Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Why do you feel when you read 100 thousand

Why do you feel when you read 100 thousand

After reading a famous book, you must have a lot to share, so you need to go back and write down your thoughts. So how should I write my thoughts after reading? Here's how I feel after reading 100,000 why. Welcome to read the collection.

Why do you feel that 1 this book is the ladder of human progress? Gorky once said. During the summer vacation, my sister and I went to the book city to read books. I read three books, among which the book "100,000 Why" benefited me the most. "100,000 Why" is very rich in information, including astronomy, geography, biology, human body, health, common sense and so on. This is an extra-curricular book, which can broaden your horizons and increase your knowledge. The novel knowledge in the book will make you feel the interest of the world and let you remember those truths deeply in your mind.

There are two short stories in this book that impressed me the most. One is about apples. Apple, a kind of fruit, is no stranger to everyone. Its English name is (Apple). The apples we see are mostly red in color, sweet and crisp in taste and full of water. I remember that every time I catch a cold, my mother will buy me apples to eat. Sometimes I don't like it, but my mother always tries to find a way. Sometimes I cut the apples into small pieces and cook them into soup for me. Sometimes I make it into a salad for myself. I don't understand why I want to eat it. I didn't understand until I read "100,000 Why", because apples contain vitamins. Apples are rich in vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin B 1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C and vitamin E. Apples are much richer in calcium than ordinary fruits. So every time I catch a cold, my mother makes me eat apples to supplement my nutrition. No wonder one day an apple kept the doctor away.

There is also a question about mimosa. I used to raise a small mimosa and put it on the desk in my study. When I am bored, I always go to Doby. Look at his shyness. It's fun to brush and pull the leaves together. According to the book, the reason why the mimosa is shy is because there is water in the mimosa's pillow. As soon as it touches it, the water flows to both sides and is put away. Ah, so that's it!

There are more interesting truths and stories in "100,000 Why", and I will read her slowly.

Reading 100 thousand. Why? I recently read a book called 100,000 Why.

This book can answer all kinds of doubts in our life when I wrote this book!

When I finished reading this book, it reminded me of one thing. I used to have a lot of questions. What I remember most is that I was only 9 years old. "Why does bamboo grow so fast?" I asked incredulously. My mother only said one thing to me at that time: "Check the computer yourself, don't bother." I was very angry and went into the computer room. I started to check. It turns out that bamboo has more doppelganger cells than ordinary plants, so …

Now that I have grown up, I finally understand my mother's intention. It turns out that my mother wants me to exercise and see the world!

After reading a hundred thousand reasons, let's talk about planting flowers. My father likes growing flowers very much. There are several pots of flowers at home. My father loves them very much and often carries a bucket of water to water them in the morning or at noon. One day at noon, it was very hot. The flowers in the basin are a little dry, all pulling their heads, and the soil in the basin is grinning. As soon as I saw this, I went to the water pipe and got a bucket of water to water the flowers. Just then, my father saw it and said, "Don't water it quickly, you can't water it now." I asked, "Why, the flowers are dying." Dad said, "It doesn't matter, you can't die." I felt very strange and asked my father, "Why?" But dad doesn't understand. Then I thought of the book "100,000 Why". After I opened the book, I read it carefully and finally found the answer: it turned out that the temperature was relatively high at noon, and the water absorbed by the roots of plants was basically the same as that evaporated by the leaves. If you water with cold water, the soil temperature will decrease, which will make plants lose water and even die, so you can't water at noon. Seeing this, I understand that I can't water the flowers at noon. I really don't know. I was shocked at first sight.

Another time, I went to my hometown to play and saw the dogs there wagging their tails as soon as they saw their owners. What does this mean? I went to ask my cousin, "Maybe it's an itchy tail!" " "But I don't believe it. Why does it itch when you meet your master? At this time, I remembered "100,000 Why", which said that dogs were very excited when they saw their owners, but they couldn't say it, so they wagged their tails to express their happiness. After reading it, I went to my cousin to correct his mistakes. Hearing this, my cousin said, "I will study hard like you in the future." "After listening to this, I am really happy.

