Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - What constellation are you? Do you know its origin? Try to make up a story for your constellation, too!

What constellation are you? Do you know its origin? Try to make up a story for your constellation, too!

Aries constellation

Amasta, king of Saglia, and Neferiel, queen, gave birth to two brothers and sisters, Felix and Hera. One year, there was a drought in the local area, and the cruel stepmother Ina angered the king and sacrificed her children to Zeus. Nie Feilie knew the plot and asked Herman, the Olympic God, for a ram with golden wings, so that the ram could take her children out of danger. The golden ram flew away in a hurry, but threw his sister Hera into the sea. Rams fly around in the sky, looking for Hera. This is the origin of Aries (ram). As for Hera's brother Flix, he went to Addis, married the daughter of the local king and presented the ram that saved him to Zeus. Zeus put the golden goat in the Aries palace of the zodiac.

Taurus constellation

The Phoenician king in the Mediterranean (present-day Lebanon) had a beautiful daughter named Yoroba. Zeus always tried to catch her, but he was at a loss. One day, when Choloba and the maids were playing by the sea, they saw a white bull. She couldn't help but gently pull up the bull and ride it on her back. Unexpectedly, the bull rushed into the sea. This cow was changed by Zeus. He reached Crete with the sea on his back. Choloba gave birth to three sons for Zeus on the island. Yoroba was the first human to reach this land, and Europe also commemorated her name. As for the bull that Zeus became, it became the Taurus Palace.


Zeus secretly loved Leda, the concubine of Sparta Wang Meili, and became a swan flying beside her. When the spring breeze passed Zeus, she stayed with her husband and soon gave birth to two pairs of twins. Bocks and Helen were born to Zeus, and Castro and Krita Mistra were born to her husband. Helen grew up to be the first beauty in the world, which triggered the Trojan War. Castro is a master boxer, and boxers are proficient in equestrian. Both of them are famous for their bravery. One day, a brother and another pair of twins were fighting, and four people were fighting for a cow. Castro, who was seriously injured, groaned in pain, and Boxer, who was full of tears, was at a loss and expressed his willingness to die with his brother. Zeus appeared and said to him, You are my son and the God of mankind. If you promise to go back to the Olympic Games with me, I will promise you. But if you want to have something to do with your brother's fate, you have to spend the rest of your life underground and in the sky. You must choose a path. Boxer didn't want to lose his brother and chose the latter. From then on, he accompanied Castro on earth and suddenly returned to the sky. Later, when the Greek ship was sailing, it was caught in a storm. The stars appeared on the heads of the two brothers, and the storm stopped. Gemini has also become the guardian star of navigation.


Aphrodite and her son eros, also known as Venus and Cupid by the Romans, also jumped into the rapids to avoid Tifeng and became two fish. In order not to separate mother and son, the fish tails are tightly tied together with ribbons.


There lived a fierce man-eating lion in Nimia forest, and its skin was so thick that it could not penetrate a knife and gun. It often haunts nearby, hurting residents and other animals. Later, in a battle, Hercules strangled him with his bare hands.

Cancer constellation

When Hercules finished his first mission, he killed the Nimia lion. In order to stop him, Hera sent a huge crab to clamp Heracles' foot, but Heracles easily smashed the crab.

Scorpio people

Oliver is a famous hunter, but he is very cruel and boasted for a long time that no wild animal can beat him. The goddess Hella (Juno) was very unhappy when she heard this and sent a scorpion to kill Oliver. Later, both of them lost and were placed on both sides of heaven. Therefore, when people look at the constellations nowadays, they will find that whenever Scorpio rises, Oliver has hidden under the horizon. Conversely, when Orion appears in the sky, Scorpio is also there.

Aquarius constellation

Ganymede, a very beautiful young man, is said to be a shepherd, while others think he is the Prince of Troy. Later, he was rewarded by Zeus and invited to Olympus to pour wine for the gods.

Unmarried woman

The goddess of justice in heaven, Yi Shenxing, was originally sent to earth to be in charge of and judge right and wrong, good and evil, but later she was disappointed because she saw all the ugliness in the world and fled back to heaven. Scorpio says Orion is handsome and powerful, and often boasts that he is the best in the world and has the greatest martial arts. When Juno learned about this, he was very unhappy and sent a scorpion to assassinate him.


