Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - How to write a 600-word composition about the story of soldier Zhang Ga?

How to write a 600-word composition about the story of soldier Zhang Ga?

My composition tells the story of Private Zhang Ga.

This film mainly tells the story of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression period, when the Japanese invaded the village and killed many innocent villagers. Zhang Ga's grandmother was seriously injured and died soon. Zhang Ga was very sad. After losing his only relative, he made an amazing decision to join Route 8. He will go to the team to fight the devils and avenge his fellow villagers and grandma.

I will never forget the courage and unyielding spirit of Zhang Ga newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers. What I admire most is his strength, which is a kind of perseverance. It is the spirit of never giving up when encountering difficulties. He is brave and clever, but at the age of thirteen, he fought for the battlefield, for the motherland, for the whole village and more for his grandmother. He resolutely chose this revolutionary road.

I am awed by his persistence when I think that he has racked his brains to get a pistol. Although young, his spirit has to be sighed. Scholars use firm and powerful language to enrich the soul of our motherland and express their love and hope for the motherland. Xiao Gazi is not full of economy, but full of blood. He traded his humble life for the dignity of a noble family. He will always fight with the mentality that he is not afraid of sacrifice and only wants to drive Japan out of our own country. Zhang Ga, like us, is only thirteen years old, a colorful age. However, he embarked on the revolutionary road and shouldered the mission of defending the motherland. Our present life is woven by revolutionary martyrs with their lives and beliefs, and we should firmly remember it.

We are most proud of Zhang Ga's many struggles and battles with devils and traitors. They are brave and good at fighting, protecting the common people and attacking and destroying the enemy in the areas occupied by the Japanese army. Let the Japanese fall into the sea of Wang Yang in the people's war! Finally, the Eighth Route Army won a great victory and Zhang Ga was praised. Everyone sang our national anthem-march of the volunteers!

This film is wonderful and inspiring. Hero Zhang Ga is not only brave, but also always helps the Eighth Route Army to fight the enemy. We are children who grew up in peacetime in 2 1 century. We are young pioneers. The duties of young pioneers are: study hard, prepare for growth, and make contributions to the motherland when they grow up! This is something we can all do. First of all, we should move in this direction and not disappoint the orders and hopes of the previous generation. We are the tomorrow of the motherland, and tomorrow needs us to create it with practical actions. However, knowledge and skills alone are not enough, but also courage and exercise, because "pine trees can't grow in flowerpots, and eagles can't fly out of birdcages"!

I want to download a 500-word story from Private Zhang Ga.

A little soldier, Zhang Ga.

During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression period, Zhang Ga, a little boy from Baiyangdian in central Hebei, lived alone with his only relative and grandmother. In order to cover Zhong Liang, the reconnaissance company commander of the Eighth Route Army who was recovering at home, grandma died heroically under the bayonet of the Japanese army, and Zhong Liang was also captured by the enemy. In order to avenge his grandmother and rescue Uncle Zhong, Gazi went through all the hardships to find the Eighth Route Army and became a small scout. He was brave and resourceful when he cooperated with Luo Jinbao, the platoon leader of reconnaissance. In a battle, he seized an enemy pistol and secretly hid it in the old man's nest without turning it in. In order to attack the enemy's watchtower, he was arrested when he was ordered to go into town for reconnaissance. When the enemy tortured him, he bravely resisted and was strong and unyielding. When the troops attacked the watchtower, he managed to set fire to it, which played a very good cooperative role. In the end, he fought among himself, wiped out the enemy, rescued Uncle Zhong and avenged his grandmother. After the battle, Gazi took out the pistol hidden in the old woman's nest and gave it to the public. The captain officially announced it for him to use. Gazi was satisfied and gave his precious wooden pistol to his good friend Pang Dun.

Three. Composition on the outline of Zhang Ga's story (500 words)

I remember when I was a child, I liked watching TV. By chance, I watched a patriotic movie called Private Zhang Ga.

The content of this film is very rich. The hero is a boy from Zhang Ga. His life is very difficult. He can only eat fried Regan Noodles most of the time, but he plays with children all day, carefree and laughing. However, it didn't take long for her grandmother to be stopped by Japanese devils and tortured to death in a place. Zhang Ga didn't want to avenge his grandmother, so he joined the Red Army. In the process of marching again, Zhang Ga caught the leader of a Japanese devil with a pair of reinforcements, which made a small contribution. However, in another war, Zhang Ga boys made great contributions. He entered the enemy's turret and released him. Finally, the Red Army decided to give Zhang Ga a real gun and make him a real Eighth Route Army.

