Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Five types of astrolabes with the strongest comprehensive ability

Five types of astrolabes with the strongest comprehensive ability

Comprehensive ability ranking

Note: In reality, personal efforts are always the most important.

The article only explains the comprehensive ability of a single information symbol; It doesn't mean that people with this sign on the map will have strong comprehensive ability. If you want to become stronger, you must study in an all-round way and enrich your experience in a positive direction in order to better show your talents.

This article does not contain all the information. Personal maps are complicated, and there are many structures that can enhance our comprehensive strength.

1, big triangle mode

It means that the three planets form an arch phase (three phases) of 120 with each other.

This phase is usually only related to the same element constellation, and its energy is stable, so it is regarded as a traditional auspicious phase. They can better support and understand each other and easily develop into obvious talents (but I may not pay enough attention to them).

The constellation elements that this pattern falls into are the fields that you can grasp, understand, use and create value smoothly; This is a strong performance of comprehensive ability.

If there are other complementary constellations in the birthday chart, you can break some conventional thinking and behavior and improve your comprehensive ability.

2, the four elements "complete"

The four elements constitute the basic structure of human nature and behavior.

Fire element Aries Sagittarius and lion correspond to the internal driving force, which drives us to show strength, action and give meaning.

The wind elements Gemini Libra and Aquarius correspond to the brain and spirit, including thinking and communication.

The water elements Cancer Scorpio and Pisces correspond to the emotional level. If the astrolabe does not have this element, it is easy to escape emotions or it is harmful to emotional expression and acceptance.

Earth element Taurus Capricorn Virgo corresponds to the material world level, verifying the concept of wind element from the realistic level, or making the emotional level have material nourishment and so on. Is our reality and practice.

2, the four elements "complete"

It stands to reason that if a person has four elements in his map (the sun, the moon, mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Ascending Point have these four constellations), he should be able to understand the motives and needs of these four elements and have the talent of "comprehensive ability".

But it is best that the four elements are interrelated, so as to develop a better comprehensive ability; If the development is not good, it is easy to manage everything but not everything; Or worry too much, but it is difficult to integrate.

Another situation is that the four elements are not unified, but the dominant star is not emphasized. For example, the lack of wind element will lead to the lack of objectivity, but if the mercury in the birth plate is strengthened, it will supplement the development ability of learning and thinking-then the comprehensive ability is good.

3. Special mode

According to the big cross shape or envelope shape, it is also a sign of super comprehensive ability.

These two models involve many elements and have a long life span; They all have a strong need for action and adjustment.

If you can face up to the conflicts and contradictions between your heart and the outside world, then consciously try to challenge and slowly learn to adjust flexibly in the process; You will gain super comprehensive ability.

4. Scorpio people

Refer to the constellation of the sun and the Lord.

Scorpio was born in the crisis period when resources are about to be exhausted, and it bears the needs and functions of human transformation. Therefore, its internal strength is very strong, and it can usually guide itself to develop the corresponding ability to survive and struggle.

He can fight in the dark, even without weapons, and conquer you psychologically. Such a Scorpio is naturally sensitive to the surrounding environment, and can remain vigilant whether it is good or bad.

Generally speaking, Scorpio is a constellation driven by psychology, constantly moving, seeking progress and transforming into a state of life.

5. Capricorn Palace. Compare CAPRICORNUS

Refer to the constellation of the sun and the Lord.

Capricorn, guarded by Saturn, is a constellation that pays attention to structural framework, planning and action.

Pay attention to the sense of order, self-discipline and self-control, and pay attention to management-it is intrinsically related to "comprehensive ability". Naturally, it seems that asking you to "look at the whole" can't be wrong; This is also the reason why many Capricorn feel bitter and inferior-it is difficult for us to do everything so well without learning and experience.

Practical experience and development ability determine whether Capricorn can tap its comprehensive ability.

6. Leo

Refer to the constellation of the sun and the Lord.

Leo's ruler is the sun, which is the symbol of the core and the king.

Not so high, because lions are naturally more loyal to their personal vision and less willing to compromise with reality and others. Therefore, it will be relatively weak to look outward and make overall planning according to the surrounding conditions. If there are Saturn, Scorpio and Capricorn in the personal chart, it can be strengthened)

But the generosity and confidence in the lion's bones will strengthen his leadership; His most important comprehensive thinking ability can also be said to be infiltrating bright and positive forces into the whole and the overall situation, which can not only promote the development of things, but also inspire others.