Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Triprogesterone descending constellation

Triprogesterone descending constellation

Is it effective to eat progesterone tablets in a low amount? After taking 10 days, progesterone in progesterone tablets decreased.

Generally, there will be ovulation after abortion. Women after abortion must always pay attention to their ovulation period and do a good job of contraception. Because it is not suitable for pregnancy immediately after abortion, and it is not suitable for the same room. Therefore, we should pay attention to our ovulation period after abortion, and make it clear that ovulation period can take better care of ourselves and prevent physical injury in special periods. After all, health is very important. So, is it effective to eat progesterone tablets in low doses?

Is it effective for pregnant women to eat progesterone tablets with low progesterone content? In the early pregnancy, because some pregnant women will have a small amount of vaginal bleeding and dull pain in the lower abdomen, at the same time, some pregnant women have had more than two spontaneous abortions, or have a history of embryo abortion, elderly pregnant women and other high-risk factors, doctors will let pregnant women check their serum progesterone. If the progesterone value is lower than 10nmol/L, consider the possibility of embryonic dysplasia. However, in the range of 10-25nmol/L, we can't judge the fetal development according to the results of progesterone once, because the secretion of progesterone fluctuates. If progesterone is really low, especially pregnant women who have had threatened abortion, abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding, progesterone tablets can be supplemented. The main purpose of adding dehydroprogesterone is to consider that threatened abortion caused by luteal insufficiency of embryos can properly supplement progesterone to help maintain pregnancy.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the progesterone value should be greater than 25, preferably greater than 30. If the luteal function is low, oral progesterone capsules are needed. It is reported that progesterone tablets will increase the risk of fetal cardiovascular malformation.

If progesterone is low after pregnancy, you can choose dehydroprogesterone or progesterone capsules instead of progesterone tablets for treatment. Desdrogesterone is the closest to natural progesterone, but it is expensive, and progesterone capsules are relatively cheap.

In addition, we must pay attention to rest and avoid strenuous exercise. In addition, you should avoid foods that are too cold, spicy and irritating, and you can eat more beans and green vegetables to supplement them. Progesterone has the effects of immune protection and inhibition of immune response. Some studies implant some tumor cells into the uterus of animals. Only in the animals injected with progesterone, the cells were not rejected and implanted into the uterine wall, indicating that progesterone can inhibit the immune response. This also shows that the increase of progesterone in normal pregnancy can prevent the embryo from being rejected by the mother and maintain pregnancy. Simply put: when progesterone is insufficient, the embryo may be rejected by the mother and aborted.

During ovulation, the endometrium changes from proliferative phase to secretory phase under the action of progesterone secreted by corpus luteum, which makes the endometrium easy to accept embryo implantation. Decidual cells are transformed from endometrial stromal cells and contain glycogen particles, which provide nutrition for blastocysts. Progesterone can induce decidualization of endometrial stroma and regulate the expression of various implantation-related factors in the form of autocrine or paracrine. Simply put: it is conducive to embryo implantation.

Some studies believe that progesterone can change the permeability of uterine cell membrane to ions and make the membrane in a super state, thus reducing the excitability and conductivity of uterine muscles and reducing the sensitivity of uterine muscles to various stimuli (including oxytocin). Simply put: prevent the uterus from expelling embryos and play a role in protecting the fetus.

If the level of progesterone before pregnancy is low, it means that women are prone to infertility. The external manifestations of low progesterone are: thyroid dysfunction, breast fibrocystic degeneration, gallbladder disease, hypoglycemia and other symptoms are not easy to find; There will also be symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycle, weight gain, vaginal dryness, and breast pain. You can find them if you are careful. If you find these troubles, you should go to a professional hospital in time and follow the doctor's advice.

However, progesterone after pregnancy is low, and the most common is threatened abortion. This is because too little progesterone secretion will lead to fetal instability. Therefore, if pregnant women are not careful at this time, it may lead to fetal abortion or premature delivery.

After taking progesterone tablets 10, progesterone decreased, and the progesterone value in early pregnancy was secreted in pulses, and the serum progesterone value fluctuated greatly, which was of little significance to clinical guidance. The dynamic determination of blood HCG value is often used to judge the pregnancy outcome in clinic. From the sixth week to the eighth week of pregnancy, the HCG value should increase at a rate of 66% per day. If the increase rate is less than 66% within 48 hours, it means that the pregnancy outcome is not good. Normal hcg, you should be fine. Progesterone decreased. In normal pregnancy, the progesterone content in blood began to rise from the first week 1 1 and reached the peak at the 35th week, reaching 80-320 ug/L. In threatened abortion, progesterone was still high. If there is a downward trend, there is the possibility of miscarriage. At the beginning of pregnancy, the value of progesterone should keep rising. If the progesterone value is lower than the last one by comparing the two progesterone checklists, it is likely that there is an ectopic pregnancy or embryo development problem and further examination is needed. The serum progesterone level of patients with ectopic pregnancy is low, which is recognized by medicine, so the progesterone value can be used as one of the basis for early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. If hCG alone is difficult to diagnose, it can be judged by observing the serum progesterone value. The β-hCG value of normal intrauterine pregnancy should increase greatly from day 9-1 1, and then it can double every day, while the hCG secretion of ectopic pregnancy is low, and the daily appreciation is small. The content of progesterone increased significantly at 9-32 weeks of pregnancy, reaching 10- 100 times that of normal people, and the level of twin pregnancy was higher than that of singleton pregnancy. If the progesterone in the first trimester is lower than normal and decreases repeatedly, abortion and embryo abortion may occur, so it is necessary to protect the fetus.

If progesterone drops in early pregnancy, it may be threatened abortion or ectopic pregnancy, so female friends need to be vigilant. It is necessary to go to a regular hospital for relevant examination in time, and let the doctor analyze and diagnose and treat the symptoms according to the value of HCG. Generally speaking, doctors will suggest injecting or taking progesterone to see the value of progesterone, or combining with B-ultrasound to finally diagnose threatened abortion or ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, once there are symptoms such as stomach pain or vaginal bleeding in the first trimester, it must not be ignored. Probably threatened abortion.

Only when the progesterone level is low, it is necessary to supplement progesterone to protect the fetus. There is no need to protect the fetus if there is something wrong with the embryo itself. These need to be selected under the guidance of a doctor. Never choose them without authorization, otherwise there will be many side effects. If it is to check the progesterone content in follicular phase, it is recommended to check it in 2-3 days during menstruation. If you want to confirm pregnancy, it is generally more accurate to test from the first 1 day to the twentieth day, because the twentieth day is generally the luteal phase after ovulation, and progesterone should reach a high level at this time. If progesterone does not rise at this time, it means that you are anovulatory or your progesterone level is too low, which may cause early abortion.