Although the meaning of the film Private Zhang Ga is simple, it left a deep impression on me. Zhang Ga is smart, flexible and lovely. He loves his motherland very much, which makes me sincerely envy and admire him.

Zhang Ga, the main character in the film, was injured in a war, but he continued to pursue the Japanese devils. Seeing this, I remembered making handwritten newspapers before. I can't draw well, but I have to draw another thing that I can't draw well. I gave up and ruined the painting. I'm ashamed. Why am I not as strong as Zhang Ga?

After watching the movie, I understand that being a man should be strong, love the motherland like Zhang Ga's brother, and I can't give up easily.

Soldier Zhang Ga's 600-word excellent composition is innovative.

Today, the head teacher led us to watch the movie Private Zhang Ga. This film mainly tells the story of a naughty and lovely little boy, Zhang Gazi, who lived alone with his grandmother in a village called "Ghost Works" in Baiyangdian, Hebei Province during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression period. Once the enemy came to sweep, killed the grandmother who was protecting the Eighth Route Army and took Xiao Gazi's friend, Uncle Zhong. Xiao Gazi was determined to avenge them, so he changed from a naughty child to a mature and qualified little Eighth Route Army soldier, which triggered a touching story.

After watching this movie, I was moved by Xiao Gazi's wit, courage, firmness and indomitable spirit. In the cruel struggle with the enemy, Gazi faced the enemy bravely and skillfully, and completed the tasks assigned to him by the guerrillas again and again. He is the representative of thousands of anti-Japanese heroes in War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, China and Qian Qian, Qian Qian. In the environment of blood, he is strong and brave, and actively faces difficulties. He is just an example for us modern teenagers to learn. We were born under the red flag and thrived under the careful care of our parents and teachers. We should have studied hard and made progress every day, but some students wasted time and neglected their studies. A primary school student in a city in Hubei is addicted to online games, and his study has plummeted. In order to help him get rid of Internet addiction, his parents took their children to beg on the way to Nanjing University. How shameful such a teenager should be compared with Gazi! Some students turn to their parents and teachers for help when they encounter a little setback, and they can't face it positively like Gazi. Once, a classmate got a big blister on his foot in a skipping competition, and called his parents in tears to ask them to carry him back. Such children are flowers in the greenhouse. He can't even do this little thing well, how can he take on a big job in the future?

We should study hard, cherish the good times now, live up to the ardent hopes of teachers and parents, and strive to be good teenagers in the new period.

Fourth, about Zhang Ga's composition

[Composition on Private Zhang Ga]

