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Constellation Elf _ Constellation Elf WeChat official account

Game settings of the legend of saints

Game background

Athena, the goddess of justice and wisdom, has been guarding this land since the mythical era.

However, there were constant struggles among the gods, such as Ares, Hercules and Poseidon.

They want to get their hands on the earth again and again.

However, it was defeated by a saint who always followed the goddess incarnation of 88 constellations.

243 years ago, Hades fought against Athena for the guardian of the earth.

Goddess and saints fight to the death for life on earth.

In the jihad, countless saints fell on this land that they guarded with blood and life.

In the end, they sealed Hades with their own blood and life.

Life is gone, and the body has already turned to dust, but the spirit of saints is always engraved in people's hearts.


243 years later, Hades' ghost warrior never gave up.

The seal is loose. ...

Hades' soul woke up. ...

Hades will lead his 108 ghost warrior to the earth again!

Jihad has begun again. ...


or ...


World background

chronological table

The Battle of Titan broke out in 3 180 BC.

In 3 100 BC, Hades stabbed Cronus with "No Eternity", and the Battle of Titan ended.

Athena was born in 3 100 BC.

In 3 100 BC, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus rolled dice to decide the heir to the throne.

In 3 100 BC, Zeus led the gods to move to Mount Olympus for a coronation ceremony.

In 3000 BC, Zeus ordered Prometheus to create human beings, with Athena as their mentor.

In 2920 BC, Zeus built the scroll wall of war.

In 2900 BC, Hades built the Wall of Sighs.

In 2600 BC, Hades built the 108 magic star and formed the army of Hades.

In 2320 BC, Zeus created the illusion of Pandora and put it into Hades' dream.

Pandora was born in 2 130 BC.

In 2 1 10 BC, Pandora opened the box and released the plague, and then Pandora committed suicide.

In 2 100 BC, Hades made a bloody harvest of mankind.

265438 BC+000 BC-2000 years ago, Hades fought Zeus and mankind entered the dark age.

In 65438 BC+0999 BC, Athena brought back the holy garments from the misty continent.

65438 BC+0999 BC-65438 BC+0994 BC Athena tempered the warriors of the sanctuary.

In BC 1996, Longya people, descendants of the dragon, entered the rift of time and space, creating Longya swamp.

In 65438 BC+0994 BC, the warriors of Sanctuary fought against the army of Hades, and the first jihad broke out.

The first jihad ended in BC 1980.

In BC 198 1 year, the goddess helped mankind to establish the Acropolis, gave them sacred objects, and protected mankind from relative peace with the sacred border.

From 65438 BC to 0966 BC, the Moss people were far from nothingness.

65438 BC+0400 BC-65438 BC+0350 BC Second Jihad

220 BC-65438 BC+086 BC Third Jihad

The fourth jihad 689 -73 1.

13 19, Athena came into this world as a human being.

On August 8th, A.D. 132 1, Bruto performed mirror magic on the Acropolis with the help of Uronos.

132 1 year, Pandora and Hades were born into human beings.

In A.D. 1322, a mirror war broke out among the five major city-states.

Around A.D. 1325, five city-states were renamed and chronicles were drawn up.

In 1330, Athena was reincarnated and Sasha disappeared.

The total solar eclipse that destroyed the world in AD 1338 entered the countdown.

In the mythical era, Zeus won the battle of Titan and was crowned king of the gods. In order to enjoy the kingship forever, Zeus created an irreparable contradiction between Hades and mankind, making Hades an eternal enemy of mankind.

In the first war between Hades and mankind, Athena, the guardian of mankind and goddess of wisdom, established the Sanctuary Corps under the protection of the holy garments in the name of love and justice, and launched a life-and-death battle with Hades' army. In the end, the Sanctuary Corps won the victory of this holy war and sealed the soul of Hades at the foot of the Five Old Peaks in Lushan Mountain. However, the power of the seal can only last for two hundred years.

The refuge warrior who swore loyalty to the goddess and mankind has since become the absolute defender of love and peace. In order to meet the jihad, they have always adhered to the spirit of self-sacrifice and fearlessness, and handed down the holy garments named after the constellations in the sky from generation to generation. Whenever the seal is loosened, they will find the reincarnation of the goddess on the earth, and under her leadership, they will seal the Pluto again and again.

