Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Who is Meng Bin's father, Meng Qingyou?

Who is Meng Bin's father, Meng Qingyou?

Meng Bin's father, Meng Qingyou, is an executive director and manager. The relevant contents are as follows:

1. Definition

The so-called executive director, also known as manager (management) director, refers to the company director who not only participates in the business decision of the board of directors, but also serves as the manager of the company and is responsible for the company's operation and implementation.

2. Position of responsibility

With the emergence of large-scale companies, a large number of daily and frequent heavy businesses make it difficult for executive directors to cope, and senior staff with professional management skills, that is, professional managers (managers who do not concurrently hold the position of directors), are needed to assist them in their work. Therefore, the scale of company managers is expanding, and they gradually control the real power of company management.

The responsibilities of the executive director are the same as those of other directors; As an executive, responsible for the company's business execution. There are two specific situations: first, full-time executive directors, that is, special executive directors, refer to directors who are responsible for business execution in the company.

The executive director has a dual role in the company: as a director, he is responsible for the business work of the board of directors together with his family; 2. Part-time executive directors refer to directors who hold senior management positions in the company, such as general manager, deputy general manager, chief financial officer, etc., also known as management directors and manager directors.

3. Frequently asked questions

Modern companies emphasize the separation of ownership and management rights, that is, the shareholders of the company form a shareholders' meeting, which is only responsible for deciding the company's business policies, investment plans and other major issues, and the specific operation and management of the company is the responsibility of the operating executive agency.

In fact, the board of directors is usually the executive body of the company. According to the provisions of Article 45 of this Law, the number of members of the board of directors of a limited liability company is more than 3 13.

The reason why the board of directors is set up and collective decision-making is implemented is mainly to protect the interests of the company's shareholders, so that all shareholders can participate in the board of directors and participate in the company's business decisions through directors representing their interests.

However, in practice, the number of shareholders in some companies is very small, especially in this revision of the company law, which cancels the restriction that a limited liability company must have more than two shareholders and allows the establishment of a one-person company with only one shareholder;

Some companies are very small. Although there are many shareholders, they think it is unnecessary to set up a special board of directors. It is enough for a person they all trust to take charge of the company's operation and management, and it can also improve the company's operational efficiency.

Therefore, this article stipulates that a limited liability company with a small number of shareholders or a small scale may have an executive director instead of a board of directors, and the executive director shall be responsible for the operation and implementation of the company.