Today, I watched a film reflecting the period of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, which was about the composition of Private Zhang Ga. Although this is not the first time to see this film, I still feel deeply. This is the film that many people are familiar with-Private Zhang Ga. This film tells the story of Zhang Ga's growth from an ordinary teenager to a small soldier of the Eighth Route Army. At first, we thought that Zhang Ga was an innocent and lively teenager. He hated Japanese devils and longed to join the Eighth Route Army. After a series of events, such as grandma was shot by Japanese devils, favorite uncle Zhong was arrested, looking for troops, and receiving education and training in the army, he became a resourceful and brave Eighth Route Army soldier. There are two typical examples reflecting his growth process. First, shortly after he joined the Eighth Route Army, he had a wrestling match with a teenager of the same age in the village. When he was about to lose the game, he bit his opponent's ear and then blocked the chimney of the teenager's house. He was criticized and educated for this. Second, he was injured in a battle. On his way back from injury, he met two puppet troops and then hid in the young people's house. In order not to hide his boyhood and his father, Zhang Ga stepped forward and admitted that he was the Eighth Route Army. This film fully and profoundly shows Zhang Ga's wisdom and courage. For example, he described the situation when he caught fish; The process of catching puppet army officers with fake guns; In order to avoid being searched by the puppet troops, he put his gun in a bird's nest in a tree and other behaviors all showed his wit and courage. Especially after his arrest, he faced the enemy's threats and inducements tactfully. Finally, he bravely knocked down the enemy guarding him, then sprinkled kerosene on the clothes he took off, lit the clothes with matches and set fire to the tower, which fully showed Zhang Ga's wit and courage. This time, he took out the Japanese turret and made great contributions, which was appreciated by everyone. I learned from the movies that people lived a hard life during the Anti-Japanese War and school-age children could not go to school. Zhang Ga can't read. He can only express himself by talking and painting. Through this film, I know that our living and learning conditions are hard-won. We should cherish this learning environment. Finally, I want to say that one of the reasons why I like watching this movie is because the hero of the movie is a teenager who is similar to me and has a distinct personality and conforms to the characteristics of our times. His life experience is completely different from ours. During the period of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, there was a boy scout named Zhang Ga. Zhang Ga is a brave, witty, lively and naughty boy. In a battle, Saito cheated a real pistol with the wooden pistol that Uncle Chungang gave him. With his wit, he rescued Uncle Zhong, avenged his grandmother and wiped out all his enemies. After the battle, captain Qian officially announced that he would hand over the pistol to him. He danced with joy and somersaulted repeatedly. Zhang Ga is a clever little hero. He has many ideas. The composition material is "Composition on Private Zhang Ga". Zhang Ga, just like his name, is a real Gaka boy. In order to destroy the enemy, he risked his life and helped Yan Liu, a female journalist, deliver the message. With his witty mind, he discovered the plot of the fake special correspondent, adopted the tactics of attracting tigers out of the mountain, drove away the enemy with an empty carriage, and made the drugs transfer smoothly, which made great contributions to the Eighth Route Army. After reading the story of Private Zhang Ga, I learned a lot, and let me know the hardships of the anti-Japanese heroes. Although Gazi is a young hero invented by a writer, his words and deeds and valuable spirit are worth learning. Therefore, I should study harder, learn my skills well and make more contributions to the construction of the motherland in the future. Do you know that?/You know what? Do you know that?/You know what? How do we live a happy life today? Those revolutionary martyrs bought it! This year marks the 60th anniversary of China War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression's victory. I read Private Zhang Ga in the summer vacation. It tells the story of soldier Zhang Ga's wit and bravery. He is our contemporaries. What he did disturbed my heart for a long time. Let me tell you some stories about his anti-Japanese war. There is a small water Zhuangzi in Baiyangdian Lake, whose name is Ghost. There is a clever boy named Zhang Ga. He loves the Eighth Route Army and his uncle likes him very much. Uncle Eighth Route Army, who lives in Zhuangshang for illness, often tells him stories. Little Gazi can't live without Uncle Zhong. Uncle Zhong is the reconnaissance platoon leader of the regional team, and his name is Zhong Liang. I lived in my grandmother's house for five or six days because of arthritis in my leg. This old Zhong Ben is an easy-going and childlike person. Although I am in my thirties, I am very interested in singing ditties, solving riddles, making allegro, telling jokes and so on. He mixed with Xiao Gazi and really hit it off. The crazy and cruel enemy, in another sudden attack, killed Gazi's only relative, Grandma, and took away his beloved old uncle Zhong. He hates his enemies! With the determination to repay his grandmother and save Uncle Zhong, he found the district team and became a small scout. Every time he discovers the enemy's situation, he has a clear report and never misses a moment. Not only detective work is his pleasure, but also his pleasure is more extensive. He wants to do everything and learn everything. But he's still obsessed with guns. So, he gave Xiao Gazi a chance to catch up, and the pistol was really hit. However, the captain of the currency area paid for Zhang Ga's gun. In an enemy raid, Zhang Gazi was shot in the leg and bled a lot. He was placed in Uncle Yang's house. Therefore, he met Yu Ying. A few days later, Zhang Ga recovered from her injury, and once she accidentally mentioned that Yu Ying was a very good investigator. Encouraged by Zhang Ga, Yu Ying and Zhang Ga found the district team, and the district captain assigned Yu Ying to the ghost. Finally, in a war, he was brave and resourceful, and frightened the enemy with firecrackers, thus promoting the smooth development of the war. Because Zhang Ga has made great contributions. So the district captain officially gave this pistol to Comrade Zhang Ga. The story of Private Zhang Ga is deeply imprinted on my mind. Although sixty years have passed since the war, I always feel as if it happened yesterday. How many heroic martyrs have shed blood and sweat for our happy life now? As a descendant, I pay tribute to all the soldiers who died in the war in China 60 years ago and express my condolences to the dead civilians. Remember the national hatred, and don't forget the hatred for Japan! We should also cherish the beautiful life now, study hard and make more contributions to the motherland in the future.

