Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - 600-word excellent paper on my space dream (selected)

600-word excellent paper on my space dream (selected)

When I was a child, adults turned their eyes to the vast sky, so the space dream was born. How to write my space dream paper? Share with you my 600-word (selected) excellent essay on space dreams. Welcome to read!

My space dream excellent composition 600 words 1

When I was very young, my grandmother told me the beautiful fairy tales of the Goddess Chang'e flying to the moon. Since then, my thoughts have taken flying wings and flew to the mysterious moon and the magical universe. I often look at the bright moon in quiet nights and let go of my thoughts: What's on the moon? Is there really a Chang 'e? Is there really a jade rabbit engaged in medicine?

Later, when I grew up, I realized that it was just a beautiful legend, and it was people's pursuit and yearning for flying for thousands of years.

Later, when I was older, I learned from the Internet and news that China's space industry grew from scratch, from weak to strong, and developed rapidly. From1999165438+10 to 65438+February 30, 2002, China's Shenzhou-1, Shenzhou-2, Shenzhou-3 and Shenzhou-4 shocked the world again and again and stung the arrogant nerves of European and American space powers again and again. The speed of China's development made them hear the sound of chasing behind them. However, China's space industry has not stopped. On June 65438+1October 65438+1October 5, 2003, Shenzhou 5 was also successfully launched. On the first manned flight, Yang Liwei, the first China man who appeared in space, sent out the voice of China people in the ethereal space: "Space, I am coming!" Then, in June, 2005, 10 and 12, Nie Haisheng and Hefei, two pioneers of China's space industry, appeared in space again. This time, the footprints of Chinese sons and daughters are truly and clearly printed in space, and the flying five-star red flag is the determination of China people to explore the mysteries of the universe. 65438+2007124 October China people who are concerned about China's space flight will never forget that day, the Chang 'e-1 carrier rocket was successfully launched from Ximao Satellite Launch Center. Although Chang 'e-1 only stayed in people's sight for 20 seconds, it was these short 20 seconds that condensed the exploration and efforts of China's space science and technology for nearly half a century. Chang 'e-1 and Tiangong-1 were successfully docked in space, just like two huge hands twisted into fists in space, and the iron fist declared the rise of China!

I couldn't bear it any longer, and I was so excited that tears filled my eyes. The pent-up dream of space rises again. That was my childhood dream-to be a female astronaut who can travel in space! In order to realize this dream, I will devote all my energy to my study from now on and master more and better cultural knowledge. When I grow up, I can realize the hope of my motherland and fulfill my childhood dream!

Thinking of this, I want to grow up quickly, put on my spacesuit and fly the space shuttle in the vast universe!

My space dream excellent composition 600 words 2

In many cases, China people have a dream that they can fly into space freely. Later, we finally succeeded in China. At 9: 00 on June 65438+1October 12, 2005, "Shenzhou VI" flew into space. Astronaut Fei and Nie Haisheng flew into the sky and proudly waved to the earth. They stayed on the plane 165438+.

I also have a space dream, which is to travel in space like my uncles. I fell asleep thinking about my space dream. I had a shameful dream. I dreamed that I flew into space in a spaceship like a mushroom. The stars in space are shining with mysterious light, just like the twelve constellations, which have their own mysterious stories and infinite energy. I came to a place called Aquarius, and an alien greeted me. Wow! It's my first time to greet aliens, too, and I'm a little excited and excited. The alien costumes here are so special. They are all made of bottles with all kinds of beautiful patterns engraved on them. Friendly alien clothes are light yellow with some beautiful pink flowers on them. I asked curiously, "Why do you make clothes out of bottles?" The alien replied gloomily, "Our planet has been destroyed. We used to make clothes out of cloth. As a result, people are littering and destroying the ecological environment, so our planet uses bottles to make clothes. Our previous planet was called' Happy Planet', but for some time, the harsh environment of our planet was destroyed and our mood became worse and worse. The leader felt that he had to change his name and thought of many names. In the end, everyone thinks it is better to call it' Aquarius Planet'. " I quickly apologized to them. When I entered the alien world, I found that the house here and the garden outside were made of all kinds of bottles. The furniture and decorations in the house were also made of crystal clear bottles, and even pencil boxes, vases and toys were made of bottles. "I'm curious." Why are there so many bottles here? "The alien solved my mystery and said," It started 500 years ago. One day, the planet suddenly shook, the earth cracked and the river turned black ... a giant named Harry came to destroy it. He used bottles against us, locked us up with bottles, smashed us to death with bottles, and pushed us out with bottles. Later, we escaped and fled to another planet. 200 years later, the giant is because. It turns out that the name change of Aquarius is not only a human problem, but also a giant problem. The alien went on to say, "Later, we came up with many ways to turn bottles into valuables and make various practical and decorative items. When our home became beautiful, people on our planet returned to their previous laughter. "

I cheered for the magical wisdom of Aquarius, gave them the seeds of plants, and hoped that their planet would add more green trees and flowers. The aliens thanked me for my gift and gave me an Aquarius badge made of bottles. I felt that time was running out, so I said goodbye to Aquarius.

When I was about to enter Taurus, the alarm clock kept ringing, and I realized that I was dreaming. It is magical and interesting to relive the dream just now. Now my dream has not changed, boarding a spaceship, traveling in space and exploring a wider world. At that time, there was no war and the environment became greener. Aliens and human beings are very happy and live in a beautiful world.

My space dream excellent composition 600 words 3

"Everyone has a dream, ordinary but not mediocre ..." Yes, everyone has his own dream in his heart, perhaps not so great, but it implies a vision and expectation for the future.