Oliver is a famous hunter, but he is very cruel and boasted for a long time that no wild animal can beat him. The goddess Hella (Juno) was very unhappy when she heard this and sent a scorpion to kill Oliver. Later, both of them lost and were placed on both sides of heaven. Therefore, when people look at the constellations nowadays, they will find that whenever Scorpio rises, Oliver has hidden under the horizon. Conversely, when Orion appears in the sky, Scorpio is also there. Another myth says that Olivier is the son of Poseidon and Oreglia, the queen of Amazon. He fell in love with my melody, Princess Kivo, and wanted to marry her. Xiao Ye Bean, the father of my melody, objected and asked Oliver to finish many difficult tasks first. Later, although Olivia realized them one by one, the king broke his word, so he planned to elope with the princess. But when the king knew, he became blind. When the god of metalworking learned about it, he sent his men to take Oliver to see the sun god. Artemis (Di Anna), the twin sister of Apollo, was called Di Anna in Rome. She is the hunting god and the moon god in the sky. She fell in love with Oliver at first sight. Diana neglected her responsibility to light up the night sky every night, and the gods advised her not to listen. Later, one day Apollo saw Olivier hunting by the sea in the distance, so Apollo made the sun brighter, making Diana unable to see Olivier clearly. Then she lied to Diana that the black spot by the sea was a wild animal, which made Diana hit the black spot with an arrow. Later, she realized that she had shot the person she loved with her own hands. She was very sad and began to lose interest in life. Since then, the moon has become cold and lifeless.

Author: Michael, King of Light, replied to this speech on April +04 1 1: 38, 2006.


The origin of two constellations

Big Bear

Legend has it that Zeus (Jupiter) is the Almighty God and the Lord of the gods. His wife Hera (known as Juno in Rome) was jealous of Zeus' love affair with callisto, the goddess of the sea, and turned Harriet into a big black bear.

Qin Tian

Larry's harp was carried by musician orpheus. Orpheus's father is Apollo, the god of sun and music, and his mother is Kalliope, the goddess of singing. It is natural that orpheus became a genius of Greek music. Legend has it that when he sang while playing the harp, not only people but also the animals in the mountains were fascinated and the rocks softened. Orpheus fell in love with Eurydice, the spirit of spring. They got married with the blessing of the gods, but the happy marriage did not last long. One day, Eurydice and her friends were walking on the grassland. Her foot was suddenly bitten by a poisonous snake, so she died. Orpheus was heartbroken. He couldn't figure out how to bring Eurydice back to life. Finally, he had to take the harp to the underworld. Burroughs, the fierce gatekeeper of the underworld, and the indifferent ferryman of Styx were moved by orpheus's elegy, so they especially let him pass. Orpheus came to Pluto, played the harp and sang the truth, asking Pluto to let his wife return to the ground again. Prado refused coldly at first, but was moved by his enthusiasm and agreed to his request. Prado told orpheus not to look back before leaving the underworld as a condition for returning his wife. Orpheus was in high spirits and led Eurydice to the ground. It was far underground, and orpheus began to worry. Why can't you hear Eurydice's footsteps? When he saw the light on the ground, he couldn't help looking back. In a twinkling, Yuri only uttered a gentle cry and was pulled back to the underworld. Orpheus chased his wife crazily, but this time even the ferryman of Styx wouldn't let him cross the river. Orpheus played the harp in dismay and wandered between Shan Ye. Chasing the illusion of Eurydice, not approaching women, being trapped, arousing the disgust of Thracian women. They tortured him to death at night in bacchanalia, and then threw his body into the river. Orpheus's harp played a sad tune alone and went down the river. Soon it crossed the sea and came to Lesbos Island, where it was picked up by people and presented to the temple of Apollo. Apollo, mourning the death of his beloved son, took the harp to the sky and added it to the constellation.

Ursa Minor

Arcaz is the illegitimate child of Zeus and Harriet. Because his mother was not around when he was very young, he didn't know that her mother had long been turned into a bear by Juno. One day, when Arcaz was hunting, she met Harriet and was about to draw a bow. When hordes broke out, Zeus saw him, stopped him in time, and turned Arcaz into a bear so that he could be with Harriet.