On August 8, A.D. 132 1, a total solar eclipse broke out, and the Acropolis, the main city where human beings lived, suddenly became five. The five acropolis are exactly the same, even the saints. Panic, confusion, doubt, anger and fear are scattered on the earth. The papal emissary of every city-state tried to control the situation, only to find that the goddess Athena was born, still young, and her soul could not wake up. Anyway, only one goddess is real. They all believe that only the reincarnation of their own goddess is legal, and the other must be the result of Hades witchcraft. Humans caught in madness and suspicion must be destroyed, kill each other, evil forces take advantage of it, ghosts and monsters run amok everywhere, and the world order is once again in chaos. This war is called mirror war.

17 years have passed, and the chaos of the mirror war has almost collapsed the tense nerves of the world. If we don't find Athena again, maybe mankind will bring about its own destruction.

Who created the mirror war? What is its purpose? When will the reincarnation of dormant Athena wake up? When will Hades launch the next war? What is the fate of mankind? Can a saint who has lost the guidance of the goddess shoulder the heavy responsibility and lead mankind out of the mirror image?

Anyway, the warriors of Sanctuary are on their way. They will look for the goddess Athena; At the same time, I also found a firm reason for my belief.

Rolling dice will never cancel the accident.

Hades, Poseidon and Zeus are the three brothers of Titan's first family. Together, they overthrew the cruel rule of their father kronos, and a new king of God will emerge among them.

Out of devotion to the laws of the universe beyond theocracy, the three brothers chose a slightly absurd but irrefutable way of rolling dice. The dice stopped rolling and the ending could not be changed. Fortunately for Zeus, he will become the third generation king of the gods. Poseidon entered the ocean. Hades got the underworld.

Zeus felt uneasy, and Hades, the eldest brother who personally killed his father, was even more favored, and the throne should have belonged to him. But Zeus could not resist the glory and sublimity brought by power.

The underworld is deep underground, dark and cold. The dead are tried here, waiting for reincarnation. In people's minds, it is a place of cold judgment. Hades believed that death was the law of balancing the world. He loves the underworld and puts all his passion into it.

Zeus led the gods to Mount Olympus and held a grand coronation ceremony. Hades, the keeper of the underworld, was too busy to attend.

Zeus built a magnificent wall of fighting, and Hades built an equally immortal wall of sighing in the underworld. The Wall of War praised the gods who died for the Battle of Titan and defended the absolute dignity and inviolability of theocracy. The wall of sighs is made of the bones and tears of countless Titan undead, which spans the boundary between life and death and echoes the wail of death.

Zeus couldn't keep calm when he learned that Hades had made many undead titans into 108 magic stars and built an army of Hades that could compete with heaven. At this moment, Zeus realized the gloom and loneliness of standing at the top of power. The images of Hades' assassination of his father constantly woke him up from his dream-in the splendid and empty palace of the King of God on Mount Stefani, Zeus subconsciously grasped the scepter.

Dream, mirror, Pandora

Zeus created an illusion and put the dream god into Hades' dream. From then on, Hades always dreamed of the same scene: a woman standing by the lake, no matter how she walked, she couldn't get close. Her slender figure is always so close and so far away, just like a silent call. Hades was puzzled and intoxicated. He gradually neglected the management of the underworld and fell asleep again and again involuntarily, trying to solve this puzzle. One day, the dream disappeared. Hades suddenly realized that his feelings for the phantom in his dream were not just infatuation.

At this time, Pandora opened the box and spread the disaster all over the world.

Shortly after the Battle of Titan, Zeus appointed Prometheus to create human beings from seawater and mud, hoping that these little creatures would become the new owners of the earth. Subsequently, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, was appointed as the mentor of mankind. Athena is very determined and brave, and she is Zeus' favorite daughter.

Unlike wild animals, humans don't have sharp claws, strength and speed to show off, but they know how to learn. They draw wisdom and courage from Athena's kind light, imitate the gods and learn from nature itself. Coupled with their increasingly flexible fingers and brains, they have made amazing progress. The earth is full of their work and creation.

However, Pandora's Box not only brought disaster to the earth, but also planted demons in people's hearts. The once vibrant world is now in chaos. People don't know that Pandora and the box were created by Zeus, and they hate this devil-like woman.