"100,000 Why" is my mentor and friend, helping me solve the problems in my life. I will read more books in the future and believe that I will gain more.

Recently, when I was sorting out books, I saw the book "100,000 Why" I bought when I was a child. My strong reading mind prompted me to read it again, which really gained a lot.

"100,000 Why" is a series of popular science knowledge, including all kinds of knowledge, mainly introducing some mysteries about animals and plants, nature and the universe. Every novel and interesting question in the book is very attractive, revealing one scientific truth after another for us, which makes me suddenly enlightened and unable to put it down.

For example, why don't fish close their eyes when they sleep? That's because there are no eyelids outside the fish's eyes and they can't be closed. Therefore, whether fish are asleep, awake or even dead, their eyes are the same. Another example: Why do elephants like to bathe in mud? That's because elephants have no sweat glands and sebaceous glands. When the water in the mud evaporates, it will bring coolness to elephants and drive away parasites. Also: Why does it snow in winter? Dragonfly: Why love the water? Why did chickens fly and dogs jump before the earthquake? Why do fireflies shine ... "100,000 Why" is like a book of wisdom, which has solved all the doubts in my heart.

Reading "100,000 Why" not only helps us broaden our horizons and increase our knowledge, but also greatly enhances our interest in learning. It makes us realize that the world is so colorful and knowledge is so educational and interesting. Also let us know that in daily life, only by observing and thinking attentively can we find the real answer. As the saying goes, "pay attention everywhere, and you can learn something."

"100,000 Why" is like a magical golden key, which opens the door to wisdom for us, making people never tire of reading it and benefiting for life.

Reading 100 thousand. Why? This winter vacation, I read a series of books called 100,000 Why. There are four books in this series, namely Science and Technology, Human Body and Medicine, Society and Culture, and Earth and Environment. My favorite book is science and technology, because it tells me some wonderful questions about the universe.

I am most interested in these three questions: Are there aliens in the universe? What kind of hole is a black hole? Can the constellation determine your life? These three questions I often ask adults have changed a lot, but no one has given me a clear answer. Now, why can this book tell me the correct answer?

The first question: Are there aliens in the universe? A: Scientists have used large astronomical telescopes to search for aliens, sent radio signals to contact aliens, and sent spacecraft to celestial bodies in the solar system to conduct extensive exploration of aliens. Although it has not been found yet, there may be aliens in the vast universe.

Hee hee! Want to know the answers to the first and second questions? Hehe ~ ~ I won't tell you! If you want to know, go to the bookstore and buy it yourself! Why did this hundred thousand popular for a period of time, giving people scientific enlightenment. Many people just carried it into the hall of science until they became scientists. This just answers a sentence: "reading more good books can open the door to wisdom and be the pillar of the motherland." Let's swim in the ocean of knowledge, fly in the sky of science, and let good books accompany us all our lives!

Why do you think that we used to be ignorant children? Books brought us into the ocean of knowledge. Today, I recommend a good book to you. The name of this book is "100,000 Why".

Do you know why I like 100,000 Why? Because it takes me to swim in the mysterious ocean, soar in the blue sky, explore the dangerous virgin forest, take me into ancient times and explore the reasons for the extinction of dinosaurs.

When I was swimming in the sea, I met a lovely dolphin, you know? Dolphins are the ancestors of human beings. It used to live on land and needed to breathe. Scientists have found that the bones of dolphin fins are similar to those of humans. Do you know how many languages dolphins have? It has two languages-whistle and click, and it can express these feelings separately in this language.

When I soar in the blue sky, I seem to be an eagle soaring in the sky! I circled high in the sky, scanning every inch of land with keen eyes. Suddenly, I found my target-a rabbit eating grass. I dived like an arrow that left the string and caught the rabbit that hurt the crops.