Wuxian county

Hercules, the legendary Hercules, is said to have killed two mangy snakes when he was a child and dug out the Strait of Gibraltar with his bare hands. Another legend from Rome said that Hercules was half man and half beast, the son of Jupiter (that is, Zeus) and Princess alcmene. Juno, Cupid's jealous wife, sent an assassin to kill Hercules, the child who slept in the bed, but the child was so powerful that he strangled these people and grew into the strongest man in the world. Later, victimized by this hateful stepmother Juno's plot, Hercules had to complete a contract to be free, that is, to perform twelve errands for King Eurystheus, including killing Nimia's lion and Sidura, a multi-headed monster, and so on. Later, he won the heart of the beautiful girl Diana. One day, the girl was tied up by Kenda, who was half-man, half-manesus, but Hercules heard her cry and shot him with an arrow. But Nessus cheated the girl by giving her a bag of her own blood before she died. If Hercules' empathy doesn't love him, he can change his mind with this little blood. One day, the girl thought Hercules was no longer interested in her, so she poured the bag of blood on him. Blood burned her skin and brought great pain to Hercules. The little girls knew that they had done something wrong and hanged themselves, but Hercules set himself on fire in grief, and his father Cupid put Hercules in the sky.


Centaurs live in the Tessali Mountains in northern Greece. The remy martin monster has a human upper body and a horse lower body. Most of them are running around in Shan Ye and behaving rudely. But Kay Long Xing is an exception. He is polite, intelligent, proficient in music, superb medical skills and good at hunting. It is said that Apollo, the god of the sun and music, and Amies, the goddess of the moon and hunting, taught him these talents. Qilong lives in a cave and grows herbs to help the sick and help the children who have lost their parents. These children include Jason, commander of Argo, Ayers Gulap, a famous Greek doctor, and Yagiri, a warrior in the Trojan War. Ayers Gulaps's father is Apollo and his mother is Coronius, Princess of Thessaly. Apollo loved Konic wholeheartedly, but Konic had another love. Apollo was furious when he learned this from the bird's song, so he picked up his bow and arrow and pointed it at the cornice. On her deathbed, Klonis confessed her crime and told her that she was pregnant with Apollo's child. Apollo immediately regretted his attitude, and quickly took the fetus out of Koronis's body and sent it to Qilong, where it was also shot by an arrow. The main god Zeus felt sorry for the death of riding a dragon, so he added riding a dragon to the constellation as an archer and became Sagittarius. It is said that the ancient Thessalonians were good at riding horses and hunting, so this myth came into being.

Author: Michael, King of Light, replied to this speech on April +04 1 1: 38, 2006.


The origin of three constellations

Other remy martin monsters have become another constellation, Centauri, which can be seen on the southern horizon in summer and at night. The Centauri monster showed the posture of stabbing a neighbor wolf with a pike (becoming a jackal lupus).


Zeus, the highest god in Greek mythology, always looks down on the world from the sky. Although Zeus married Hera, she saw that beautiful women often became their prisoners, so Hera had to polish her eyes and pay attention to her husband's behavior in this regard. When Zeus went to find another woman, he often turned into various animals in order to be liked by Hunhe. Leda, originated from Tindarius, king of Sparta in northern Greece, is a well-known peerless beauty. Once Zeus saw Leda's bathing posture in the sky and was immediately fascinated by her. The gods turned to Aphrodite (Venus) for help and became a swan. Aphrodite became an eagle, chasing the swan that Zeus became. The swan fled to Rita for help, and the trembling swan was pitiful. Rita held it tightly in her arms and caressed it, and Zeus got his wish. Soon, Rita gave birth to two big eggs An egg hatched the twin brothers Caster and Pollux. Brother Castor is proficient in tactics, and brother Pollux is good at fighting. The two brothers are close brothers and often take risks together. Custer is the son of Tindarius, and he can't escape death. Because Polex is the son of Zeus, he can live forever. Later, Caster died because of the same betrayal, and the surviving Polex asked Zeus to let him die with Caster. It is said that in this way, the two became bow twins. Another egg hatched Helen and Clytaemestra. Helen, the daughter of Zeus, has a goddess-like beauty and naturally attracts countless men to propose marriage when she grows up. The king of Sparta was afraid of causing disputes and let Helen choose the object. Menelaus won her heart. The quiet life between Menelaus and Helen did not last long, because Prince Paris of Roy fell in love with Helen at first sight when he visited Sparta and brought her back to Troy. When Menelaus learned that he was furious, he went to consult Agamemnon, king of Mycenae. Agamemnon's wife is Helen's sister Claritana Sicha. They recruited reinforcements from Greece and attacked Troy. Legend has it that the Trojan War broke out.