The troubled Pandora fled her home and hid in the dense forest. It pains her to think that she is not only cornered, but will be cursed forever. The tall figure that kept appearing in her dreams made her feel more lonely. She asked: Where have you been? Finally, Pandora ended her life in despair. Death Thanatos couldn't take her soul away, so she turned to Hades for help. When Hades stepped into this dense forest, he immediately recognized that this was a recurring scene in his dream, and the soul of Pandora in the lake was his infatuated phantom. However, even Hades could not save her. The curse of mankind doomed her soul to be blocked in all the mirrors and doomed the pain of displacement.

Bloody harvest

Hades has no feelings for human beings. In his eyes, human beings are just blindly optimistic species. What can small human beings create and change under the vast sky? They can't choose to be born and they can't resist death. Moreover, human beings are afraid of death and know nothing about the meaning of death. Hades pity them: you will never understand what it means to live to die, just as Zeus proudly thinks that light can exist alone without the shadow.

And these stupid humans should pay for Pandora's death.

He began to brew a bloody harvest to punish mankind.

One night, Hades, Thanatos, the god of death, and Hypnos, the god of sleep, ran wildly on the ground in a carriage all night. Four dark horses are pulling the carriage, the horseshoe is wrapped in golden flame, and the empty eyes keep bleeding. Although the carriage was as fast as lightning, it didn't make a sound. The next day, the fog cleared and there were bodies everywhere on the ground.

Zeus was furious and said that he could never forgive such a bloody massacre. His heart is as calm as water. Hades is not only angry with people and gods, but also the pain of being taken away from his relatives is gnawing at his reason. Zeus' plan to destroy Hades broke out at last.

Zeus sent a large number of Olympians to the entrance to the underworld, demanding that Hades hand over his scepter and accept the judgment of the gods.

The keeper only answers with violence. 108 the phantom star broke out from the entrance of the underworld and rushed to the Olympus legion.

In the melee, Hades threw a dagger into the sky, which was the "eternity" that had stabbed his father to death. At this time, he broke with Zeus.

Athena and the warrior of sanctuary

The wall of war and the wall of sighs are the boundaries of their respective territories, and neither side can enter the hinterland of the other, so the war can only spread on the earth. Zeus and Hades fought endlessly, which involved mankind in an unprecedented catastrophe.

Humans begged Zeus, and Zeus had no time to pay attention. They sought refuge from Athena again, and the goddess was coming back from the distant misty continent. She brought back several sets of armor melted from the broken armor of Titan God of War, hoping to form a human legion led by her. Armor not only retains the brave quality of the ancient god of war, but also embodies the glory from the universe. It can not only protect mortal flesh and blood, but also repair itself. This is a sacred dress.

But at this time, fear and cowardice have occupied people's souls, and no one can make the holy garments exert their magical power. Some people who are psychologically fragile can't help crying. There is no word despair in Athena's belief in Sivir. She immediately picked out many young men and women and took them to an island far from the war for harsh training.

It was Pope Benedict, Athena's most trusted subordinate, who tempered their will, was a good friend of the goddess and a mysterious oriental god, and opened their minds. At the same time, Athena consulted Di Anna, the goddess of hunting, Asclepius, the god of medicine, Hermes, the goddess of magic, and Hekate, the moon goddess who betrayed Hades, and taught them and their fighting skills to students with different talents, so that they could develop into fire hunters, sacred forest messengers, arcane teachers, wind shadows and mountain warriors respectively.

Few trainees have been trained in recent years, especially after the final test of Trial Mountain. However, those who persist to the end are thoroughly remoulded and become powerful warriors in the sanctuary. Under the guidance of the goddess and the protection of the holy garments, they launched a fierce counterattack against the Pluto army. Hades was surprised by this human legion, and this surprise remained until the end of the battle. Hades's invincible army failed to win, at least, in front of this group of scarred and fearless human warriors, it seems too empty to define the war situation with victory or defeat.

The Sanctuary Corps also shocked Zeus, who promised to promote them to gods and fight for him. Sanctuary warrior refused. They show that they will always be loyal to Athena and can only fight for the homeland of mankind.

Hades warned them: You still don't know the consequences of fighting me. The saint area fighter responded: Even if you can't get rid of the pursuit of death, you can at least choose the way of death. The only regret is that we can only die once for everything we love deeply.

Anyway, the war is over for the time being. Athena fell into a deep sleep because she spent too much divine power, and her soul slipped into the world. The only person who knows this secret, Pontus, appealed to the people on Goddess Island: We don't know when the Goddess will be reincarnated. You must love and protect every newborn baby girl.