When I was exploring the virgin forest, I saw many rare and endangered plants in the world, such as Alsophila spinulosa, Taxodium, Dracaena, Wang Lian and many animals. Suddenly, a tunnel appeared in front of me and sucked me in. When I opened my eyes, I also entered the ancient times. Wow! Around Longhai, there is a domineering Tyrannosaurus Rex enjoying a delicious meal. Tyrannosaurus rex is the largest land predator in the history of the earth and the most ferocious carnivorous dinosaur in the late Cretaceous. It weighs 7 tons, surpassing the African elephant. Its body can grow to 17 meters long, its hind legs are strong, and its lower forehead is more than one meter long. Its mouth is full of teeth more than ten centimeters long, and its image is terrible. Because they are overweight, they can't run at high speed for a long time, so most Tyrannosaurus rex take the form of ambush and launch a sudden attack when their prey approaches. There are Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Baotou Dragon and so on.

Books can not only enrich my knowledge, but also broaden our horizons.

Why do you think I read 100,000 books? 7 Today, I read the book 100,000 Why. This book let me know how small I am in the ocean of science.

The above knowledge makes me wonder: Why is Iceland called "the country of fire and water"? Why did Hitler slaughter Jews? Why is the supreme ruler of ancient Egypt called "Pharaoh"? ..... My little heart is full of doubts. After reading one story, I can't wait to see the next one.

After reading this book, I sighed from my heart: how shallow the knowledge I have accumulated is! If knowledge is the sea of Wang Yang, then I am a boatman, sailing in the sea of Wang Yang in a small boat. If knowledge is an infinite sky, then I am a bird, soaring in this infinite sky. If knowledge is a line that crosses the world, I haven't even crossed the line of 100 1.

Life is limited, but learning is infinite. I think this limited life should show its inestimable value through infinite learning.

Why do you feel after reading 100 thousand? Gorky said, "Books are the ladder of human progress". A good book will benefit us a lot. During the winter vacation, I watched 100,000 Why, from which I learned a lot.

The author of "100,000 Why" is Mikhail Ilya, a popular science expert in the Soviet Union. The author's overseas travel gives us the answer. The content is very rich, including astronomy, geography, biology, human body, health, medical care, biology and so on. What impressed me most was the Dead Sea. Let me tell you, "why can't the dead sea drown the dead!" "

Lakes include freshwater lakes and saltwater lakes. The salt content of each100g lake is less than 2.47g, which is called freshwater lake. On the contrary, more than 2.47 grams is called a saltwater lake.

On the western border of Jordan, there is a saltwater lake-Daxian Lake, and the salt content per100g exceeds 25g. There are no animals in the lake, and nothing grows on the lake except a few bacteria and microorganisms. Nothing can exist there, so it is called the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea has a high salt content, and the proportion of lake water is particularly large, so people floating on the water will not sink. Even those who can't swim won't drown in the Dead Sea.

The book "100,000 Why" has also broadened my horizons, accumulated knowledge and increased my intelligence, making me a bit of a "know-it-all".

After reading a hundred thousand why, I feel 9. I watched "100,000 Why", which was about the reasons for the extinction of dinosaurs. The main reason is that great changes have taken place in the earth, with strong crustal movement, volcanic eruption and climate change, which further affects plant growth. So the dinosaurs couldn't adapt to the new environment and all died.

If we don't protect exotic animals now, they will become extinct like dinosaurs, and we won't see our lovely animal friends. Therefore, I want to say to all my friends: "We should protect nature, cherish wild animals and build a beautiful home."

Why does reading 100,000 make me feel 10? My dream is to be a great scientist, and a book will accompany me on the road to my dream, which will bring me closer and closer to my dream. This book is a hundred thousand why.

