powerful. No one thought that under her strong appearance, there was an extremely fragile heart. She believes in fate, and in her opinion, his appearance may be predestined. Everything is so coincidental. During that time, she just finished her intense work and was bored. He showed up. Maybe he gave her a different feeling from others. They chatted very speculatively, as if there was always something to talk about.

Maybe because he is Capricorn, she believes in the constellation, which says that Taurus and Capricorn are a good match. Slowly, she became his bosom friend. They talk about everything, everything is so natural. She knows many stories about him and the girl she likes. He will call her when he is in a bad mood, and she will patiently explain and comfort him. She is really considerate. He might depend on her, too.

They chatted naturally and happily. She said she liked the sea and wanted to go to the seaside, so he told her, well, let's go to the seaside to watch the sunrise sometime. He also told her that he once wanted to find a girl like her as his wife. When she was busy, he went home from work to buy food and cooked her a big dinner. She was happy to hear it, whether he made her happy or not.

Time is really a ghost, which can make people forget some things and accumulate some things, including feelings. She can't remember when it started. She found that he had entered her life, disrupting the pace of her life, and she kept thinking about him.

Because she is used to chatting with them online every day, and calling her every day, she will feel very confused if she doesn't contact her one day, and she doesn't know if she has fallen in love with him. She also knows that there is a girl who loves him deeply in his heart, and she also knows the story of him and that girl. Although he is separated now, there is no room for others in his heart.

Capricorn and Taurus pairing 2 Taurus and Capricorn pairing index:

Friendship matching index: ★★★★★

Love matching index: ★★★★★

Marriage matching index: ★★★★★

Family matching index: ★★★★★

A very tacit couple, two earth signs, one calm and one cautious, know what the other is thinking. Their feelings are not earth-shattering, but flowing water, which can form a well-off family.

Before you start, you will have a period of time to explore each other. When you agree with each other, you begin to make practical plans for your future common life. With confidence and security, you will organize your family first and have children soon.

Taurus (male)-Capricorn (female)

Taurus, with its steadfastness and loyalty to love and friendship, warms Capricorn's heart, which is usually bound by rules and regulations, and indeed brings calm and romantic creativity to Capricorn's life. Their sex life is also satisfactory. Unless Capricorn is cautious or critical, their passion will be full of love, health and persistence.

Trying to reconcile the peace of Taurus with the liveliness of Sagittarius is like forcing a square stake into a round hole, which will not have a good result.

On the other hand, marrying someone exactly like yourself is not necessarily the most important thing in this world. It will be more interesting to find someone with grandiose ears to match your twelve toes-or to find someone flexible to make up for your stubborn head-and so on. Learn from each other's strengths, make up for your own shortcomings with the surplus of others, and be ready to give it to others, as long as you find that someone needs it-and use it. This will help to cultivate virtue.

Sagittarius girl's warm temperament can help her recover from the greatest misfortune like a rubber band. She pays more attention to the bright side of things, and her cheerful personality makes Taurus smile with tolerance towards idealism and the naivety behind it. But the speed of her recovery from extreme sadness is not as fast as that from shattered ambitions, shattered dreams or a period of poverty. Secret love (that is, she generously gave her love to a man who failed to trust her) makes her depressed and sometimes unable to extricate herself, but the considerate understanding of a patient Taurus can heal her mental trauma and tell her that not all men are treacherous and unfaithful liars.

When he dries the tears of her failed love like a big brother, they often fall in love. His reliability calmed her down, and his unswerving loyalty soothed her uneasy heart. So she may conclude that this is the person she has been looking for for for a long time and missed, because the last time she shot an arrow at the stars, all she got was a dream. He may be the man. However, he may not be. If their star coincides with the sun and the moon in the picture, then they can establish a warm and satisfactory relationship, and of course they will not feel bored. If the sun and the moon in their photos contradict each other, then they need courage.

Sagittarius women like to argue. She is willing to fight a good opponent, because the flash of her logical thinking ability gives her keen observation. She is a skilled debater, and her honesty is annoying. The trouble is that Taurus men are not good at arguing and don't want to have a lengthy discussion. She will invite many friends of all kinds to go camping and walk around so as to keep her mind sharp. But doing so may make things worse. Taurus doesn't want to see his castle full of noisy strangers. A lot of emotional input is needed to alleviate this tension.

The themes of many tragicomedy between them are his stubbornness and her extravagance. As for how long the quarrel will last, it depends on her understanding of his character subject to Venus. She will soon forget her anger. Unless she knows the secret of his heart, he can remain silent for days. For Taurus, a gentle hug and a gentle kiss can remove all his stubborn resistance.

Now let's look at their sexual harmony. It can be an exciting meeting between the Fire Palace and the Underground Palace, which can give them the same pleasure and make them forget all the frictions between them. The initial attraction of the body is powerful. Her frank and lively sexual behavior will prompt Taurus to open her heart and open the emotional door that is closed for fear of rejection. She will naturally repay his affectionate expression and considerate caress. He made her feel loved, not just the object of sexual desire. However, she may give him more physical and emotional satisfaction than she gets.

Sagittarius is often attached to her dream lover, and he promises to take her to the clouds in her adolescent dreams-so Taurus may sometimes vaguely feel that she is not completely immersed in passion in their intimate relationship. If he realizes this, then he should keep silent instead of arguing with Sagittarius. She may shoot an arrow of honesty at a critical moment, permanently destroying Taurus' masculinity. The possibility of such an emergency is very high. However, although she has daydreams or night dreams, she doesn't just want to pursue imaginary couples in her endless mind, especially when she has a real life and a warm and lovely teddy bear to sleep with her. When she is lonely, disappointed and eager to be "truly loved", he will replace the teddy bear who sleeps with her.

Sagittarius lady will reach out to love soon, as long as the hand she holds is friendly. Once in love, she is impulsive, excited by each other's spiritual temperament-and loyal. So is he. But he would never go to a restaurant to eat scrambled eggs. For Taurus, the position of women is at home, especially in the kitchen and bedroom. If these places also make her feel happy and she is willing to spend reasonable time with him, then they can live happily for a long time.