Hades won't give up. For God, failures and setbacks are also unfamiliar worlds that they can't get used to.

After the first jihad, three jihad broke out one after another, and the human world entered a long dark period. However, whenever the war breaks out, Athena, who is sleeping in the world, will inevitably wake up and summon her loyal warrior of the sanctuary to fight Pluto without hesitation.

After the first jihad, a huge city-state named Athena Acropolis was established on the mainland not far from Goddess Island. The acropolis is protected by the enchantment created by the virgin, which is relatively peaceful.

The warriors of the sanctuary changed batch after batch, and the spirit passed down. Not only the warriors of the sanctuary participated in the jihad, but also many ordinary people. They did not die in obscurity, but were included in dozens of volumes of "The History of the Goddess Jihad". For example, from generation to generation, the Yufeng family gave their lives for jihad. They not only became the glorious guardians of the warriors in the holy area, but also accumulated rich experience in preparing and transporting strategic materials for jihad.

Of course, there are also some people who are extremely tired of war, far away from their homeland and live a quiet life. According to legend, the Moss made harsh contracts with Zeus and Hades respectively, seeking an isolated place-nothingness. The Dragon Tooth Man, a descendant of the dragon, escaped into the rift of time and space under the magic of an outstanding wizard and escaped the invasion of war.

In this way, the short-lived peace pieced together the history of human beings' difficult survival, and civilization slowly advanced. They are indomitable, not crushed, and firmly believe that hope still exists.

Hades' Mirror Magic

After the fourth jihad, the goddess was so tired that her soul drifted in the universe and failed to come to earth for a long time.

At the same time, Hades, who was tired of war, often went to rivers and lakes alone to find Pandora's lost soul in the mirror. He always misses her wandering; By chance, Pandora's painful and helpless expression made him even more depressed.

/kloc-in the 4th century, mirrors began to spread widely in the human world, which means that Pandora's lost way will last forever. Hades dreamed that Pandora was in tears and walked endlessly in the maze of mirrors. Hades's anger broke out again, and he vowed to give people a more cruel punishment in the same way and let them fall into the mirror.

Hades found his grandfather Uronos, who was imprisoned in the misty abyss of Los Angeles, Tarta, and asked him for help. Uronos, full of hatred, told Hades that a total solar eclipse was coming. At the moment of solar eclipse, summon the moon running deep in the underworld, use it as a mirror and copy anything you want. When the next total solar eclipse occurs, the ghost moon will burst into a terrible curse, destroying its copied objects and their ontologies and dragging them into eternal darkness.

On August 8, A.D. 132 1, a total solar eclipse occurred. The muscular Yulonos used two huge ropes to drag the sun to the Acropolis with all his strength. At that time, the Acropolis was plunged into darkness, and people who couldn't help looking up at the sky were stabbed in the eyes. Everyone gave a cry of panic and pain. At the same time, Hades put the dark moon on the ground and cast mirror magic on the Acropolis-five Acropolis appeared on the earth at the same time! The pale and bright light of the moon and the sharp screams and the sound of hurricane sweeping trapped the Acropolis in a panic. Everyone thought it was a shocking doomsday nightmare.

I don't know how long it took, but the strong white light receded and the sun reappeared. After a short period of blindness, people who have just been frightened look around-the world seems to have never happened, and an unpredictable event seems to have happened.

In order to repay Uronos, Hades built a palace hanging in the corner of the sky-the Temple of Eclipse, and invited him to witness and appreciate what was about to happen.

Cassandra, the prophet of the end of the underworld, rushed to Hades and told him that the curse that imprisoned Pandora's soul was broken under the violent vibration of heaven and earth. Pandora has come to this world, and will be accompanied by Hades. However, they will never be lovers, and she won't even remember what happened before. Hades is bitter and gratified. Later, he asked Hypnos, the god of sleep, to hypnotize his body temporarily. His soul joined the world, hoping to find Pandora before the world was destroyed.

Mirror war: reflection one

In a short time, people did not find the fact that the five acropolis existed. When they were surprised to find that there were four other acropolis, and even there were people just like them in this city, the world immediately went haywire. Who is he? Who am I? Who am I? When five identical selves exist, who is the real me?