My dream is to be a female astronaut like Liu Yang. When I had this dream, my friends and classmates laughed at me and said I was dreaming. But when I saw Liu Yang and two other astronauts flying into space with the honor and glory of the motherland, my excitement and pride were self-evident. So, I swear, I must become an excellent female astronaut in the future!

Liu Yang once said such a sentence, which deeply influenced me and made me more convinced that I would win glory for my motherland like her! She said: "I haven't crossed the street for about two years for the sake of the aerospace industry of the motherland." For every girl or woman, shopping is the best time, but Liu Yang sacrificed her youth for the aerospace industry of the motherland and spilled her blood on the mainland of the motherland.

Her words made me begin to reflect on my childish dream: when I grow up, I have money, food, car and house to live in. Compared with Liu Yang, I feel small, even humble. Yes, Liu Yang is a successful astronaut, but who knows that there are countless scars and failures behind Liu Yang? ! But her attitude towards these things is persistence and courage, rather than choosing to escape or give up.

Therefore, for these: difficulties, setbacks, ridicule, contempt, frustration, I am ready to face, that is: stand up straight and meet the sharpness of the storm; Smile and never give up the persistence and pursuit of dreams. Only in this way can I succeed, make China's space industry take a big step forward and change China's title as a "weak country".

I will definitely announce to the world that we in China are not easy to bully; We in China are not a piece of sacrificial meat; We in China are not a cynical "zhina State"! I firmly believe that I will complete my Chinese dream and let my blood flow with loyalty, reverence and pride to my motherland!

My space dream excellent composition 600 words 4

My Space Dream Our motherland is rich in resources, vast in territory, rich in products, endless in rivers and numerous places of interest. But the strongest is space technology.

China's space technology started in February 1956. Qian Xuesen, a famous Chinese scientist, put forward the Opinions on Establishing China's National Defense Aviation Industry to the Central Committee. 1956 In April, People's Republic of China (PRC) Aviation Industry Committee was established.

Dongfanghong-1 is the first artificial satellite of our motherland. 1970, "Dongfanghong-1" successfully entered the vast universe. Then on June 5, 2003, 10, our motherland successfully developed and launched the manned spacecraft in Shenzhou 5, and Uncle Yang Liwei in the manned spacecraft in Shenzhou 5 became famous at one fell swoop. Then in 2008, our motherland once again developed the Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft and successfully carried three aviation pilots into space. What is even more exciting is that Uncle Cui Zhigang is still walking in space, leaving the first bright five-star red flag in the vast universe; There are also some newly developed satellites in our motherland: Tiangong-1 and Chang 'e-1 have been successfully launched. Doesn't this represent the strength of our motherland's space industry? With the successful launch of these spaceships, our motherland shocked the world!

From the day I was sensible, I wanted to go to the beautiful and vast universe and have a look at its heroic spirit.

If I were an astronaut, I would first take a super-advanced spaceship made by me. Its name is Cosmos Dragon and fly to the sky above the earth. I will make up the ozone layer with a special material that can be integrated with the ozone layer, and let the earth put on a coat. Then use a special ray to turn space junk into dust, so that the spacecraft will not hit them and crash! I will also install a dirt suction machine on the spacecraft to suck away the garbage and dirty air on the earth and convert it into spacecraft energy, so that people can see a clear sky no matter where they stand on the earth.

If I were an astronaut, I would also like to visit the home of the twelve constellations and listen to their legendary stories. Then go find those aliens and make friends with them. Tell them the mountains, rivers and stories on the earth. Finally, I will give them an invitation letter and invite them to China!

After all this, I will write these experiences into a book to give people a new understanding of the universe.

Although this is a dream, it will definitely come true in the near future! Now I am still a primary school student, and learning is my main task. I want to learn every cultural knowledge well. When I grow up, I must also become an aviation pilot to explore the universe.

My space dream excellent composition 600 words 5

In this vast country, there are countless ambitious China hearts. And I also have such a top gun heart.

Whenever I have troubles, I will quietly enjoy the sky. In this way, I will feel unprecedented calm and get carried away, and blend into this beautiful and quiet sky. As for it, it can always calm my inner ups and downs, make me cheer up again, and work hard for tomorrow, the future and my dreams. Therefore, I have a unique feeling and fantasy about the sky.

Looking up at the starry sky, the beautiful planet hangs in the blue sky, shining with charming light and innocence, which seems to make people's hearts empty and pure. The sky, which has always been my dream place, seems to be my real destination, a place where I can confide in my heart, and a place where I can place my good wishes and fantasies. I'm sure you have guessed-my dream is to be an astronaut.

If I become an astronaut, I can roam freely in the universe, fly over beautiful planets and beautiful nebulae, and enjoy the infinite elegance of mystery of the universe. I can complete some great scientific astronomical experiments for my motherland and explore the infinite mysteries of the universe. We can also explore some unsolved mysteries: Is the universe really endless? Do aliens really exist? Is there another world in the black hole? All these require our generation to explore and understand the universe more deeply.

When holding a flag-raising ceremony, I often hear the national anthem slowly ringing in my ear and the five-star red flag Ran Ran rising. The students stood on the playground to pay tribute to the national flag. My heart is like a red five-star fire, which ignites my ambition to serve the country. I will work harder than last time, take a firm step towards my dream and go forward bravely for my dream.

In fact, we are all small stars in the vast universe. Although we are small, through unremitting efforts, we can finally radiate gorgeous brilliance.

The universe and starry sky are waiting for me. One day I will come to see you and realize my dream of China's space flight!

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