Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - What mounts does each constellation have _ What mount pictures does each constellation have?

What mounts does each constellation have _ What mount pictures does each constellation have?

What is the mount of the zodiac?

The mount of Aries is red hare; Taurus's mount is naturally a crane; Gemini's mount is a very docile elk; Cancer's mount is a leisurely green cow; Leo's mount is also a domineering golden dragon; Virgo's mount will choose the lion, the king of beasts; Libra will choose the fierce Hei Hu; Scorpio's mount is a slow donkey. Aries: Red hare Aries belongs to the kind of person who is impatient in an instant. Therefore, Aries is always in a hurry, hoping that he can't get things done right away. So the mount of Aries is a red hare with lightning disease. Taurus: Crane Taurus is a very calm and Zen person. They are always open-minded about many things, so they feel a bit like saints, so the most suitable mount for Taurus is naturally a crane. Gemini: Elk Gemini always makes people feel particularly cute. They always have a lot of whimsy. Gemini is very caring and likes to help others, especially the weak. Their mount is a very docile elk. Cancer: The life of Green Bull Cancer is always easy. They don't like jobs with too much pressure, so they will live comfortably. Although not necessarily rich, it is definitely comfortable. Therefore, their mounts are leisurely green cattle. Leo: Leo is very ambitious, and they are also very motivated, so they work hard and are strong in life. They hope to live a good life through their own efforts. And Leo's mount is also a very domineering golden dragon. Virgo: Leo's Virgo is very heroic and generous. They don't like petty and stingy things. Especially my own mount, I feel that I must be domineering. Therefore, Virgo's mount will choose the lion, the king of beasts. Libra: Libra in Hei Hu is a hard core. They all like tough things, because it can show the tough side of Libra. If Libra wants to choose a mount, they will also choose a fierce Hei Hu. Scorpio: Donkey Scorpio people are calm and happy. They don't have much ambition and drift with the flow in life. And Scorpio is also very patient, so their mount is a slow donkey. Sagittarius: Hot-blooded BMW Sagittarius likes sports very much, among which horse racing is their favorite. Especially the feeling of lightning speed will make them very excited. So Sagittarius's mount is a bloody BMW. Capricorn: Dapeng Capricorn has a broad mind. They really want to soar in the endless sky and soar in Wan Li. Therefore, the most suitable mount for Capricorn must be Dapeng flying freely between heaven and earth. Aquarius: Flying Pig Aquarius is a very imaginative person. They are always imaginative and do things that surprise others. So for Aquarius, their mounts are not conventional, but flying pigs beyond others' imagination. Pisces: Cheetah Pisces likes the feeling of speed very much. They like efficient people themselves and can't stand the feeling of being slow. Therefore, the speed of Pisces mount must be very fast, definitely a cheetah.