This itself contains a lot of rich knowledge, which can help me solve many "why" problems. If you ask, "Why does it rain?" It turns out that sunlight evaporates water vapor, then rises into the air, accumulates to form clouds, turns into hail in the cold sky, and turns into water when it touches the ground. If you ask, "Why do meteors have tails?" It turns out that meteors enter the earth and rub against its atmosphere, so they have tails. Why does the sky thunder? It turns out that dark clouds have positive and negative currents, and when the two currents attract each other, lightning will be generated.

This book really contains a lot of scientific knowledge and can answer all my questions. This book has benefited me a lot and benefited me for life, accompanying me to the society, to the road of dreams and to realize my dreams.

According to the knowledge in this book, I will become a great scientist in the future, to explore, discover and invent new things, make contributions to the country and society, and dedicate all my knowledge for others to learn.

How do you feel after reading 100,000 whys1kloc-0/"100,000 whys" is a series of books on popular science knowledge, with countless contents; From astronomical geography to trivial matters in life, every article tells us a little scientific truth. She can not only help me broaden my horizons and increase my knowledge, but also improve my interest in learning. She is really a little helper in my growing career!

I used to get carsick, but a hundred thousand reasons helped me find a way to avoid carsickness. First, you can tighten your belt when you are in the car, which is to reduce the internal organs swimming in the body with the car and reduce the possibility of motion sickness. Method 2: You can put a plaster on your navel one hour before you take the bus. This method has proved to be very effective. Method three, this method is the simplest, as long as it contains two slices of ginger, it can alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness. After I tried it, I really didn't get carsick.

"100,000 Why" also introduces us to the secrets of the universe. One day, the teacher suddenly asked us, "Do the students know who is the biggest in the solar system?" We answered without hesitation: "the sun." But the teacher said, "; Go home and check. " Strange, isn't it? In order to find out, I checked "100,000 whys" and realized that comets are the biggest. It consists of wisdom head (including wisdom core and wisdom hair) and wisdom tail. The diameter of the smart core is about 10 km, and the diameter of the smart hair composed of huge air masses can reach tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of kilometers, while the smart tail is longer, reaching hundreds of millions of kilometers!

"100,000 Why" is really good! She made me realize that the world is so colorful and knowledge is so educational and interesting. She let me know that science is power and knowledge is wealth. She is an explorer in the sea and has solved all kinds of mysteries in life for us. She is a compass in the jungle, showing us the way forward and solving all kinds of problems scientifically!

I like watching "100,000 Why", which is interesting, informative, inspiring and deeply attracts me!

Why do you feel after reading a hundred thousand books? Gorky said, "Books are the ladder of human progress". Yes! A good book will benefit us a lot. Now, I have read 100,000 whys, from which I have gained a lot of knowledge. This is a series of popular science knowledge, with countless contents. From astronomical geography to trivial matters in life, every article tells us a little scientific truth. It can not only help me broaden my horizons and increase my knowledge, but also improve my interest in learning. It is really my good helper.

"100,000 Why" introduces us to the formation process of celestial bodies. I know that Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Earth, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are the nine planets in the solar system. The Milky Way is a disk-shaped star system composed of 1000 billion stars, and the solar system itself is in this system. The earth where we humans live is just a "little star" in the universe.

"100,000 Why" often introduces us to some interesting natural phenomena, such as how the "four seasons" of a year are formed. What color is the bottom of the sea? Why is the sea blue? Wait a minute. There is an article called "Why Fireflies Glow". It turns out that the glow of fireflies is related to the luminous body at its tail, which contains fluorescein and luciferase luminescent substances. When air enters the luminous body, fluorescein combines with oxygen in the air under the catalysis of luciferase, and the generated energy is converted into fluorescence. The more air enters the light emitter, the brighter the fluorescence. So fireflies don't shine at night, but the brightness of this light is not as bright as the sun, so it is considered that they don't shine during the day. This gave me a deeper understanding of fireflies.