In ancient times, there was an Ethiopian kingdom in Africa. The king is called Cepheus, and the queen is called Cassiopeia. The queen is beautiful and conceited. Once she walked by the sea and said, "I am more beautiful than nereus in the sea! This sentence reached the ears of Poseidon, the father of Nero. In a rage, Poseidon sent Katos, a sea monster, to attack the Ethiopian coast and seize it. The coastal area suddenly became a water country. Severus was deeply troubled and prayed to the gods for guidance. The gods told him that in order to appease Poseidon's anger, he had to sacrifice his daughter Andlau Moda. The king and queen panicked, but Andlau Moda was very brave and willing to die for his country. Andromeda was tied to a rock on the coast. At this moment, it happened that Poerxiusi, the prince of Greek Argos, passed by. He was surprised at the appearance of Andromeda and asked, "How did a beautiful person like you become like this? When Andrew Jourda began to explain the story, dark clouds suddenly appeared on the sea, a tsunami came and a huge monster suddenly appeared. Andromeda unconsciously closed her eyes because of excessive surprise. Poerxiusi bravely drew his sword. When the monster saw Poerxiusi reflected on the sea, it opened its mouth and prepared to swallow it. Poerxiusi swoops down from behind the monster, raises his sword, and reveals Medusa's head. When the monster saw it, it immediately turned into a huge rock. Medusa is a monster living on the edge of the earth. Anyone who sees her will turn to stone. At that time, Bai Xiu defeated Melissa and was ready to go home. Unexpectedly, she saved Andromeda on the way, then married her and returned to Greece triumphantly. The characters and monsters in the above stories gather in the starry sky in autumn and winter. For example, near the North Pole of the celestial sphere, Cepheus and Cassiopeia, representing the king and queen of Ethiopia, can be seen side by side. Andromeda is in the south, Perseus is in the east of Andromeda, and Cetus, representing sea monsters, is in the south. The flying horse on the west side of Andromeda is said to represent a winged horse, which was born out of the blood gushing out when Poerxiusi cut Medusa's neck.

Pegasus constellation

A fairy tale in Ethiopia. When Poerxiusi beheaded Medusa, the head of the banshee, blood flowed into the sea from Medusa's neck and mixed with the hippocampus, so she jumped out of a white flying horse with wings-Pegasus. Neptune was once considered the father of Petraeus. Legend has it that Athena once caught the flying horse and took it to Mount Heliken, a mountain belonging to the Muse. During the leap, Pei Jiasu's hoof kicked down the hill, and the famous Lingquan Spring began to gush out. At that time, it was said that Hippocrene was the inspiration for all poets and writers. Later, Pegasus became a good friend of Bellerophon Ming, a young warrior in the Greek port city of Corinth. With the help of Pegas, Bailey Luo Ming accomplished great achievements such as the assassination of a terrible monster Chimera (lion's head, sheep's body and dragon's tail). Finally, Bailey Luoming became very arrogant and wanted to ride a flying horse over Olympus to join the gods. Zeus sent a bull fly. (Note: The Kingdom of Ethiopia is not Ethiopia today, but a dynasty originally located on the north coast of Africa).

Author: Michael, King of Light, replied to this speech on April +04 1 1: 38, 2006.


The origin of the four constellations

Capricorn palace. Compare CAPRICORNUS

The ancient Greeks really missed animals. They think that there lived a group of animals named "Sartre" in Shan Ye. They had goat's feet and horns and bearded faces. Pan, the shepherd god, is one of them. Pan likes taking a nap very much and hates noisy sounds. Once frightened by something, he is often at a loss. It is said that the word "panic" comes from his name. On one occasion, Pan and Xiannv who came down from the mountain met unexpectedly. Xilinx is a follower of Artemis, the goddess of hunting. Celine Cox was beautiful, and Pan fell in love with her at first sight. But Celine Cox saw Pan's rudeness and ran away in fear. The fairy water lily in the forest runs faster than expected, and Pan, who runs with sheep's hoofs, can't catch up. The two men chased each other to the river bank, and Xilinx turned to his father Heshen for help because of despair. Pan thought he finally caught Celine's arm, but I grabbed a reed by the river and the fairy water lily disappeared. Pan was confused for a moment, and came to his senses. He cut several reed stems and twisted them together to make a flute. Pan named this flute Xilinx and played it devoutly. Today, this kind of reed flute is also called "Pan Dizi", which is a flute made by cutting reed stalks into short tubes and arranging them in musical order. Some people say it is the prototype of an organ. Pan has been carrying this flute and playing beautiful music. When the gods met on the Nile, Pan played the flute as usual. Unexpectedly, the monster Tifeng appeared, and the gods were frightened by the terrible roar of this monster, and they all turned into animals running for their lives. In desperation, Pan incarnated and flew into the shoal by the river. Who knows that the submerged part of his body turned into a fishtail, while the exposed part remained the same. Legend has it that Zeus turned the disc into a constellation according to its later appearance. The origin of Capricorn can be traced back to an earlier period, that is, the 7th-6th century BC, when the sun was in Capricorn during the winter solstice. In the northern hemisphere, the sun is at the lowest point in the south from the winter solstice, and gradually climbs to the north from winter to the future. Some people compare this sun to a goat climbing a rock.


