Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - What does 1.9w mean by the number of views on Tik Tok?

What does 1.9w mean by the number of views on Tik Tok?

The browser shows that 1.9w is your video, and Bai1.9000 people have seen it. Everyone is playing and watching Tik Tok, which is always familiar to everyone. The more we play Tik Tok, the easier it is to be popular in Tik Tok. The more pictures and works are played, the more easily our works, videos and pictures attract fans.

Tik Tok is calculated according to the number of video clicks, likes and playback rate. When a video reaches a certain index, it will automatically put you in a larger traffic pool. For example, if you have tens of thousands of views of videos, click and stack them layer by layer, first to 100, then to a larger pool, then to 1000, and then to 5000.