The five city-states immediately fell into a fight and fought to kill the identified impostor. They not only kill each other, but also attack each other's sacred women. The sacred object is damaged, the enchantment is damaged, and the underworld takes the opportunity to infiltrate. At that time, there were scattered magic troops and Warcraft around the territory of each city-state, and more wild animals and civilians mutated into demons. The situation was in chaos.

Hades' mirror image magic makes the Longya swamp in the rift of time and space unable to escape, and evil spirits also get their hands on it. Because Bruto kept his promise, only the nothingness of Moss's seclusion escaped.

16 years have passed, and the disputes among the five major city-states have never ended.

Uronos looked down at the earth from the temple of solar eclipse, waiting for another total solar eclipse. ...

Seeing the situation out of control, Zeus and the gods had mixed feelings. I can only pray that Athena will wake up soon and lead her warriors of the sanctuary to save the world again. The king of God knew that Hades would eventually point to himself. However, it is said that Athena's reincarnation has disappeared and cannot be found. ...

This is the darkest moment before dawn, but dawn is also the last stage of her long journey.

Nevertheless, we don't know who will win and where mankind will go ... traitor Cashios.

Many years ago, on an ordinary night, Cashios, a soldier candidate in the shelter, was ordered to guard the orphanage and protect the girl named Sasha who became a goddess in the shelter. However, Cashios, who is famous for his loyalty and courage, neglected his duty and sent the mysterious man who hijacked Sasha to an orphanage, and was accused of treason and cowardice. Since then, Cashios's guilty soul has been sealed on Goddess Island and suffered endless punishment. Eight years later, the former friends returned to Goddess Island under the call of the sanctuary and competed for the title of fighter in the sanctuary and the holy garments. They will have to perform an arduous task-personally execute the traitor Cashios. In the face of brothers and sisters, Cashios, whose life is about to disappear, is finally no longer silent ...

True or false maximum

When the historic Yufeng City became the place where the goddess was reincarnated and Sasha was abducted, her glory was cast a shadow. Max, the head of Yufeng's family, is uncharacteristic. Beneath his dignified and upright appearance, there seems to be an unknown secret. The warrior of Sanqu who was looking for Sasha accidentally learned that an aging bobcat appeared outside Yufeng City, and it was actually familiar with human language. In the conversation with bobcats, a terrible plot gradually revealed the tip of the iceberg-many years ago, it was said that Queen Pandora was reincarnated in Yufeng City, and soon after, Qiku, a ghost warrior who vowed to follow Pandora, disappeared from the country of death; What is even more surprising is that this bobcat is actually wearing a jewel badge handed down from generation to generation by the head of the Yufeng family. ...

Sleeping Leo

The statue of Leo in Shengyi Temple in Yufeng City broke by itself, and Dr. Carl, the doctor of elements, thought it was a sign that the warrior of Leo Sanctuary was in trouble. People who were ordered to look for the future Leo Golden Sanctuary warriors made friends with four unique rangers. Broken beliefs led them to leave their hometown and hide their true inner expression with their wild behavior. This alcoholic named Lyle may be the future Leo warrior, and Sylvia, a seemingly weak female ranger, also showed amazing courage-in whose body will the sleeping Leo wake up?

young girl

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. The warrior of Sanctuary helped his comrade-in-arms Obika inquire about the situation of Ere, and constantly found one thing after another that originally belonged to Ere. In the end, these items pieced together the fact that she was dead, and her lover Burgess had died in the battle a few months ago. Yingying's relics and Boggis's suicide note are buried together, just like a simple wedding. Talon, the great wizard, said that the body will rest in peace, the souls will fly back to their respective constellations, and a new warrior of Sanctuary will be born soon.

Back to the orphanage

Eight years ago, several warriors from the Golden Sanctuary set out from the Sanctuary and rushed to Yufeng City Orphanage in the starry night to complete the mission of protecting the reincarnation of the goddess Sasha. However, Hades' army beat them to it and took Sasha. The warriors of the Golden Sanctuary also suffered heavy losses in the fighting with the ghost warriors. When they learned that the operation failed, the warriors of Golden Sanctuary lived in obscurity with different feelings, and only Sisyphus, a Sagittarius warrior of Golden Sanctuary, chose to stay in Yufeng City. Sisyphus is determined to burn his own small universe, create a time tunnel upstream, and go back to the orphanage eight years ago and the night when Sasha was abducted. At this time, he needs five brave young warriors in the sanctuary to challenge this seemingly impossible task with him, because-he doesn't believe in fate.