Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Champion constellation

Champion constellation

What are the meanings of inversion and positiveness in constellation divination?

Several solutions to the reverse card of "Vetaro Club"

1。 Suppressed/denied feelings

It may indicate the psychological state that the parties are unwilling to admit, accept or try their best to suppress. For example, the reversal of death means that the parties are experiencing a painful ending, but they are still unwilling to accept the reality; An unfavorable trial may be that the parties refuse to accept some kind of call.

2。 Intrinsic/implicit potential

It shows the hidden personality of the parties, which is usually invisible to outsiders. If it is strong, even I won't find it. For example, winning the reverse position of the Holy Grail Knight may mean that the parties have a very romantic and ideal emotional side, but others don't think so, and even the parties themselves have not found it. Tarot cards point out this potential, and we can choose to turn recessive into dominant (reverse position into positive position) to exert our potential.

3。 Weaken or strengthen

Sometimes, inversion has the same meaning as inversion, only adding enhanced or weakened information. For example, fool inversion enhances the uncertainty of its drift (another word is weakening), and sun inversion is still a good card, but it only reduces the good degree.

4。 Too much or not enough

"Too much or too little" is similar to "strengthening and weakening", but the degree is more serious. Weakening or strengthening can be ignored, but excessive or insufficient means "too much" or "too little", which will bring trouble. For example, "Holy Grail 3" describes a scene of joy and celebration, but if it is excessive, I am afraid it will be extremely sad.

5。 Differences in time points

A positive bit usually indicates an obvious situation in the operation, and a negative bit indicates "just started", "coming to an end" or "delayed". For example, the negative holy grail nine can still indicate that the wish has been realized, but it is a little later than estimated; The reversal of the scepter sometimes indicates that the burden is about to be put down.

6。 abuse

Inverted cards may also indicate improper use. For example, the inversion of the emperor may indicate abuse of power, while the inversion of coins may indicate waste of expenditure.

7。 Contrary intention

Adding "no" directly before the meaning of the right card is rarely used or explained.

8。 Direct explanation

Think of the card as a picture, and look at it the other way around. It's different in peacetime. For example, hanging people has a meaning that "wisdom from different angles" is no longer reversed, so it is meaningless.

9. Forward positioning method

Explain that the parties have not solved the problem of the last card and need to go back to the last card and re-understand the problem of that card.

The above points are the general direction, so we should carefully scrutinize the card until we find a suitable explanation.