Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - IQ test questions measure how high your IQ is.

IQ test questions measure how high your IQ is.

Everyone likes to play with smart people, because smart people are too easy to communicate. They often understand what the other party is saying in a second and react quickly. So how high is your IQ? You will know the answer after the exam. Let's do an IQ test together!

What kind of game do you like best? A, Tetris B, Super Mary C, the glory of the king D, Lianliankan

Answer: A. Your IQ is 180. You have a high IQ and have been considered a genius since you were a child. At an early age, you showed extraordinary talent, learned things quickly, and always skipped classes when you were studying. Learning is not difficult for you, but what you are best at. In contrast, it is difficult to get along with people. So your IQ is 180.

B, your IQ is 140. You have been a very smart person since childhood, and your IQ is as high as 140. You give the impression that you are agile and clever. You know a lot of things, you can learn them. And you can do better than many people without hard work. Whether studying, playing games or working, you are very capable. You are very proud of your IQ.

C, your IQ is only 100. You are not a very smart person, but you are not a stupid person. Your IQ is only 100 You are an ordinary normal person. When you are studying, you will also encounter the distress that the questions are too difficult. At work, you should learn from scratch honestly, instead of being as high-spirited as a very smart person. But you will not be discouraged by your IQ, but treat it calmly.

Your IQ is only 80. You were not a smart person since you were a child, even a little stupid. Because of your slow learning and low comprehension, doing nothing seems to be a beat behind others. Your IQ is only 80, so your thinking lags far behind others, so your academic performance is not very good. But you are down-to-earth, so life is not bad.