Crow was originally the beloved golden bird of Apollo, the sun god. It is said that Apollo had a quite famous love affair with a princess named Koronis. It is said that they had a son named Asclepius, who is now Ophiuchus. Later, Apollo gradually distrusted Koronis and sent the golden bird around him as a spy. Because the golden bird lied that the princess betrayed him, Apollo shot Koronis with an arrow. When he was heartbroken, the sun god knew the truth and turned the golden bird black angrily, so that it could not speak and could only say "Ah!" Sound, this is the origin of crows. Another interesting legend is that one day Apollo sent a golden bird to the stream to get a glass of spring water. When the golden bird arrived at the stream, it accidentally found a fig that smelled quite sweet. Because it was still green, the golden bird sat down and waited until the fig was ripe. In order to explain his disloyalty, the golden bird not only brought back a cup of crater spring water to Apollo, but also took out a hydra from its paw and lied that he was attacked by the hydra in the stream, which delayed the time. Later, Apollo learned the truth, punished them and put them in the sky. Now the golden bird is sitting next to this glass of water, but it can't drink a mouthful of water all the time because there are water snakes around.

Long snake

Sidura is a nine-headed sea monster who lives in the deep valley of Leluna. It is said that if one of its heads is cut off, it will grow back.

Later, in the struggle with Hercules, Hercules cut off his head one by one, and immediately sealed the wound with wax so that he could not grow a new head. Finally, he pinned the snake with a big stone and finally killed the sea monster.


A sleepless dragon, experts guarded the golden apples in Hess Peierls Garden in Atlas Mountain, Africa, and was later killed by Hercules. Another myth is about the war between the ancient Greek Titan and the new generation of Olympus gods. One of them attacked Athena. She caught the beast and threw it into the sky. The dragon's body just surrounded the north pole of the celestial sphere.


Asclepius, holding the serpent in his hands, is the god of medicine, the son of Apollo and Koronis. When Coroni was killed by the golden bird, the snake man tried to save her life. Later, Hades (called Pluto by the Romans), the god of hell, knew that he had violated the dogma and shot Asclepius with thunder.

Author: Michael, King of Light, replied to this speech on April +04 1 1: 38, 2006.


The origin of five constellations


The cleverest and wisest man among urs people in Kenda, known as Kai Long Xing, was the first person in Greek legend to know the constellations and teach people how to observe them. Another story tells that Khyron was attached to immortal life when he was created, but once, when Hercules was fighting Sidura, a long snake, Khyron came to help, but he was accidentally shot by Hercules with a poisonous arrow from a long snake. Although he won't die, he has suffered extremely. Later, Khyron asked the gods to let him get rid of this endless pain, and was willing to exchange his life for the help of Prometheus, the Titan, to steal the flame from the gods and give it to them. Finally, Zeus finally agreed to let Khyron die. Zeus wanted to put Khyron in heaven to commemorate him, but later, because the northern sky was full of constellations, he had to put him in the southern sky.


Legend has it that Haila suspected that a calf was transformed by a lover of her husband, so she sent a monster argus with only 65,438+000 eyes to watch her. Her suspicion is correct. Zeus turned his lover Io into a calf in order to deceive Hella. Later, in order to save Io, Zeus ordered Hermans to assassinate the 100-eyed monster. Haila later learned of the death of Jaggers and turned her eyes into peacock's tail.

After the fairy

Casio Paya, the queen of Ethiopia, is an extremely cruel person, and all the gods complain about her. Casio Paya once boasted that she was much more beautiful than the sea fairy Nereid. When this word reached Nellie's ears, she complained to her father Poseidon. Poseidon was very angry and sent a sea monster, Cetus, to harass the Ethiopian coast. In order to save the country, Casio Paya's husband