The quickest and most reliable way to overcome fear and build self-confidence is to do what you are afraid of until you have a successful experience.

The outline of Soldier Zhang Ga is 500 words.

The story is set in Baiyangdian Lake in 1934, and begins with Gazi's dream of joining the Eighth Route Army and getting a real gun of his own. Grandma died to protect the old clock of the Eighth Route Army, so Gazi had to go to the county seat to find the legendary Luo Jinbao and play the devil to avenge her. In the county seat, I met Le Tong, the shopkeeper who lives in Jixian, but I didn't avenge Gazi. Instead, I fell into the devil's pursuit. With the help of Le Tong and a mysterious plainclothes, he was out of danger. The plainclothes turned out to have taken Gazi to the secret hiding place of the district team, and Captain Qian took Gazi in. Gazi claimed to be Xiaoba Road from now on, and then fought a curtain-picking battle with District Team No.8 Road, and Gazi seized a real gun. Seeing all the dreams come true, the gun was taken away by the district captain. Gazi couldn't figure it out, and returned to the county seat with his chubby little friend who knew about gambling. Gazi wants to avenge her grandmother alone. At the same time, the rear Commissioner Yan Liu was ambushed in Baiyangdian. Yan Liu didn't know where he was, so the devil sent Shi Lei to pretend to be a special correspondent and mix in the regional group. Gazi accidentally discovered the plan of the devil. He acted together with Le Tong and Pandon, mistaking Chungang, the liaison officer of the district team, as a spy of the devil. Chun has just been subdued by a child, so it is difficult to argue with him. Yu Ying, the daughter of a fisherman in Baiyangdian, saved Yan Liu while fishing. Yan Liu is injured, please go to the city to find the liaison. Yu Ying met Gazi and his gang in the city. The three forces are fighting with each other around the true and false commissioners. The task shouldered by the Commissioner is imminent, and a large number of drugs will pass through Baiyangdian within the specified time. On the demon side, Tian Fei and Saito tried to find what they really wanted through the spy Shi Lei in the shortest time, and eliminated the eight routes and medicines of the district team. Captain Qian of the district team gradually saw through the true face, played along and led the devils out. The real journalist Yan Liu is with the children.

After all kinds of misunderstandings and coincidences, the children, led by Gazi, smashed the enemy's plot, cooperated with the District Team No.8 Road to make drugs cross the border smoothly, and wiped out a number of Japanese devils in one fell swoop.

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I remember when I was a child, I liked watching TV. By chance, I watched a patriotic movie called Private Zhang Ga.

The content of this film is very rich. The hero is a boy from Zhang Ga. His life is very difficult. He can only eat fried Regan Noodles most of the time, but he plays with children all day, carefree and laughing. However, it didn't take long for her grandmother to be stopped by Japanese devils and tortured to death in a place. Zhang Ga didn't want to avenge his grandmother, so he joined the Red Army. In the process of marching again, Zhang Ga caught the leader of a Japanese devil with a pair of reinforcements, which made a small contribution. However, in another war, Zhang Ga boys made great contributions. He entered the enemy's turret and released him. Finally, the Red Army decided to give Zhang Ga a real gun and make him a real Eighth Route Army.

Although the meaning of the film Private Zhang Ga is simple, it left a deep impression on me. Zhang Ga is smart, flexible and lovely. He loves his motherland very much, which makes me sincerely envy and admire him.

Zhang Ga, the main character in the film, was injured in a war, but he continued to pursue the Japanese devils. Seeing this, I remembered making handwritten newspapers before. I can't draw well, but I have to draw another thing that I can't draw well. I gave up and ruined the painting. I'm ashamed. Why am I not as strong as Zhang Ga?

After watching the movie, I understand that being a man should be strong, love the motherland like Zhang Ga's brother, and I can't give up easily.

Hope to adopt! ! !

ⅷ Wonderful composition in the movie "Zhang Ga as a Soldier", 600 words.

Sorry, I was thinking, too.

Write a story about soldier Zhang Ga and write a composition. Urgent! ! !

Use your head, this is the real China people! Like Zhang Ga.