In short, "100,000 Why" is a good book, which makes me realize that the world is so colorful and knowledge is so educational and interesting. It taught me that science is power and knowledge is wealth. I like "100,000 Why". When you open the book, you are confused by interesting knowledge stories. I like "100,000 Why", which is interesting, informative and inspiring and deeply attracts me.

We are still young and have a long way to go. From now on, let's observe everything around us carefully, be a conscientious person, think deeply, use our brains, expand our imagination, and then practice. Maybe many years later, your scientific experiment will be proudly published in "100,000 Why"! We should work hard, keep making progress and never give up.

Why do I feel 13 after reading a hundred thousand? My set of 100,000 Why's consists of four books, namely, The World of Animal and Plant Science, Human Life and Movement, Culture and Historical Art, Astronomy and Geography and Military Universe. This set of books inspired me a lot.

Let me introduce the first book, which describes many animals and plants.

Strange life. Growth characteristics of plants. Why giant pandas are precious protected animals.

Because of the changes in topography and climate, they are less and less and gradually disappear.

The second book tells me something about the human body, including life and sports. For example, why are your eyes not afraid of cold? Because the eyes have no nerves to feel the cold. Also tells us what the human body should pay attention to.

The third book tells me about history and culture. For example, why do China people call themselves descendants of dragons? Because China especially worships the Dragon People, there are many mysterious places in history and culture.

The fourth book is my favorite because I like astronomy very much. Just like why a comet holds its tail, its tail is formed by gas and dust particles thrown out under the pressure of solar wind and sunlight. There are other profound astronomical knowledge.

This set of books gave me good enlightenment and extracurricular knowledge. I hope you have time to have a look. It's really good.

I was curious about everything when I was a child. When I don't know anything, I ask my parents, but sometimes my parents can't answer me, so I have to check the information myself. I like "100,000 Why" recently. Through reading, I finally solved a problem that has been bothering me for a long time-why fax machines can transmit information.

It turns out that the fax machine is a machine with special functions, which can convert words and images into electrical signals. The fax machine first recognizes the colors and characters on the picture, then turns them into electrical signals, which are sorted, amplified and coded, and then sent out through the telephone line. At the same time, another fax machine converts the received electrical signals into graphic signals, and then prints pictures or words through the printer. In the process of sending and receiving fax machines, the two fax machines must work together, otherwise the received text will be distorted and difficult to recognize.

Oh, I suddenly realized that fax requires so many programs to print text! I once naively thought that a person could send a message with a phone call and a word!

Why do you feel100000 after reading 15? My mother brought back a book the other day, saying it was very good and recommended me to read it.

After reading some of them, I have a good understanding of one of them, which is called "Why can't I laugh when I tickle myself".

When I was in the fourth grade, my classmates often teased me. Every time I itch badly, I kneel on the ground and laugh, and my classmates will laugh at me. I thought to myself, aren't you ticklish, too? You're laughing at me. I will try to be an itch-free person. So, I made up my mind to be an itch-free person. When I got home, I kept tickling myself, but I didn't laugh. I don't believe it. I tried again, but I still didn't laugh. The next day, I proudly said to that classmate, "I'm not afraid of itching anymore." If you tickle me, I won't laugh. " That man doesn't believe me. Get ready to sneak up on me when I'm not looking. But at this time I was ready to take precautions, and he didn't succeed. I let my guard down. It's too late, but too soon. He punched me when I wasn't looking, and I laughed again. I am very confused in my heart. Later, I read in the book: I, um, itch myself, and my brain has prepared for prevention in advance, so I won't laugh, while others itch when you are not paying attention and my brain is not prepared, and you will laugh.

I suddenly realized, thinking, it seems that I have to suffer a lot to become a person who is not afraid of itching. Besides, many strange ideas popped up in my mind: why can't the brain predict other people's actions …

This book is really worth a hundred thousand whys. It contains a lot of knowledge and can arouse our whimsy.